Psychologist studies TM in effort To authenticate MONTREAL CP Mon treal psychologist is conducting study to see whether tran scendental meditation TM the deeprelaxation technique taught by the Maharishi Ma hesh Yogi is all its advertised to be Dr Stephen Milstein 35 yearold associate professor with the Quebec governments health research institute has received $5000 from the Inter national Meditation Society the Maharishis organization based in Switzerland towards funding the study Meditators claim that the practice of TM improves per ception sensory function abil ity to think clearly and the abil ity to deal with stressful situ ations Milstein said in an in terview The experiments were doing are an attempt to see it these effects can be objectiver verified The twoyear study will Com ALUMINUM GIBSON ALUMINUM LTD Alcon siding Soffit Trough Doors Windows Awnings ll lllllth ALCAN Ammiud dealer BARRIE 7265609 GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Soffit Eovestrough Windows Focio Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework For free estimate Col PIIIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business NORTHERN ALUMINUM Floating Sotï¬i FasCIo Siding Trough All colors Guor attood 72626Il972V69ql2 PAINSWICK ALUMINUM OWNER OPERATED PROTECT and BEAUTIFY your home with REYNOLDS ALUMINUM Siding SoffitFascia Eavestrough seamless FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP FREE ESTIMATES CALL 7269769 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorrod soles arid serVIce 18 Alliance Blvdy7r283392 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Sorv 17 Mary St 7255441 BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apply at Mnlrosa Ava GONG or telephone 7285283 CARPENTRT AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms THOVUIIOHS additions liroplocos grammeid 737 l507 CARPENTER Spoctalmng in rnc rooms in turIor remodelling trim etc Ploasl call oltor6p CABINET MAKER Europuon trainod Kit chons vanities Pinlurnituro renovations altrations Domestic Commorool 726 2948 LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes Need help pare meditators and nonme ditators on standard tests of vi sion hearing touch taste smell problemsolving hand eye coordination and creativ it 3It has nothing to do with re cent claims that advanced me ditators can learn to fly and be come invisible Milstein said These claims are being in vestigated elsewhere PRALTISED TM Some of the testing will be done at the societys headquar ters near Lake Luceme in SWIt zerland on groups of ex perienced meditators from the United States and Canada who were taught personally by the Maharishi The other tests will be carried out in Montreal on novice meditators and on about 350 nonmeditators Who will be paid $35 each for their trouble Although Milstein has prac tised TM himself for two years ALL THE HELP YOU NEED he said the study is designed to rule out bias by researchers lIe arranged to do the study while visiting the Maharishis institute in Switzerland last summer With PhD in experimental psychology from University of Manitoba Milstein has already done similar studies on the shortterm effects of marijuana on the senses thought and crea tivity Though many pot smokers believe the drug enhances creativity the study found that smoking marijuana actually impairs creativity as measured by standard writ ten test he said PROGRAM IIAS INTERVIEW CBCAM radios The Great Canadian Gold Rush program features an interview with singersongwriter Andre Gold on July 18 RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory CUSTOM FENCING Just look over the ads beIOw The advertisers listed are experts In their field and quI assure you of the lines iob pOSSIbIe IIANDTMAN RESDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood loncns Improve your property 737 1507 IMPROVE YOUR PROPERTY CHAIN LINK FENCING Galvanized and Vinyl Installed FREE ESTIMATES CALL 7287829 vv Vivr Hes fed up playing cards BIRMINGHAM England CPI Fed up with being paid £75 $135 week for playing cards Leyland worker Derek Plows quit the stateowned car firm and found another job where he really had to Work An industrial tribunal ruled Plows was entitled to redun dancy paymprobably amoun ting to more than 9400 S720tibecause his walkout was justifiable The tribunal said that since his bosses could not offer him any work they had virtually declared him redundant Ilows nonworking lays be gan last November when Lcy lands bodymaking plant here was reorganized He was moved from the night to the day shift his wages dropped and so did his output because Plous and some of his mates found they were surplus to requirement Ilows now is working for an engineering company PAINTING FREE Garages cleaned 4875525 or 72534 NOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING rooms Call ROSS 436368I after 630 pm References available trash hauled away Just give us your costoffs Telephone Kitchens rec Metro Pavement Markings Parking Lot Pointing Coll collect vv vï¬sflv ï¬vqwv7rwwwm the examiner Saturday July 301911 11 Iiliraole Food art PEN 10am to 6pm Civic Holiday Monday August 1977 BAYFIELD MALL 320 Bayfield St Barrie Ontario ALL OTHER TORONTO AREA MIRACLE FOOD MART STORES CLOSED CIVIC HOLIDAY VANILLA OR NEOPOLITAN RONTENAC MARY MILES WIENERS LB PKG MED MORE living space recroom extra bedroom ploy room laundry ollice storage space Also painting wollpapering Murray Boll 7288906 OJSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number tor all your needs 7288906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck painting chimneys waterproofing brick and stone caulking win dows and expansion ioints Work guaran teed 4589346 4162172 or 4162706829 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 ICE CREAM LITRE PAVING CONSTRUCTION HST raising loun TIFFIN FENCE C0 160 Bradford Street Barrie Quality chain link fence supplies at lower prices Do it yourself or we install For free estimates coll 7264131 DRESSMARING WESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AOUINO Specialixing in pantsuits gowns and altera E93 42 Eugoflio St Phone 7266m0 DRYWALL BILOTTA DNYWALL and taping residential aid commercial no job too big or small Telephone 4584233 EAVESIROUGIIING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGNING troughing installed Call 7286628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Roofing and rooting repairs Free estimates Call Martin Varstroten 4244956 New Lowill Eaves EAVESTEUGHING contractor and repairs Jock lot Fro ostimotas I7 BurtOn Ave Allandolo 7268657 after am ELECTRICAL GAMBLE PETER Electric Commercial Residential Industrial Installations and sor VICI 7264996 SIMCOE ELECTRIC lndustria Residential Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic I6 7288234 PARRY ELECTRICAL 0ndustrial Farm Commercial Forms Commercial Residential Electric Heat Dryers Ranges Roof Deicing QUALITY SINCE 1949 7283896 EXCAVATING cottagos Innovations repairs Satisfaction R03 BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage wgrantod and Construction 7267461 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc No Oh to Small 726127 CONSTRUCTION IICId carpontors for TIHOVOIIOHS additions homes cottages Freq Istimotos 4354995 GENERAL CARPENTRY work Additions garage rooms built In closet drywall hxturo spraying otc Fro SIIMOICS Phono CARPET CLEANINGM START YOUR spring loaning today Rowtoliro your carpet with corpot slaam loaning 7266321 SPECIAL 10 OFF LIMITED OFFER Broadloom rug Cleaning steam or shampoo Budget Household Services 73711 19 crumcs WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling ind repairs 726 6263 COMMERCIAL AiT COMMERCIAL ARTIST dong art work layout etc Place col oIIKt 416 soc263i CONCRETE RIANIERI PAVING Patios sidewalks steps curbs and garage floors Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 oNCRETE PATIOS siéwéiiii curbs tivoways and Moon Roosanobh Toto Fro Glimatos 445590 OISEm npttc systems trenching grout 436 ISSG 47376172577 wEsT GROVE CONSTRUCTION ï¬Backhoe Excav iTrenching wIlorizontal Augering 72789787733 FIREPLACES STONEWORK and fireplaces specialty Vic Watson lorfrugstimatos 7281599 FIREPLACES Custom built and dougnod Spociolizing In natural Stone and antique brick All workmanship guaranteed Potr Monstro 73728 FLOOR REFINISNING HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation ond reï¬nishing old and new guaranteed not to chip or pool Ir InstNor All floor wall mosaic tiles and vinyl asbestos loader work Work guaranteed year Precision Tile Company 7292197 IIANDYMAN OWindows cleaned General lawn care cleanup and fertilizing Garoges and basements cleaned Refuse removed °Trees and hedges trimmed and cut BARRIE 4364381 dations renovations additions Phone 4362955 or 4364175 after OJSTOM BUILDING House lilting Ioundo tions and basements additions and renova tions Fox Contracting 72617 PAVING NORTHERN CARPENTRV Docks rec roorris renovations extensions etc etc Guor flMZé7W°LTZPM PARKING LOTS $295£232i£ï¬féf232iéifm21ll CONCRETE WORK Blflï¬lfliflfliELitEiflï¬liéW ALL WORK GUARANTEED Well Do It Right FREE ESTIMATES Our Prices Wont Bite BARRIE 7370 19 COIGIRUCTION UNLIMITED Well Hang Door or MANIERI PAVING we Budd House Drivewoys Parking Lots For Free Estimates Tennis courts mConcrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Available Monday August 151 Only Available Monday August 151 Only 7371743 Mw Jy27 EXPERIENCEDAaRPENTERmAROnOvations iacking masonry and chimneys roofing Serving SimcoeCounty Estimates call 7269135 for 17 years INCOMEl PICTURE FRAMING INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bor rio area $5 up Dobson 4245910 alter Written Guarantee 7260081 Frozen Eviscerated Canada Utility Grade CAN UCK OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom maintenance Io scoping scolding Free estimates 7264536 REICHEN LANDSCAPING 219 REMEDY AVE PAINSWICR ONT Sodding lawn and garden maintenance Roto tilling Evergreens Cedar Hedges Fertilizing and Patio Repair FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 7265666 LANDSCAPING gardenin and true cutting Good rates Give us at 7261634 bet ween lnp and pm LAWN CARE ï¬wn FERTILIZING WEED spraying movving hedge and shrub trimmiing Also rough mowmg Vic Trromstro 7260427 Send wookgfldi Â¥W homing or all types We stock ma sixes Inflammation CHARCOAL RYING mum nutrients BRIQU ETS WORK and re irs drain and sewer Blowï¬gglItlgsqe9 Fibre ï¬vgéniwflgzï¬khmmï¬b02333 10 LB BAG FREE ESTIMATES Rioiiio INSTRUCTIONS IYVFS7 HORSEBACK RIDING and horsemanship uNDSCAPING English or Western Call 070 3211 Stf£ 52453 soonG LB MASONRY STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work Fireplaces spoaolty Frag estimate 705 4245158 IXCORATIVE MASONRY Fireplaces land scape enhancements Unistono Free 05 timotos Goollroy Sanguins 726 I665 MAINTENANCE CONSULTANT POWER CLEANING Lots lawns drives utc Big budding manogomonl services 7373SS62 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN Music for people who likle dance Good rates 7289545 PIANIST AVAILABLE ronsoomos RECEP TIONS DINNER PARTIES Call 7265213 altar 92 PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and docorotng ln tenor ulterior Work guaranteed Establlsh 5139 1190 739975 7769007 WAYNE FOLEY Prollnional patflIOIS Ex tenor and Interior Fro nshmuiu Work li9l 3673 WN SIESLING Pralossronal painting In torior oxtorior papal hanging custom work 913lt9P sweetM 7760809 PAINTING PAPER HANGING IpoIIOHCId Iroo ISIHTIGICI Jack Richardwn 726 2012 I7568874 Interior OI torior wallpoporing custom toxtuod walls chihngs Telephone 705 cos538710 EXTERIOR INTERIOR POinting Frno utlmato Also cutting trots Phano WW and Roofing New Asphalt shingles Repairs guaranteed quality Reasonable 416895 75incollect wANo ROOFING New and old Reports Free estimates 322 1897 alter pnl ROOFING AND Odd Jobs Free estimates Work guaranteed 424 0321 SEWING MACHINES SALES SERVICE SEWEASY C0 Sarvxe Specialists repairs all makes and house machines New In 1621 SNOWPLOWING PAULS SNOWPLOWING commotcrol reasonable rates mates all Paul 737 3064 MIGNTS SNOWPLOWING Small airliner Reasonable rates cial and residential Dependable 726 7757 RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY 7284392 TWOLIP 90 CB COMMERCIAL way radio Sales and Service SHOP ON PREMISES Dockside Electronics 53 Owen St at Worsley 728 7310 WELL DRILLING experience Angus 4245657 WELL DIGGING MAllA WELL DIGGING RR No Barrie Home Farm Cottage Concrete wall tiles Pump installations For Free Estimate CALL 7284634 anytime WINDOW CLEANING ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cleaning Apart mans Stores Houses Factories Reason able rotos Tulophono 7281914 mum work all Irom industrial used sales residential and Iraq ash Exterior Sluuo Interior textured walls and ceilings Free estimates Dale Russell Midhurst telephone Gilberts Water Well Drilling Farms homes ottogos Frog estimate 10 years 99 Smooth or Crunchy YORK Canada No1 Grade ONTARIO PEANUT BUTTER PEACHES 48 OZ JAR QUART BASKET 199 178 PRICES EFFECTIVE IN THE BARRIE AREA UNTIL AUGUST 1977 EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED OTHERWISE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES