Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jul 1977, p. 14

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14 the examiner Thursday July 21 1917 ataglance see think PARTI through Canada to worlds overthrowing the Zullikar Ali Bhutto aIndonesia bPakistan cZambia RussianAmerican as Lolita and Pa aSaul Bellows Iully independent aGuatemala bBrazil cltChie zenith punder nadir catapult aterwaul lean Chretien PART IV PICTURE QUIZ POINTS Canadas latest royal Visitor reviewed Indian tribes anrl customs Dave Cash Marcel LeIebVIE HOW DO YOU RATE to who TOP SCOREI 61 to 70 palm Fllr II to 90 point Elcollont 60 or Under Hmml FAMILY DISCUSSION QUESTION Should government workers have the same rights to 71 to 80 pdrm Good Marc Lalonde Ed Ziemba Save This Practice Examination Valuable Reference Material for Exams STUDENTS Ilii riiiid closid sign icliis only iii the turning lilllt iioi mal The military took over the government in third most YOUR NEWS OlIIZ NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL Give yourself 10 point for ouch correct answer The National Energy Board gave preliminary approval to the Alcan Highway proposal for pipeline to carry CHOOSE ONE petroleum natural gas from Alaska the lower US the populous democracy by government of Prime Minister author who gained inter national fame for his original prose style in such novels Ie Fire died at age 78 bAlexander Solzhenitsyn cVladimir Nabokov Menahem Begin the new Prime Minister of was scheduled to visit the US this week controversy developed over Belize sellgoverning colony of Great Britain which Britain wants to make The Central American nation of also claims right to Belize PART II WORDS IN THE NEWS Take points for each word that you can match with its correct meaning ahurl upward blowest paint crob or despoil rlhighest point escream PART III NAMES IN THE NEWS Take points for names that you can correctly match with the clues arebellious French archbishop bMPP Ontario cHealth and Welfare Minister dlndustry Minister 9scc0nd baseman Montreal Expos usiil to gel to Liikcslioic Irii triiin IIssii Road in linrric Iriiflic can still Illilkt IIIt trip by passing iriiflii island and iniking stun pii right turn Ilillllntl Iliiitol Its siniill start but judging by tho tIILJI sltiippcis from liist lb cruisi ship to stop at Ilinainii llt It tills business should IH tiy biisk iiiiIiiil tint and it tulian loiitisin ltNlllIItS in tlIIIIIIt iuaus and into It loading puiclinsis of piisscngits ltiitn Illt linir Daphne luring tliiiidayiiidnihiilfstd IN IHIIILII illicitot IitII IIll hits tttttl gitl us our of tho iiiosl iiilliicnlinl liuuris Ill llll iltllllllllllilllltll tiili ii cIosir ItlllllllllIlII iitli liisiilint nilit lliaui iIII iilliir tiip oIliiii lIis III lIuiiici is IIllltlltll Io tltlltI Iiiyiiiiil Iniilgcl iiiiiIIiis iiiil Ilt lt tiliin otci lriiiii tlii IItNItItlll ilii task ol IIIIIIt lilllllll ioiiiiiii contziit iiili lliiliiiiiilic ItiltItl Illttttlllll illliisS The doctor says Leg ullcers blood flow By TIIOSIESON MI Dear Dr Tliostesoii Can you tell me anything about leg ulcers am in my late 305 and have had one for about year go to the doctor once month to have the scab removed and it does give quite bit of relief Between visits keep it clean with gentian violet also have many spider veins The doctor wants to do skin graft but am still unde cided Are you familiar with this procedure Can you help me decideTMrs VI The usual cause of chronic leg ulcers is condition called stasis That means standing still in this caso sluggish blood flow Probably from our old friend varicose veins There are various other causcsdia betes collagen disease lupuS fungus iiifcctions blood dis orders and the like You mcnt ion spider veins Do you have largc superficial veins those ncar the surface Are you overweight You should have provided more detail Thcrc are dilfcrent lorms of treatment tor such iilccrs Rest anrl periodic elevation of the al lectcd log is essential This has been known to clear upthc situ ation Id have to know more about your condition beforc try ing to help you dccidc about surgery but can lcllyou thc stasis would havc to bc cor rected for thc skin graft to lake properly Superficial varicose veins might havc to bc ligatcd tied olfi stripped or dried up by injections Somc iilccrs arc helpcd with granulated sugar applied to thc wound Another old remedy is to apply dried blood cells to the area lietk with your doctor about these methods It you rc main in doubt about surgery have second opinion prcfcra bly by vascular surgcou Dear Dr lliostisnu Have you heard ol woman who was allergic to the solution uscd to rinse contact lcnses suspect this is the cause of my eye iii llammat ionAMrs IK Yes it can bc cause Try changing brands One reader wrotc mc years ago with the some suggestion It worked tor him In some women the Pill can be factor can Dr Ihnstcsoii havc skin condition that was diag nosed to years ago as urticaria pigmentosa Have there been any findings thcsc last Ill years to treat or leIlLVC it This con dition began after the birth ol ii child ls thcrc any rcccnt medi cal information you can pass on It has disturde me greatly this past year in the sumincr especially 7A have to question the diag nosis of urticaria pigmentosa this talc in life You need re evaluation by dermatologist The condition is usually childhood disorder appearing II about six months and dis appearing bcfore or at the time of puberty If the present ble mishcs started after preg nancy and have persisted tor Ill years becoming worse in thc summer suspcct chloasma mask of prcgiiancyi This of ten can produce stubborn symptoms Birthcontrol pills can cause it and make the ble misth persist Also there is the possibility you have chronic urticaria thIVCSl which can be atlStd by food or drug sensi tivity Skin disorders must be seen to be diagnosed Heiicc my sug gestion to havo iinot her opinion At present you may bc chasing the wrong culprit Dear Dr Iliostcsiin Please settle this one It woman had Cacsarcan delivery will she have to have the same kind of delivery the next limc Ms LB Not necessarily The ab normal position and size of the baby andor the condition of the birth canal arc factors that dic tatc the type of delivery Check slam below game NORTH AKQZ VAK765 013874 Both vulnerable West North East South Pass 1A Pass 34 Pass 44 Pass 46 Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead QO By Oswald James Jacoby One of the hardest type hands to bid is the one that belongs in five of minor suit Somehow or other no one likes to try for an 11trick game in preference to one in notrump or major suit so when pair gets to five of minor there is strong tendency to go on to six and hope for the best Todays hand illustrates really old convention that makes it easy to stop at minorsuit game South has almost enough for forcing opening but just bids one club North has nor mal oneheart response whereupon South shows his great strength by jumping to two spades North rebids to thrt clubs to show his club support and now the convention comes into use South simply jumps to five clubs This bid says Partner have two diamond losers If you have firstround diamond control please bid five diamonds to show it if you have secondround control please bid six clubs North is looking at two quick diamond losers and passes Florida reader asks if there is convention known as The big diamond There are several bidding systems that use both one club and onediamond openings as artificial forcing bids They are extremely complicated and none have been given any acceptance ex cept by the inventor daily crossword Release tn Papers ot Thursday July 21 ACROSS 44 Close 45 Born Normandy 46 Search invasmn day 49 Reactionary Sediment artist Depression iriir 53 Faerie Queene tials 54 Bravos Sol l2 Valorous 56 Sinewy person 57 Mental 13 Skeleton part c0mponent l4 Egypt abbr pl 15 Arab country 58 Apple one 16 Poet Ogden order 59 Water pitcher 60 Pedal digit GI Whirl 17 Three pietiii I8 Lyiiii 20 Bewddered 22 Attention 23 One of the DOWN Gershwms 24 Question Arabian ship 27 Extreme Hall prefix 31 Sanmvai Asian sea 32 Sound of Over there dismissal Pertaining to 34 Songstress the moon Smith City in Israel 35 Largest Graduate of continent Annapolis 37 Sicdian abbr volcano Vast desert 39 Sea Sundae 40 Papas topping 42 Gremlin 10 Unique J1 05 CD gt 1i 62 Florida county ll Song 27 Answer to PreVious Puzzle 41 Recite 19 Islands muSically 21 JOb 43 Approached 23 Manqw r15 Poul 74 hollnqa court 25 Bear at an In 26 Novelist am 339mm 48 Leisure time you 49 Not alive 28 South Sea 50 Hawkeye Dam State 29 Short BrIlCIe 51 Wen qmckw 30 Surrender 33 Pay attention 52 Ancem 36 Beverages PhoenlClalI 38 Advanced in 90 years 55 Went before Cu AStIOG raph Bernice Bede Osol dwu Btlmilliiflow July 22 1977 It Will not be without limitations but the coming year Will be satisfying one for you Youll es tablish more meaningful ties and bonds With lriends and assoaates and they Will have an enduring quality CANCER June 21July 22 Is there something youve wanted for your home but couldnt al tord Check your sources today Theres good chance you can obtain it With ease Whitfield Winthrop IM HERE TO TAKE THIS BAR APART war DONT You come eit EEéiDE ME ate 8on ennuiuntrue STUDENTS SPECIAL Typewriter repairs clean oil and adjust from only $1100 Free estimates Call us now at LEO July 23Aug 22 There is for more power in your wods to day than you may realize Choose Wisely what you say to others or how you adwse the VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 on may have thought youve sown your seeds to the Wind but its not true The sprouts now appear and theyll soon yield b0iintitiil harvest LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Not much can catch you ott balance today Now situations are non quoted on tho basis of your past Similar oxpirioncr SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Continue to function as the power behind the throne today Make your presence tell but in OFFICE OUTFITIERS 737mm 9LEASE GET ME SOME FWESH WATngoAv Frank and Ernest TO BINGO NORTH ERN K72 fl H°w DO You TURN THiS THING OFF ERNIES BEEN FALLING DOWN rt For 20 samurai 308T THlHKlklbi bLAWé LOOK AT IM DOESNT NEED unlik STATIONERYn 29 Dunlop St 7373860 BARRIE PLAZA aggro Big BOYD gin Air ways obvious to only few in Siders SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Doc 21 Dont let important contacts go by the boards today just because theyre at distance Drop tlem line or better yet phone them CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 In career Situations today use all this wéapons at your disposal lf you take advantage of your ad vantnoes youll score AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Today you have the knack of DUIIIIIQ everyone c0mptetely at ease You show no favoritism yet all do away teeling they got speCiaI attention PISCES Feb 20March 20 You Will boom today change attec YA KNOW FUDDSV THlNK VEK iMpROViN WHAT EVER GAVE VOU THAT iDEAfiMaW ting your ba5ic IlIeSIer but dont expect miracles overnight Results Will eventually be as you anticipated ARIES March 21Aprll 19 In evaluating situations and making deosrons today you are virtually Without peer to addition you tit well into the role of peacemaker TAURUS Aprll 20May 20 FinanCial aspects are especially promismg for you today primari ly where you can tie up all the loose ends GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Others find you intriguing today and want to communicate with you This may trigger phone call or letter from longsilent friends VER wriiNiNs GETTIN ave BAMBoo cANE COMING UP QECOND lF QUFT WGHiNe 0N Tint RDOK WERE BOTH QONNA eo FLYING REAR END OVER TEA CUPS Urde5t9N1 iiku 5i® GOMEWHERE RleT now someone l6 erudite ME JUNK MAiL DOES YKNOWRUBE IF WRIEé on LIKE m7 IN MY PRESENCE WHAT WOULD BE LIKE WITHOUT iT Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service

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