the examiprThyrday August 1977 Itll beci ong ride to Toronto for smokers on GO Transit trains Smokers will have to put out desirable to introduce air says Henry There is he said There is confined Nearly all transit board have always obeyed the signs their Cigarettes belt boa carpeting into the cars and we also an ugly blue film on our space where smoko sproods members are smokers adds that tell them not to smokehe ding G0 Trans VChiClCS When used the most fireretardant windows it talus while to get and while it was hoped the air Henry but they realiwd there Smallwood speaks first in Confederation series Joey Smallwood the man who led Newfoundland into Confederation will speak at tile Georgian ollege Theatre Barrie in Sep temlier thc second lecture in the series will be held Oct 19 and feature Quebec view point The speaker for this lecture is yet to be confirm ed said We expect the same will The Ttlrytulrtiltl Small nu Harries leading systemwide smoking ban materials we mum but we cleaned off circulation system would koep wasa real problem happen With us 00¢ lllimitl of New economist will conclude the taking em Jan 533s were stillhaving problems he The study done two years the smoke above their heads it Rules against smoking Will If not says Henry bus and foundland from will imiii series N0V16 Toronto Area Transit said ago revealed transit does carry it toward thefront of bCSeltenforcmg he says train crews Will have to enforce lanuar 1971 ie mo rim nw first dean of the facul Ope rating All lhOl in the end cars desrgnated to authorities were paying at least the bus People on the TlC cars the new rules speialkcr in threepart of Business at the Univer spokesman have carpet were nonsmoking $20000 year to clean out pu ic lecture series Tom Henryinf0Inwti0n Of cars and Henry says the ashtrays replace filters clean 691 says Wye COIlerVCl gradual introduction of carpets windows and repair burns in 5y 0V9 3m0kmg PUbllC would have phased out smoking upholstery sity of Alberta Dr Harnes is now the president and senior coconomist of Hu Harries presented by Georgian olr lege as part of its tenth an llllStll program alled and Associates Ltd an vethles was ended With rt entirelyby August1978 When the decision to ban me mflmww Alheltabased consulting cent vote by the board oldiree new factor that in part came 42 out of GO not tion the college series gets lorSlOlWlSlllOklng caused the move was the GO cars were carpeted anthlwas Problems With CUSlOmCI takeover ofalocal bus service waiting on delivery of 80 bi complaints and the Cost on Yonge Street between the level cars with carpeting cleaning up after smoktlS itd Finch subway and Richmond The decision to also ban to the decision he said in 2m in Hill one which was previously smoking on buses came with firm offering services in economics marketing and financial analysis Dr Harries recently con ducted study for the Ed under at it pm Wethlts day Sept 31 Sinallool ulio resigned in June alter serving years in ii wymllmimni it momon Journal mled terview operatedbythelorontolransit problems between theory and gislgiiiinv in wow ms ngyHilwumi mpime to Renegoume CO Gos first three years 0i Commissmn which bans smok reality in 05 regulation the lt oi the advantages and advanlagcs federation Operatlon 58 Smkg U05 itl ISl V9 M5 W0 disadvantages in being hoped to devoti iiig rumi i0 litkeis for the compioto range from ilfrl013 Pilllt When Gils lialtanlhalf stntgtkcrssays llenry part of Canada in announc iiiping plow numhim loamo series $750 for Which uiBOl Ulrsmllkets it smoking policy began com lnpracttceitdoesn vrork gt 16 ll ltllsmn in 11111 iiiiiii tinow spewing mm dons and $5 for Students totalbanwhichupsel smoktrs plaints began and rlniexptlll politics Smaltvsmti soitiiir Tiling andsoniurcmmns saysHenry ment With onboau Signs 1970 Ollllllolllm 35 thanking people for not smok our mistake Fiberglass Concrete SUUCk With 0110 9nd 0f CV0 ingonly partially improved the Vinyl Liner Pools Kits Call John Campbell rail coach designated as non mbiom ln the story in last ljridays Slz smoking andthc front five rows imnsii siudy also Hxammcr illtllliille pine tur granfgdgndalnflig of seatingin every bus reserved rowaiori mo ogi of cleaning up hiture outlet lll llltllTlltill the fornonsmokcrs nor smoking is getting in owners of and it cramics 20year written guaran ee ASSOCIATION lhat changed gradually with oiogisingiyhigh were mmrrectly identified as the intrtxluctionotcarpcting in omiconditioningiiiomhavo Ross and Judy Burwell The at tofu 931 Says PM to be changed more often owners correct names are ltob lwo years ago we found it because 01 the smoke the and Judy Bullce Rd Road Shan Ba SEE OUR DISPLAY POOLS ge itiiiiit ii iii or omi Shm plim minimums Musical concerts skydivers twirl comert on the liar iltt xiiit imri one Sim miqu decorated bicycles and wagons gt will lie one oi int imiiiittw or the mim lmii Mm iron ioiimmnoni and wind surfing are included opening till it the oilingmoi iiivo goiiio oi iiio iogiiiiuiiig ioi on Sundays program summcrtusi on lrid Saturda piogiziiii western Sylvia lyson isto perform at anadmm layup Lino iiiiii 115ml night amateur talent the Blue Mountain Foundation atid lxiwinis tili tin other contest and trout and car cxr llmtml Sllt Sunlny 391 tllll illl llt Eli tltl iiiitllllltl lll llllilis list iiir lililnllljl lllflSlillllllfl ill the illtt dag mug an MRS REVER of Port McNicoll is the lucky winner of or Pm 300 LBS or luiias lluiilhuh rilio lids IA courtesy of the lrtril ill nttittl limit til llliltt Iii tlitj lti Jn to Vlft iiv ll ltlvlieiiif Nu to riftiiiiitiuit lie mid tw on KIRBY COMPANY llr 7l Ar Itll lny fir ll=t lit 91 Vandesu ltd 39 Collier St sHIi itr liifi Iit mutt Suite 103 Barrie ij ll on it of in The name was drawn by Ross STEPHENS of Stephens Mens Wear ovaowltrwm wl onJuly 30 As low we can go it still be Ill 4pty Nylon Fit Fort Chrysler AMC and most lmDUiiS oam Iiléifil9llr9lér5 full size it 81 if 00 l600l36 50137 00l3 4N i4 695 l45 00 IS 600 l5785715 Ni rr arlvuloll 20 lo 00 l3 650 l3 560 l5 Biirlv Swinerill Hi 7i HERES THE DEAL lIIE RECEIVER niEerARERs OYamaha CR450 OAudio tronic 50 watts RMS 03 wayspeaker system 00 THD OPiezo electric tweeter 05 your total warranty 05 year warranty TIIE TURNTABLE THE CARTRIDGE OTaya by Toshiba LP 100 0Audio Techica ATll OBelt Drive DIS20000 Hz 045 dt wowilutter 15 do at io kh2 Oi your total warranty Cl year warranty REGULAR VALUE $97000 OUR PRICE Torou $599 INCLUDES lNSTAllATlON OFFER GOOD TO AUGUST 20 1977 Vi Get rid of shakes and shimmies Uniroyal Wheel Allgnment $995 MOSTCARS Its hard on tires run on wheels out of alignment They wear oncwnly and stimton tlre Ilte robbing you of part oi your tire investment Him is whlt we 10 Adjust caster number Cheek pres Adliist torsion bar where CheCk Wheel bearan necessary Check frontroar Chuck steering wheel sunpensIOn centreing Road test car UNlRDYAL if 110 Bradford Street Barrie BAYFWElLD MMfL BQRRE 7285965 7263431