Salt and pepper adding spice to Hildas life Hilda Cockbum has dif ferent hobby She collects salt and pepper shakers Mrs Cockbum has 336 dif ferent pairs of shakers and is challenging anyone in Sim coe County to beat this number dont remember exactly how got started collecting them but its been five years always liked ornaments so when people started giv ing me shakers as gifts began to save them Then started going to flea markets and antique sales looking for unusual and different ones On two walls of her home in Shanty Bay Mrs Cockbum has shelves and glass cupboard where she keeps them She says it takes two people at least two hours to dust them all The shakers all different shapes and sizes are made out of everything from glass to wood They come from all over the world THEY KNOW Everytime someone goes on holiday they know what to bring me back says Mrs Cockbum She has sets from Thailand and Yugoslavia pair made out of Elks ears from Western Canada and set from New Brunswick in the shape of potatoes But they sit on the shelves only to be admired Mrs Cockburn doesnt use them at meal time never use them wouldnt want them to break My biggest problem is clean ing them They only get dusted twice year in the spring and fall Theres too many and it takes too long Mrs Cockbum is collec tor by nature She collects tea cups mobiles and an tiques An old wood stove in her kitchen is one of her pro ud possessions Everytime someone sees the stove they want to buy it But wont sell it love the smell of wood stove Mrs Cockbum is proud of her salt and pepper collec tion like them all Each one has character Im always on the look out for something new and different My family knows to buy me anything thats odd and Ill take it Im starting to collect old jugs toot If anyone has set of salt and pepper shakers theyd like to trade Id be willing to do so Please call me at 7261989 Its getting hard now to find shakers that are unique Hilda ockburit collects salt and pepper shakers as hobby She has illiti pairs from all over the world Examiner Photo Mart and Norma wanted challenge when they gave up Torontoarea cabaret VANCOUVER CP In the 19405 and 505 Mart Kenneys band was the biggest sound in Canada and Mait Kenneys Ranch dancecabaret outside Toronto was mecca for dance fans Today Mart and Norma Ken ney who sang with the band live in semiretirement in Mis sion BC town about 60 miles east of Vancouver Although the band still ac cepts occasional engagements both Mart and Norma adopted new careers when they sold the ranch in 1969 because they wan ted the challenge of something completely different As result Mart went into real estate and Norma took up pianotuning wanted something related to music that wasnt really music said Norma Thats why chose piano tuning The piano has always fascinated me Its the backbone of the rhythm section Without really good piano the band cant lift off and float and have that lovely airy thing happen to it An outoftune piano is hard work and struggle all the way she added was al ways slightly in awe of the pi ano because it is such re markable instrument But never knew anything of how it works inside Site took correspondence course offered by the Niles Bryant Piano Tuning and Tech nics School of Sacramento Ca lif which has been turning out piano tuners since 1897 She obtained her diploma year later after 30 written exams The former Norma Locke went to high school in Ottawa Her music teacher she rememlt bers was very forwardthink ing musician who introduced for the first time in Ottawa schools the study of swing Dixieland and other jazz forms as well as chamber and sym phonic music Norma got her start with her high school glee club and was spotted by the CBC She was Eightyyear olds honored by WI MARGARET STOLTZ Alliston Womens Insititute met recently at the Lake Sim coe summer home of Allan and Jean Corrigan to pay tribute to members who have reached 80 years ofage Present to receive recogni tion with corsage and learn that they will be relieved of any further hostess duties and membership fees were Mrs Faux Mrs Downey Mrs Gibson Mrs Alderson Mrs Laking Mrs Halbert and Mrs Hancey Octogenarians not present were Mrs Sturart Mrs Cameron Mrs Townsend Mrs Small Mrs Bates and Miss Florence Wood Ed monton Mrs Hancey who was celebrating her 90th birthday received special recognition with Mrs Crosbie on behalf of Geroge McCague MPP presen ting the plaque from the Pro vince of Ontario There also was framed con gratulatory messa from Mayor Oakla Gray an town of Alliston and beautifully decorated birthday cake for the active member of some 60 years Mrs Somerville presided and after the roll call offered prayer remembering two members who are ill Tweeds muir History editions the work of Mrs Corrigan local WI curator were much in demand for viewing as was her house log and members were en couraged to start one During the outdoor meeting the male guests enjoyed game of cards and tables set for 50 people on the spacious lawn were well laden with food for the picnic supper people places Coffee Hour The Barrie Christian Womens Club is holding its August Coffee Hour Wednes day from930am toll30am at the Embassy Hall The feature of the meeting is preserving Summers plenty Marcia Wright will provide the music Guest speaker is Diane Wright of Gormley Ont on the topic Mother and Homemaker involved in Children and Youth work Ad mission is $150 There is nursery school at the Westminister Church 170 Steele St for preschoolers on ly Cost is 50 cents per mother Telephone 7262390 for further information Carnival neighborhood carnival for muscular dystrophy will be held Thursday at Redwood Cres Barrie Chrisand Rick Zarivuny will be ringmasters with Steven Martin assisting The carnival begins at pm with costume parade and will go until pm There will be fish pond clowns fortune telling bake and KoolAid sale All proceeds go to aid the ptuseular dystrophy associa ion Sympathy is extended to the relatives of Susan Anderson who died in Toronto last week Susan was the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John Ander son Funeral service was held on Saturday last with burial at East Oro Cemetery She was neice of Mrs Wes Sedore and Mrs Grace Mawhinney Trousseau Tea Mrs Lloyd Leigh is holding trousseau tea in honor of her daughter Debra on Saturday Aug from two till four and seven till nine pm Everyone welcome still only 16 when she starred in her own radio show Ive lot Right to Sing the Blues with the Harry Thompson Quartet It was lirmiiiute show broadcast nationally following the evening news The show ran for 81 weeks She joined Mart Kciineys band as vocalist in 1943 and they travelled coast to coast playing mostly at armed forces bases never dreamed then that one lay wed be married she said was involved myself He was married and had two boys and was such famous person in Canada was iit coin plctc awe From the time was 15 that was my goal to sing with the band ller goal now is the clusch perfect ioit of her craft Burkes on merrygoround in search for help for son TURONIO Cl thcn chael Burke and his wife movet to Toronto from Kapiiskasing Ont several years ago they hoped to get sound that iwsis of their scveirycarold ostcr sons problems and find place where he could get good protes sioiial carc Their son seemed retarded emotionally disturbed and autistic cotiiplettly chf centr ed and unaware oi his cn vironmcnt Burke said Toronto llllltS and treatment centres offered them no help We ended up on merry go round he said Inc centre said he wasnt suitable for their programs They never even saw him to size him up Another place said there was nothing they could do for him lic was too retarded Another said he wasntautistictnough About eight centres rejected him he said lie was an extremely dis turbcd child lie was never taught to do anything itot even how to talk Now their son is at dventure Place an assessment and treat mcnt centre for pltrSClltklltlS who show signs of emotional and behavioral disturbances learning and speech ilSlltl or mild rct ardat ion lara Will managing dircc tor of Adventure llacc said the centre 2tl children with more than one handicap and those whose problems hich not been diagnosed Our approach is that if the child is in nctd oi treatiitcnt he or she is accepted when place is available and it is our re sponsibility to adjust the pro gram to meet the childs needs Mrs Will said The centre with its staff oi tcachcrtherapists doctors and speech pathologists handles 2o children in the morning and an other 2c iii the afternoon It was opened in 197 and is financed by the Ontario minis try of health Mr Will said the centre was one of the first to adopt the con cept of trying to iiiakc the cliil drcns lives as normal and com inunin oriented as ptSSlll The cliildrcn arc lltlllilltl to play and learn together with individual therapy worked iii where needed inc mother of tour ycarvold said the centre gives her son the opportunity to learn to relate to all kinds of children not just autistic ones She said she also appreciates tlic chance to meet parents whose children have other handicaps We had chance to discuss our common problcms like speech or tOiitttltlilllllt she said It doesnsrmake you feel aiiy better abou it but maybe its the old Saying of misery loves coinpa 32559 la Mr and Mrs Douglas Wice Little Wice lladiolas diasies and lilacs decorated Burton Avenue United hurch recently when Heather Little of Barrie married Douglas Wice of Stroud The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs William Little Barrie The groom the son of Mr aitd Mrs Donald Wice Stioud Given in marriage by her father the bride wore white silk jersey dress with turtle neck aiid seed pearl insert in diamond shape at the bodice Iler headpiece was three ticred tuile iii fingertip length trimmed with seed pearls She carried large yellow throath orchid with trailing carnations ivy lily of the valley and babys breath Mrs Merlie Beatty of Barrie was matronofhonor Bridesmaids were Lynda Wice of Stroud and Jane Roach of Barrie Michelle Beatty and Melissa Little were flower girls and Sarah Little was the ring bearer Best man was Keith Wice 0f Stroud and ushers were Bill Lit tle of Barrie and irant iillins of ookstown Reverend iMorrow of ficiated at the ceremony Reception was held at tltc Ton tinential Inn Roof Garden and the couple will live in Stroud Mr and Mrs Michael Bedlord Graham White aitd red carnations decorated St lites Anglican hurch June 25 when Kimberley Ann lraliaiii of Bar rie and Michael Ross Bcdford ofro Station were married The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert irahani Barrie tltc groom the son of Mr and Mrs Douglas Redford of Utopia liven iii marriage by her father the bride wore white chantilly lace gown with heritage neckline trimmed iit pearls llcr headress was Bedford juliettc cap of matching chan tilly lace trimmed with pearls It held finger tip veil She carried cascade of red roses and white stephonit is Maid of lioitor was Shirley Dawson of Barrie aitd bridesmaids were Sandy Eckciman of Hawkestone and iledy Tliysson of Painswick laul Scandrett of Barrie was the best man and ushers were Terry Agnew of Barrie and Kevin Berry of Toronto The reception was at the Barrie Golf aitd ouiitry Cltib The couple will live in Barrie Muriel Leeper has lots of fond memories as she leaves Barrie to live in Saskatoon Saskatchewan just might be getting an opera assoriat ion Muriel Leeper The EX aminers music and drama critic for the past it years moved to Saskatoon Monday And Saskatchewan is the only province in Tanada without an opera association Thats good question Well have to wait and see she said when asked if she planned on starting one in her new home province Mrs Leeper leaves Barric with many fond memories Im really looking forward to the move said Mrs Leeper havea lot of family out there and my husband is native Westerner Born iit Toronto where she got her music degree Mrs Leeper is concert pianist and spent her early years touring and playing piano duets with her sister Lucille The duo played in the United States Montreal and every major town and city in Ontario We started in our teens when we were known as the Rueben sisters said Mrs Deeper We competed in several conservatory festivals for about three years We did so well we were asked by the festival organizers not to com pete anymore Before they would enter other competitors were calling to find out if we were competing So the organizers asked us to come back as guests IIIIRESINtE 59 Mrs Leeper came to Barrie in 1959 and in 1966 helped form the Iliironia Symphony chestra and served on its board of directors for several years In 1973 she founded the Ban rie Branch of the Canadian pera Guild and is past presi dent of the Registered Music Teachers Association of Barrie have taught music to lot of students here and enjoyed it Especially teaching the gifted ones There are lot of musically gifted childrcit in Barrie Mrs Leeper hopes to do smite latching in Saskatoon but her main interest will be writing In addition to writing for the Ex aminer she has written for Scene Changes an Ontario theatre publication based in Toronto enjoy writing and hopeful ly will be able to do more when move out west Mrs Leeper is now working on book about Canadian opera houses She hopes to have it finished within the next year Its very interesting topic to research said Mrs lice er Since most of the houses ate back to the earl 1900s the poo pic have talkc to are very old and have some interesting anecdotes to tell Barrie doesnt have music centre or branch of the Royal Conservatory of Music and Mrs Leeper would like to see both started THAT WAS IItltll That was my dream when came to Barrie to start cen tie tried to work on one itt col laboration with Georgian ol lcgc but it wasnt accoiiiplisli ed illltd children here have it Muriel Leeper music teacher and The lxaminer critic has left Barrie for her new home itt iimvlicre to proceed without centre They need place to associate with their peers so they can hear wltat others are doing In order for Barrie to develop iii the arts it needs centre Barrie is nice community aitd feel theres great deal to be doite in the arts Im sad to leave Ill be leaving lot of good friends wit£5 Saskatoon Shell take fond memories of Barrie wth her but leaves ittatty friends behind she says Examiner Photo the examlner Tuesday August 1917 11 Ann Landers Adopted sons causing tights Dear Ann Landerstive years ago married man who was divorced and had two adopted boys He paid child sup port and saw the boys every other weekend To be perfectly honest couldnt stand them because knew they were not his flesh and blood told him hed have to let their new stepfather adopt them or Id get divorce He finally consented to the adoption and promised never to see the boys again got pregnant last year and now he has blood son Its been three years since hes seen those adopted kids Yester day his exwife sent letter saying The boys are doing fine She even had the gall to enclose pictures What bur ns me is that she has no intention of telling the boys they were pted think should tell them They are 12 and IIIold enouglt to handle the truth My husband says Im wrong He also says hes sorry he gave up his rights to see themand its my fault This problem has caused many fights My husband claims he cant forget about those kids and am being un reasonable They are NOT his blood sons and the thought of them makes me sick Who is right Shouldnt my husband tell them hes not and never was their REAL father Trouble Brewin Dear Trouble have always taken the position that adopted children should be told early that they were chosen and in case where there is stepparent that too should beexplained Since your husband and his former wife did NOT choose to do sokeep your nose out of it predict youre going to have your hands full holding your marriage together unless you fold out of this situation completely and let him do as he wishes in regard to his previous family Dear Ann Landers Its been while since you printed the letter from Good Fortune Cookie the child who thougltt his stepdad was neat have not forgotten it Id like to ad vise any person about to wed single parent that it is essen tial that you agree to joint discipline or make it clear at the outset that you will remain uninvolved Believe me this is vital You see Itoo was neat until it came time for my stepchildren to learn right from wrong All hell broke loose when my partner began challenging my authority and countermanding my disciplinary measures as if was an interfering stranger If did nothing it meant more trouble My nonaction was interpreted as lack of love for the children It didnt take long for the kids to pick this up The result was extreme per missiveness arguing between my spouse and myself and thenwopen warfare The kids couldnt care less They pushed our marriage over the cliff and left What about us We are as divided as we were during the years when we fought about them But we still live under one rooflike strangers smiling on the outside and crying on the inside Sign me Substitute Dear Substitute You call that living Too bad you didnt seek the help of counselor early and straighten the mess outwor separate yourself from it Erma Bombeck Locked doors are such fun Ever since our children went into their locked door syn drome our house has all the charm of mental institution The entire house used to be open range Anyone could graze anywhere and still be in plain sight Not anymore The other night knocked loudly on the bedroom door Who is it asked voice Its Mama Who MAMA Are you sure Yes What do you want Open the door Iwant totalk to you Did he send you to get his records back No Unlock this door The door opened crack aitd one eye peeked out Oh its vou You were expecting Donnie Osmond Come to dinner The door slammed situt Following telephone wire lvtraced the next child to locked closet know you are in there The telephone wire is warm Come to dinner There was silence Then whispered voice said Shes listening Ill call you back The next one was toughie found him behind locked door in the garage playing his drums Do you ltear me lshouted Its dinner Wlto told you was here The neighbors Is that all you wanl At dinner asked them Why do you feel you have to lock yourselvts iit your roonts Surely we can respect one an otltcrs privacy without bolts and cltains Getting this group to the dinner table is like cracking the First National Bank of Manhattan Look Mom they explained patiently we are going through phase of our lives when we need privacy We have to itave time to find ourselves to find out who we are what me are and where we are going Surely you can understand at Later that evening locked myself in the bathroom when note slid under the door It read need quarter Where is your purse wrote back am finding myself If dont know who am its leadpipe cinch dont know where my purse is Pollys pointers Acid gets rust Li off of cement DEAR POLLY Could you suggest cleaner that would remove rust from cement step as we have bad habit of putting our snow shovel on the steps and have had no luck removing it MRS CL DEAR MRS 71 If commercial rust remover has not removed the stains you might try oxalic acid It could be applied to cheesecloth poultice and left on for while When stain disappears wash off thoroughly always hesitate to recommend such drastic treatment as this Is POISON and not recommended for use where children or pets may be Unless the poultice ls carefully watched it might be covered with something too heavy for child or animal to move POLLY DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve is with those makers of soap and cleansers who put too much foaming agent in their products It does not aid in the cleaning process and we have to use more of our precious water to wash these suds away BETTY DEAR POLLY would like to tell the reader who wanted to keep slate surface clean and shiny that when we had our fireplace put in we were told to use mineral oil on the slate Just rub it in with cloth and then wipe off the excess to have it clean shiny and not oily looking Pollys note Some professionals recommend using linseed oil this same way SUE DEAR POLLY have found creamy toothpaste is ex cellent for cleaning slate table tops etc Squeeze some toothpaste on damp cloth and rub and then wipe off thoroughly with another dantp cloth This also can be used for cleaning other surfaces such as plastic shoes and purses VIVIAN DEAR READERS have been advised that cleansers can be used on slate surfaces that have real buildup of scum dirt or whatever but toothpaste would be even less abrasive POLLY DEAR POLLY My Pointer is for those who hate to clean windows Clean them at night as the black background against the glass shows up missed smudges VIRGINIA rI