By SUE ROLTLIFEE Examiner Staff Reporter SHANTY BAY Talking to Lou Kelly about homes he is selling for Tor Real Estate in 20lot sub ivision going up here wasnt easy on the first day of twoday open house Cars pulled into the small subdivision with regularity and is Rural life five minutes away for foufleve idesplit model They can be ught for as lit tle as $2500 do says Kelly If you hav good job well take the $2 and work out deal with good interest rates he said In some cases second mortgages could have to be taken out at interest rates of 11 per cent whil first mortgages Kelly while other features can be had for added cost finished fireplace adds $1000 to the price while double garage means an added cost of $1300 Each house has fourpiece bathroom and people can choose bathroom colors and kit chen cabinet styles when pur The idea was Kellys he says lot of people including lne dont like city living he said thought it would add to the advertising to appeal to people interested in smaller village like this Shanty Bay has the ad vantages of being small and yet He says there is deft te demand for housing in the ar Shanty Bay Heights is one of two subdivisions now under construction in the village proper An open house Saturday and Sunday was the first officially held in the subdivision says Kelly couples wandered throu the interest ratesa 1012 per cent chasing their homes says close to Barrie and provinClal two models just finishid by The models include Kelly highwayshe say$1 if basigï¬ Ylfjlle builders bungalows fourlevel back and The subdivision is located on K5 llvemlnutt drive to r13 fl Er Business is booming says sidesplits and twostorey Concession of Oro Township the City Barrie but when you be Yd0l335 11315 OCQuPdncy Kelly homes 200 feet fmm the village store come home at night youre 3le bee enlre 511b Weve already sold seven All have attached garages on and within walking distance of livingin the country gVSlOg sewed by houses to people who looked at halfacre lots roughedin public beaches and schools Shanty Bay is deSlrable ecem 9533s the two models and then chose the site they wanted he said Shanty Bay Heights offers five models to chmse from ranging in price from $46900 to $48900 the highest price going at v14 gamma scurry 1x xv in Ar fireplaces briCk and aluminum construction and choice of broadloom and bathroom colors says Kelly Patio door walkouts are available in some models says Advertising for the sub division being developed by Don Wallis of Barrie and his company Waltor Enterprises stressed the values of country living area to develop subdivisions says Kelly Its basically been an older community but its growing and this is familyoriented subdivision Were actually running ahead of schedule right now he said We had few curves thrown at us with materials not arriving on time but were doing well luvswam was 141 an no agtu¢ul¢urawraxnwsnncuswab1234nuisazxmmmmmmwwwmmmmrt Wuau wum the examiner Friday Julygnon 11 The cannonball bed handmade for genuine pine is the best selling item at SanNcl Pille ill Thornton Neil Chubb co owner of the furniture outlet explains the price range and wmm mmmnmhfl Amwwj available bed sizes to Judy Bruwell of Thornton The bed rw 31leWammz113asammslmwawwmfiluur 14 comes ill single double queen and king sizes in prices rang ing from $270 for the single to $495 for the king size Can nonball refers to the decorations on the ends of the bed posts aglhiuo amu Mu Garden notes will grow here Barrie Horticultural Society By JEAN GABLE if you are hoping to have some nice pansies 0r violas to set out next spring this would be the time to seed them Pansies are almost everyones flower Our climate is not all that may be desired for this flower but still we are able to grow them reasonable well most years Both pansies and violas belong to the violet genus Violas are smaller than pansies and come in solid colors more than pansies Both are among the prettiest flowers in any garden If you have cold frame the seeds may be sown in it now and left unmolested with mulch of straw on them until spr ing You need wellprepared soil that is rich in humus and friable If you do not have cold frame sow in flats and keep moist and shaded until plants develop Try to get the little seedlings established in bed or special spot in the garden before frost The cover them with mulch of straw for winter protec tion Be sure the land is well drained Pansies like moist cool weather That is no doubt why they thrive so well in England All the pansies knew in my childhood were grown in gardens of English immigrants who got their seed from some relatives back home Keep the flowers picked off and pinch back leggy growth Pansies and violas are perennials in warmer climates but in our parts they are treated as annuals There are several popular varieties of pansies but the Swiss Giants seem to head the list Their flowers are often four inches across Violas are more compact plant and are wonderful for edging boarders or for solid beds in spring Just remember neither pansies or violas like hot weather SOCIETY NEWS The tour to see Bing Crosby Saturday Aug 13 has been changed due to Bings inability to keep his engagement at OKeefes Instead the society will leave Barrie on Aug 13 at am and go to Stouffville to visit most interesting market and sales place At pm they will see Hello Dolly at OKeefes holding the same seats they had reserved for Bing Crosby Full details from hookers Barrie Fair comes up Aug 22 to 27 The horticultural con venor is Earle Kellough who is also Barrie Horticultural Society director Kellough presented report to the society board on July 20 that indicated he has not been receiving full cooperat loll from Barrie flower growers Apprarently he has received excellent cooperation from the fair board if has doubled the space for exhibits this year and conditions are ideal for exhibiting flowers So readers maybe you could help out here and get back in to exhibiting at Barrie Fair $3 membership would allow you to exhibit numerous things besides flowers Think it over and maybe give Kellough call at 7200689 After all it is the Barrie Fair and should be supported by Barrie peo pleas well as others am still hoping some people will welcome us on the tour of Barrie and area gardens on Aug 14 He would like gardens that people havent visited before Call me at 7284543 Speaking of gardens you might just glance at the garden at Bcrczy St which is aglow with daylilies and phlox just now It wont last long This garden has been horticultural spot for manyyears It is the home of Laura Young whose father was on the HHS board for years Lallra Young still lives there and Rand nephew does the gardening Another garden that has been kept up in spite of labor costs and so forth is that of the late Smith at 144 Maple Ave He was BHA secretary for 25 years then stepped up to president His two daughters Helen and Isabel McBride and Mrs McBridcs husband live there my favorite photo Hey hombre says threemonthold Janice Anne Evans from under sombrero too small even for her Her mother Deborah Evans of 91 Toronto St caught her in the act and wins this weeks Examiner photo mntest Her prize is roll of Kodacolor film and processing frm the Kamera Shop in Bayfield Mall Quarterly winners get 850 gift certificate from the same shop To enter send your favorite photo to My Favorite Photo The Examiner Box 370 Barrie Ont AM 4T6 Black and white photos or color shots with sharp Contrast are best for reproduction in The Examiner Popular pansies By STEVE ELLINGSON If youre water bug use wind power instead of gas power to get around Judging by the boom in sailboat sails lot of people have the same idea Theres just nothing like the flap of sails ill the breeze on hot summer day And if you want to save real money build one yourself with our easytofollow plan The sailboat pictured is 15 feet long It has beam of feet inches depth of 24 inches and weighs about 500pounds Generous fretboard and clean lines distinguish this sim ple welldesigned knock about Though its per bild it formance delights experts the craft is what that name implies safe stable sailboat for family fun on any water Anyone can build it for the joinery involved its straightfor ward carpentry Planking is ex terior type fir plywood which makes any boat easy to build and once built better boat The plan includes easyto understand directions and many illustrations showing the various steps plus complete list of required materials To obtain the casytofollow plan No 380 for building the 15 sailboat pictures send $300 Iadd cents extra per pattern Annual check of house can save repair bills WINDSOR Ont itl Making an annual check of the home can save Canadians thousands of dollars ill exten sivc repair bills says iordon Pastorius Windsors chief building inspector He said its time to take good hard look at all those mystery areas that often seem to fall apart without warning Older homes are vulnerable to deteriorating foundations he said If there urc cracks alld tllc homeowncr doesnt know just how serious the situation is he should find someone ill the building business who does Pastovius said llomcowncl shouldnt panic if he finds few structural faults but its al ways good to have them pointed out ln many cities building in spection departments will look at home anytime problem is suspected An area to check is the roof llc said Look to see if the wind has lifted shingles and the boar ds undcrncatll Also cllcck for any signs of rust that may develop for they can be potential hazards to the structure it also important to look at the chimney Youll want to look for mortar deterioration and at the chimney flashing Make immediate repairs if there is any sign of trouble for handling and mailingl by cheque or money order to The Barrie Examiner Pattern Department 4030 St Catherine Street West Montreal PQ HilZ 2W6 Pining for pine Thornton stare has plenty By JOHN BRYCE Exalniner Staff Reporter THORNTON Handmade pine furniture doenst have to cost an arm and leg anymore new pine furniture outlet SanNel Pine opened ill Thorn ton last month seliing genuine pine furniture including beds dressers end tables and refcc tory tables The business is operated by Sandra and Neil Chubb and the furniture is made in friends workshop in Toronto The Chubbs have set up showroom ill their home on Highway 27 where customers can see display models of the furniture and place orders Orders usually take from two to four weeks to fill Chubb said All of the furniture is made of pine he says and custolncrs can order either shellac or varithane finish Though the choice is up to the customer Chubb says if you have kids around you should have the varithane finish because it wont mark Varithane gives the fumiture highgloss finish which resists water marks and wipes clean with damp cloth he says With either the shellac or varithane finishes customers can have their furniture stained to give darker finish than the natural pine Besides furniture the hubbs also market coat racks candlestick holders highback chairs coffee mug trees and paper towel holders for the kit chen all made of genuine pine But the major sellillg point is price Chubb says he considers his furniture superior in quality to that sold in chain stores and his prices are at least $100 under the average selling price Example hubb says the cannonball bed is the main item he sells The bed comes in single double queen and king sizes with price tags ranging from $270 for the single to $495 for king size For those who want to cut their heating bills this winter the Chubbs sell woodburning stoves that they claim can heat room for 12 to 14 hours without refueling We had one in our family room last winter llubb says and we were very happy with the results And it was tile warmest room ill the house Mrs hubh adds The stove made of steel and lined with fire brick sells for $278 Chubb says tllc stoves were Sandra Chubb coowncr of SanNe Pine furniture store ill Thornton examines candlestick holder one of many handmade furniture pieces on sale at the store on Highway 27 Examiner Photo popular with greenhouse operators in the United States last winter ill areas hardhit by fuel shortages The heat output will surpass anything on the market he says Its real energy saver Later this summer the Chubbs plan to exhibit their furniture at fairs and agricultural shows ill the area hubb says he and Ross and Judy Burwcll owners of and Ceramics of Thornton have been working on portable building they plan to use to ex llibit their merchandise Were going to the steam show in ookstown Chubb says and rigllt now were Working on getting illto the Bar rie Fair The Chubbs showroom is open from pm to 6pm dur ing the week and from 10 am to pm weekends Apartment planned for Sanford Street fourstorey walkup which could add 21 apartments to Barries meagre supply of af fordable rental units is planned for Sanford Street but the proposal still faces few ob stacles Bob Birrell hopes to put the building on halfacre lot he owns on the south side of San ford between Brock and John Streets next to similar building which has been on the street for sometime The building would offer 15 twobedroom apartments and six onebedroom units Birrells first problem is an old garbage dump which oe cupied the site at one lllllt In order to build on the site he will have to excavate the trash and haul it to the citys current lan dfill site vent the property to allow gases to escape and have the building checked twice year for combust able gases in the basement He will also have to build culvert for creek crossing the property 26space parking lot will be built on top All this work especially the at work on the old dump which came as surprise will push the project to the edge of economic feasibility and as result Birrell has asked the city to dispense with its usual procedure of rezoning under site plan bylaw Under straight rezoning hich Birrell has requested development levies to pay MM Heres what proposed Sanford Street apartment will look like for services needed by added population the building will draw are only $600 per unit but under site plan the levies shoot up to $1 500 per unit Planning board approved the building this week but did not comment on the levies The issue will go to city council in September One hurdle Birrell appears to have passed successfully is public reaction The only ob jection to the proposal at this weeks public meeting on the issue cut little ice with planning board All lnnisfil Street couple argued that Birrell should not be allowed to enclose the water course because it will help create concrete jungle and interfere with the use of the stream by ducks City planning director Rick Bates told the board the creek is already enclosed down stream for greater distance than proposed by Birrell on his own property If not allowed to cover the creek Birrell would be restric ted to building two semi detached homes four dwelling unitst on his land