the examiner Saturday July 23 1977 THE DADMAN H95 THE LWEST Official charged Mmimn trensuu oIIitinl Alfredo Rios mnurena is led by lerlti ill illllllUl it irs intn Illl quislrnles IIPP in lunni herr he appeared Irirlny moaning Im hearing RinsamziienilinsheentIiurottlithste1ing $73 million lluni the Muiram nnlinnnl treasury He has been held on in $7 million sftlllll Imml sime his unrest in Iiulni Bench lnmlm by agents ll lhntol Purchasing policy is the big issue Qlliltht vii While ltn lllfl uuunl against enntinunipV litlln urnernnienl spokesmen pllltlltht lllih in other jinisdie Ultllllltl to leltx Iltlllt in turns the emeinnienl il re or line tlltllil linm lnnis Ill sen the right to give pielelen the pim inee an interim Iltll treatment to iitminlnsel Queens Park Inennienl nnule llllth lll tn nd hut bums should 2Iitlltllt here lllltlit the unveininenl IlVt the right In buy in Untnim when news Sill usa Inst resort AM senior lllClitl til lllit Int Qtlelne employer group snitl he trio hull evnlent of 111 ltan taiiu tziliinel tlttlltill In laun ntarin firms Ulltltl some ennr dilions Unlurtu guwlnmtiil tillleitils have Sitlll that the rerent ltjtt Iltt of at low but in Qtltlltt IIlni in finer til it Ihuntlet lin eonipun on cont met to htnltl TOIOHIU stree tuts as not part of preferential lIltltltSIttL polie Ilrmever nntitlitin Itess reporter has been shown Cup of it niemoinnllutn signetl ll Iiiit YlIlelLl retired ehziitnizin the management honrtl nl the Unturio eztlnnet asking Ill tnin isters to ensure that their nlli Cidl ere iwzne nl punImsniu polit The memo tinted Apt il Ill 1974 snirl the polie also an plied to government itLlIlt tllllltlSlIiIl IIIllllltlllill emn missions and srhool hotitils ilIIS PURPOSE It Silltl the purpose of the pol is to Ilttilllittlt the pro duet inn within tanntln nl guilds required by the tlllllt is well its the pri ate IIIII iene such goods ezin etononnmlly he pttxllttltl To ltilttl Untzniu IlltllllI it tnnsltlet sllth in step rivers Sdl as it List resort it said In Felix Lltl the Quebec gov einnient Illpltl it poliiy taunting ginhee enmpnnies in the £tillllt ol tllllitll ol Slli non or more BARRIE 7265400 To get that good feeling inside MlEgEDlPflK Central AirConditioning System DUNHAMBusu For any home regardless at design or construction Pre fabricated flexible ducts small enough to be pulled between studs and around obstacles let homeowners enjoy the comforts of central airconditloning even in homes heated electrically or with hot water Malor structural work avoided Installation is virtu ally free from muss dust and household disruption Soundsuppressing draftfree humidityraduclng unal bty priced SPACEPAKG cools fast and deliumidities betterw removes as much as 25 more meisture than ordinary central systems Result Blissful corn fort no muggtness Cool dry air 18 mixed Without drafts throughout each room The Space Pak system has sound absorbing qualities that mini mize neise Systemlncludesairhandling unit capacity from 16500 to 50000 Btuh plenum prefabri catert supply and return ducts air distribution outlet outside condensmg unit refrigerant lines and thermostat For free estimate phone 7261439 DYKSTRA BROS ELECTRIC 38 Ellen $1 Barrie Ont 7264439 102 VOLUME DISCOUNTSFOR DEALEFTSHIPS SERVICE STATION3 TAXI CABS DONT LET RAD PROBLEMS SPOIL YOUR VACATION TRUCKING more PRICES SMALL IMPORTS DATSUN TOYOTA VEGA ETC CYLINDER CARS FORD CHEV DODGE AMC CYLINDER CARS FORD CHEV DODGE AMC AIR CONDITIONED CYLINDER CARS HEAVY DUTY RADS OVERSIZED HEAVY DUTY BFILD $5500 $6000 $6200 $7200 $9000 $1 2500 71 OMPANIES INDUSTRILAL Accouers