10 the examiner Monday August 1977 ataglanoe Pete Bradstreet of lelerborough applies splint to the leg of victim during the Ontario Ilaterfiout Lifeguard hampionships Friday at eiiteniiial Beach Knowledge of first aid was one of the areas in Melt the 12 competing teams were judged during the champion ships WUII by Thunder Bay Examiner Photo IItlStIltII Allison lefti representing Sun Life aiiada presented cheque for $200 on behalf of Sun Life to the fundraising effort of the Sinicoe Rescue Squad hris liapman was on hand to receive the donation Examiner lhotoi MP latest favorite in one of Bri tains most popular gaiiiesguessiiig who will be chosen to wed Iriiice harlesis lriiicess Marie Astrid of Luxembourg cur llllIIy student at am bridge where she is taking course in English literature The heir to the throne has also been linked with Princess Taroliiie of Monaco Keeping busy while her husband is globetrottiiig on official business is no problem for Joan Mondale The vice presi dents wife an avid amateur potter plans to decorate the and assorted En Iish Itt presidential residence With contemporary American Lhwhhmdg art and crafts Dr George Wolf chief anesthesiologist at Suburban General Hospital at Ilarristowu Pa has his hand on gas valve that was supposed to deliver oxygen but instead released laughing gas in the hospitals emergency room Authorities fear that the administration of the wrong gas may have killed some patients AP Photo The doctor says Hyperactive the right word By THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson We have four grandchildren who are hyperactive and talk in cessantly We love them very much but cannot stand to be around them very long Can childs diet affect his personality These children lunglh continually between me son coo ies and siclas T133 breakfast fgod are the fancycolored kind Naturally they are light eaters at mealtime Do they need counseling on this Mrs EM This whole business of hyperactivity in youngsters is rapidly becoming one of my pet peeves Why Because like lot of other fancy terms its becom ing handydandy label for what in other days might have been acce ted as simply nor mal heal youthful exuber ance It might be unfair of me to make this comment in spe cific case such as yours where to judge by your brief letter so little is really known in many situations though the problem may be more one of hyper sensitivity on the part of the parents or grandparents than of hyperactivity on the part of thechildren As for your other questions sure there has been some evi dence that some of the food ad ditives preservatives and color ings may contribute to true hyperactivity However we see youngsters who gorge them selves on such items as you mention and can be either leth argic and fat or healthy and robust specimens What Im saying in short is dont hang out the hyperac tivity flag so readily Children seldom fit into our nutritional moulds of three squares day They devour whatever looks and tastes good and is available The common sense approach is to limit the sources snacks When hunger strikes they will come around and eat some of the square food with the rest of us What makes me suspect you are pushing the alarm button too hastily is your implication that all four of these yotmgsters are hyperactive That seems unlikely to me Dear lrThosteson Please write about urethral stenosis What causes it and what is the cure Ms EEC It is narrowing of the urethral canal the opening from the bladder to the urinary outlet It can result from congenital birth defect or from scarring after local iii fection The stenosis is relieved by simple dilation with an in strument called sound 11 the stenosis progresses there will be changes while urinating such as greater or diminished stream force With an infection there might be burning and the presence of pus and blood cells in the urine Stenosis can occur anywhere along the urethral canal ln boys it is not uncommon to have it at the opening of the penis In men it may result from prostate enlargement or disease In females it is usually due to congenital defect or iii fection There is common con dition in women called urethral caruncle fold of tissue that causes the urine stream to be diverted This may cause IUlllr ing at urination and can be corrected by removing the fold of tissue BRIDGE Oswald and Jim Jacob Square hand worth less NORTH AK65 VK72 0034 49732 WEST ¢Q1073 VAJG 010653 4106 EAST 10 4a SOUTH Both vulnerable West North East South INT 3N NT Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass pening lead By Oswald at James Jacoby Oswald The flatter your distribution the less valuable your hand There just arent enough prospects for your small cards Jim Thus we recommend that with 4333 distribution you should not raise your partners notrump opening with eight points If he has minimum 16 and passes you will have put him in contract that is likely not to make if he has 18 or good 17 he will bid game and while he may bring it home some of the time he will be set often enough so that he will not ap preciate your raise Oswald Todays hand is good example South has full 18 points and continues to three notrump after his partners raise He ducks one spade wins the second one in dummy and decides to go after clubs East ducks the first club and South takes his queen Back to dummy With the queen of diamonds for second club lead to the king Next comes the lead of third club East cashes the ace and jack and eventually the defense collects one more spade and the ace of hearts for down one An Alabama reader asks if there is any reason why he should not open two notrump with AKJX 9M OKQH AAK None whatsoever As long as 22 bigcard points is in the two notrump range played by him daily crossword ACROSS 46 Common ailment New 48 Engage fl Tesmmenl winter sport bOOk 49 Disagrees MWtes 53 Threaded nail CW 57 Flying saucer Time zone abbr 58 Jacobs I2 Impulse bothe VeY 60 DOCile 14 Age 61 Genetic one Ger material 16 Verdi opera 62 Egmmlc I7 smke lgmly 63 Mu5ical work 18 Scale It 64 New 20 Sorl wrth dirt 65 Actress 22 Pounds abbr 24 Family ames member 66 Remainder 25 Take apart 29 Seed DOWN 33 Auto workers union abbr Hon 34 Tight wonder 36 Presrdent StY5h abbf Actress 37 Bacterial Louse culture Reek5 39 Threespot Momlng card assocmtion 41 Vacancy Nursery bed 42 Sacred flower Swellings of India Slow mus 44 Fiendishness Persran fairy Answer to Prewous Puzzle 10 Apothecarys 38 Trump weight 40 Eastern 11 Narrow strip beasts of OI CIOII burden 19 Help 43 Coat arm 21 nvrtation re 45 winner 590 IBM 47 Bear like 23 Sound of 49 Hard 25322155 50 Farmer 26 Shakespeai Splansh can Villain co IV 27 Kill fly Lather 28 Native of 52 803 ID Istanbul 54 Assault 30 Goad 55 Flightless 31 Regans father birds 32 Notice 56 OCCident 35 Halfscores 59 Faerie Queene As Worn Elflirtilhdlow Auguot 1977 Its probable youll become in volved in many more outside in terests this coming year Thats all well and good but bear in mind You must keep your ex Ifllsl in Illt LEO July 23Aug 22 View with critical eye any moneysaving tips passed onto you by pals to day Recall The lowest price is not always the best buy VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 An in Whitfield Winthrop MARTIAN SAY TO THE VENETIAN BLIND STUDENTS SPECIAL Typewriter repairs clean all and adiust from only $1100 Free estimates Callus now at WHAT DID THE timate is jealous of your status and accomplishments If you do somethirrri unthinkineg in her presence today expect reper MISSIONS LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Deceit It not you Lao most particularly not Odin Voull probably be cauth if you attempt to tell even ii IIIIII white lie SCORPIO Oct 24May 22 Shim commercial involvement today Wllh persons or firms you have good reason to be Suspicmus of Somebody could try to tap your wallet SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Usually youre easy to get rilonn wnh Today you make it tough on people because you say one thing and really mean OFFICE OUTFITTERS 1310201 READV GO WITH YA AS SOON AS Frank and Ernest NATUCCDINIAIL AIth mew IN GGCQW Born Loser uni SACK KRONZZ MORNINGANDY SEE woo AND FLOONSLmDAv MORNINNICAR MAYBE IM FIXED nun is rm wt NORTH ERN PRINTED DESIGN it DONT TURN AROUND BUT IIJHO IS THAT wOMAM THAT JUéT CAME ILL SEE OtN Wt iwi YOUR Ié All IM tiemus BIT memo Aeocrr MY SEIIMONS LATELY EDI SEEM 10 BE STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 BARRIE PLAZA oseooos ALL WHAT DO You EXPECT TO 7AM BY CCMBNNG we DEPARTMENTS 0F HEWJEW DIDDLYW1CWAC mo ZOW IF DONT TURN AROUND HOW another CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Today youre eaqer to go out of your way to help those you feel are less fortunate Be careful connivma individual doesnt try to use you AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 person you meet socially may impress you today Before you share any confidences be sure to check out his credentials PISCES Fob 20March 20 us of prime importance today to set the proper example for those unlt nor your Wind If they see you qeltiriq away With something theyll try It later ARIES March 21April 19 Think twrce before passmg on secondhand inf0rmation today IM AFRAID WEVE GOT PROBLEM troG raph Bernice Bede Osol It may not be true even worse it may lllIlllP ariothers feelings rii reputation TAURUS April 20May 20 Small details are important In business or financial transac tions today To overlook them could cause confusion and 011 sternalion GEMINI May 21June 20 Try to he more leCiswe today Its better to do something at the URI of niakinq mistake than to attempt nothing and accomplii the same CANCERJuno 21July 22VOIII efforts to help another are marvelous today You could negate the whole thing by telling others and damaging the imaqn of the person you assrsted THAT ONE WAC WETTV ADV THE HAT 2x5 EXCE WE MINE mm us ALLERIC IV£ corona orzmo PEOPLE wno FALL ASLEEPoccAsiouALLv LOOK LIKE mDOLLRF BitL is our IMHO gt is are Vi HAVE Vou oor ma WHO HECKLES Your wedding invitations Announcements Hcadqunrlrrs We provide loan out service