Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1977, p. 15

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TTIfllp wanted We are now looking for qualified assistant manager sales staff Please apply in person or by resume to Crazy Lees Bayfield MallBarrlief Iteip wettth SUMMER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE Please fill out the application below and return it to THE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Beytield St Barrio or Phone 7266539 £bui¢ Name SKILLED LABOR EXPERIENCED ENGINE LATHE OPERATOR vranted and MECHANICAL DRAFTSPERSON experienced in plastic moulds Top wages All benefits Day sltift only Apply in person to MR LIPPEL NORTH ONTARIO MOULD 36 Morrow Rd Barrie or telephone 7283232 Aue9IOIll2l3 WEEKEND PHOTOGRAPHER Think youve got what it takes to be news photographer We dont think you do Think youre good enough to meet deadlines We dont think you are Think you can run darkroom to newspaper standards We dont think you can Think you can photograph anything anytime under any conditions We dont think you can Prove us wrong We need parttime photographer who can do all these things and more Write Weekend Photographer The Examiner PO Box 370 BARRIE Ont and prove us wrong BOYS AND GIRLS EARN CASH AND PRIZES THIS SUMMER WITH PARTTIME EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTE Routes are available in all areas of Simcoe County Phone in your name today 7266539 TF WAITRESSESWAITERS REQUIRED excellent tips pleasant environment Apply in person at the Crock and Block Restaurant and Tavern 325 Baylleld 5t BABYSITTER WANTED To evenings only Bradford and Essa Road area ll Interestedpleasecail 7264895 MANAGER for ladies wear store in Barrie Sales ability necessary Should be able to take charge of Staff and sales Apply by phone to Mr Jack 70572116066 FULLATIME salesperson required for ladies wear store Experience essential Apply In person Mamselie Ladies Wear Baylield Mall 728 6066 REQUIRE ACCURATE typlst organiz ed with excellent mannerism lor recep tionistcashier position Finance ex perience definite asset Salary corn mensurate with experience Excellent career opportunity Contact Mr Pynn 7261471 Laurentide Financial Canada Lllmited 105 Dunlop Street East Bar re BABYSITTER needed for days only One child W2 years old Eccles Street area CalI 7372979 alter 430pm Free To Travel Leading Canadian publisher requires person to be trained in all phases at cir culation work Must be neat have car and tree to travel Only those interested In sound future need apply Telephone Mr Fox 72675150 TELEPHONE SALESPEOPLETeduIF ed for publisher circulation ollice No exs parlance necessary Telephone 726 5150 RETAIL CLERK we require full time individualwhoenioys meeting the public to work ina busy downtown retail outlet The individual should have some retail experience be familiar wrth the use of cash register and be willing to work Saturdays Please reply in writing only providing lull resume of education work history references telephone number etc to Box V5 Barrie Examiner KITCHEN MELPERS REQUIRED full and part time Apply in person at the Crack and Block Restaurant and Taverngtfi Baylield St address III nd full and parttime Au TF SARAH COVENTRY WELCOMES YOU To the world of fun and fashion Excellent parttime or fulltime opportunities await you CALL BRENDA 7263247 Au2 for RADIO SHACK store manager To train in Barrie for ap proximately one year Salary and commission paid during training Send resume in confidence to Box V4 The Examiner AuIO Let AVON help make your summer vacation dreams come true Your GETAWAY FUND as an AVON representative Youll never know how easy it is to earn ex tra cash the AVON way until you try For personal in terview without obligation call 7289652 or write AVON PO Box 485 BARRIE Ont MTTF SPARE TIME If you want to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age P°ss medical Then we want YOU Call Mr Howlett Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 728594 AVOI BEAUTIFUL WAY TO EARN Being yourself and being helpful to the friends in your neighbourhood is Avons idea of beautiful way to earn extra money and you can go as far as your ambitions and abilities will carry you Start by being your own boss Call now for more information about rewarding career 7289652 AuBH HOUSEKEEPER required by teacher for hall days starting in September 36 area MATURE BABYSITTER wantéd to come in to home Tall Trees area year old cttlld Telephone 726 io9oalter pm LEGAL SECRETARY required preferany experience in real estate or litigationaTelephone 726 11111 76empioyment wanted EXPERIENCED DAYCARE Full time Relerences Toddlers to live years Can stant supervision In ienced yard Children to play with Allandale area Phone 7287086 EXPERIENCED RELIABLE CLEAN ING LADIES available occasionally or on regular basis Full line ol cleaning egrvlces Reasonable rates 7211 I095 81 ltlrtlts Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line $322 per column inch Coming Events GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth of your child in The Ex aminer clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Examiner Classified 72872414 85 deaths MASON Florence May At Scar borough General Hospital on Saturday August 1977 Florence May Gillespie beloved wile of Claude Mason dear mother at Enid Mrs James Sullivan at Unionviile and Vilma Mrs Robert Varcoe of Barrie Grandmother at live grandchildren and onegreatgrandson Resting at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie after pm Monday Service in the chapel on Wednesday August 10 at pm Interment Knox Cemetery Oro HALL Walter at his summer residence New Pics on Saturday August 1977 Walter Hall in his 77th year Beloved husband of the late Myrtle Hisey Dear lriend ot Maxine and lather of Roy Ray Walter Murray Marion Mrs Harold Riga and Elmer Grand father of eight grandchildren Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie Service in the chapel on Wednesday August 10 at 330 pm Inter ment Ebenezer Cemetery Sunnldale 86 card of thanks SHANAHAN Ross and Frances wish to thank their family their many friends and neighbors who ioined them at par ty at Horseshoe Valley Lodge on the oc casion of their 40th wedding anniver sary August 5th The beautiful gifts cards and good wishes made it very memorable occasion CAIN The iamin of the late Annie Cain wrsh to thank relatives and friends for their acts of kindness cards al syrn pathy donations and floral tributesn the loss of their dear mother Specral thanks to Rev David Kaye and the ladies of St Georges Anglican Church also thanks to Dr Turnbull and the nurs ing stall at the Royal Victoria Hospital The Cain Family 76 employment wanted EXPERIENCED TEACHER wilt tutor children grades one to Six in your home or mine Telephone 776 9070 alter 72sales helpagents EXPANDING CANADIAN OiICompany needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton0nt L6T 2J6 EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY available to experienced Sales Representative who can increase business Willi established accounts and promote use ot our industrial Chemicals to new in dustries Do not apply unless you are in terested in building an above average in come throughout your sales ability with view to accepting management responsibilities in the future Salary commission and profit sharing bonus This IS an exceptional opportunity Will good future for the right person Phone Sales Manager 416 2512235 at NO 88 coming events Death Notices Engagements Births $550 r5 Opdadntumlp1kdéddl ddditionaltwocdo tOcants perword Card of thanks no words $550 Mditienolswordr19 cont 1w word lnMedidrlbféthdiierie $550 ANAF BINGO Every Wed Night Early Bird Games 730 pm Regular games 800 pm Jackpot S300 must go every week Admission SI 00 for cards Air conditioned hall GEORGE ST BARRIE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Barrie Branch l47 PRESIDENTS BALL ST VINCENT STREET AUDITORIUM SAT AUG lath r977 DRESS semi formal DOORS OPEN 680 pm DINNER 700 pm $2500 PER COUPLE INCLUDES DINNER AND ALL REFRESHMENTS Aul2 FLOWER SHOW Wednesday Aug 10th Thornton Orange Hall Doors open to Public pm Everyone Welcome Thornton District Horticultural Society AulO framersa STRINGER BRUCE In lovmg memory of our dear son who was taken weatherbeaten face is Profession is posing WRONG KQNGiReutgp mam5m The 911 earold than with the wizen face and wispy white board pumping yet another tourist photograph at Lok Ma Chau Hong Kongs lookout on the frontier with China The old man with his conical bamboo hat simple fisher mans clothes and gnarled 61in stant China to tourists So cameras click and dollars flow for the professional poser who has mastered four essen tial words for this trade Hallo picture one dollar Then he sends tourists into fits of laughter by smiling and saying Cheese Lok Ma Chau is about 20 miles from central Hong Kong andthe view from the lookout is scene unchanged for cen turies Tourists look out over rice paddies and Chinas distant rolling hills Beside them stands Won Tai Kan with outstretched hand guide nudges tourist That old man makes more than do he quips Thc poser smiles obligingly as middle aged American matron snaps his picture and commands her portly husband Give the guy couple of dollars Fred ut comes the hand Wong Tai Kan chatting hap pily through translator denies that his job is gold mine make about 20 Hong Kong dollars $425 USl day in tips from the tourists he says ws Economic problems outlined TORONTO CPI Econo so suddenly from us as result of mists at the Canadian Imporia plan crash over Syria Aug 91971 You have left an echo Whispering softly down the ways Of happy times and lauqtrmq times Ol bright and sunny days Sadly missed and lovmgly remembered by mom and 1nd Stuart and Krlflll and their families TAYLOR In loving memory of dear husband and father William who pass edziway Augusta 1971 The depth UT sorrow we cunnol ILII 0t the loss of onc we lowd so well And while he sleeps ithIIUI situp HIS memory wr shall always keep Sadly rntssud and always reitwmborud by wife Jean and family TAYLOR In toying memory of den father and grandfather WilllrllTl wtrr passed away August 1974 There ts armr in our hearts We keep it lost lot you As long as Me and memory last We will always remember you Lovmgly rerrugmbtrod by laughter Florence sail in law Joseph lull ontan children examiner patterns SOFT DRESSING FOR ALI SIZES rmem ere srzrs lOz202 PRINTED PATTERN Perfect for now fall all seasons is this soft crtscmblc First Lady Origi nal The cowl collar just falls naturally into the most graceful curves The princess lines flow lightly smoothly down the figureso flattering In both Misses and Half Sizes See how easy gathers accent the shoulders of the loose cardigan jacket The Original of Printed Pattern A577 is polyester jerseya perfect transseason fabric Printed Pattern A577 is available in Misscs Sizes 10 12 I4 16 Ill Half Sizes l0z l2z l4r l62 I8r 20r Size l2 bust 14 dress re quires 14 yards 60inch cardigan l2 yards and SI 25 for Printed Pattern to The Examiner 60 Progress venue Scarborough Ml 4P7 Add 25 for each pattern for irst class mailing and special handling Please print plainly YOUR NAME ADDRESS with POSTAL CODE STYLE NUMBER ND SIZE ONTARIO RESIDENTS ADD SALES TAX FOR EACH PATTERN NEW All the clothes you want most new areTrTour new rm PROMINENT DESIGNER BOOK See them sew themjumpsuits tunics daydinner dresses tops pants skirts total wardrobes by Americas top crcaIOrs Usc the 50¢ free coupon to apply to any pattern of your choice Send 751 for Book 32 now SEW KNIT BOOK INCLUDES BASIC TISSUE PATTERN adjustable for sins 1020 40 42 Sew dresses gowns blouses skirts jackets more Then knit another complete wardrobe Send $125 now INSTANT FASHION BOOK Look beautifully dressed on the smallcsl budget 128 pages hundrcds of picture ideas SI00 INSTANT SEWING BOOK Quick professional techniques SI 00 STITCH PATCH QUILT BOOK icl actual Il block sire charlsdircc tions for 40 of Americas most popular quilts Maple Leaf Snowflake Brides more Quilting designs embroidery $125 NIFTY FIFTY QUILT BOOKlet applique or patch patterns for $0 quills zi3zag shell blocks triangles squares $100 Bank of Commerce cautioned recently against applying wide ranging formulas to specific economic problems In bank newsletter zlna dian Business CilldlllOilS Re port the economists said untnr pluyment was one problem not likely to be alleviated by meas ures designed to stimulate overall demand Because of tho partly struc tural nature of our current unemployment situation with the problem being most acute among the younger age groups measures to reduce unemplny mcnl will to an important ex tent have In be selective in no turc they said genoralizctl st imulal ion of aggregate drmnnrl would do lit tle to help lhi jnb situalinn among the young but would in stead soon result in recmor gcntc of strong inflationary tendencies unadzrs bulztnco of pity mcnls deficit is another prob lcm which defies general solution they sztitl lhc economists said further devaluation of tho Canadian dollar may provide some short term benefits such as an im provement in the countrys in ternational competitive position and in the number of availabil jobs obituary CATHERINE El NETT Mrs Catherine Jennclt died July 10 after lengthy illness Born in 1890 Mrs Jennctt was member of Christ Anglican Church in Ivy but at tend Zion Presbyterian Church in Angus where she had livcd for many years She was the wife of the late Garfield Jen nett She is survived by two daughters Lillian of Angus and Marion of Barrie and by three brothers William Elmer and Ernest of Barrie She also had several nieces and one nephew ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Oouitied advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by day preceding publication with the exception of unified Dlelay advertisements which met be In by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words 35 50 Additional wards IO cts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words $550 Addi tional wards l0ct per word MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse 8550 With verse per count line 72 cents per line COMING EVENTS $322 per column Inch 24 WORD MINIMUM GASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply It paid wlthin doyl One or two Insertions 9ic per word insertion Three consecutive Insertions cents per word in Iertion total $648 Six consecutive inser tions ltc per word per Insertion total $224 Multiple insertions may be ordered sublecl to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count words Each Initial fibrevlotlon set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS NI phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department ra qulres ad advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement Immediately after first Inser tion In order that any error or omission may be reported before pm in order that some may be rectifled for the following day publication The hammer is responsible for only one Incorrectly printed Insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the mlsprlnt Er rors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correc tlons by make goods The Examiner reserve the right to classify revlse or reject any want ads PHONE an niilecvaco By MAX Amps Toronto Sun Syndicate Cooperstown New arkhaselot going for Jellies Baltimore We home still stands there in much the same condition as it was when he wrote The Last of the Mohicans Down the street the most imposing struc ture in town houses the Baseball Hall of Fame Back in 1934 Cooperstown became intema tionally prominent for uite another reason It was here that mur ercase beg fold containing all those intangible ingre dients which set it aside from other acts of mayhem and caused it to become cele brated case Little Eva Coo wasnt little at all She ti ped the scales at 1701bs give or take the nd At the edge of town Eva ran road use It was one of these establishments where you could get your booze served up by hostess who did more hosting than she did serving Evas place was known by the mat toAnything Goes Sometimes the leading citizens of the community would discreetly patronize Evas fun house No questions ask edeveryone had good time There were two men in Evas life By 1934 she had been living for three years with Harry Nabinger Harry had wife and kids back in Detroit but the connubial setup was so comfortable at Evas that he was inclined to overlook that little detail The other gentlemen in Evas life was Harry Wright This second Harry was an alcoholic cripple whose mother had died He was taken in by Eva on temporary basis and stayed for four years To give you an idea of Harry Wrights per sonal habits it was rumored that Eva used to take him down to the lake every month or so in order to force him to bathe For the occasional handiwork Harry could manage Eva fed clothed and gave him shelter She also saw to it that the poor guy had enough booze to see him through each day Whatever else she may have been little Eva obviously had big heart Besides the bevy of hostesses she supported she had taken in another stray Martha Clift Martha had been thrown out by her parents because of her wanton wavs On June 15 1934 this little group of happy golueky characters was jarred out of its wits when Harry Wrights broken body was found in ditch not more than hundred yards from Evas establishment At first Harrys death was attributed to hitandrun driver few days later the sheriff who was investigating the death quite naturally questioned the girls who worked at Evas He discovered that Eva had taken out several small insurance policies on Harryslife Both Eva and her friend Martha Clift were questioned separately about their activities on the evening of June 14 By telling each of the women that her friend had confessed to killing Harry but MinimumWWW an to un Crime Flashback theexamlner TuesdayAugust91e711s came to end blaming the other the police maria ed to get two confessions made to order In act they did blame one another lt By the time Evas trial began on Aug 14 the details of the macabre evidence which was to unfold were public knowledge The laws then governing tire reporting of crimes were not as stringent as they are today Well known reporters rom all over North America swarmed into Cooperstown They and the public were not to be disap lnted Without actually admitting to murder lEvas confession was coldblooded enough She claimed that she had found Harry dead In order toget double pay off from the in surance policies because of accidental death she took the body up Crumhom Mountain with her trusting friend Martha at the wheel of the family chariot RUN OVER BODY Eva admitted placing Harry on the road and having her friend run over the body two or three times At one point they were inter rupted by an oncoming car This untimely in trusion was overcome by having Martha rk directly over Harry Eva cooll pass the time of day with the occupants the car until they finally drove away Then Eva placed Harrys body back in the car drove down the mountain and threw Harry into ditch not far from the roadhouse It was dandy little story which come niently circumvented murder Evas friend Martha told much the same story but with subtle change She claimed that Harry was alive and well when they started up the moun tain ostensibly to gather some wild shrubs Martha stated from the witness stand that Eva killed Harry by clubbing him to death with mallet Then scared still and under Evas orders she ran over the dead man Martha further stated that Eva had talked incessantly to her about killing Harry in the weeks preceding the murder They had dis cussed poison car accidents and several other methods to hasten Harrys demise before Eva settled on simulating hit and run accident With friend like Martha shooting off at the mouth Eva didnt need any enemies CUTE CLAUSE The prosecution came up with other goodies It was discovered that several of the policies on Harrys life contained cute little clause leaving extra cash to the beneficiary if his death occurred before his 50th birthday stone cutter Arthur Stanley testified that Eva had come to him and had him change the date of Harrys birth on the family stone in the graveyard He changed the date of birth from 1880 to 1885 making Harry just under 50 when the alleged hitandrun acci dent took place On Sept Eva was found guilty of murder and sentenced to be executed on Oct 15 Three days before her date with death she received reprieve so that an appeal could be heard The appeal failed On June 28 1935 Eva Coo was put to death in the electric chair at Sing Sing Prison Martha Clift was tried separately for the murder of Harry Wright She was found guil ty and sentenced to 20 years in prison neighborly news Holt when she was teaching at Bethesda ISSN lnnisfil in Owen Sound visited Mrs John Kell thawkestone by Murlel Hart 1943 to 1946 4872030 80th Birthday Sympathy Sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Gerry Croft and fami ly in the passing of their Aunt Miss Lara Thomson Miss Thomson resided in Toronto with her sister Mrs Small but was frequent visitor to his village She passed away on Thursday July 28th Funeral service was held on Saturday with burial at Atwood Cemetery At Wedding Mrs Les Jermey Mr and Mrs Tim Jermcy and Mr and Mrs ch Jermey attended the wedding of Gloria Smith and Peter Simpson at Uxbridge on Saturday last Several of the cousins attended the wedding dance in the evening Combined Services Combined church services will be held at the United Church for the month of August at 10 em Everyone welcome Congratulations Congratulations to Miss Debra Leigh who was among the 41 graudates when Georgian College held its Con vocation for Diploma Nursing on Saturday morning July 23 at the Orillia Presbyterian Church Mrs Hellen Cotton was master of ceremonies and Miss Lorna Bunston chairman of the Orillia Nursing program pinned the school pins on the graduates About 600 people at tended the ceremonies and tea Saturday evening there was puffct and dance at the Holiday nn thornton Myra Holt 4589298 Are you interested in lowers If so be sure to attend the Thornton and District Hor ticultural Society Flower Show Wednesday in the Thornton Orange Hall Those who are showing exhibits are asked to have them placed Tuesday evening or Wednesda morning before noon The pu lie is in vited to attend with the doors opening at pm Wednesday evening Steam Show Quite number of local folks attended the Geor ian Bay Steam Show at the ookstown Fair Grounds on the weekend of July30 Very large crowds patronzred each of the three days Bruce Cumming had his team and we on there to assist 1n the traveling around the grounds Each year this is the 12th the number of exhibitors becomes larger Former Student Mr and Mrs Lloyd Storey and family of Caledon RR were July 26th callers at the home of Mr and Mrs George Holt Lloyd was pupil of Mrs George and Florence Holt at tended the 80th birthday Open House for their brotherinlaw Charlie Dereer at the home of his daughter Joan and Cliff Fraham Stayner on July 31 The Holts also were dinner guests of their cousins Emory and Mary Belfry Bradford one after noonlast week Sermon Topic Rev Rice chose Urgent as his sermon topic on July 31 at Trinity United Church vocal duet Lord Im Coming Home by Orval Carr and Alwyn Thomas was much enjoyed midhurst by Mrs Nash 7289585 Pleased to report Mrs Kemp is improving at Royal Victoria Hospital Mrs Vern Wall is recovering at home after two weeks of hospitalization Gathering very pleasant family gathering was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Harold Oser Miss Ann Davard Mr and Mrs Harry Davard and daughter Phyllis Mrs Olderson of Strat ford attended Welcome Midhurst Communit ex tends welcome to Bar and Bill Nieuwland who moved into the new home on Finlay Rd 50th of Orsers Wedding Bells Wedding bells are ringing for two of our village young people Gerbert Eckhard and Ian Goodhand st pauls by Mrs Pratt 4361 667 Mr and Mrs Ewart Jennett have returned from months holiday with their sons Mervin and Larry and their families tn Calgary While there they took trips into British Columbia Saskatchewan and Manitoba and visited relatives Visit Mother Mrs Edna Luft and Miss Aria Chalmers Calgary are visiting Mrs Lufts mother Mrs John Kell also her sister Mrs Amy Kinton and family brothers Roll Ivan and Elvrn and their families Visitors Holiday weekend visitors with Mrs George Stunden and Miss Kathy Stunden were Mr and Mrs Jack Reynolds Kit chener Mr and Mrs Ab Fender Detroit Mich Visitors Mr and Mrs 13055 Kell Steam Show Many from this area visited the Steam Show at Cookstown Noted among the exhibitors was Mr and Mrs Winston Smith Mrs Smith is the former Ann Franck of St Pauls Her husband had made miniature saw mill and other machinery tBro station Bessie Crawford 4873921 Birthdays On Tuesday July 19 Miss Robyn Waronka was guest of honor when she celebrated her third birthday Helping her to celebrate were Joey Crawford Mirium and Lawrence Hansen and Julie Dutrisac They were lucky enough to ride Tara the horse and enjoyed games She had nice white birthday cake and icecream which she shared with her friends Robyn receiv ed some nice gifts On Friday July 23rd Niki Waronka celebrated her sixth birthday beginning at 10 am Her friends were Carolyn Ap pleby Lawrence Hansen Jen nifer Jennings Lisa Dutrisac Jimmy Carwford Loraine Peck and Suzanne Newell The highlight of her part was the arrival of Nikis gran father Mr Cumberland of Oakville Tara the horse got another workout from all and the youngsters played organized games including blind mans bluff Niki received some nice gifts and they all enjoyed lovely yellow birthday cake wit chocolate icing It ended in beach party at Memorial Park around pm These two girls Robyn and Niki are the daughters of Mr and Mrs Dave Waronka Sympathy Sympath is expressed to Mrs Blanc Kesteven on the sudden passing of her husband Clare Friday July 15th Service was held from Steckly Funeral Home Barrie with burial at Guthrie Cemetery Graduates Congratulations are extended to Miss Doris Alex who graduated from Brock Univer sity St Catharines where she obtained her BA in English and History Doris expects to spend the next year in Calgary Guest Miss Jennifer Jennings of Oakville is spending the sum mer wth Mr and Mrs Dave Waronka Jennifer is the niece of Mrs Waronka Sympathy Sym athy is expressed to Mrs ake Leigh and family In the sudden passing of her hus band Monday Sympath goes also to parents Mr an Mrs Egrl Leigh all of Hawkestone

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