lt 32 cars tor solo I97t COUGAR XR7 automatic power steering power brakes radials black with white top and interior Excellent condition 500 Call Ken 728 I675 I976 CHEVY MONZA Coupe speed AM radio tape deck mag wheels power steering rustprooled Best otter Telephone 7370586 alter pm 726 3321 days asklor Enzo MAZDA ROTARY RX2 automatic bought new May I974 blue with white in terior Excellent condition economical car SI500 certilied 487 5202 ONE OWNER I973 Chrysler Town and Country nine passenger station wagon lully equiped loaded Top condition Asking $3500 lirm Certitied Phone AI at 424 541T or 424 0630 I976 MONTE CARLO low mileage V8 air power steering and brakes Tele phone 458 9758 evenings I973 PLYMOUTH Cricket in good condi gggminer Thgrsday August 1977 I7I houses to rent TOWNHOUS On Eastview bus route two bedrooms immaculate con dition full basement oil heat $205 plus oil and utilities adults only no dogs Phone 7284752 Between and pm monetize unimpal Offer if Open Ist and 2nd éArnortgoEges TF THREE BEDROOM house in Anten Mills Lariie Iotwrth tencedyard8miles north oi Barrie Pleasecall 737 3705aller 6p SUBLET BEDROOM SIDESPLIT with lantrly room trreplace Five miles south clmel Monthly payments to suit your budget Prime Rates 48 hour Commitments at Batrte $350 per month Telephone on RusprooyedI bucket seaSI rear lWlth3M0rtthlliteiest 19 window delogger Telephone 7287345 Bonugtoolgf TWU FIVT BEDROOMS each on alterbpm turnrslied houses on bus route centrally tor ateil one needs some repair Telephone 20 261 l0 tu9 30pm THREE BEDROOM HOME centrally OalLd IITT Iudos fridge and stove $285 monthly plus utilities Immediate 0c cupant Telephone 726 3765 NEWLY RENOVATED HOUSE I2 thtllS west at Barrie large lrced lot lieilroorits bathrooms relerences re ouued 5275 monthly plus utilities Telephone Allt 096 attei 6p in THREE BEDROOMS baths ap plrances broadloom throughout garage close to school and shopping Telephone 726 4338 I969 PLYMOUTH Road Runner 383 motor speed transmission air litter shocks wrde tires on back In good con dition SI000 or best utter Telephone 456 I97I PONTIAC VENTURA six cylinder automatic snow tires radio engine has 30000 miles new brakes new mulller system needs minor bodywork 5895 Iirm 737 film I97I BUICK LESABRE customlour door hardtop power equipped air condition tnit 9395 or best otter Phone 436 3720 I971 FORD 500 Galaxie two door hard top vinyl lop radio power brakes and steering Excellent condition me DETACHED FRONT SPLIT home chatiically needs some body work VtllOlelng bay three bedrooms den around rear lenders only Not been laroc rec room Willi Irreplace Two tom piece hattis Small attached greenhouse DOUltlt iraiade Available Septeiriber Is $150 monthly Telephone 776 0008 TOWNHOUSE ALLANDALE available llTllTltdlaTLlY near schools but swrnrnitnii pool rn complex ll biiliotrnis Iinished recreation room tour atiplrances available $325 monthly ltrst and last months rent Lease relerentes Alter 726 2477 driven Since last December Must sell Asking $675 as is Call 726 0443 PRIVATE SALE I974 Lincoln tour door town car with all options Complete ly certilred This car must be seen and driven to be appreciated Best otter Call for appornlment alter 726 0876 I975 AUDI I00 LS good Ondrlion under coated certilied $5500 or best otter Telephone 424 5449 I973 CHARGER SE two door hardtop or Vacation Properties the mUnlclpal IHRE BEDROOM HOUSE use Dower steerinii power brakes under downtown children welcome no pets any and mtg qltzed Only 44 000 IV 88 59Lm mm miles will certrty Reasonable thLt TlllJS LIlltte Tilipttiiner ith 718 H719 7161203 LUXURY THREE BEDROOM town I97 PLYMOUTH TURY IV Grand llousi Willl tiaraiie Adults only $790 Coupel 44000 orrqr mites Tires like rrtitnlivy plus UIIIHS Avdllimt new Excellent condition Will certin llllllltITtly eiitrvtl Iotation Telephone 15 SISUO or best otter pm T976 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL MARK IV JS000 miles All power multiplix Call 728 6017 after ON IN EXIST MORT AGES 18apts wanted to rent tie and tipi deck Crurse control Au3l MATURE BUSINESS WOMAN not smoxcr roqucs Coyy un FOUT tlW IIHS No rust New paint rob yunmmd apartment or up WI Biauttlul condition Asktnu $9500 or best otter Owner teavrni iuuntry Must 81 414 III I966 DODGE tour door Model Polara 410 slant SIX autornattt As is Good ieltabte transmutation Telephone 728 Ill MOVING MUST SELL lvl Datsun 7402 and I971Pinto Saurre wagon cloud condition Unctrtilrid Telephone 48 5030 Watt VOLKSWAGON STATIONWAGON luv sate Good clean lltï¬tllOll Low nullage 16000 PTILLIT reasonably Call All 171 I974 TOYOTA COROLLA SR5 live ptlIl CB evqlrl track radiiils AntArid sr 800 Call lJ OJTHLMTUH Ill stove lrtdoe and parkvnii WTTIIL pets are welcome on or betori August 19 Reply to Box U93 The Examiner I9houses wanted to rent PROFESSIONAL COUPLE with tvvo children TtQUIVC house apartment or cottage in or near Barrie for months Slarllllil end ll August while new house isbeinq built 4871545 COUPLE ptrller and woodworker re qurre rural or cottage Situation sutable tor Ithnd and working Space thi ten Sldtr work for rent exrtiarlre plTlllC 73 32h NEED three DlleUth bunoalow lo rent option to buy for client rrtovtnir town tri Autlus Good housekeeper keeps int houst tii tniirtavulate Lfllitl IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate Ist and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties To consolidate debts low monthly payments Home improyements any worthy reason To pay all existing or maturing mortgage Construction lunds free odince try us rl We have ready cash to purchase mortgages tron PrlTtVIU in than Cali Harv Jattt W74 TOYOTA COROLLA I600 Dtluzin rpprocpnitvm 1mm pg Fatal beauttul OlelrlTlt swell Ttllplitrrtc 7159ilnvrr jtlllt 728 8738 RARE Ivor LINCOI Continental Mark Ill Limirusvrtrv lilai Nlll rlfl lillt tn tiirtrtr Iully IQU ppivl TLT ltil lLliTJTTlllll 716 79 WT OLDSMOBELE DELTA RH ll tylrrrrtir door liw lTlllUith prtvatiIy owned illicidrrind rri swim Tellprivwrtv 71h $659 20rooms to let LARGE CLEAN chen prrvrleuus t0l8llllnt 16 FURNlSHED ROOM in Atlandale at bus stop coiiivtiir lactlittes avaltble Gentlorvter prtvlerrert Teripitttnt hr uht qu iirni ktt ltrieri suriplttd please I29 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ONTARIO 726098 Call Anytime 24 Hour Phone Service 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT 363i342l TIE16 r7288 lrt rtl Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc OW is GRAIN TORINIO ohm it NEWL DECORATEID Sm rrirlrt Cervt iid vii alv tall ptlll av TF rooms downtown Ioatotr Reasiiarli ptiltltt tr lirrttip Vrt rates Call Mt Mavsrtart 336 WWW PM PM mpm v5 TWO ROOMS central llITlrl errlR IIOI iv irlitilr irrrrniid twly ktvcllivt tat rl Ul rTUlHt tI °PT$ To Twig ndrkynyl Twymm r1 If vTllll survrritvr ctrrmit vrnly iISPiIl 5i suvl Tule ilrVI If litirr Hlpt Trcttr vv Extra LMRME FURNISHE Roovt FR II ht yr tvvU1Ln shrrw krciwi For surplus or young IJMIV WWW llr tv1lll Biis star couples Linwrr SUDIIlIOl iiwit own Ilts ylrILIlr ttovxt mirror If Iw 7M MW ExcrIaml srcrrnit car Orti owner Ask Lat ROOM II IIIID MI GU II In IntlwrllullltYllltU TiiiplitlrivTH ti5y ll LL lvV qtt 05 Wt NE Ivt PL YMoit TH iv vtjqw illtl lrnert summer wuiiky crrtial lOSI Tl Us 90 1lill WNW 19agtfijgrem Wm Nlrt titsinrvv TijliDlirittWi 006 Ct invr It Cdt Hm KtT Tilirrtttiitv Jt llUi BACHELOlE TE lurristtit dllt TV gt rrarkrll SldlDiTTlSrllWVDPIy lmhtm lity BUN kaLARk rilrtlat Qtivvr BE ROO rt gnu it on Villlt iYltr gritty Tlltl rrtvrtvtr rwptitr Srtlllnr lll littw vYlv Illvtvtlllllq IV PONTIAC Vr dutirrrttlltt Essa Rd ir pt vnw 7M Bilalr COMFORYABLE ROOM ti rvri tn prvvtle Tlirllll tvvn irrarvrqe It pp APARTMENT HOMES rw ll rIY 80 Fnes Mature pus us xr ii DHTUTHIT sxv IT 25 4th ilttl vrttitvt IV IMPERIAL TOIHEPS TfrlKIllrrri whalm xv vv sari ftILTIAI ItIiIl FIIIQV VII LOVELY rupritweri ROOVw 726 958s 720 499 Mwth Ilyv le iv Tll viiw riirtval tri Adgngt than Hm LIN phhm JI Crvm rv flitr mi Tlltp vvr rzlrr H7 655 tr 7dr tiv lrtl AMIHr sDttl starrrtorvt 22rooms wanted am fw 9v an III II II II II WELLINGTON PLACE tv itth co LEG STUDENT to tic ll IIItIIr tlvva vktJl vtiv rvtttlvttvtt out in rtttlrrr ltr TNrr It ll r9 If Eryrxjdlrih il 194 CHEJ Rival iTrllll iitirl li HU gt Mm 17ml titav tittvt ltgtlrt iv T35WellTIQO 5t We 23otticesstorestor rent lil ONE TWO 02d NOD or ir lli rvri no liar Low rrl titvv THREE BEDROOMS an Show tvy vrtt run tillviii llil tVTvltT Bl ADULTS II II 10 iI ty vvi Ht pi trillr Tllllllllll 7rvtrl1liir ATlit virl 33rcars wantedto buy For appointment to NEW vv OF rAE vivIirvtv tr 7263827 vv szr rl vv Pvra Tvtt $2 ttv Trir marry flit thy vtv Mtnvhv vF so Sirav tiv iuil Ir ts Lll in lililltirrl St trait Hill CT JUNV civil rmrirr it trim pm to mt ttr viv sttri tvr rllt pavrt titvvr ttviy but ttvlt All HOD III in It II4ItIIltrIAi IIIkIITIIIIII NIII xtv 7y wrl III vs TRlf WAtiT turn and tru vr 54 arjuv bu drT ID ml N71llll anti parlt trip prtii itavrt rillr Friwptckup riliiutivtnt Trim We lill GIirJJV WW COLE BROS Car and trurts Wrttllll Ir vii tr vl at mm pupil Hr rwg IIIIIII trIjIIIIII trtr writhtnq tast ptrkup Day aovtrrr 15j Attir 61 or did aim or 24space for rent NAN Tlt roar 1tlttlr iiavt vt Hritt ONE AMI Trui hm vv IPIUII IWIII SWIG IIII an Artur SaIis flitillt st rtvlllrt lrU WWI II HtVT writ ck rm and TlIWlli Frrs viii vi Iy 1IIIII VII mp trrtal rarn lllilllll ltVlT stalln up Itar rtl wont1t IAittvrli TlTIJTT ri lll 6er vvi is 34trucks and trailers TWO dIEuRlII tr 5er LE vvnvnr apart aril VP my 411 lyri LANDROVT 7mm tTlllltlil WVHm Luau TTIlll rarttrr must sell ltxl rim lltlrthll villiv rtitpitvtttn no mo imittvt Mall TtlfDlU trt EH Cl 1l lrl lil Hit 3y DI iv 7w tv wirlw tirirrir ttt TWO 8Ep0 yr pv tni lIr GM trirv prrlr up Sirrra Clauar tr iv 1li rrl ll if IytI WI ramriirr spwtal IIUTIITIOUi uptrrrn gprk 10 TiIrvIJ twl III pf WWI II MI $4600 Phone761157 rec rt gt 9935 rm CHEV ivm pttx up V8 isn II NJ lt IU my IyI engine power brakes aulnirratlr rartin FURNIHIF ONE II mqu tuty siistriirtstrirt WTIITP spttko aDrITlTTIlIJIIIS an lviprtv II 25garagCS marTS All Ttlrilill tirr Vrry 00ml iridi only 716 07TH Marrow iI II II II IIIII II II II III ttnn $7493 twat tiller Pliunr 117 I770 pI tvrtvvvvrvrrr Il TWO aIrIDIrarIiorI IiltP rt vt trv pvtvtryt rm Wit ly an 196 FARGO ivin pickup V8 SUTJIT Ii 1w ilutriniatir power tiirrrirr power Mvdfllt Irrf vrr pv Mr ti rv TlIO Iirrrrrvvi Arr r4 trilvv JHV IlrllU NW 737 2i iivi lvrriit 1x tt war vvvvtt vyt rm you Hp yyti braki Ti Iipltlirri 76 7671er 70M mwwi uli vs rlrt lrl Tiori TRAVI war ER lvrr airli oEIriraI AIOf tt III WI 267acc0mmo ions are Wm 14145709 nt viTl rl llrlamlv 4m ttv tl LAYUP Viv MOO7 AWN uvtt two BI bkorwv LJYHHUU rttirtvi em WW Clixm lt Tltlllrltt rvv mm vl 75Il17 TTITTll trr Slrl Shortly riItalrlh Imrlu ililllrlarrl Titxrt uriilittrin PM Call Pitawtvvlwpivrvvt it WV 71 ttlvi Prtrkrtty out or All ttv vItri Iii tor Hr llr Len It Him 27ottaqes to rent MONTH iiiy lllllJ rtvitllillill sarirl III DODGI JAN tXCllttIT iuiidvttnn new ttri rarriiI inside must be Seen Within 728 757 Ild PROWLFTJ 70 It FURNISHED AlriiTr ti rotrm trr fftil rl trim vrv Mr Marshall MN ONE HErmucw tttvvttvvt ttvg I7 liouses to rent Tandem low rr till it to vtt yo hlarlt lItll lillvlll iriri limit liri rriiliiirir Erriiitrriii wvtlitwriway trirtgi LlYljltNtJTIlll iirlinlilrn Il tl tratlir urtu 48 Qttlltrr till lttl tlrvr Willi rrvirr two way water system Tlrrii priit lmttt turnarv Sltps six Two our TvIyIri iii ltwtrri tr tr zasï¬onaqeg for Sate WI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIA IIHIIHI rrtiril tivritla Il tttvt Slplluvtr Int Ivi rinlv mt Trll for rent LAVE ilMcol illrtlin ltt cortit ttt IIIIIIAIIIIIOU WIlItIlTItiWkXANJIIRIIIESIppnSr route tr ll Wu lvi vvlvy tviv tw lDTllTll PJdtr ilir all il7riit rit iI Iru at iaI sI vI pirvrtri liver and rtt tv vtv yt rrv an TOOmS MI it tr mt up hp Hl riidiri Tiliptiiiiti ll Till in It prtt Tilipllrt IM 779 rtltr vi double garagesI ilrr I9 ODUE VAN PT iiieii ass BlCHT Otv rviil ltlTilt ttvlt tr rpilrrtrirt trtr rivttt lvtr rt ltt TM ï¬replaces trip itllly iqiiipporl Luw rnrtirrigt Call NUTlCl deadltrir for classified Coll anytime 7264544 or Toronto 88l 2515 rlfrllltMIW rill vlvl HUN ll in 728 hllirrr 414 hlM lit Mlltiwtliu rt 7r rv tirvrrttvi trl Olll BEDROOM tITIVIVITllHl tll tr AUIS II rlIirrttrmi trvdii nthll ivi rvili viill W0 368UTO accessories lnIVITitJ Itrrrittrl tvttrvttvly 3prri prie yiou tlUy Terrintuit trtr COYY llÂ¥ ill til lvtr rt Tl CA fOR PAR l7 I969 Clalv Capriri Illill Catrrririi orrvir ltlll I967 FifiIrrrit lrlcil OIIRI Friliir luxury and rm xiiitraitor tinlvltuiim ritIiv ttvr rtretqit UTII tut ltllllrih itr tl trvttt liirrltmtrl Tllfl mutti yl may For in nrtotr Saturday IHtl litriintirlii all 716lli1 lNlWltll it 8IH rvtvvv ll tvw vv vi vlv in vt lttlttll vat it lrtrr In in 71 i7l 6T yvvt Hr tttm or lt JIllllll41VIHIHIHVI rwr til MN7 tttv ltirrrvi iv trt tt illJUID lIilrtrrrrtlri ftriplari fully mtvtt lrll Trlill tttttv vvlttu ty titliytll xrvtt lill roan mail nlrilr Iiilri 3oresons 30eon 30regofls trtt trlv rtvy Irtltttt vv 77 fllvilllll iliflll wrtti Ttflltlts nrr pit omit ir or my tv szttttrvittlriy Itll rim lltitll iii IrwinJ ttv lv utv Tillill ltl DROOM rlritarltLit tioum ys YtlltrjlTrtlI vrr rl rl virlt tlll hilll lvltilil rri lllartdalr Hitglrt CEC ROBER FAMTLY trt iryvvt tilinr lltt vrttvt ti rlltlltll llrll4ltlllir Opivtrtt ii pur CAMPING Illltyr ttitiirtti vvvvhttrv rr Tl ler tiltlljltftl giy mummy Vail Mr ntlvrrti ryttii yrt lirriy 77 Vv TTIIll lrt lltflIIl lbr TOUR TIE ROOM liVirrl rhllTTl tht It ivyvt IrllP ll fiIItltlllllll kitcltili iLr rourri Whig no poo tlilHlil irl ry rrt mirrrr ttiiii tttrrriililtriut VttW iil the lake LTl ytiv tlil lvlllil trir vtk at ri lrl Llli lirrrritltly plus utilihpfh yq lrilli trit rt tvirtit iv rllll TlTIlI14Vlllllll Trllipltrtnrllli 7791 IIVIMIIHIHM WI DUNN ti Irtttitl til ill NT lit two iiidrouril house in T75 ACRES ON THE il Lrr TII lli llll virivirtritivrt ii avlttri lffltllll and Inn TllllTIlTi rtrlvlvlllll lgtplgtrrrlrt T71ItttrillTlllliIltt tttllrlllll lirr small repairs Located in lttriii Must have lrll knowledge UT TIlillltll Tliiirii 421 lrll or apply al46 tr trtv tlltl llilyllYtlTll iipvlrtrnrnt pyiyyvtt rum in tirvl Iarkri Iain Ir rlllllli Hit lrvv Al Hll Hi ItrHTS Like new or 0pm yntllllttl lrlli ftri tllriiv lblllllllll garage and walkout mu ryr taut rirtrl llrr vilrltrv illl llllll rm trtiiltirtl TlIrrw Ill lil iy tvirttlty Animal lllllillllll IMMU rri Irttr imsuiusirrn 7788800 Jrryic vvt7rtt riir lIiyin Trust HT lJIl Til1H Hitltpflt itmrtttvivrtt Irt rrtarrl llrxrr tit vrrriii rrrt lr liv II LIlll liliMl iiiiii downtown irrrlv uiiiisi tzrli tirtlrtItI Jll liltlti ltrvvlrvrrttt truths tliririliiris POA lMO tytyttrt IIltill int Tlr ltittly lllilrllll lpy mun VI 1711 ywltltfl pllrlfl lilivphirrvtv lttll Illtlltltl all Lixin arrtcli My tritrirwtt Itll llfilll llnl llvll tlillil til tl Ill Illl til It lllll ll 14 lllllll ltl IllIIJM twri tliiriy out Ill Ill1 ilfirltlllllttl rrrrlatrlv litmvt IllJ ntllt rigttririrrrilrri and stove yyrltiily rirvtialt liilllll Tllllll tt rirrl Ullltlllllr tv ltilt tLilli tlItMI may ryi all rittlliri rtri ltlllltl Llltr TII tlily Ii yarltilili ittrrtitxt gll Judy my HIflrvlr rail 7780774 llflIltlt lllllll lt riiti lllrlll Rial rIati ti rrr rITI414 tip in It Will MAGNETAWAN RIVER 8r HIMBURY LAKE SANDY BEACH SWIMMING POOL TENNIS COURTS PLAY GROUNDS FISHING REC HALL LAUNDROMAT MINI MARKET HOT SHOWERS FULL HOOKUPS RR NO KEARNEY ONT 7056367886 BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL LABOR DAY WEEKEND SEPT Rt 37 motorcycles I973 HONDA 750 Borrani rims Dunstalt exhaust clean and well maintained ask ing St 500 Telephone 728 24I0 before 30 pm 1974 or 250 SUZUKI excellent condl tionnew chain and SprocketsIluggage carrier TelephoneI7I28 T223 anytime I972 HONDA 500 motorcycle excellent condition new tires saddle bags hel met rain suits many extras Reason able alter 424 I200 ext 250i or alter 9771 424 0427 1674 380 SUZUKI lor sale blue Cerlitied Good condition Best otter Telephone 424 5086 rim BOMBARDIER MOPED excellent condition Telephone 322 I795 I972 HARLEY DAVIDSON I200 Electra Guide rebuilt motor and custom paint $3350 Telephone 737 III7 40 articles for sole $AVE Reupholstering DOLLARS Itocover it Yourself Wido selection of discount fabrics Foam cushions OTools both amateur professional Needlos threads twines Buttons made to order 0A complete line of upholstery supplies UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div of Fabric Drapery Mill outlet Just north ot Georgian Moll 7374510 WThFTF MR FREEZE Mï¬LlllllL top OlldITlUtl plus syrups and Ilavurs priced to sell Miitlat llLllt ilrtll 270 volt National cash YlngTtf liki new wrtti tax totals ASSorteit rritlkshake syrups SUTTilIt top pings cliorolati and butttrscrrtiti TIJTH dip 50 per cenl at wholesale Call At 4H or it Obit ALMOST NEW Housvtrolitlurirtlurl tor sali Living room utnrtlii roiini slittis and color TV Telephone 73 I866 MR PRIME MINISTER WE ARE TRYING also in our small way to beat in flation brand new pc kitchen suites only $69 No money down EZ credit UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 Dunlop St just west of the Barrie Arena Coll collect 7262900 AUBH SWIMMlva POOLS trr rum and install IV tittimiwmwt larrtiy 1i wtll llilll 40 articles forsole Blll DAVIS EVEN WITH the high energy cost we say to our out of town customers if we fail to make deal well pay their gas home Brand new double size box spring and mattresses only $99 pair No money down EZ credit UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 DUNLOP ST just west of the Barrie Arena Call collect 7262900 AuBH $6 PER WEEK Buys heautrlul 26 RCA color Spanish to the Iloor console leievrsron No money down no payments until October Phone toniiilildelivery tonight Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Plaza 737 IIBI EMERGENCY SALE late summer overloads our warehouse 23 I977 all aluminum I6 24 swimming pools Must be sold immediately includes sundeck tencinq litter and salety stairs Sale price 10250 installation and terms ar ranged Call Terry collect days or even ings 4t6 ml 880 Antiques Bought Sold Pine River Antiques 76 King St Angus 4246473 Open Daily TTh Au23 RAlIWAY TIES lor sale regular srze Telephone Sun Valley Restaurant 73 0086 PRINTING FQUIFMENT muItr I850 camera arc lamp plate cutter Telephorii 728 I637 WE ARE also in opposition to high prices thats why we are selling brand new components at $89 EZ credit UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 Dunlop St just west of the Barrie Arena Call collect 7262900 AuBH maker paper LOCAL SWIMMING POOL dealer has rlrlvrd number It slutl triurrruriil purrl rirvvily rtdthll prriii In it 12 ft vrrtvf Sltlll lttJrIllIll Other siliil lirtrrtiarattvrly ptlTl Call Pnlyniman lirrrts toll true 800 16 Mill and as lirr rtpirtiliir slit STEREO riirrrrxirtittl wvllt lrarl Iurri talili AM FM rad ri trl Qlfljll rrinrtrttitn 51 Tulitthitii Nit 6P5 rL Ultlf OOT Drluxi Wriirt TllIirl lal lTllIi brand rrrw $l67 Ioleptrvrrii 176 itTJtl vv yr Automatic LIQUID CHLORINATORS by POOLMINDER Shocks the pool each night Leaves no chlorine residue Increases filter and pump life SC SERVICES 7283646 quUld chlorine delivered Au22 li fOltT Vliiv Til LAFSlRlili lllrll larritly r5 lllltlll tip and lfvltt rtt art and vtrr All toy mi alurtrrtutli awnworld ptxv wtli ttriv Cllfll tit Tl trivirlru all tirti rilii requllitrtvia Ht vtv WT rt tryiqi in rental lra wtt vtvt trr ttwvt Try TXTlrl ytrii trry avt Illiil anyrtva l4l6 not avrrli 0L Cl UH il 84 HT wiiJi Iipitsir wvtl tltb Turnprttwit 11 TM COLOR TV RENTALS RENTAUPURCHASE 26 Electroliome per week $495 20 Toshiba per week $390 20 RCA XLIOO per week $565 16 Panasonic per week 5650 NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENT TIL OCTOBER 77 Phone tonight Delivered Tonight KRAZY KELLYS BARBIE SHOPPING PLAIA 7371182 MTThFTF itNlNlMlNl IOOI lJlltllllltl8 ll ly srl Illllti trdtlpitr TIllly war rariirt lllltillllll erll pilltip inrrttti tvller lent vitir walkway and Itll Suggested retail tir in 79 Aviirlalrlt at prn uasrirr rDll tal til 31 NR all it ta tiir iarly ITITlllilTl tall llllti anytime 4th IrllR ELlr TRI mntt AiriilJvt Gill rItITl ll lt vll stint itiiirit ttIil Asl ilt Artiiil itir llllllllll IIb lttli USEDTURNITURF Atritindtttiintrs small trirJgis trir iillii or tlTilflt solves thtllTs odd hairs iiistiitmltl sets lawn liirntturii and bedroom siirli Clarks Hiirtli llTlIIJIleQ illarititiusil lruedittvvr Uh lIlt SWIMMING POOL Hl MICAL Alot ban Knyrxiiil etc Robrnarrr Hardware tI Dunlirp st ist Nil Nil LOOK AT THIS You ran buy llil titw 2ii tlllttl Iiirtlir ilirrrritartirir piirtatilu iirltrt TtltVlrllllI now tor only $4 weekly Nit ttlltlllV down no prlyltltlll Ulllil Oc lrilxt Ilitiiiiv tonight deliver tonight lcrazy KiIiyu TV Ill lift STUART SMITH vWE ARE neither doctor politician but we know our price is right on these brand new piece bedroom suites with bookcase headboard at only $299 No money down EZ credit UNCLAlMED FREIGHT 202 DUNLOP ST just west of the Barrie Arena Call collect 7262900 appro tirttdttirtt nOf innit Tt watt 71764 THRIl IUtli Wilili ill it my hi it vvtiv vvv 1v Tltl wvvvw lltrv mi v1 rlitvr otrith rlrl iv tl it uni tii tt Jim llltryl il Tim it DUTin my ti 1t vrnv IIll vwi rilltlt Tut yli lrIlT ll li nit Iv mu lipv xv Twit laril tirv rx lit iuikiilrf fxlf tvll vtr aw ri we tr day vityt Samdtiy Rtvtty ltww it to draw ONESOME ORG SAYS WATCH the Fonz with me on this giant 20 Panasonic color television or rent to own at $350 per week or $359 No money down credit UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 Dunlop St lust west of the Barrie Arena Coll collect 7262900 AuBH visiting Sty SIM llorlsytliv Sitw ittvt titriiiit thr yini tiv Illiltt trirut and var sr tvx liltllT itlltl luv liliiri llrv ttrlt klllHl Ncliirlill In illi It tilt iv ltrlh ltt iv gtI llrtt ltirt Tllilll ttv Ht IT in it slit liltlllll lttl and tytt ilrisar lflttllt leill lrar stml latilti lllrlllt tiirltt tiv tittr th thtl llllllil tint titilt lltl Iiiplat Tlltpllillll Jll thil All lltill ED BROADBEN WITHOUT THE working man neither we nor the country can survive thats why we are selling brand new pc living room suites including cheslor field high back hair and ot tornnn Free delivery only $299 redil UNCLAlMED FREIGHT 202 Dunlop St iust west of the Barrie Arena Coll collect 7262900 AuBHI PORTABLE AIR COMPRESSORS Conipliti Wrtli regulators and gun Terlllsavailalili Tratt Motor Supply Co Ltd their st 710 59 Now open Saturdaystiltd RETOSiFBST KAYAK above ground swmimtnii pool thll sun 14 walk and Olllpltll littratrirn SYililll Must sell tor hank NU rtrlitlllilll otter rilused all Credit Manager Tlltl 4th NI 4810 daysnr IVITTIITU CHROME ANT WOOD TV stand $20 tall dresser S25 tlllltllt sit S30 pair Cairno lamps 52 All in good ondrtron Tellphone 716 96 GUITAR Matsuiikii hiancl new excellent tone and aitrirn with deluxe case $300 Also IIIW 16 kivlai tartoi $500 Call 77tlIIIt or 7371947nnytimi FOR THE WORKING MAN we say stitch in time on denim or silk will make sowing easy on the Singer Automatic zigsag sewing machine at only 364 Automatic button holes sews on buttons etc Preowned No money down EZ credit Di eadnauiitir UNCLAIMED FRElGHT 202 DUNLOP ST just west of the Barrie Arena Call collect 7262900 AUBH tow ms for sole tn Kathryn Ktrnhruuglrs StrlOS Saga at BARRlE THE EXAMINER AVAILABLE DAILY AT THESE SIMCDE COUNTY MERCHANTS Warwicks Store Stroud Beckers Stroud Bonds Store Lefroy Alexanders Store Lefroy Lefroy Red and White Allies Variety Alcona Beach Ronchs IGA Alcona Beach Warks Store Alcona Beach Simcoe Meats Big Bay Point Gambles Alcona Beach 40 articles for solo help wanted COME JOIN WINNING TEAM Avon is recognized tor 91 years of uninterrupted growth and superior quality in daily needs makeup tragrance and jewellery Build your MtaH dreams on Avons solid TWO SLIDING doors 30 79v2 two liv ing room chairs I5 rug with under pad carpet sweeper Roxton lloor lamp 726 9596 SMOKER BARBECUE rulisserie and electric starter year old $30 24 ll wooden extension ladder $30 Raven electric guitar hand case amplilier music stand like new $75 728 7826 GARDEN TRACTOR hp Massey Ferguson with mower blade tire chains and cart in good condition Telephone 474 562I anytime INGLIS LIBERATOR gas clothes dryer Good condition $75 Telephone 726 9983 ATTRACTIVE ACORN FIREPLACE black wrtti new never used pipes $90 complete Mariuus I2 chord organ lloor model $30 New crystal and gold 6in tray rows red crytal drops 325 Telephone 726 0890 POOLTABLE set at snooker balls and Boston balls cues rack and score board ping pong top not and paddles SISO lirm Call 728 38l6 tilboats and motors 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double tiull cylinder Chrysler inboard motor condition Asking $7500 TllOlllllzIIi 135 dMSaitcr 30p l7 FOOT SILVERLINE Decp hull in immaculate condition II5 lip Johnson motor includes lratltr autu tilt control convertible top ski bar many extras Telephone 728 386 26 FOOT CABIN CRUISER head sink sleips tour TOO Mercury outboard Includis slip at Barrie Martna $2000 Telephone 718 9873 MARINE RAILWAY lBUrSIoriJ arriaiie and IIUv electric wiricti turther information call 718 3897 I6 SAILBOAT plywood stiel centre hoard compleh wrlh sails and trailer $400 Call 76 8530 alter STARCRAT l8 FOOT HOLIDAY good condition tully CQUIDpLd won or wrthout lanaim trailer best otter 80 Naprir St or call 718 0955 alter USED I97t OMCI6gt inboard outboard turrrplute run 143lrours Alter 6p hi all 776 97H NEW CANOE Kevlar Iabrii I6 ft Calt77lt lll40r137394anytinrc BEST BUY tout libreiilas rtltsi lying in Tollell Wrttt For $500 dal Martha Must be smri to be ap priciatrvt Owner lll Call Bvll HTleIlLl 7164950 42articles wanted CASH FOR lrld TUVTIIUTT boots TllsltCS old ptv turnh Jocks adds and ends PIl lrill items 78 I4 BOOK NO Ractlii The Possessed the Phignwvc Wtirnetv lpatxrbarkr 126 98 dTTlr mp ti Call 44dogs and pets FOODLF Svilliri Stiarttpvtrttni and cirrir nrr nl vilt tirivtts Slipita Strttvt East minim POOTJLE TPiMMING proteasorial or xttrtvrttt ill privid pir up and do ltvir 7in 8798 Put Studvrt MAY P000 PAR OR Prule Strtnal llDlltQ and lrflllllllll reastrri ablii titir Tilivptiit 716 twl lROPlCAt isll 803 silrItmvrt Alllvtritivs Llll r1tv at untilarable pr rts funuru vtld wwr Edge Arum 14 mmtol in $79 film ITELECARE alone Let lrrend help Call Telecare ALCOHmICS ANONYMOUS 728 658l il 297 viMort Rollin Wllllj purrrrio nlrtll artl tiirvvtii 375 Cal 716885 ay lTTt vlltfHAlli lutvl ttlt itir iawiz tarl an ii vi Riuirty vtr Cali kartTy 449 Jvltvytvtttnrr THY VOAif RiANHAN llr rtl KT iftUlSTtFlll tri yrar tld ffllltltlll tict tru rttrr uir 59 April ti Ri vitv lv ltl liii tall pti klrr Brliys Garden centre 46 all ti Hvtv TREF ytt1 byllllyrllfl filylui ii 76 41w llrryl rt ilTll mi rvrt 477 home improvements Call728 0902 BARRIE MOTOR HOME Rentals ALUMINUM MAYBE NEVER BEFORE MAYBE NEVER AGAIN ml SJllllltil liltitti vllJ lll We also Slfii Evita tiltvl or windows Mrtriils trill tttltrti All With guarantorll 7UEi45hJlib it vvvrviirl tt it NT LII stat liar twin illt=r Am 50garden supplies SOD TOIJ tALl liirtii or small than SiIrxt your shade true We have largi SltTliln and small tipostt wtll hold for Tltlillt Dr IMl 53Iandscaping TRI away arti IPAN tANl till tiv tx Milt ltdst own ttUix ltltflllllltt Hit ilrtl gVIlT Barrie MAIservice and repairs IV WE DS Lot or field cutting Also Brush Clearing 7264536 56 area Monday July 25th Illll ltltht4l tvt liili or llltlt all 11 Phil Slvtrees and shrubs SHADE IRIL Now ts the tone to 56camping equipment CITATION MOTOR Home tor sale Ilt tiet sleeps Fully eqmppeit iii ex tllltll onditron TtltltlIOth 726 677 IllJ SHASTA travel trdrlur excellent condition sleeps Prriud to sell Telephone 726 7841 I973 VAL BAR Hardtop Tent Trailer sleeps SIX excellent iondrtron Asking $850 Telephone136 495 alter 6p TENT TRAILER Canadian Tire style not like new Iiy gitotl $700 Phone 436 40ll TENT TRAILER sleeps zip on room I0 I7 Very reasonable Call 737 t82l0 57Alivestock tor sale IALK SHOP English lQUlpllttlll Ger man saddle and liridles Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop Fast 728 Hill APP GELIIING two years old ouret good tor Llllltlltll broke in title and drive Quarter TTUTSI mare amid con Iirniation and disposition seven years old well trained Telephone 4561877 evenings GtLTS tor sali purebred York or crossbred horni tested Napri Farms Ltd RR No Thornton 705 458 9779 APPALOOSA GELDING years old needs XlTlltlti0l owner trainer ex riIlint LITINTITIUII Telephone 1215899 iVlrIilIits HORSES BOARDED Close to Barrie Well drtfl lur Trac and trails Windy Hill Farm 436 5624 THOROUGHBRED MARE six VtfllS old I63 hands lully trained English Telephone 726 lat 59poultrychicks kAL IT READY to lay pillltli warl aliliI Alsnltir ni It iiin ikliis Cl aid ttiiiitir Poultry farms Stroud 4M lttlt 60 teedseedgrain FOR SALE ltll tlAkII and WHI Al lotii lakiii trtirir the lllttllltl an no slot dtll itiat rly Str am also avatlalite 6th iuiiitsmiin at Vispia Tillpliiiiii Hit itst Ioundation Theres no limit to the prestige earning potential and selling enjoyment in career with Avon Call 7289652 64tarm machinery TWO WHEEL extra heavy duty trailer 750x I6tires Good condition Best otter Call Al at 424 54 or 42470630 MASSEY FERGUSON Baler with baler stacker $600 point hitch cultivator 75 One row Dion corn harvester with hay pickup $525 Telephone 42410875 alter pm isfarmers market NATURAL BEEF Freezer orders at organically raised Angus cattle are accepted tor latl delivery now Guaranteed no chemical growth stimulants Heimatland Angus 487 2617 Au4H SPARE TIME If you want to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 2T yrs of age pass medical Then we want YOU Call Mrs Sim Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 67truitsIvegetables RASPBERRIES pick your own 60 cents pound bring own containers Gar retts Berry Farm Tu miles north at It on 93 726 5957 GREEN STRING BEANS pick your own 20 cents pound bring your own comlainers Garretts Berry Farm It miles north at IT on 93 726 5957 BEANS green and yellow Pick your own and save Holloway Lane loll St Vincent St north near Mionurst SWEET COR tor sale corner at the 4th line and Ridge Rd 80 cents dozen Telephone 728 9647 TF bitpersonals CLASS IAI mechanic required lor dealership in Alliston Telephone 435 437i lrom am to 530 pm ask lor seIrviIceImanager II DICTA TYPIST minimum two years ex perience hall days possibly full days in I978 Small congenial ottice Call Flem ing and Associates 728 3309 anytime PERSON to learn optical trade Apply 28 Morrow Road GROCERY CLERKS needed Require xperienced applicants only Must apply in person to Fudas Fruit Company Ltd Nursery School Openings for enrolment or year old girls Operates Tuesday Wednesday Thursday mornings September to May Call Registrar 7287903 HIiIghwayIINorth EARN EXTRA MONEY by showrng Canadas linest line of Christmas cards Ai Wraps Novelties etc Over 450 items in cluding exciting new Crownware For tree catalogue and prompt service TREASURE ISLAND ST Jeandron Greeting Card Co Ltd I253 St EHa II tL8MIG7 PETERSBURG FLORIDA we °n SALES HELP with experience wanted tor Ladies wear store full time Mamselle Ladies Wear Baytield Mall 728 6066 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WAIT ERSrequirediorttrslclasslicenced din trig room Must be attractive and well groomed Location Innislil Township For appointment call 436 3541 FULL TIME and PART TIME cottee shop waiterswaitresses required Please apply in person to the Holiday Inn Barrie NURSE AID required tor nursing home or mentally retarded children Must have own transportation and be able to do weekend rotation Telephone between 98 30p 436 I461 DRYWALL BOARD CREWS For rmmedtate work in Orillia Must be experienced Phone Kitchener 1519579 £24 PART TIME dining room and drshroom persOnnel Ponderosa steak House 319 Baylteld Telephone tor interview at 726 951i APARTMENT BUILDING Superinten dent required ler SSsUrle buildng Semi retired couple preterred Must live in budding and be clean conscient ous and have knowiedge at small repairs Jan tlortal service supplied Apply to Leon Garrick at726 3827 RAWLEIGH HOME PRODUCTS part time distributorship trainee in Barrte area For further inlormation write Box VI TheExammer SIGN PAINTER required to work part time at Fudas Fruit Company Limited Apply in person to Fudas Highway ll Noflh WANTED EXPERIENCED ONLY waitress waiter Apply in person Port ol Barrie Restaurant and Tavern Is Dunlop St West between and BARBER AND STYLIST needed lull time consrderate wages Will consider apprentice with one years experience Apply Rogers Barber Shop 436 4715 PART TIME Nursery School Assistant haVrng musical and handicralt talents required tor co operative nursery ECE Graduate or previous experience Send resume to Box V2 The Examiner AUTO WRECKER needs person to remove parts trom cars Permanent po sition Apply Holt Auto Wreckers next to Maison Brewery have vacancies from July on word Efficiency units from $75 week for two persons Phone Barrie 7283l36for information Why light your problem 726 7972 anyttmi you drink thats your busmess It you waniiodunihmsours Catlanyitme UNWANTED HAIR removed salely permanently medically approved Ly dta Hrenchuk Certttted Electrolagist 73726 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes rNrndy Hauglr Farm 776 0197 WHY SUFFER agony with Corns and Colicuses Relret now is yours lrom England Cavitation Corn Caps have seen sold tor over century vvtth ellec live results medr area pad that really does the ob Corn Caps or Callous Caps now available at Comm Shoppers Drug Marts arvdallorugotsts INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION Srrvtce Cthl crvivinal leOrC urvetllartzr Discreet and conlrderittal VIONECA pshytc and card reading ounseilvno Days and minor Monday through Fridd Phone 728 8868 YOUR TOMORROW today Tarot cards and tea cup readtng For apporttmunt 23 Mtdas to responsrblil persons over 25 Apply Box U88 The Examiner WHY SUFFER agony with Corns and Callouses7 Reltel now is yours lrom England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold tor over century with etlec live results rttedrcatid pad that really IOPS the tool Corn Caps or Callous Caps now avatlapln at Cusrtetis Shoppers Drug Marts and alldrudutsts 70Iost and tound LOST WHITE SAIL Willi red attach ed to wooden boom Georgina Island Anyonewith in tormatton contact McCulloch 416 483 8361 help wanted Royal Insurance hm Canada HAVE YOU CONSIDERED US Our company is currently looking for individuals to ioin our training programs which lead to either management technical or marketing fields We need people with inquisitive minds high achievement needs and the ability to progress into more complex areas as their careers advance We are seeking candidates with post secondary education can didates who are prepared to relocate if required following the initial training program Give us call and we will arrange mutually convenient interview time to discuss both our needs We offer an excellent range of benefits and our salaries are com petitive with the current iob market PLEASE CALL ELKINS TELEPHONE 7286151 Au5 THE CONTINENTAL INN requires Experienced Waitresses Waiters Must be smart alert well groomed have own transportation Please phone GWEN HOWELLS 7261834 BOYS AND GIRLS EARN CASH AND PRIZES THIS SUMMER WITH PARTTIME EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTE Routes are available in all areas of Simcoe County Phone in your name today 7266539 Tl