NEWSROOM Dave Henshaw managing editor Sean Finlay city editor Randy McDonald sports editor BUSINESS Marian cough accountant Betty Armer Dorothy Bowland Gail McFarland Vikki Grant ADVERTISING Len Sevick manager SALESMEN Dan Gaynor Lyatl Johnson Barb Boutton Dana Graham John Zarecky Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays Subscriptions WE EKLY by carrier 90cents YEARLY by carrier $4600 BY MAIL Barrie $4680 SIMCOE COUNTY $3650 MOTOt THROWOFF $39 year ELSEWHERE IN CANADA $3850 year The Examiner is membeert The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau at Circula tions ABC only The Canadian Press may republish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The Examiner The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original newsand advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number 2038B register at te Wednesday July 1817 Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Baytield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 examiner serving barrio and slmcoe county Bill Curran county editor 8ill McFarlane wire editor Roll Kraiker photographer POR TE RS John Bruce Paul Deleon Richard Dunstan Pat Guergis Scott Haskins Sheila McGovern Sur Routlitle CIRCULATION Jon Butler manager David Jenkins asst manager Stew Royce Judy Hickey Alva LaPtante Elaine Porter Marg Scarit CLASSIFIED Ruth Blais supervisor Lesley Young Freda Shinner Karen Atkinson PegGV Chapcll National advertising ottices 65 Queen St Toronto sumo 640 Cathcart St Montreal The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages arising out at errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space actually occupied by that portion oi the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error is due to the negligence oi its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability tor none insertion at any advertisement beyond the amount paid tor such advertisement Ello Agostinipublisher aovmismo 7260537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIQCUMTION 7266539 BUSINESS 7266537 sa s¢ Ottawa must lead inflation tight Renewed demands for major initiatives to fight high inflation at Ottawa is hardly surprising in View of the latest cost of living index figures released by Statistics Canada The latter showed the inflation rate is now 78 per cent the highest since June 1976 And what has been pomted out many times increased government tax spending which has added to costs of business and industry as well as Canadians generally is major factor Not only federally but at all levels of government there is pressing need to face the slipping ec0nomy with realistic approach This can only mean cutting back on unnecessary and often wasteful spending of tax aners money and help to reduce operating costs for usiness and industry to stimulate the economy The trend of the past decade in which the federal government has more than tripled its tax spending can not continue indefinitel without serious economic reper cussions Indeed some elieve this is largely responsible for the present situation with its widespread unemploy ment and higher prices The provincial government and other administrations also have to cooperate for an effective program Member of Parliament for GreySimcoe Gus Mttges called attention to Canadas slipping trade position in recent report from Parliament Hill He said that Canadas estimated trade deficit for 1977 will exceed last years $10 billion The main reason for this is that we have become Queens park at Low tender passed up By DON OIIEARN Quecns Park Hurcnu Thomson Ncws Servici TORONTO Did we takc plunge without even looking let alone testing the water Few recent incidents hcrc have caused the rumpus that the governments decision to award the new street car contract to Hawkcr Sidder of Canada has done Hawker had been underbid by $2 million on the contract by MLWBombnrdicr of Mon treal but nevertheless the government through Transportation Minister James Snow gavc orders that the contract was to go to Hawker STOUT PAT The commotion was bred by the fact that this was establishing new policy for Ont ario it has been the government policy here at least in rcccnt memory not to engage in pr0 vincial favoritism but to follow strictly low bid principle whcrc Canadian industries were involved From time to time there has been prcssurc for provincial prcfcrcnce This has been particularly strong in the past decade or so since Quebec quite flatly en gaged in such policy awn The rule applied there was that Quebec in high COSt country the member pomted OUt Thls has dustry had 10 per cent cushion So long as it made it almost impossible for us to compete with the was within topercentofthtiowhitiit got the United States and other countries Cmhfcj Furthermore the federal governments def1c1t g03fnflgs iï¬cfliï¬mzm the spending for this fiscal year 197778 has been estimated T0 at $57 billion $12 billion higher than 135 years It had onc strong practical rcason for this deficit As the countrys largest supplier of Mitges Says that the three levels of government Siliiiiï¬Fiiiiisgéi tiffLL liiifeélui canada presently take up alm0t 48 per cent Of the try excited tmd brccd rcscntmcnl against 011 earnings of the Canadian population lario To set the required example in economic leadership Mï¬igwtstwggtoianmlrtam ur momeu Ill the federal government Should not only continue Its wage national selfconsriousnch Mr Snow breaks and price control program at least until the economy set with his new Wm tles but also start program to prune out unnecessary And against Quehet mm tax spending to get back to sound financmg He had good arguments The prime one of coursc was unem ploymcnt and the fact that thc Hawker con tract would providc Thunder Bay with 750 manyears of work Also gcncrnlly ignored in the reporting of the cont rovtlsy was that in relation to the total contract of S40million the $2 million dif lerencc was much less than the Quebec letters to the editor EXFm But these are pcrilous times in our WE Canadian human relations And the allegatiqn that this action would the ke tstressin econom Why dont they provide Qucbcc po iticians and media with esp thgir promisgs Pleaseysign me RDDLE the cage 00 small or are me brds 00 bg grounds for bitter complaint quitc probably JUST TAXPAYER will provc true Dear Sir Which mcans that while you can un Although the fashion trend today may seem dcrstand thc governmcnt making its move he g0lhg in that direCUOhv the PrediCtiOH you have to regrcl that it had to see fit to that nudity will be general on Barrie beaches make it within five years does not bind everyone in Dear Sir that agreement Big brother is growing Celtaihly mother bathing alhle Pretty The latest is that assinine report of CBC Pgrllamenf SkmPY but theld3a or no bathing 511115 39 bias Imagine saying that all broadcost jour ï¬edat Barrie 15 heyghd thg imagldhahgil nalists or any other journalists for the mat 95 course We ahge C0hS era ter are biased to the oint of subbver ï¬t over the years sometimes so revolutionary siveness ie against natignal unity arm fashionwisel that many found them difficult wonder where Trudeau gets off saying story to accept that report shows that all broadcast jour It Was baCk In the SOCEIHEd Roanng TWEn nalists are separatists because thev have fail By STEWART MaclEl certain terms reminds Trudeau that in any arrangement between an independent ties that bathing suits started to get skimpier ed to work Or national unity Ottawa Bureau language rights are provincial rcsponsi Quebec and the rest of Canada The protests were so strong in some places Are we to assume that all news people are Thomson News Service bility And to prove his point he advances One of the most basic of all things is the there were bylaws passed which made it il cemmunists becausethey do not actively con There are obviously some fairly deep proposal to other premiers without even sen respect for each others identity and that re ï¬t 1983 t0 appear bathing beaCheS°r demn communism political motives behind Premier Rene dinga copy of his letter to Ottawa quires equitable treatment of minorities on elsewhere in publicunless the My was Or that all are fascists because they did not Levesques proposal for agreements of Standing on the sidelines the prime both sides Covered from neck t0 knife There were Slm actively try to overthrow the dictatorship of reciprocity with the nine other provinces 0n minister advised the premiers to rcjcct the Cmsidering how inflexible his government coe County municipalities which enforced Franco minority language rights Levesquc proposal He said he told all has appeared during the current language such local regulations To my mind the Canadian Radiotelevision Perhaps he is diverting attention from his premiers in January that if they were in debate in the province the timing seems to As late as 1935 there were prosecutionsor and Teeoommuntcanons Commission report own controversial language bill perhaps he terested in the fate of Frenchspeaking suggest some sort of motivation Until now should it be termed persecutionsjunder such was witch hum that win in itself do nothing is trying to demonstrate to Quebec votersjust minorities in other provinces and the fate of there hasnt been the slightest suggestion bylaws The courts of thetime didnt always topmmote national unity how reasonable and moderate he can bc Englishspeaking minorities in Quebec the that his language issue involved anything but 1808 BOWWV Seem total seriousa View Of the chance as Federal appointees who made the report perhaps he just wants to establish the prac federal government had the answer It was the preservation of French culture in Quebec Cél Edrnomon are wo of Canadas some of the aroused moralists and where do we supposctheir loyalties lay tice of direct negotiations with the other to recognize these rights and entrench them There is something else to consider More mo tgdry an ms and rages row cities Anyway there was suspended sentence in It is possible that there were some in provinces so economic discussions could to in the constitution It was not to bargain over than 80 per cent of Frenchspeaking th Wusfmrdc idvd utmg CpRgthmu one Such Case and Widespread demand or stances of bias in the Radio Canada end ofthe low Perhaps its combination of these the heads ofthc kids in school Canadians outside Quebec live in Ontario 18 His Evert gsgimigls who believgd repeal of the bylaw followed That was in operation but why should the entire outfit be things Clearly some kind of bargaining is going New Brunswick and Manitoba and these ma ag ï¬nighodanhou it had Orilha tarred with the same brush But the one indisputable result is that the on three provinces already have laws toguaran bean m9 mini furhadin osgt before Styleshave changed wrth progress Since Yourstrnly ebec premier has raised the hackles of Until now the Ievesqu€ government has tee Frenchlanguage Schooling And fair Ca that mainly horse and buggyera There are Nixon me Minister Trudeau The prime not displayed any inhcrcnt interest in French number of French schools are availablein the did la behind Ca ar after the not likely many people llVlng may Who Barrie minister as you know has proposed con schooling outside Quebecin fact his remaining provinces in Cpï¬ but agnex lease on believe the 01d fashions were preferable stitutional change to guarantee language ministers have repeatedly made it clear that So why would Ontario Manitoba and New 11th n2 Ed to They were 1955 attFaCtlve and 90U1dh h1P rights to minorities and he even hinted that the province cant be expected to do anything Brunswick want to waste time negotiating fmel 1330 Enchwgseor 2ng ringwork but be an inconvenience for sw1mmers With his government may act unilaterally after for French minorities in other provinces But something that already exists Or should we Edy mtg bem Cog leiedon Jul 27 all that additional weight seeking mandate from the people of now for his own reasons lcvcsquc wants to be expected to believe that the Leves ue 192 guicingltermgnal Pas alsuathgona During hO summer daysv 000 wear Canada bargain with these provinces on educational government has merely developed sud en hr grvcr from deomon The understandable but nudity would be allowmg It was beginning to look like the formation rights for minorities interest in the educational rights of French acrglsguon sf Edmomon was £00 at that me mUCh Dear Sir or eleChOhlssue And he says the protection of minority speaking Albertans or British Columbians poghe mp bemeen the Cities took 12 LT égggglyé have been away from Barrie for our Then along comes Levesque who in no un language rights would be basrc ingredient No there must be other reasons hours Trains left Calgary on Mondays and years and it was nice when returned to see Thursdays and made return trips the some improvements followingvdays doThose people wlLol tgought waging trees Thedcittizens ofI Edmonjto titscireuidisap wntown W35380 93 were It ointc attie rai way on ra cona Dear Sir There are many towns and cities in Ontario End again there were pessimists who believed am writing to ask what is the point of con that have dun 1955 Core areas but thanks the city would be completely overshadowed tinuing wage and price controls if higt othe treesthBarrif is not ï¬nebe them in bylitztsneighbor actrosslthtc réverih rankin CM servants man of who ew years ose recs w1 even more 00 quite USs se Vice ex alreadygarc vastly overpaid andymembers beautiful and give even more beauty to the tended into Edmonton in 1902 The Edmonton our legislature are giving themselves healthy centre huhe fltY Yukon and Pacific Hallway had been C0n pay raises hAnotherttgiengt that lainuglitt $1 eye was the ztgltftecl and 815 supposed to link With the While we agree with your editorials and anges fhhla sure was LEONARDN somewhat cdamlic ven is enu is Pierre Trudeau has find an issue There 30mg gary OtherS that the COHUOS ShOUId he maintain Wpular durhglhe heat wave City com on caught on 310 horns of1 dilenalt ghufhc one isnt one around rightuhow worthy of calling Strathchla med to Stop the connecuon and ed until the econOmic situation levels off and 01 Fahy Id something 800 for the City When Schlepper said as bumped into my hand the Gallup Poll has placed him and the an election over He has to be careful ifhe at 59 aP°hC€m arms the workmen Who inflation is actually controlled but how does It Wmlalong With bUIldmglt friend on street corner the other day Liberal party in most enviable situation tempts to manufacture one as Bill Davis did were Stanng the 00353 SwtCh The the government logically expect ordinary was 1C9 10 see that Shhe 0f the husheSS Youre just the person Ive been looking As the Poll indicates if an election were in ntarioyou know what happened tohim they ran CPR locomome that pomt and people to abide by their controls when allow P9091 10th have refinished the outSIdeS for held tomorrow the odds are that the Liberals Consequently if dont miss my guess kept It the d3 ing their own civil servants healthy raises theirsmms Some Of them 100k really heal Schlepper looked at me warily as he would win by an overwhelming majoritv and Trudeau is going to play it by the seat of his HOWeVCr the Sumnmendenh the con The 2000 public service executives who Sincetelyt replied know dont oweyou any money probably capture number of Western pants Strumf gang had me 0w Sleeve receive from $30000 to $60000 annually CWghl and did return the book borrowed from you Seats toboot What do you mean by that asked ap ewaed um late the afternoon When the wouldnt suffer at all by remaining at this thEStOh last year so whats allthe sudden enthusiasm On the other hand Schlepper continjcd propriately am from calgary amved The locomolwe level for at leasta whilelonger about meeting mean the street Trudeau has had the good sense to state Well replied Schlepper things arent blocmng the work had to be goved then and read where the $2400 pay hike includes As readers of this column know my friend publically that he will not call an election on going to et any better for Joe Clark Rightly the Edmonton workmen ms ed to the 5pm 550 belie fringe beneï¬ts WhiCh Sh leaVes Schlepper is not the easiest rson in the that ground alone As matter of fact he has or wrong he has had it and pm the swmh they needed an actual mcreaseof $2250 world to get along With Besi es Schlepper stated quite emphatically that calling an Evan John Dieienbaker feels may for Then another news item tells of members of exudes about as much warmth of heart as an the legislature voting themselves another $2400 raise immediately with provision for further $2400 in October We dont remember reading anything about these raises during the recent election cam£aign In fact we recall rea ng where some of the candidates who were elected opposed the pro posed $4 an hour minimum wage as infla tionary Why cant our representatives at least be consistent During the election campaign Dear Sir wish to thank Paul Delean for his ex cellent article on the Quebec exchange pro gram It was interesting different and had lot of flair and imagination congratulate you on your interest in education and your help in making this an nual event success Yours truly Marcelle Downs Eskimo in January Schlepper you old rascal went on let ting his cynicism go unnoticed wanted to get your views regarding the possibility of ederal election You seem to have an un canny ability to know what lies around the corner for us politically Schlepper could not help smiling broadl at my recognition of his politicallyoriented pro phesying skills The way see it he responded in election just because he thinks that he would wm would make him out to be an opportunist and this would not be politically appropriate Then you feel that there wont be fall election interjected didnt say that scowled Schlepper and wish youd keep your mouth shut while in trying to teach you something Sorry Schlepper said apologetically wont sa another rd un oure through Then pay attention retorted Schlepper him and Diefenbaker was Wagner sup porter at the Conservative nominations So all that Pierre has to do is to sit tight wait for big enough fish to come by and when that happens hes going to say this is the issue Ive been waiting for Well then Schlepper replied ex asperatedly is there or is there not going to be fall election leave you with his final though on the subject replied Schlepper now that sum mers here can fall be far behind bible thought Thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity therefore God even thy God hath anointéd thee with the oil of gladness above th fellows Hebrews 19 The Word says As was He so are we in the World Once again God is looking for channels through which to bring in His ll program of power and peace Olla xueIIot