Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jul 1977, p. 18

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Jr Can Lm 18 the examiner Wednesday July 20 1977 emu lllKthl ilteutttt leader Ieng lsiaoping Chinese silent on reinstatement of vicepremier China maintained oftiiial silence to day on the reported ieliahilitation of the purged moderate all posters appeared Tuesday announcing that the tor mer Ice premier the niator Vllltll of last years lierce power struggle has been reinstated in all his old posts lwo posters were scraped down Iuesda night hut in nor th Peking today one itinard slogan remained untouched llesoluteh support and Aéltttll hail the party central roiniiiitlees decisiOii to appoint oinrade leiig llsiao plug Vicechairman ot the party central committee VlClrplCltiler oi the stale council Vll£llltllilll ot the militaiy com mission iiid cliiel ol general stall it read spokesman at the toreign mlnislt said he had no com ment and there was no reterence to leng in todays leoples ttiily the foundation and few items were left of the house iii Dillll HO gtl£lplt which two people were killed by tornado Monday in Roma llirougli the political com ulsiiins ot the last 3t months lllll31llllll south of Winnipeg The tornado also deposited wall posters have rarely reported incorrect appointments car into the vacant basement The remains of the house were dumped several hundred yards away tP llintot Tornado damage about $500000 USA lan tli Municir pat olliiials etiinited on Tues dax there was apprmiiiiatel sivitinoodaiiiagetroutatornado that struck this southern Mani inha itili Honda night kllllllL tun peisons and initiring two tillltlS spokisiiiaii Ioi lCiiieigenc leinuies ttrgantmtioii lillti gave the damage figures is izeneral tvtllllll alter ntli cia made totii ol the it llt slogans were similar to those that aiinounred that thin luo teng had heciime part cliairiiiaii last titoher Children and legal help lt tlfl ili ttlltl niittee appointed by torneyleueral Roy MC Martin has issued report axing children should he representedh lawyers in nine cases undei the Fluid llitlt snoliesnian lot the at torney general said luesday the reports liiidings are uii iter ieiew and that no terrions time been made regardingiiizpliiiicntation illt art not tands child in need tit protection nia hetaken lltllli hi paren made ward til the till it the root ot his harn three garages and some of his pasture land near Rosa leanhile Manitoha ICMH deputy director Nels Stareir iord said there are plans to set tip system to spot toruados and other potent ially liiiigerntts weather conditions Prepara tions began this summer and the system should he operating in winter lloweer Stareniord said tlnltiren id Sniietx nid MUM mm Huh lh M1 CI New it an mwmnm littlh Hittth Iillnlélll illldltélll would have been impossible to him the mistertool the liies ot warn ltSKltlllSwttl llosa ll it Md mm Mummy liki leii and his AIlI miles south ot innipeg ahoiit Him pm mm ltt=e at their daughterJoaii thetwisteitliathit lllttllttll RUN Ill lillh ltlttt the talent and the whim md lll35l IHUNIA inoitliolddaugliterliraareii From what can gather lltIIIHWilltlt al ltitl Stir ltl bilingual in record number iopliones in iielie with similar llllllllSlildll luo is quoted is saying ses this summer iii ii especially East Indians Shirt Ammg4m the newspaper quotes lloul liio wttl StCHlltllittlllllilLK programs it oiiiordia over it ill lnn treat is saving the iiuniherot llilltttlplttttltgt eni oiled in ling lish courses has more than tripled in the last two years The majority of these st udeiits are yiiunu people who Voted for the liiti uehecois and then re not in the lead de leiisive ahotit learning lCnghsl tor eiiiployniint ltllllltt in Metropolitan loronto the tllitltllltlll ot letrn groupon human relations said luesdaj Walter litniau said in an lllltllt that he has tittlt ed change in community attitude toward initiorit levis Rugby Bilingualism is popular the newspapei surex tninid Itlll niiiiilieis of tiuin are studying litlfllldl and lnglili speaking anadiau in met prmincc llt llltlyllll lreiicl illttl nl lInglish the Journal sa figures man the secretary tit states of lice show 7000 lull tune students reeeixed $illtt littlSdllt to take iiitensiw six tl lTiiglisli and French language cnur institutions program has been increased 30 per cent the hutlget tor the study urn ill 12 Price critical condition in hospital lie twister llltll lot about pin Monday titled the lleiii tttttltll lllilll pole and Hal tened cioiis llie illtl tllllllltl as liigl 13o lllt pli were tollinieo litax iinitill and had that one ttlllt called as hip it chit kiti egg lhree ldltllsltlul lllllltllttL huildtuiks and machinery weri deistited llnee lioises and tom head o1 rattle were totiiiit dead Hall loen others Htt unsung hut may have tus iaiiileieil iwa into htislilaiid leltn and Iiud Schlortt had pen all last winter restnr mg Lirirhtiitsi near St lalti Man and had ptaiined to inoxe in later this til liiit on Tues and 7lltl old home The iittll thing was iusf pictuie no taiit leii iiltii ltt alled hearing rnai lim about lll lets lttli Ilii lllt triicl taking Barries Newest and Bigges JEAN SHO Bayfield Mall Sidewalk Sale Specials PANTSPANTSPANTS Levis Canvas Painter Pants Carhartt White Jeans Levis Chambray Jeans Wrangler White Riders Levis Wide Leg Cords Summer Shades Only Canvas White 12 Price Overalls $9 YOUR CHOICE ONLY $9 ill the weather people it just appeared out of the blue ruin tug black cloud Then it just house ott its foundations and dissipated dont see lltt lA Ilulml it UIH tit Hi slillttlttttl it down seeta linn people could have heen wai= guage schools and unieixities and tedeial gorernnient WI mp NM is up Ni statistiis shout that anadran ill1 trnig to heioni Starenjord said the Manitoba systeiii lll rely eteiisiel on the toiiiiiittiiiiations network ol the noun and will include the co operation ol Ltllllllttll agencies weather others and volunteers len Seal deptit director of operations tor the National Weather lilllH in Bismarck It illtl tillltllttl have long heen an important part ol tor nado ziniiiiings in that hnrder state lheies ihsoliitely no dotiht in my mind that our systeiii ot tornado watching has saved lies Seal said iii an inter lt lin surprised that no dzi lltl dream wa ll ruin such systen lll in anada elro FOCISl OllOCkS down cant lieliee it Schlertl the last severe tornado in TURNVer vp up MOM wmhvh and lliire was litautilul liiiiitoha wan lll tutti when iiiiiiorit groups and their property appear in tJiitwrmppm ttilt at about it ltlltll tiees three persons were lttllllttl in the leinliina lllll east of lilol Mound The last death in Main toha altrihtiteil to tornado was lulx 1938 when it man lost control oi his car and rrasluliiitoaditch QUEBEC Cl Second reading of the hartcr of the French Language began Tues day amid hints the Levesque government might SOllell its p0 sitiou and allow anadian chil dreii to attend English schools As the charter now reads chil dren of all newcomers to the plOVlllCUlllClUllllg those from other parts at Canada will be required to go to French schools Premier Rene Levesque cau tioned that his government sees no reason to change the bill for the moment but added the gov ernment was keeping an open mind on the legislation Mens tst Quality Outdoor Shorts at Low Low Price An outstanding value on assorted comforta ble Styles Assorted fob rics sizes and colours in the group Mens Canadian Swimwear at Bargain Price 1st quality swimwear in bikini or beach boy styles In assorted fabrics solid shades or fancy prints Not all styles in all sizes Clearance of Mens and Young Mens Shirts At this low price you should stock up Selec tion includes assorted long and short sleeve styles in assorted fashion fabrics Sole Trust ultural Development Minis ter Camille Laurin met with re porters after he presented the governments position on the bill in the national assembly and look nonconimittal stand when asked whether there would he changes in the restric tion on enrolment in English schools Asked pointblank by radio reporter whether the govern tnent would eventually allow lIiiglishspeaking children from other provinces into English speaking schools the minister answered with shrug He said the government rec ognized ditty to provide edit Mens 1st Quality Jeans or Dress Pants Western jeans are 1402 prewoshed indigodyed cotton denim Dress are 100 woven polyester In assorted sizes Our Reg $399 $599 $799 Sale Our Reg $399 to $599 Sale Our Reg $1099 to $1499 For SelectionNalue and Satisfaction Dome Beyfield Rd Hwys N0 20 0nd No 27 Parti Quebecois softening position Second reading for language charter cation in their language to King lish Quebecers but this respon sibility did not extend to Eng lishspeaking people from other places Englishspeaking Qucbcccrs are an important minority in the province he said but they are not the only the unique ini nority in Quebec REFERRED TO PIRATES The premier said that read ing of the debates of the British House of Commons at the time the Quebec Act was passed in 1774 shows that even the Brit ish conqueror ncvcr grant ed distinct rights to Quebec anglo phones He noted that the British Par liament had ruled that French civil law would prevail in QueL bcc He denounced the English speaking minority who instead of trying to understand the PQ and the Quebec people it rcp rcscnts gets its back up de nounces refuses lights and seeks confrontation lts leaders are critical on every point he said They support lrcedom of choice for parents and immigrants while at the same time they defend the status quo which is very profitable Liberal leader Gerardl Le acting as if Quebec had alread vesquc said in his reply to La rin that his party agrees Fre ch should be the comma language of Quebecers but a1 maintains the provinces Eni lish minority should begivenl gal recognition He said the government we separated from Canada by con sidering children from other provinces immigrants He also said the attitude Lau rin took that the English were among several minority groups in the province was hypocri tical Everyone knows there are two communities in Quebec ponn 2Pc pants sizes Look how little you pay for Leisure Suit Mode in Canada in cool comfort oble 100 cm ton Short jacket style with fosh ionoble floit Reduced to Clear Mens Dress Sport or Knit Shirts Dress or sport styles in 65 polyester 35 cotton Full button front chest pocket Knit os sorted styles in 50 polyester50 cot ton or 100 cotton Boys Cotton Denim Jeans at RockBottom Price Choose from wide assortment of fash ionable styles all with the washed look Available in broken Sale Our Reg $299 to $499 Our Reg $4 to 55 All prices in effect until closing time Saturday July 23 Towers

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