Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1977, p. 4

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NEWSROOM ADVERTISING BUSINESS Publtshed daily except llltl mminir is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau ot Circula Dave Henshaw managing editor Len sevick manager Marian Gough accountant SundaY add lions AW Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper Senn Finlay ity endor SALESMEN Betty Armer statutory holidays redtcd to the Associated Press Reuters or Agencr France Pressc and local Randy Mc Donald sports editor Dan Gaynor Dorothy Bowland Subscriptions ncws SIOIII published In The xaminer ailM KLYb rr er 23 $22ij Sign Gcrafivmd EE mcenysa The ILIYIII lvlmlfllr LIfllmS copyright on all original news and advertising material Saturda Au ust6 1977 servng arne and SImcoe COUNY Roll Kraikcr photographer Dana Graham YEARLY by carrier °Y Wmmed OWSWK yr John Zareckv $4680 ODHIQM registration number 203515 register at BYMAILBarrc PUbIShEd bY COOOdOn NEWSPOPEIS company Lmled foisgchiRs ElngugATION Ho National newmama ottile 65 Queen St Toronto 864l710 40 Catbcart St Street Barrie Ontario Paul Deleon CLASSIFIED ogzwnJeenrawg$rmanager SIMCOE COUNTY Monltvll Rn hard Dunstan Ruth Blais supervnsor Sew Roy $3650 the rHIVlVlSIIY agrees that the ptlbllhlr shall not be liable lor damages arising out Put Gucrqis Lesley YOUHQ Judy Hicke MOTOR THROW OFF of errors in idvcrtiumcnt luyond the amoijni paid or me some many olvupied Ello osllnipu is or $39 or Scott Huskus Freda Shinner YD by that portion of all MVfl Alva Laplame ELSEWHERE NCANADA isemtn in which tht irror ocrurrulwbelhcr suchcrror Kare Nknw Elaine Porter dm lo the lltQIIKHHICP of its sonants or othervwsv ind thtre shall D0 no liability f0 Suc Rouihttc Peggy Chane 53350 Yet non Instflionrl 2414 Marg scar InY aUVI rtlsemint beyond the amount paid or sur advertisement Cyprus faces Lake Simcoe fools paradise Ah Lake Simcoe you are not perfect beauty after all But it is not your fault If the experts consulted on the state of your health agreed on one thing it was that people are responsible for the pollution of your water When the government issues information and documents about pollution or contaminants in water ways the people become angry They might be angry with the governments lack of openess on the subject and they might be justified But when pointing fingers people should remember that it was them not the government that polluted the water in the first place Every person may only be polluting little but collec tively we are polluting lot Lake Simcoe is not seriously polluted It is not another Lake Erie But it is changing and declining and it is time people decided something be done about it We have the advantage of learning from others Ron Desjardine fisheries biologist at Sibbald Point Provincial Park put it this way The fisheries are declining but the lake is still good for boating and swimming People have to decide for themselves what they want the lake to be used for Maybe boating and swimming is all they want And there is growth Growth supposedly will bring financial benefits to the area But it is also going to cost lot Just maintaining the lakes current condition will take an awful lot of tax dollars for the installation of better sewage treatment and development of techniques to con trol storm water runoff The taxpayer can only pay so much and we may have to do without few parks roads and street lights to meet those high pollution control costs And will that be enough Do we really know how badly growth will affect the lake Do we really know how to control it Was that factor considered enough when we decided to grow Maybe Howard Shillington is right Maybe we are liv ing in fools paradise Show business more popular Dear Sir As an assistant manager of modern multipletheatre complex in Toronto and having worked in one of Barries theatres may take this opportunity to respond to the article Cinemas on the Wane from the Ex aminer on Wednesday July 20 1977 The article gives the mistaken impression that theatres are on the decline NOI St Some neighborhood theatres are being torn down but they are usually replaced by dual or triple cinema of todays modern stan dards The few remaining movie palaces with seating capacities of over 3000 are the losers as they can offer only one film to limited segment of the population Our business is not dying we are merely adapting to serve todays modern thcatrc atron Current uptotheminute noighA rhood theatres are being built all the time in Toronto Cinemas like the Cedarbrae Four or Square One are examples of todays neighborhood theatres and they do fantastic business beca use they cater to everyone In Canada cinema attendance and tm struction have had great rcsurgcncc especially during the last thrcc years It is also interesting to note that Canada had the first dual theatre complex in North America the Elgin in Ottawa in 1945 quickly followed by the Hollywood North and South in Toronto in 1950 Also Barrie has yery high ratio of theatres to the population The rcccnt twinn ing of the Imperial Ihcatre downtown and thc construction of the Hayfield Mall Cinemas at test to the fact that show business is thriving Yourstruly David Iiymond Barrie Halt divisions Dear Sir few years ago the French of Quebec went through the province and destroyed the English road signs yet English are accepting the French Metric Signs Well listen have damn sight more respect for French Qucbcc than have for the English people of the rest of Canada watched the people of Quebec celebrating Dominion Day and all saw was French Flags and Irespect them for that How many Union Jacks or Canadian Ensign Flags do you see And the people had not word to say about the flag that we are flying This metric system is going to make an Enemy of one of the most fairminded peo ple in the world Besides millions and millions of USA dollars are suddenly going to stop coming to Canada Independent Canada Bah or Malarkey IndcHell and thats just what we are headed for What has Canada got to be independent about do not curse or swear but about two months ago Russian wrestler stood outside the ring and made this statement Russia is going to take over Canada All well and good if thats what you want lets have it and get it over with What is hop pening in Canada today For Gods sake return to your bible Doug Clark that preacher of the Gospel says the metric system is going to put all na letters to the editor lions under one government dominated by Nat ions in Europc He also Silltl that thc lcn Kings in Daniel 724 is the ten murkct countries of Europe Iiin the Muplc lxenf Flag was adopted lht French publicly IlllllI it In the streets of Mont ICtll Was inyonc zirrcstcd for that Burtt Burrit CHAY music DcarSir am writing to congratulate the City of Barrie for the recent birth of your ncw FM station CIIAY The music is siipcrb and thc rcccplion even licrc in thc vullcy of Owen Sound is vcry icccptziblc III day ind night lfntil now we had onc choice of radio being the locul station and on tltCltSltlllS léllt at night some morc distnnl oncs including thc rare FM am Convinced that 90 per cent of iwcn Soond residents irc bctwccn the ages of and 30 its all we ever hear is rock roll or somc tircd folk singcr who with his nziszil voice sounds as though hc has lost his love and his nioncy and is rczidy to cnd it till wish he would forgot to say that we tlfo gct the nch which is UK it couple of local tzilk shows and thc dziily IHIUJIIICS which rczilly chccr one up am summcr rcsidcnl hcrc und sure am middli zigcd but arc there not many thousiindsof us who pay thc taxes and lin the stuff that is advcrtizcd cvcn buy the radios that our young ptoplc gluc to their cars You hzch showi that we count for somctliing and God czss TIIAY and may tIlepItiSlKIWtll Ilr Ilzivid Mucllonold Ioroiito Quick response Dear Sir In 1972 my husband built garogc at the bottom of the 10th Concession in Stroud to us this was special and was the Biiscnient our home did not have It would be hard for most people to unders tand how secure we fell in thc knowledge it was strong and safe with asbestos sheeting behind ourstovc and large fire extinguisher close by but at 330 am Sunday moming Ju ly 24 our neighbor woke us up calling Fire This wonderful man proceeded to get myself and three children from the smoke filled house My husband phoned form neighbors to our fire department vaguely remcmbcr calling whats keeping them second seems an eternity when you see your home is apparently on fire Getting to my point the Innisfil fire depart ment were putting out this fire six minutes after they were called and cannot find any words which are elaborate enough to give them all the praise they deserve wish to ex tend them our very grateful thanks We lost over $15000 most of which was not covered by insurance but rim here and my family in the home thanks to these very special men who mean lot more than red truck in the local pziradcs or ii days tour for our young school children big thank you to our firc department from the Carters Its good feeling to know you are around Sheila Carter Stoud Notes and comment By SEAN FINLA City Editor Satire which is what call it or sarcasm what Examiner publisher Elio Agostini calls it doesnt always work Some people are convinced support the Winnipeg ll position tht the severely retarded be killed at birth dont and thought last weeks satire sarcasm column made that clear The birth of child is usually joyous event and babies to many peo lc are cute cuddly little things to be cosseter The development of child is perhaps even more joyous as parents and friends watch the cutc cuddly thing develop into an awarc per son For some people though the birth and development of child are anything but joyous Children are born deformed Children are born retarded Some of the deformed some of the retarded can function usefully in society Somc cannot Let me be blunt Being the parent of sevewa retarded child can be great burden Severely retarded children are burden on society Ilut this is Canada This is major in dustrial nation major agricultural nation wealthy nation with people who now have great tolerance for other people people who have demanded society in which every By RICHARD DUNSTAN As get nearer and nearer to Canadian citichbip Ive been doin some thinking about one of the biggest dif erenccs between my old country hint to new readers you drive south to get there and my new one Im talking about the monarchy hear lot of Canadians put the monarchy down as an anachronism and foreign one at that as Yank raised in republic which broke with kings two centuries ago might be expected to agree with the antiroyalist point of view ont Im not going to pick any fights with Fron cophones who resent the crown as it symbol of English domination think Ill waituntil get iy citizenshi before say anything at all in public on anything connected with Quebec or the language issue But will quarrel with Anglophone anti rnonarchists who am convinced arc milk mg big mistake You think we Americans dont have king Forget it Its human need for huge man has on equal chance it society in which no man nccd go hungry or uncured for This country can afford to lilkt cziic of its scvcrcl retarded Wc dont have to kill the scvcrcly rcturdcd bcciiusc they burdcii Firstcluss IllIICI curc is Villlilflll to III Canadians Along with that medical care gocs research lodays rctardcd may well be tonioirows not retarded In 10 years for all we know all the reasons for severe retardation may be discovered and thcrc may be hpr for the severely retarded We are humans and we always hiivc hope and we must have hope That is one of thc scarier things ilxuit the Winnipeg II Chris tianity has always meant hopc suddciily thc Winnipeg II connected with church seem to be saying abandon all hope My last argument against the Winnipeg II the argument that to me is the most telling against the Winnipeg II The Winnipeg ll closcly conncctcd with major Christian church has suggested killing the severely rct ardcd Who is next Winnipeg II All those who dont rczich six fcct in height by the time they arc to All those who show no uptitudc for mom mzir by trade Jews Negroes Arabs Thincsc Gypsies Roman Catholics ch Masons Socialists Communists Social Creditors No man as the Winnipeg II should know rind know well can be God number of people if not for cvcryoiic and to paraphrase the old saying whcrc it doesnt exist it gets invented In my lifetime John Kennedy is thc clearest example of president who was royalty for all practical purposcs in tlic cycs of his Oops almost said subjects And while there was nothing particularly roon about Lyndon Johnson or Richard Nixon some of the attitude stlick to thcm us well The problem is that thc phoncy king is it real political lender and the two rolcs zirc always getting mixed up That isnt pro blem in Canada even with mun likc Iicrrc Trudeau who givcii chancc would acquire more of the trappings of kingship thzm cvcn Kennedy lot of Canadians think lrudcziu is jcrk personally consider him half jerk and half giant and none of thc people who hold that opinion thinks twice about saying so no one would suggest that culling Triidcziii jerk makes Canadian unpiuriotic In the States though calling Kciiiicdy or Nixon or Jimmy Carter jerk is little no Old ui My H5 £ng xixg7 No right to take the life of most severely retarded No mun can judge another as being liiunan inhuman lhc 2lth Century has suffcwd too much from those who would be God from those who would decide who would live and who wouldnt live on the basis of some definition of what is and isnt human Any suggestion that certain people should be allowed to live at birth and certain others shouldnt is arrogance carried to criminal extreme There are probably thosc even today who bclicve as the Winnipeg II does that certain people should be killed at birth Im not one of them do not care to meet or have anything to do with people likc that It is comment on our time though that such people do exist It is further comment on our times that thc siiggcst ion is made seriously In decent time such suggestion would be luughublc zind the authors bounded from their professions thcir citics and be shunned by dcccnt people tempore morch fear greatly for us fear greatly that one day soon in this country the suggestion will come not from an obscure group of Prairie nihilists but tucked away as law in some obscure piece of legislation That ladies and gcntlcmcn is what we have come to in this country And not even the representatives of God on curth will help us Monarch symbol is help to Canadian democracy rather lot like insulting the Queen You dont rcscpct the president Then you cant bc iiitich of an American During the war in Vietnam lot of people who thought they were saying my coun tryri1ht or wrong were in fact saying my prcsi cut right or wrong Such people couldnt see that genuine patriot might disagree with the policics of the governmcnt of the day Its bud situation and its one American product we dont need to import thii swear illegiiuicc to Her Majcsty Queen Elizabeth II her heirs and successors ac cording to law shall do so with till my heart We need her POSISItlllS The picture ill the littld of this column is mirage Im not ltillly hcrc As you rczid this am barring the unforc seen in Algonquin Park with my fcct up in front of czimpfirc or biking through the trees with my wife and children cant think of any plus this week so Ill spurc you the punishment uncertainty By GEORGE KITCHEN UNITED NATIONS CP The death of President Makarios creates potentially ex plosive political vacuum in the troubled Mediterranean island of Cyprus long the scene of bitter communal strife between its Greek and Turkish inhabitants As an archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Church and beloved father figure Makarios had served for years as rallying point for CreekCypriots of all mlitical persuasions and enjoyed devout loyalty from the largely rural population His standing among the 500000 riots of Greek descent was unrivalled and ques tion is whether GreekCypriot leaders can find successor who can command the same essential basis of support Makarios had the backing and confidence even of the powerful Communist party repor ted to command 30 to 40 per cent of the vote in the Greek community and it remains to be seen whether the Communists will provide the same support for his successor DEADLOCK REPORTED His death comes at time when the island republic which the aarchbishop had led since it gained its independence from Britan in 1960 faces bleak political future Five roun ds of talks between GreekCypriot and TurkishCypriot leaders seeking agreement on the islands future governmental struc ture ended in deadlock The islands problems arise from its population mix It is inhabited by the descens dents of immigrants from nearby Greece and Turkey The Greeks outnumber the Turks making up 82 per cent of the 640000 population and communal fighting has been going on for years Open warfare broke out in 1964 and the UN sent in peacekeeping force which is still stationed there Canada contributes 500 of the 2700 men who make up the force giving Canadians major interest in the political figure of the island Trouble aupted again in 1974 when the Greekled National Guard overthrew the Makarios government and installed short lived regime favoring union with Greece To protect the Turkish minority Turkey invaded the island with 40000 troops and eventually occupied 40 per cent of the land The result was mass displacement of GreekCypriot and TurkishCypriot populations and growing bitterness between mainland Greece and Turkey which has weakened the southeastern flank of NATO of which both are members Makarios was able to return as president but with the Turkish occupation his Greek Cypriots no longer held the upper hand Talks aimed at reaching political settlement were opened between the two factions but failed to make progress Canadas story Collusion in shuffle By BOB BOWMAN There was double shuffle in Canadian history and it wasnt dance It was politi cal trick played on Reform lender George Brown by John Macdonuld and George Eticnnc Cartier In December 1857 Queen Victoria chose 0t tawa as the capital of Canada which annoyed Montreal Quebec and Toronto Brown seized the opportunity to defeat the Macdonald Cartier govcmmcnt by proposing motion in Parliament that Ottawa should not be the permanent scat of government The motion was passed and the government resigned So George Brown was invited to form govern ment that lasted only four days because of rule that Member of Parliament bad to be reelected before becoming 2i cabinet min isler Macdonaild and Cartier took advantage of their absence to defeat tfic new govern mcnt Then on August 1858 they pulled the doubleshuffle to avoid being caught in the same trap Ihcrc was rule that there need not be byelcction if cabinet minister resigned his position and took new one within month So the ministers of the Mac donaldCartier government exchanged seats for one day Macdonuld hzid been attorney general Now he became ixtstmustcrgcncral for one day and similar charges were made throughout the cabinet On August they reverted to their former posit ions Brown ycllcd trickery and even accused Governor Sir Edmund Head of collusion but to no avail The MacdonuldCartier govem ment was back in power and st ziycd there un til 1862 Ottawas position as capital of Canada also seemed more secure although it is said that Macdonuld was not confidcnt llltll it would remain as such until the Parliament Buildings were com lctcd The inscription on the cornerstone of original building read kirnerstonc of the building intended to re ceive the legislature of Canada OIIIER EVENTS UN AUGUST H97 Thc Cabot expedition arrived in England after successful voyage to North America I691 Ilenry Kclscy clziiiflcd the Red River area for llrituiii bible thought For God so loved tlic world that lit gave his only begottcii Son that whoscver belicvctli in him should not perish but have everlasting life John I6 This is Jesus speaking tclling what it took to bring mankind back to his Maker To ac ccpl llim is life eternal to reject Him to separation forcvcr Could this be your favoritc verse which you have often quoted but never experienced

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