Nmmvm was WNW Wayne Batchelor helped look after the display for the lluronia Striders Track and Field Iub at the recreation showcase at the Barrie Arena The club was started six years ago to promote track and field actiyities Members meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 730 to 330 pm at Eastview Secondary School ost for members age six to II is $5 year $15 for members ago I2 to 15 and $20 for those age Ill and over Family menilursliips are $25 For informa tion call llatchelor at 72s 7031 or Jolin Ritchie at 7286202 Eitaminei lhotoi weekend notebook Any nonprofit organization or individual may have community event in Notebook Iust call 7206537 and ask for Pat Guergis Calls for Monday Notebook must be received by noon Friday for publication the following Monday Calls for Weekend Notebook published Thursday on the Leisure Page InUst be received by noon Wednesday tonight OSiincOe Rescue Squad will hold demonstrations and displays today and Friday at the Georgian Mall from 12 noon until closing The squads newest piece of equipment JawS Will fear car apart each night in the parking lot at pm OIownship of Essa will hold public meeting at 8pm in the Baxter ttrange Hall about to the residential growth policies in the of ticial plan Crecmore Legion bingo at pm in the new Legion hall Wellington Street West $1 800 in cash prizes entry cards 31 Last day for the Ilospital Auxiliary Antique market be ing field at the Country Mill Ilalm Beach Road Midland OPeople are Living There will be playing until Saint day at Georgian College lheatre Duckworth Street Barrie For tickets to this play which is being presented by the Grypbon Theatre phoiie the box office at 7284613 Informal summer services with guest preachers are be ing held at pin in Collier Street lnited Church Barrie OStan Hathaway will have an exhibition of his wood car vings at the Barrie Public Library until the end of July It is located downstairs iii the adult services building It Mulcaster St OKnights of Columbus bingo at 170 in at the Embassy Hall Blake Street Harrie OOn most summer evenings students and faculty of the Blue Mountain School of Music perform in public concerts at the outdoor oncert Shell or in the adjoining Base Lodge There is no charge and the public is welcome For concert schedule call 41370231 friday Olonight is Festival tabaret night as part of the Leacock Festival of Humor celebrations ll tirillia Admission is $350 tothe Mariposa llooin at the Holiday Inn Olhc Italiais of ltarrie ill be screening film on the history of the italiai Faith in lanada tonight at it pm room at the Municipal Savings an Loan building Owen St All are welcome rcfrcsiiinciits will be served admission is free OIhe National Film liiards ine Route will visit Bar rie to screen the twohour feature Iiliii Games of the XXI Olympiad The showing will be held at Centennial Park after sundown on twostorey outdoor screen Admission is free The Souyb liinisfil Gala Seating Fest will run today until Sunday lCilllllllltl midmay free mug and an omIah band on Saturday Admission is 3130 with proceeds for South Innisfil omniunity cnt rc arena seats 0olgans Annual Garden Party is scheduled for today Saturday and Sunday at St lilnlOs School olgan There will be dance Friday at folk mass Saturday and sports country style supper and draw on Sunday 0A family dance will be sponsored by Barrie larents vithout Iartncrs from fit 10 in the True Blttc lodge Hall Barrie For more information call izttToltt For information on group hikes membership and routes on the lltttce Trail contact the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association at liox lliltl Barrie int trto IAM 3E2 oSinicoc ti ounty Miiseuni is open in to pm except Sundays when it is open to in Hill displays on the history of early settlers in the county saturday OGarden Party band and displays at the Stephen Leacock Home from 12 noon until pm as part of the Leaeock Festival of Honor being held in ttiillia 0A euchre will beheld in the Holly toinintinity Century Centre at 815pm OActor lion Harron playing his harlie Farguharson role will be master of ceremonies for the Sinicoe Rescue Squads demonstrations today and Sunday at the Wasaga Beach Fair at the takicw entre Demonstrations of the Jaws of Life and other rescue ttlllpllltlll are scheduled for and 730 Saturday and 11 in and it in Sunday Harron who will also perform between demonstra tions ishonorary fund raising chairman for thesquad Olhere Will be rural and rustic dance it the Washago Community Centre as part of the Severn Bridge Iionecr Week Huntsville Lions lub will be holding the second annual Highland Gaines on the llttiitsyillc Arena grounds Featur ing pipe band competitions highland games and refreshments followed in the cvciiiiig by dance Barrie anoe Club is sponsoring canoe trip in conjunc tion with the Nottawasaga Valley conservation Authority beginning at it at lldcnvalc and ending at in at Wasaga Beach Instruction is included in the trip Anyone wishing to participate may contact George ltedard at 72trziltlti or Sylvia Huinphrics at 721 17H OLefroy lnited Church will bc holding bazaar bake sale and tea between and 1p IIveryone is welcome The Big Bay loint Itistrict Association ltl will hold its general meeting at in II the tig Bay Point Golf and Country Club Big Hay Ioint lniiislit lownslnp Anyone in terestcd in the protection ot the takeshorc and the rccrea tional and residential lands surrounding Lakc Siincoc is ask cdtoattcnd OVillagc Fair Arts and Crafts Show will be held at Oakview tomiiiunily cntrc Wasaga Beach today and tomorrow sunday Olhetalitornia Cuties worlds funniest softball team will play reeinorc mens team at the recinore Ball lark at I230 In Adults 30 children To cents Proceeds to the Creemore Arena Fund OAngUs Lions Club will hold flea market from 12 noon untl 4p in at the Lions Hall on Highway 00 Angus OTwin Lakes Motor lub Huronia Slalom will beheld in Orillia Square rillia Registration is at 830 in First run will take place at 11 For more information call TJthrttt OSeventeenth Annual South Siiacoe Baseball League All Star game at in Alliston From the north represen tatives of rillia Majors Harrie trillia Juniors ollr ingwood will play against the south teams of Alitston Ivy Tottenham and Newmarket Admission is 30 cents advance 75 cents gate Proceeds to the injured players fund 0A cook out will be held at Springwatei lark Midhurst by Barrie Iarents Without Partners They will meet at en tral Collegiate at in For more information call 728 764 Olhe Georgian Bay Hiding lab will present Summer Horse Show at oldwatei liaiigrounds beginning at 10 in Pony Western and l2nglu English eyeiits Will be featured Call 81512 for further information Try day trip Travel few miles from home and visit Historic Huronio lravclus bugus is sum mer epidemic that strikes everyone at least once Symptoms include the itch to travel feverish desire to ex plore and usually ends with the victim breaking out for new horizons favorite place to relieve the bug in Ontario is an area few miles north of Barrie known as Historic Huronia Day trips into Huronia the summer sun capital of Canada are sure cures for bugus WILDLIFE IINIRII For the environmentalist there is the Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre on Highway 12 three miles east of Midland Through nature displays selfguiding trails or walks with naturalists Canadas northern hardwood forest can be ex amined at leisure Adjacent to the Wildlife Ccn tre is the impressive recon struction of the 17th century French Jesuit mission Saintc Maiie among the Hurons From 1639 to 1619 Saintc Maric was the central of the Jesuits Christian mission to the native Huron people and at its peak housed ti llnllliln onefifth the European popula tion of New France During the winters the Jesuits taught the Christian gospel and lived with the llurons in longhouse villages When summer came the native people embarked on hunting trips and the missionaries returned to SaintcMarie to rest reflect make their reports and talk with others of their own culture After the downfall of the Hurons in 1619 the Jesuits abandoned the missions Con sidering SaintcMarie to be ho ly ground and fearing it would be descrated by invading tribes the Jesuits sadly burned SainteMaric to the ground For 300 years SainteMarie lay buried until excavations in the late 1940s began uncover ing the ruins In 1901 reconstruction sponsored by Ontario government brought SainteMaric back to life This authentic reconstruction of ntarios first European community is great way to understand more about our Canadian heritagcln the 22 buildings the dedicated life of the Jesuit missionary is ex plained by costumed staff and in the workshops craftsmen demonstrate 17th century methods of blacksniithing carpentry and cooking PIIN DAILY SainteMarie is open daily from 10 am to ti pm until Labor Day and to pm until Thanksgiving Families can ex plorc this early anadian history for $330 adults $150 students 75 cents and children 25cents Immediately opposite Saintc Maiie is the Martyrs Shrine memorial to the eight North American martyr saints Mom its vantage point visitors can look down on the mission as ex plorers did 300 years ago different experience in Canadian history can be found at the Historic Naval and Military Establishments at the foot of Church Street in nearby Penef anguishene When the War of 181214 broke out with the United States Pcnetanguishene was chosen by the British as the perfect place to establish an active naval base on the Upper Great Lakes Its role in the defence of Canada was to protect supply routes to Fort Michili mackinac near present day Sault Ste Marie Little work was actually accomplished on the base before the end of the war and interest in it gradually declined tut Britian was determined to keep firm grip on naval superiority on the lakes and in 1817 plans for the lcne tangoishenc base were dusted off and work began in earnest again The new purpose was to keep vessels stripped of arma ment and rigging in good repair If the precarious peace was broken the ships could be quickly refitted and ready to sail Improved relations with the Americans reduced the need for an active navy on the treat Its the only way to beat the heat Theres only one way to beat the heat Travel to one of the many beaches in the Barrie region and plop yourself into the water This dad did just that at Wasaga Beach and took Lakes and by 1834 the naval base was closed Meanwhile the British military had been moved to Ienefanguishcne from Drum mond Island at the head of Lake Huron The army was to protect lines of supply and com munication between York Toronto and the north Though the military budget would not allow extensive for tification of the garrison the men did construct two stone buildings and few log struc tures Today at Penctanguishene soldiers in the red coats of the 24th Regiment of Foot still march and drill for visitors and sailors in the dockyard will explain knots and riggings to landlubbers The Historic Naval and Military Establishments are open daily from It am to pm until Labor Day Admis sions are adults 75 cents students 50 cents children 23 cents with family maximum of $2 In Huronia summer never felt so good and the travel bug will be appeased until say next year By then youll want to comeback Finding the area is easy From Barrie follow the Wye Valley Heritage signs along Highways 400 93 and 27 leading to Midland and Pcnetanguishcne After that summer begins along junior too With the heat wave not epected to break before the weekend local beaches are proving popular cordingoff spots tllaminer llioto Buy celebritys services or dance out Contact festivities ot Armoury Eat your fill of pancakes buy celebritys services pick up few bargains and dance till the small hours Those are the opportunities to be offered Aug in fund raising effort by Contact Barrie volunteer coordinating service The day already proclaimed Contact Day by Mayor Ross Ar cher will feature pancake breakfast two auctions iii cliidiiig celebrity auction and dance and buffet All events will take place at ltarric Armoury Contact threeemployee operation with offices at Ill Bayfield St is hoping to raise $2000 from the day to tide it over from the expiration of $15900 Local Initiatives Pro gram grant Aug 13 until funds can be obtained from provincial and federal agencies using the groups services The group in operation since January has found and trained more than 80 volunteers for pro grams at Royal Victoria Hospital correctional institu tions and the mental health centre in Penetanguishenc jobseeking babysitting for hardpressed mothers and variety of other projects But though the purpose of ont act Day is serious the em phasis will be on fun says Con tact director Barbara Richards The pancake breakfast organized by Parents Without Partners will be held from to 11 am Tickets available at the door are $150 for adults 73 cents for children and $5 for family of any size Auctioneer Bill Barr has donated his time for both the regular and celebrity auctions The regular auction will be held from to pm and will feature new goods donated by stores and used items from city residents wide variety of articles is sought and the city police are handling pickup Anyone with something to donate can call Contact at 7269691 The celebrity auction begins at pm and will feature goods and services donated by well known local personalities Brian Yasui of CKVRTV is in charge dance organized by volunteer David Jensen will follow Tickets are $750 cou ple $4 for singles and can be obtained in advance from the Contact office Gravenhurst celebrates centennial GRAVENHIRSI nt Clt This pretty town twohour drive north of Toronto calls it self the gateway to Muskoka and has large imposing gates at its entrance to prove it For generations Muskoka has been beloved ntario cot tage country It is region of woods waterfalls rivers and dozens of lakes the bestknown The founding of Grovenhurst commemorated this Saturday in Saturday at pm an historical plaque comr meniorat ing the founding of the town of liaveiihurst will be unveiled in front of the Municipal Building Harvie Street cast off the Muskoka Road The plaque is llt of series being erected throughout the province by the tintario Heritage ltoundation an agen cy within the ministry of culture and recreation Saturdays cerenony is joint ly sponsored and arranged by the town of lraveiihurst and the iraVenhurst centennial committee yril Fry chairman of the Centennial committee will act as master of ceremonies lhe plaque will be unveiled jointly by Mrs Lillian Wilson and Kelly Harbridge natives of lraveiihurst whose combined ages equal 100 years Dedication of the plaque will be performed by ltev ltay mond Brown avalry Baptist Church Gravenhurst The public is invited to at tend the ceremony and to remain for coffee and apple cider following the unveiling being Itosseau Joseph and Muskoka Holidayers discovered the district century ago and felt the long trek by boat and carriage over horrendous roads was worth it for the beauty of water woods granite cliffs and pineyair American millionaires bought shoreline properties and built imposing summer homes Canadians followed suit put ting up everything from man sions to simple cottages The ubiquitous Champlain stopped in Gravenhurst Jesuit missionaries came to minister to the Algonquin Indians Later came lumberjacks prosperous timber men and homesteaders The region became popular when it became easier to reach by taking train to Grave nhurst and paddle steamer to cottage or hotel Good roads came later and eventually made steamers relic of the past Gravenhurst celebrates its centennial this year with an oldhome week parades kite festival track meet an old time fiddlers contest and the inauguration of threemile walking tour of the town Regattas will be held in August and CN steam train will make several trips from Toronto in October and November Cyril Fry centennial chair man reports he has received letters from former Muskokans from all over Canada recalling fishing exploits cookouts pranks summer romances Muskoka sunsets and the color ful autumn foliage Many of the old homes and churches still stand and there are more boats than ever on the lakes although the fishing isnt what it used to be Still the call of the Icon can be heard by canoesits and the odd great blue heron and giant Canada goose flies majestically overhead Are you ready for the Great Slide Ride What is the fastest way to the bottom of mountain in summertime Its giant slide like this one that opened Wednesday at Blue Mountain near ollingwth Its the Great Slide ltide and it has two parallel tracks that weave in and out of trees as they wind 3000 feet to the base of the mountain Engineering makes the track safe for children although those under seven must ride with an adult And the ride is on sled the speed of which can be controlled by the rider To get to the Blue Mountain Great Slide ltide driye into ollingwood then turn on the Mountain ltoad at Blue Mountan Pottery on Highway 21 Its then only four miles to the slide Cost of the slide includes chairlift ride to the top Borries Kempenfest what will be happening Kite flyers canoe races and skiathon will all be part of the threeday regatta held in conjunction with Bar ries annual Kcmpenfest Activities will begin Satur day July 30 withthe Georgian Mall croSs bay swim Competitors will swim from Minet Point to the government dock at the base of Hayfield Street At noon the Barrie fircfighters skiathon for muscular dystrophy begins at Centennial Park At pin also at entcii nial Park the Barrie Iower Squadron and Barrie Yacht lub will combine for sail past There will be kite flying Al and wind surfing demonstra lions and the great water walk open Sunday there will be kite flying and wind gliding displays at and it in At there will be second great water walk open and at there will be an underwater chariot race All events take place at Centennial Park Monday the activities will split between Centennial and Kcmpcnlelt Park Centennial the Voyageur canoe race begins at neon and the flat canoe races at 130 At lvempenfelt Iark ski slalom races begin at 10 am laser class sailing races at 1pm the challenge cup sailing race at pin and cash draw will conclude the regatta at pm movie trivia Last weeks Movie Trivia woman was toughie particularly since the caption hinted toward Carole Lombard Thats who we thought it was at the time Actually its Greta Gar bo as several readers pointed out Her leading man was John Barrymore Winner of two passes to the Imperial Theatre of Barrie Twin DriveIn is Wyona Wilcox of Barrie This weeks Movie Trivia question invites you to identify this veteran actress of film and stage who is currently starring in musical in Toronto Her little friend or their movie together dont have to be included Send entries to Movie Trivia The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 Draw is made from all correct answers received by noon Tuesday