Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jul 1977, p. 10

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MA MN4 1o the examiner Tuesday July as 1971 AYLMHR Ont CP On tario Milk Marketing Board regulations designed to im prove the handling of milk will put hundreds of Amish dairy farmers out of the milk business unless the farmers change from their traditional hand milking and use clecl rical machines The Amish or oldorder Men nonitcs resist mechanical methods llalid milking and dairy herds are an integral part of their existence The regulations would require all farmers to enliven to hulk coolers from milk cans lor shipping just cant imagine Men nonite farm without dairy cows said ephas Kauffman of the local Amish community WWWWT Dry raft race cspite warnings of police crackdowu on drinking par ticipants in tlie lxtli annual World liampionsliip Sourdough Raft Race Sunday iii Edmonton brought their which along about 20 miles southcasl of london Ont Its part of our way of life The Aylmer Amish consist of 26 families They Work their farms with horses and have no electricity SEEK SOLUTION leaders of the Amish com munity are trying to find solution before Oct 31 the last day for shipping industrial grade milk in cans The 123 Mennonites from Aylmer Mount Elgiii Tavistock Mor nington Wellesley Norwich and Thesley who signed petition opposing the regulations were rebuffed in their latest appeal this month to the Milk Commission of tario Child Welfare Act changes planned TORONTO CPI Keith Norton Ontario minister of community and social services said Monday there will be changes in the Child Welfare Act following the inquest into the death of montltold Vicky Ellis Norton said in statement that he agreed with the jurys recommendation that child care workers be allowed to see all records involved in case that judges be allowed to ac cept evidence of previous child abuse within family and they be allowed to order psychiatric assessment of parents involved in child abuse cases He said there will be changes in the act this fall and that he plans to talk with Attorney General Ito lcllurtry about those recommendations that pert ain to the legal system The disastrous history ol the Ellis lamily has disturbed us all Norton said We are dis tressed too by the seeming in ability ol the system to have cf fcctively aided Deborah and Brooks Ellis and their chil dren The iur listened to five weeks of testimony alid deliber ated tor to hours before deter mining the cause ol death alid compiling lo recommciidalions to be considered by government departments alid social service agencies It found that Vick Ileis put into her parcuts care by the family couit three weeks before her death last March died of natural causes But the cited improper feeding by her par ent and possible errors in judg ment by social workers as con lributing factors Vicky was the third child of Deborah lillis 29 to the under unusual Circumstances lwo rfZ°ZI BARRIE 7265400 surviving children are wards ol the Court The Ellis first follr childen were found to be suffer ing from neglect Norton said he rejected the idea of Compulsory sterilization saying it runs counter to general human rights principles 3XXKi3 and suffered the consequences At least six of the till rafts entered in the race weie stopped along the fourmile route police spokesman said sei en people wei charged with it legal possession of liquor Photo Amish try to find solution in ruling on milk production In decision received Mon day by the Mennonite central committee in Kitchener nt the commission said it could not make an exemption for the Mennonites or Amish The Com mission urged the Amish to go into cream product ion as way to retain their income and her ds lhey ve considered that aiid the Amish feel cream produc tion is not viable for them said Ray Schlegel of the central committee Although cream production carries government subsidy many Mennonites refuse gov ernment money whether it is pensions famin allowances or milk subsidies PROIOSIC OH COOLER The Amish had proposed tak ing their milk to central bulk lindys Bargain Centre Soft Ice Cream Cones 15 cooler but the idea was re jected Haynes Davies of the milk marketing board said the board is concerned that milk quality would deteriorate during the transportation period to the central cooler If we cant make the milk standards then we dont expect to ship milk but were asking for the chance to try said Am ish spokesman Elmo Stoll The Amish have taken their case to Ontario ombudsman Al thur Maloney but it is not known how long the investiga tion will take Ontario Agriculture Minister William Newman said Monday he has compassion for those who will find the new regu lations hardship but he could not see solution to the Amish problem OK given Act overhaul metric conversion Earlierthanexpected break for MP5 OTTAWA CP The Com mons sped through two con ersial bills Monday to an earlierlhauexpccted mid summer lioliday giving final approval to an overhaul of the Immigration Act and metric conversion bill Passage of the two bills al lows MPs to break until Aug when they will have twoday debate on plans for natural gas pi line from the Arctic After at debate they will ad journ again until Oct 17 The immigration bill which represents the first major changes to the Immigration Act since 1952 was approved by vote of 115 to eight with Libel als Progressive Conservatives and one Social Credit MP in fa vor and New Dem0cléitic Party MPs and twa Liberals Serge Joyal Maisonneuvellosemoa and Louis Duclos Montiiio ren cy opposed Standings iii the 264seat Commons Liberals 142 Con servatives 95 NDl 16 Social Credit 10 and one independent One seat is vacant The swift approval of the im migration bill which provides touglier security and amiual government immigration tar gets was not expected The Opposition had fougit the bill hard in committee Also unexpected was the gov ernments retreat on the met ric conversion bill Len Marchaiid minister responsible for the bill told the House the govern ment was backing down on provision which would have for ced western grain producers to use the metric hectare instead of acres as their unit of land measurement OPPOSIII PROPOSAL The original proposal had been posed bitterly by fann ers an western MP5 The govcnimeiit had been committed to passage of both bills bchre summer adjourn ment and debate was expected to continue into August Immigration Minister Bud Cullen said he was pleased at the passage of the immigration billwhich he termed model piece of legislation But NDP critic Andrew Brewin said some provisions were poten tially dangerous and could work against legitimate refugees Jake Epp Conservative im migration critie praised the principal of annual im migration targets Before the legislation was ap proved the Liberal majority defeated an NDP motion to set the bill aside for six months During the session which be gan Oct 12 the overnment managed to pus 42 bills through both Houses of Parlia ment Anot her four require Only Senate approval and royal as sent to become law Most of the bills are consid ered minor with only three re arded as very important by th government and opposi tion One requires workers to stay on the job longer to become eli gible for unemployment insur ance Another tightens controls on firearms and toriscns con trols on policerwirctaps The third is the Immigration Act re vision Other new laws considered moderately important ratify the controversial agreement between James Bay natives and the Quebec government and clarify antidiscrimination laws Bills tightening anti monopoly legislation and clam ping down on unscrupulous len ding practices were withdrawn after stiff opposition from the financial community Of total of 64 bills in troduced five are in various stages of debate and 11 have yet tobedebated Among bills which received royal assent are measures to provide farmers with advance payments for crops to im le ment provisions of the Marc 31 budget to Consolidate laws dealing with diplomats to mod ify review of pension decisions and convert grain measurement from bushels to metric tonnes Other bills passed into law cut tariffs on some goods add members from the northern territories to the national Fiberglass Concrete Vlnyl Liner Pools Kits All Shapes and Slzu Never needs paintth historic sites board tighten penalties for fish poachers reorganize pantgiving coun cils and eliminate double taxation for Canadians dealing in certain foreign countries Others revise spouses pen sions increase fines to automo bile makers who fail to notify the ublic of defects modify fisca arrangements with the provinces increase ceiling on government loans to small busi nesses make more money available to insure pa ment for Canadian exports an increase the number of jud es Bills amending eAcronaut ics Act and modifying Air Can adas corporate structurc were bogged down at advanced sta es and will be reintroduced int autumn DEBATED BRIEFLY Bills tightening government regulation of transportation and saving from elimination under redistribution were debated only briefly Some of the bills that were not debated would have made an amended version of Can ada the official national an them made Heritage Day in February national holiday and brought regulation of broadcasting and tele communications under tighter government control The Commons passed num ber of private members bills most of them changing the names of ridings on the new electoral map which comes into effect with the next election Others deal with solar energy and the counterfeit of rare coins Call John Campbell BARBIE 7280492 Ridge Road Shanty Bay Liberal MP Keith Penners Thunder Bay riding gSXA Super Summer Special Our most popular Springbok cartop with wide beam good dep th lb weight and ability to handle rough water with cars or motor Perfect first of Canadian fishermen or cottagers with children and small motors hp to maximum 12 hp $415 SPORT HAVEN MARINE Shanty Bay ltd Mile East of Barrie Cigarettes 74 Laundromat FREE SOAP Arcade Dry Cleaning 70 Off ANNE AND DUNLOP STS ll AM ll RM DAYSA WEEK llItiffs DELUXE Johnson Portable The 99 SeaHorse is the portable out board champ in features and value Fishermen will appreciate conveniences like balanced carrying handle ad iustable CoPilot steering shallow water drive and programmed tilt and tilt lock All these features and more fo only 1121111111111 boat Sea Sprite is favorite with thousands Phone 7261001 iiiIiiIii12112721111111111111111111Iiiiiiiiiiii 11 1111111213 Renovate Toboggan runs Extend community park El Construct sewage facilities The community nan El Atourist Info booth Cl Improve water supply for isolated communities Church El Bird feeders Clear land for recreation El Microfilm official records An historical building Log playground equipment El Cut right of way to Produce historical An old school into CIA bicycle trail community facility photostudy of community facility Organize Cl Provide social centre the community nursery Smomh obile fa Organize energy It Develop native handicrafts Make 0m my band conservationworkshops DTeach craft skills to DConvert eXlstlng budding former inmates Dar rec 93 Centre into community centre Cl hiking trail handicraft centre courage pamclpaton 0f Ski trail community info centre Upgrade accesstrails women in community playground big brotherSister drive Cl Fence community faculties actIVIties and life softball field winter carnival DSet up recreation program DTranscrlbe documentation El slide show museum aggltriihmugigfge El int illfamef ht ns ire lg ing aa ities logging tracktrail 2233123323329 Clean up apark or cemetery in isolated communities Bufld phonein distress centre Help handicapped children Develop community coon bait house Cl Plant trees tourist attractions bridge Help the aged or Remove dead trees 13 Provide roadside facilities Tourist facilities handlcapped with Paint community buildings for tourists nnk Housekeeping Produce show for Provide gardening services El Locker rooms for the rink Cl Transportation service CommpntYTV for elderly and Seats for the rink Meals El Mark historicatSItes disadvantaged Benches for park House repairs DTree preservation Create local museum retainingwan Social activities Ct Research enVironmental El Develop and implement Bleachers Snow removal problems system of weed control in community slipway El Free theatre PUt play Vers and lakes community wnanc Shopping service It Develop solar energy El Create community lawn community ha Moving services El Research community history bowling green Fences Counselling El Study urban development El Make community breakwater or Cl Identify housing needs of football field An ice house the communtv drown centre 13 Index historical data Ellmprove community 3b An addition to the church or Implqve recreatonal CUltural factlities Nlmmlomflon um community hall facltes El Construct running water mm mam Complete interior of facilities for Ianu community facility isolated communities Just few ideas that your organization Please remember that your project might like to think about for Canada whatever it is should make use of and Works protect add to the skills of the unem These and other ideas may played in your area helping bring newiobs and lasting git them to reenter the benefits to your com work force on full munlty and Ontario time basis And private But the deadline companies can apply is August 2650 lets too With nonprofit get working on proposals some good ideas 1822om

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