24 the examiner Wednesday August 1977 fetaglance Barries marina should have ill new slips by the end of the week if work keeps up at the cur rent pace The new slips feature hollow floating concrete docks holding up the walkways The $200000 marina expansion also involves construction of breakwater background to protect the new slips from east winds ompletion of the breakwater will depend on availability of fill but the work should also be largely finished by the end iif the week Ex aminer Photo Snappy model at right may be the forerunner of new generation of runabouts Gay Pugh is at the wheel of the XPSIZE General Motors experimental car demonstrated in New Orleans It has range of 50 miles and top speed of ti mph The doctor says Blood pressure is insidious By THUSIESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson When high blood ressure has been diagnosed oes that mean one has it for the rest of ones life would think that since certain conditions or situations cause it once they are corrected one would return to normal My doctor says should continue medication for the rest of my life Since there are no symp toms how can be sure have always been antimedicine and dont even like to take aspi rinsWW Controlled hypertension high blood pressure has no symptoms but that doesnt mean the factors that caused it originally arent there still Un controlled it may show up in crisis or emotional disturbance as before Now an important thing to consider is whether or not your hypertension is caused in part at least by factors over which you have some direct control Im thinking of such things as being overweight too much salt intake and so on Your medicine is probably not the only part of your control Later on when these factors are brought under control the dosage may be reduced or even discontinued if the doctor feels that is justified These are mat ters you should discuss with him as time goes by But for now even though you feel fine and have no symp toms it would be folly to dis continue the drug therapy pro gram your doctor has estab lished Your doctor keeps the hypertension score from periodic pressure readings assume you are having these Because it is often symp toniless high blood pressure is all the more insidious fact Osman and Jim Jacbe BRIDGE revealed in study of Chicago residents Of 22000 studied only 40 per cent of those with high blood pressure knew they had it and only 11 per cent were being treated Your aversion to medicine seems bit extreme Some times piIlstopping can be as hazardous as pillpopping Dear Thosteson am 15 years old and the youngest girl of five children am 5feet inches tall and weigh 115 pounds My problem is that my nipples never come out unless am cold am scared and ash amed Can you please tell me if anything is wrong with me Miss LC Nothing wrong that nature and few additional pounds wont cure in time You are bit on the slender side which is fine As your hormone levels in crease nature will lay down some layers of extra tissue called filling out The fact that your nipples pop out occa sionally means that you are structurally sound Nothing to be afraid or ashamed about The coldness merely contracts the tissue around the nipples forcing them out Dear Dr Thosteson My daughter had an upper tooth pulled Part of the root is still in the jaw Will that cause any problems Is it dangerous to have the jaw xrayed Our den tist xrays every year Mrs NM Small root fragments are usually absorbed Larger ones that project can be easily removed large fragment may contain portion of nerve and could cause infection This would be detected by xray An annual xray is not considered dangerous The exposure time is brief Notrump nut NORTH lll EAST OAIO V9865 01083 AQlOBt Both vulnerable West North East lA Pass Pass 3A Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald James Jacoby One of the worst complexes bridge player can acquire is the notrump complex Everyone likes to play notrump but no matter how well you play that contract you cant bring it home if you have some real weakness and the opponents are unkind enough to attack you there South has book two notrump response to his partners opening spade bid Thirteen highcard points ont listen balanced hand and all sutts stopped Many players would throw the book away and respond two diamonds rather than bid this two notrump but we arent going to criticize that first bid by South It was his second bid that showed com plete lack of partnership un derstanding North had opened the bid ding with one spade and rebid three spades over South two notrump response This three spade rebid should have warn ed South that North didnt like notrump Hence South should have raised to four spades in stead of repeating his previous notrump call North might have insisted on spades but North had bid the suit twice so North passed to three notrump West open ed club and North was down two Five spades would have made easily An Idaho reader asks what action you take in second seat after the dealer has opened one he rt Both sides are vulnera le You hand is VAQ10940A84BAQS You should pass Your op ponents may well get in trou ble while if you bid anything you may be in the soup daily crossword August 1977 Dont overlook any chances to acquire additional knowledge in your chosen held this coming year Anything you learn will be to your financial and personal advantage LEO July 23Aug 22 Financial maneuverings bring out the best in you today Youre extremely resourceful even lf working with methods heretofore unfamiliar to you VIRGO Aug 2330pt 22 Its paramount to your success to be secretive today If youre doing something important take no one into your confidence LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 The key to your attainment is natural one for you today Sub due your sellinterests and ad vance the cause of others SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Set aSIdP your anxieties today Accentuate the positive You can accomplish whatever you want to by needing this axiom SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 You function exceptionally well with limited number of people today You may lose your STUDENTS SPECIAL iTypewriter repairs clean oil and adjust from only $1 00 Free estimates Call us now at Whitfield Winthrop ii You WERE mRACHu BORN ON AROUND TH THl5 DATE OFFICE OUTFITIERS 737020 QWHMKAR IIMUSMW IM EXHAUSTED PLEASE PREPARE THE HALlBLlT DINNER YOU DROMiSED ME FOR CARRVING YOUR SIGN Frank and Ernest SHE LOVES ME NCT or 35 iu ENGLAND HAD FILEI OF SOLE WITH TARTAR effectiveness if you take on too many assistants CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Set your sights on what you know is attainable today not on what others think you can do What you achieve could still be rather remarkable AQUARIUS Jon 20Feb 19 Refrain from being critical of others today Try to say what you feel will inspire them and lift their sagging spirits PISCES Fob 20erch 20 Be willing to extend yourself it look ing for reward for your labors Forget about leaning on others You dont need them ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Be BARRIE PLAZA ALWAY5 WEAR WHERE DlD VA srop FER YER NAP g2 THE PARK ON MAlN STREErA DELIGHTFUL AStIOG raph Bernice Bede Osol leader and manager of events today Dont let them dictate to you So long as you are up front things will go your way TAURUS April 20May 20 Keep low profile today while looking out for those under your wing Let them think theyre the masters of their own fate GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Youre exceptionally good today at heading up committees There may be some slackers but youll know how to handle them CANCER Juno 214m 22 Pull out all the stops today if youre working to advance your career or make money Thats the only way youll overcome the obstacles you Ageo susCEPriBLE DEFEN germHON OKAV ILL SETTLE FOK SARDINE 9L 701 CHEAPHIL vrv ACROSS 31822 Answer to Prevrous Puzzle lnvrtation 49 Same prefix WI Marsupial 52 Turnpike To wds SAUCE AND IN ITALY HOME Fog THE 10 Lab0rious 55 Seths son 13 Bird 56 Collarbone HAD A5PARAGU$ WITH ILS Vice president Walter Mondale is much more than the ceremonial No man most of College term 57 Corn plant his predecessors in the office have been according to Washington insiders President 3253 58 ggnsd gt AH raises my nzrï¬hllï¬ll eraditrdhwith idelivernng on hispromisr to upgradr thr Vltf presidency and Fire Fr 59 Law degree mil in us at mi stnioi ar VISUI Thr two arr reportr to spr nd two to four hours daily 17 To be L31 abbr in conference and other White House aides see Mondale as their strongest ally in presenting 1g Accountmg THAE positions to the President agency abbr DowN 20 Foolish people Parting Born Loser 23 Dirty salutation germ And 50 l2 26 Word for Occasional Inger Horne wds Lat opening Ms mm home 25 Leavenmg Liou 95 arm aw some 306T PUT 31 Slater fish Scltgsztlfvak 27 ages 45 Deal sparingly HAVE Mil Mlle you DONT OWN LOUR FthER Ix brother Impose my 28 SM OYNI 33 Bridle part Much 29 State menu TROUBLE 34 Genetic Iowa college 32 Tm chpm humom material town 50 European 35 Definite 35 Cistern Summer Fr amme apple 36 AuthOress 10 Mao 51 CIA 36 Blund Feber mil forerunner 37 Worlds 11 Egg Fr 33 30 53 J3 anese 39 Skillful 12 Prior to WOW 41 Antiprohibi 16 Thick mist Patriotic C°CV tionists 19 Commercials 5°C9lv abbr MIlaV 43 Provrde 2i Japanese port Ornamental 5Ch00l abbll weapons 22 Few Fr stamp 55 Food fish ITS NOT MUCH OF ROOM ANDY eur YOURE WELCOME 10 rr UNTIL FLO TAKES HEY ERIC LIKE THEVEW COME TO Eiz SENSES AN REALISE WHAT AcmoluseANo SHES MISSIN llell lead campaign by governors if necessary to vm null u3 make President arter deliver on campaign pro mise vows New Yorks Gov arey failing the ad ministrations outline of planned welfare reforms disappointment arcy ob jected to the omission of can didate artcrs promise to have the federal government assume the local share of welfare costs to An owl may be just bigeyed bird for most people but to Stephen high it is work of artor the subject for one The New York ity industiral designer and sculptor has pas sion for owls which he expresses In threedimensional representations concocted from almost anything at handmkitchen utensils to finds on his frequent excursions to wikyards Leighs appropriately named Penny Owl is made up of lot copper coins built in layers with face of shaped copper sheeting and feet cm from copper pipe Cop per washers and more pennies supply the features NSL NORTH ER STATIONERY Q9 Dunlop St 7373880 Your wedding invitations Announcemean Headquarters We provide loanout service 45 Mnnu LMAhw