20 the examiner Wednesday July 197 ataganoe The car is i9i5 Model Ford and it was one of several vitage antique and classic cars shown recently at Simcoe County Museum by the Huronia Antique Car Club Stepping out of the Tin Lizzie is owner Bob Shaw of Toronto Others exhibiting at the show included Simcoe East MPI Gordon Smith Examiner Photo Eyeful reflected in truckers sunglasses is Road Boss tractor and trailer major factor in 25 per cent increase in heavyduty truck sales forecast by White Motor Corp Cuddlesome Cubs with acress Barbara Carrera may not be everyones idea of ideal pets particularly when they grow up to be black leopards They were part of an exotic animal contingent for the movie The Island of Dr Moreau in which Barbara costars with Burt Lancaster and Michael York The doctor says Her obesity is serious Ily TIIOSIESON Ml Dear Dr Thosteson am 5yearold Woman At present weigh 265 pounds and am feel inchts tall have had weight problem since age fire or six have had thyroid tests made and they come out nor mal cant tell you how much weight Ive lost and regained It seems am powerless over it have even failed on the Weight Watchers program and that is such sensible and well balanced diet have the best intentions when start but af ter two or three weeks lose my willpower and dont care anymore Sometimes food cravings are so strong sit and cry and wish could sleep all the time so wouldnt have to suffer the mental anguish want some information on the bypass operation Do you still have to count calories after such an operation Ms 80 Your obesity is serious Your letter which printed only in part has tragic over tones so typical of mail receive throughout the year The tragedy is not only psy chological but physical You are probably aware that your obesity is endangering your health You should therefore be under physicians care and specifically for your obesity Has doetor ever told you poiiitblank you had better lose that execss weight Well Im telling you now have seen smokers with heavy lifetime habits give up the weed over night when doctor has looked them in the eye and told them it was either quit or die Your glands are apparently functioning normally and from your letter you indicate you have been able to lose weight through dieting could be wrong but based on those two facts Notify physician Would agree to the intestinal surgery you speak about So we come full circle back as we so often must in such cases to willpower You have to have fixed goal It took some courage for you to write to me about your problem so dont consider you failed cause Analyse the reasons for your falling foff the wagon Are there social or domestic fac tors There are other groups that operate on an AICoholies Anonymous basis Perhaps this is what you need At 35 you are in the prime of life if not in the prime of physi cal condition Your motivation should be high Are you reli gious persm If so use prayer to help you over troublesome periods These are just some extraneous thoughts you might mull over and they are di rected to those others who write me these tragic letters final thought The smoker who jokes that quitting is easy Ive done it hundred times is speaking great truth But remember also that each time someone quits there is always the possibin that this tinieitwillstick Dear Dr Tliosteson am 20 years old and have habit of pulling out pieces of my hair when am nervous or frus trated It has become so bad acutally have some bald spots What should do Should go to my family doctor Do you know what causes this habit VIT It is just terrible habit Break it You might discuss this with your family doctor but doctors have little success in stopping bad habits lie may refer you to some psychiatric help This is seen often in young girls who usually outgrow the habit You should have done so by now BRIDGE Oswald and Jim Jacoby New lead sets this NT NORTH 27 514 V83 QKJ10753 KIOB WEST A97532 VAQJ 082 963 EAST 10 94 4f SOUTH Di ti NorthSouth vulnerable South Pass West North East Pass LINT Pass Pass Opening lead 7A By Oswald it James Jargbï¬yï¬r What do you lead from the West hand against Souths threenotrump contract If you know what East holds you can lead the queen of hearts continue with the ace and jack and collect six quick tricks If you havent had that look at the East hand you are likely to open spade If you make the normal lead of the three spot your partner will either play the queen tan advanced playi or the ace followed by the queen ta normal play In the first case deelarer will rattle off 11 tricks in the second case he will make 12 Either way you will be most unhappy about the whole thing If you are playing that you lead second best tnot fourth best from long suit not headed by one of the four top honors you will open the seven Your partner will win with the ace note the fall of the eight from declarer study the hand while see that you have undoubtedly led the top of nothing or second best of nothing shift to the four of hearts and wind up with the same six defensive tricks heart lead from your hand would have produced whine vs Mississippi reader wants to know if we could list the play of all 13 tricks in each hand in our column We Wish we could but space limitations make it lmpOSSl ble to do so We also find that most readers enjoy working the play out daily crossword AStIOG Ia Bernice Bede Osol Wooti Birthday Friends in position to help move things your way where your work or career is concern ed this coming year You must be willing to take the initiative and followup on their leads LEO July 23May 22 Theres possibility you may tackle do ityourself project around home that gets you in water over your head Best you call in professionals VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Im pulses to get mixed up in risky ventures should be kept in check today If you fail on your face regrets will be longlasting LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Youre generous with those you love to day but you attach conditions to your gifts If the recipients wont agree to comply youll withdraw your offer SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Act in acc0rd with your impulses and intuitions today The longer you mull things over the more youre likely to travel in circle SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Doc 21 An opportunity may be offered to you today in con fidence To reveal its nature would be like sawing oft the limb y0ure sitting on STUDENTS SPECIAL Typewriter repairs clean oil and adjust from only $1100 Free estimates Call us now at Whitfield Winthrop WHAT le7 THE MARTIAN SAYTO THE Bugs Bunny SEE AerHiN YA LIFE WAKNED ON LEASH 477 BC DRUNK AGAINEH THEREs THE mLiCEMAN WHO THESE me My TO KEEP WOVEfZ OFFICE OUTFITTERS 7370201 ILL TAKE 79A MADE GOOD ME YESTER Io CONGRESSIONAL CAFETERIA CAPRICORN Doc 22Jon 19 Though you are quite ingenious today timing is allimportant if you try to implement plans prematurely theyll fizzle AQUARIUS Jon 20Fob 19 Youre an expert at getting your foot in the door today but then what Have your game plan worked out before you ring the doorbell PISCES Fob 20erch 20 Its not wise today to become in debted to people you dont know well They could be the salt of the earth or the opposite ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Something unusual will happen from which you could profit to day However another may in BARRIE PLAZA lT MAY NOT 66 Amp Eur iTs FUNCTIONAL HOW CAN YOU 6TAND THEKE AND GRiN THAT SlLLY GRIN DONT WANT terlore in an attempt to block you TAURUS April 20May 20 it you have coworkers on pro iect dont attempt to make changes without advising them An affront like that would be very irritating GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Youre industrious today but only up to point It results don come quickly enough youl probably set aside what youre doing CANCER Juno 21July 22 Avoid being overly attentive to person one youre fond of doesnt like Your actions may seem to be like slap in the face to him ©1977by WarneBios in not us en mi ACROSS 38 Uruguay river Answer to Prevrous Puzzle 40 Belonging to Q3 5g aunt the thing Asia Minor 41 Same ef CO 389 Dr 03 duSï¬ FOUND Husk of wheat 45 Shem 12 49 A9 SSIAN LETTER so if 13 Small quantity Sï¬irï¬anve 14 51 Cremation fire IN 52 Sown fr 15 We 59 53 Greek loner 717 16 George Gersh THA E6 wins brother Island Of 17 Greek cupid ms 18 Excitation of Cfh Born Loser spirit WC 19 Electrified par 37 Finds lacking 20 Bails 57 Performs ticle 38 Greek letter PUTTIMb BJespny 20 Slighting 39 Cut off 23 Smooth DOWN 22 lidkaers mad 41 322 epic FERHHZER muéTletilZDEqu 26 rtsrss Nixon pal g3 Hows 42 Annoying one 30 Am Rebozo as 43 Animal waste TOMATOE ARE 31 gloeniangf giggglgébe 25 Inside Len chemical DELICIOUQI mean Inclined Doc 26 Mu5ical The race isnt always just to the swift sometimes just finishing at all is accomplishment 32 imagine Fool ending wakway enough Particularly in craft of the class that took to the water for the regatta at Boca 33 powwul Mild expleme 27 Capital of 45 Dainty iega iiiin School St Petersburg Fla Paper boats created as class assignments were explosive Arab garment Peru Flle Well tried out by instructors David Ilaile left and Robert rlopp with the result below abbr Scarab 28 Honk 47 indie tribe ii 34 Offers Extraordinary 29 Arizona city 48 Room in home 35 Pops wife 10 Affirm 31 Little pieces 36 Openings Stack role 34 Reduce 50 Over poetic 91 WATCH lT LAss EB MARRIED NOTICE TURNS BACK WHEN OPENS us MLLET Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 As we were saying sometimes the trick is just staying afloat The winner still dry and moving sort of is Robert Orlopp