use Mr Wi Singers funeral The funeral of Mari sliurne singer and ehVision enter tainer was held Wednesday David hamherlain son of In Messer Iuhilee show harlie One at the pallbearers was Iormer eostar on the Don Itamherlain Miss Oshnrne lit died of hear attack after txrlormanee at Itocklyn Ont Saturday night tI Ihott it More complaints for ombudsman IOHONTU HI lhe see and report of Hntario ninhuds man Arthur lalone says his oiliee lCtOIVtd than nexy com plainls hetneen luly ll llthi and Marthill 1977 The report released Wednes day said the oilice also han dled 7000 mtormal inquiries uhich did not necessitate the openingolanoltieialtile The report said the otnhudsr man is recehinfl tormal eon plaints at the rate ot 334 moir th up to per eent mm the aVerage 0t 371i complaint tiles Opened III the lirst ll tnontltSol the mnbndsmanstenure Nlaloney estnnated hal hi lftCe will open ahout Motto Complaint the each year as Well as handlth toooo other Citizen inquiries During the period eoyered the latest report the ontbnds mans ttIlIiC tItStI lllil tttti plaint ltles imolvinu 31m separate tmnplantts Some ol the lites contained more than one Complaint HI lhtSt complaints the re port said 3230 ClttulSlIt the omliudsniaus jurtsdietion total of H127 or per cent were ithm the jurisdietton ot theoItiee The report sad laree nan Sterilization question not taboo TORONTU Tlt Coroner Elie ass told coroners tury Monday that the question of sterilization should not he regarded as taboo but should at least be debated Dr ass was presiding at an inquest into the death ot one montlrold Vicky Ellis last March Vicky was one at three Ellis children to have died lwo more are wards of the province The state cannot order com pulsory sterilization rown attorney Michael Morse told the jury they should give serious conSIderation as to whether there is any situation at all wherehirth control ean be imposed Throughout the inquest Deborah IIllis Lxtt has said she intends to have more ctldren lhe tanadian lress distributed an erroneous report Tuesday which said that ass and Morse had ttxotnmended compulsory sterilization for Mrs Ellis ber of the Complaints outside the olliees turisdtetion at Wired ltiUttItIplll governments and other loeal atthorities teel the legislature should IC urged to give he omliuds man jurisditttoi to deal With such cases Malone said tliereport The omhudsntan is enpmy ered to deal rttlt complaints in ol hip only the prm inctal gov ernment and it auencres The report said that 92 per eent ol all the eases some as sistanee Hh rendered to the peopleeomplainm number of eases were classed as premature because the ombudsman is unable to look into case where some right ot appeal to another hotly has yet to he exercised 2071 closed cases in olvinix complaints against pro ytneial ministries 11tt in volyed the provincxal jusliec system the report said There mere 374 elosed Olll plaints against government auenctes and tow involved the Workniens tompensation Board iii AN ï¬lthlturst allrgr STUDENTS AND TEACHERS WORK TOGETHER IN SMALL SEMINARS small private school where boys and girls grades three to thirteen receive an education and go on to Lniversity Peer pressures are resisted and emphasis is brisk and backtohasic Horsemanship boating sailing and gym nastics apahle students can now get grade thirteen in five months through our semestered full credit courses MIDHLRST COLLEGE MIIIIURST ONT LOL 1X0 PHONE 7057269685 WASTE SIMS CutOut letters Graphics Illuminated Signs Artwork Posters Billboards Printing Gold leaf etc etc 31 IIffin St Sheets ournoon onnmsmc no Barrie 7289711 DONT LET RAD PROBLEMS SPOIL YOUR VACATION 1OZBAYFELD VOLUME DISCOUNTS Eon DEALERSHIPS SERVICE STATIONS TAXI CABS TRUCKING COMPANIES INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNTS SMA MPORTS DATSUN TOYOTA VEGA ETC 516 INCLUDING LABOR FOR MOST CARS RECORE PRICES CYLINDER CARS FORD CHEV DODGE AMC CYLINDER CARS FORD CHEV DODGE AMC AIR CONDITIONED CYLINDER CARS HEAVY DUTY RADS OVERSIZED HEAVY DUTY $5500 $6000 $6200 $7200 $9000 $1 2500 7261