the examiner Saturday July 30 1977 21 Its off to Santas village they go Tom McDonough left Cary rowell Lisa McKay and Christine Baily are four of 60 children from the east part of Barrie who went on the city parks and recreation playground trip to Santas Village Thursday Examiner Photo worldwide stabilization pro gram Agriculture Secretary Bob Bergland says the United States wants to see an end to the boom and bust cycles in world food supplies and prices Bergland is representing States at World Food Coun cil meeting in Manila during sixnation Asian tour AFLIO President George Meany is taking wait and see attitude toward the Carter administration The labor leaders White House relations are described as cordial but not close pending development of policies on issues impor tant to labor Weary child rests comfortably after hard day in his stroller at the Exhibition Grounds during Edmontons annual Klondike Days celebration Someone in buffalo costume wat ches over the child until his mother returns to take him away from the bustle of Klondike Days to the serenity of home Photo Meadowlake Iipper Dorothy purebred Holstein cow bred and owned by Gordon Atkinson Barrie has received Superior Production recognition from the HolsteinIriesian Association of anada for her sixyearold lactation Meadowlake Farms has I75 head of purebred registered IIolsteins 60 of which are milkers Ninety per cent of the farms cattle sales are to foreign countries such as Italy Germany Brazil Japan Mexico Spain France Argentina and the United States Last year one of the Atkinson herd broke the anadian fat record for her age gmup Meadowlake lipper Dorothy produced H546 kg milk 489 kg fat with 424 per cent test She has Breed Class Average of 199 per cent milk and 227 per cent fat Examiner Photo Pledging cooperation in the United The doctor say Theseioods affectdigestion By THOSTESON MI Dear Dr Thosteson know you have discussed gaseous ness but ldont think you ever gave us older folks who seem most bothered list of foods we can avoid for this prob lemMrs IL Probably not because the list would be endless Any food can cause gaseousness depen ding on various factors in volved in digestion of each type But can give you few of the offenders that seem to bother some people who are in otherwise good health Carbonated beverages malt drinks sparkling wines highly fermented cheeses sugary des serts some jams apples can taloupe watermelon raisins The list of vegetables is the greatest but chief offenders in clude beans broccoli brussel sprouts cabbage cauliflower cucumbers garlic lentils let tuce onions dried peas pep pers radishes swiss chard and turnips The flatulence from beans may be due in part to pork used in baking In older people can bohydrate food is prime gas former because of incomplete digestion which allows fermen tation in the lower bowel An other thing to keep in mind is that highfat meal slows the emptying time of the stomach so that fermentation or break down of foods occurs there in stead of lower down in the in testinal tract And we must not overlook air swallowing along with rapid eating or talking while eating Persons are often unaware of airswallowing In oldsters chewing prob lems too many socalled sim ple high carbohydrate meals as well as lack of exercise may produce the gaseousness from incomplete digestion Dear Dr Tliosteson My two grandchildren ages four and 10 have what is referred to as growing pains in their legs which pain and ache at times Is there such thing Is this natural or is it symptom of something elseJC Id prefer to call this going pains rather than growing pains Children do lot of going as they are growing Unfortu nately the piper is paid in the midnight hours as their muscles react to all the stress hot bath usually restores the victim Dear Dr Thosteson Could you please advise me as to what causes dry mouth usually after go to bed at night get up three times during the night and wash my mouth out am 88 years old Wlll At your age mouth secretions are often diminished You pro bably breathe through your mouth while sleeping adding to the dryness Try sleeping on your side which may eliminate some of the mouth breathing Dear Dr Thosteson My husband has high blood pressure that is being con trolled by medication He is supposed to restrict salt intake Now that coffee prices are up he wants to drink bouillon cube soup instead say there is high salt content in it Would four cups day be too muchMrs GM would stay away from bouillon soup It does contain salt Check your label for salt or for the word sodium Tea might be better substitute Oswald and Jim Jacoby Whitebrook comes to life WEST EAST AQJIOS A9872 VKJ V10963 0982 OQJG aAJï¬Ii 4102 SOUTH VAQ8752 OA73 4K74 NorthSouth vulnerable West North East South to Pass Double Pass 15 3v Pass Pass 4v Pass Pass Pass Opening lead QA By Oswald James Jacoby It is always nice to hear from an old friend Charley Whitebrook who admits to be ing almost 70 is retired and living in Florida He sent us todays hand with the com ment Maybe theres life in the old boy Charley found himself in what can best be described as very doubtful heart game Not that he had overbid but rather that the hand was real misfit Charley won the spade in dummy decided that West needed the king of hearts for his takeout double and therefore played ace and small heart This dropped the jack and king from West and Charley was in business with what we call trump byepass play West led second spade Charley won in dummy dis carded diamond ruffed spade and played the king of clubs West took his ace and led fourth spade Charley ruffed cashed the ace and king of diamonds and queen of clubs and led third diamond He had eight tricks in and there was no way to keep him from making two more trump tricks On the last trick East had to use his 10 of trumps to ruff his partners good club Askihedggggo Georgia reader wants reassurance that the penalty tricks for revoke are scored the same as regular tricks so that if you bid four hearts and make just nine tricks while your opponents have revoked you get credit for having made five odd We can reassure him Penalty tricks for revoke are considered as tricks won by the nonoffender daily crossword ACROSS 50 Old stringed instrument Jesus 51 Make angry monogram 52 Besides Teller of tall 55 Woodworking stories tool Songstress 58 Throws Minnelli 50 Womans 12 Crumb name 13 Ersau 62 Drive at 14 Aroma 63 Sailing 15 05 SS 64 Horse Cami 65 Mae West 16 Life science 09 abbw 66 Convent room 67 Announce 569 est 68 Ensign abbr 18 Small valley 20 Over again 22 Arab garment DOWN 23 Told In the same 25 Gannel place abbr 27 Draws along Bees home 3b5°°°fl Starshaped Throw slowly 32 59 Greek epic matched poem furniture Vast od of 34 Defy time 38 Sediment Dramatic part 40 Smooch Hawaiian 42 Chemical volcano particle Mauna 43 Bravos Sp Perfect model 45 Nest 10 Broadway 47 Astronaut musical Cooper Made IEEE Answer to Previous Puzzle BE IIIII BEBE BEBE BE EB 19 Jar cover 41 Songstress 21 Compass Sta 90 44 Caustic 212 substance 26 Curious 46 38 Of 27 Mae West WY role 47 Spring 28 Noun suffix bloomef 29 is situated 48 Uneven 30 And so on 49 Resister wds Lat 50 Paper srze aDbl 53 Church part 33 French article 54 mackmom 35 Breed mm 36 ng 56 Heavenly city 37 Compass pmm 57 Flightless 39 Canal system In northern 59 Actor Mrneo Michigan 61 Everyone July so 1977 This coming year will be different in that you may form more partnerships than usual Some will pan out others may cause you headaches LEO July 23Aug 22lrrsspec tive of wno you deal with on onetoone basis today dont feel you have them under your thumb bolt Irom the blue may bring any encounter to push andshove VIRGO Aug 23Sopt 22 Extra strength and fortitude may be needed for you to deal with un usual pressures today Keep your recall you too have limitations LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23Dont gamble today on yourself or others no matter how well you know them Even if you win youre going to wind up loser SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Shun any remarks that could trigger domestic rumble today if you get one started chances are old wounds will be reopened SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Doc 21 Once in while you tend to express yourself bluntly If you do so today theres good chance youll have to eat your words CAPRICORN Doc 224m 10 Others may covet what you have today If you leave your house or car lock up well AQUARIUS Jon 20Fob 19 Your selfinterests are extremely pronounced today but those you must deal with match you in this area You may have to make concessions PISCES Fob 20Morch 20 Youll know the signs if someones trying to take advan tage of you today Dont be wishywashy or youll play right into their hands ARIES March 21April 19 You must be extremely careful socially today If something catches you offguard you could handle it poorly and later have regrets TAURUS April 20May 20 The most valuable thing you have is your reputation Keep this in mind today so that your am bitions dont lead you to step on too many toes GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Theres chance today you lack the ability to see merit in others ideas Its OK to push your causes but dont feel youre the only fish in the sea CANCER Juno 214uly 22 The claws of the lions in the commer cial arena are extremely sharp today Dont go into the fray without your armor STUDENTS SPECIAL Typewriter repairs clean oil and adjust from only $l 00 Free estimates Call us now of Whitfield Bugs Bunny 1977 by Warner 3405 the TM Reg US Pat Oil Wizard of Id OFFICE OUTFITIERS 7370201 DO You HAVE ANY LOUlE THE i4TH 50mg rum runnu It In Frank and Ernest DUNNO ERNIE WHATS WI5E LIVING IN TREE Human anus hi an DEAD MICE Born Loser Andy Cap STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 yr AND EATING fastl stroG raph Bernice Bede Osol thm July 31 1071 Try your hand at new and different things this coming year They could prove lucky and profitable for you This doesnt mean to forsake the old stand bys LEO July 23Aug 22 Your mate may have ideas today that youll try to dismiss as outlandish when you first hear them Listen closer You could find your con servatism is showing VIRGO Aug 23Sopt 22 Be willing to serve it called on today You may be reluctant but you could get back gallons of gain from pint of perspiration LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Youre popular charismatic and well received today If you have the chance to hobnob with people you want to impress by all means do so SCORPIO Oct 24Nov22 Keep some strength in reserve In any situation today You may never have to use it but youll be glad to know its there SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Doc 21 its important today to acknowledge and praise those who do good works Youll be public relations man for yourself that none can equal BARRIE PLAZA CAPRICORN Doc 224m 10 You never shlrk duties nor do you look for free ride This will stand you in good stead today Rewards for these qualities have been magnified AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 10Bo lighthearted and happy in your involvements today Thats your ticket to getting It all together Its easier to smile than to furrow your brow PISCES Fob 20Morch 20 This is one of those days when good things happen provided you dont make waves Sit back and harvest the seeds you so carefully planted ARIES March 21Aprll 10 Get out and circulate today Its im portant to be around people you like The bigger the crowd the more youll enjoy it TAURUS April 20May 20 Youre lucky today in ways that could further your career or put bucks in the bank To take ad vantage you must be able to recognize opportunitys knock GEMINI May 21Juno 20 kingsized idea may pop into your head today and you might dismiss it because of Its scope Dont theres good reason why it is there CANCER Juno 21 July 22 One for whom youve done things may want to return the favor to day but youll think its too much To refuse would deprive him of deserved pleasure éTUOK THE we HAVE THEM MARKED now To LOUIE THE I31 $9 Unï¬ltfll MUSPIHM Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service