Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jul 1977, p. 6

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the examiner Saturday July 18 1977 Doing something little different aim of Hoe Doe Val By PAT EUERGIS Examiner Staff Reporter Doing something little dif ferent for the kids who attend Iloe Doe Valley Fun Ranch is tlte aim of owner Ossie Earle Kids like to be active and we want to offer them activities which they can do when they want to If boy comes to the ranch and tells me he wants to fish for the whole week then want to make it possible for him to do that NO IIERIHNG Earle says he doesnt believe in herding children Ive seen camps where the children were so structured it was terri ble lhey get enough of that all year dont think they need it here He says although the children will be allowed to do their own thing as mueh as possible they will be supervised The ranch is just completing its second day camp of this year and third will start Mon day We are still getting things worked out have all new councillors and they are very good It will take time for them to get used to the way want things run ANIMALVARIETY Hoe Doe Ranch has chickens ducksponies horses and rab bits at the present time attd Earle says he is planning to purchase more animals of dif ferent species Kids get big kick out of animals and this may be the Dayid OBrien day camper at Iloe Doe alley Fun Itaitclt fiitds the animals at the ranch arent too willing to he held This fellow is chick who is just otie of number of anintals available for the campers to feed observe and Itold once iii while Rabbits ducks and horses live at the ranch now and owner Ossie Earle says he plans to purchase other different animals because he feels many of the children dont get the opportunity to deal with them oil firsthand basis Examiner Photo Mrs MacKenzie I25 Wellington St COMMENT found the bus trip to Toronto very comfortable excellent service Barrie needs more bus service like this MRSVMACKENZIE PASSENGER ON OUR GOLDEN CARPET SERVICE TO TORONTO featuring Hostess Service Free Coffee Fee Snacks and more DEPARTURES DAILY Try us soon TRAVELWAY STOCK BROS BUS LINES LTD TERMINAL 33I BAYFIELD ST 7280700 only chance some of them will get to touch care for and ob serve them As well as the animals owned by Earle there is and abun dance of wildlife mainly birds to be seen on nature walks on the several hundred acres of bush available to the campers We have had groups in here studying the birds and trees They say they are amazed at the variety of both which can be found here Earle said Swimming is big feature of the ranch 20 by 40 foot pool was added this year and is supervised by the five coun cillors who are all qualified itt water safety BOYS DREAM There is also large spring fed pond complete with small island and sandy beach Earle says tree swing which will allow campers to swing and drop into the pool will soon be set up Only the older children are allowed here and only under well supervised conditions 0n ce they get down here attd into number of spare inner tubes wltich are always on the beach tltey dont want to leave The older children also get to go horseback riding iii the ntor nings The younger children ride ponies OVERNIGHT CAMPUUTS Overnight campouts are big feature with the kids Once week the children stay on past the regular goliome time of 330pm Following relaxed couple of hours of doing what you want the barbecues are lit aitd the campers cook their own supper barbecued ltot dogs Earle said this gmup of coin pers put iii request for record player so they could dance during the evening one has to stay tip if they dont want to but we like those who do want to stay tip late to beable to Having fun in the springfed point at line lloe Valley Inn Ranch are ilenn Mitchell foreground and Phil Welstnan Iloth are campers at the ranch which takes children on Movies are also shown the night of the catttpottt NEW IDEA IN MIlIS Earle has ttcw idea for kids who are unable or unwilling to register at day camp for week or two weeks atit setting up overnight camps These will be 21 hours long and cost lit the iteiglt borhood of $10 We plan to run tltciti year round maybe one day week Ilans are now being set for overnight caittixrs oniarsold and up for anadian National Ileiihiiiontnttc We Will litkt the kids to the where tltey will have choice of either going to tltc il terttoon grandstand show otHii tario llace The group WIII loys day camp weekly or twoweek basis UVHHI ssic Ilarle says he plans to set up program of llittIt yisits to familiarize people with the lacililies offered lEIJllllilIll Iltoloi return program sleep out and iitIi breakfast return home We are tying to run tnan chriiigltt camp as possible to get people familiar with what Wt have to offer rIIIItIIH IIIHIl Week the filllllpfis are treated to it trip This eclltr home around seven have barlxcue an cvtmlltff gioup went to the Scenic Caves at foltingwmd and Earle says variety of places will be Viiilltal We are trying to establish uornething people want and noiiiething they can afford Ive been working with kids since tifft and think have pretty good idea of what makes them liupp Plaster crafts from Accenter explained to Christian Women LORNE BETTY NA HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 45 Dunlop St Nerf to the Theatre CITY OF BARRIE SILVER JUBILEE OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II Valerie Marshall of the Ac center Shop at the Bayfield Mall gave special feature demonstration in plaster craft at Wednesdays meeting of the Christian Womens Club held at the Embassy About zoo women watched as Mrs Marshall transformed white plaster planter into one which appeared to made out of wood Mrs Marshall said tltc response to her store which opened March has been very good lot of people come in and make purchase get the in structions on how lo finish it and take it home to work on She said there re Stores tIl Canada selling the same pro duct but Harrie is unique lIl that so many people do their plaster ciait at home The store oileis Workshop atmosphere where some custoiiicr work on completing their white plaster purchase This product is ahead of ceramics because it doesnt need to be fired It can be inst painted in indiVidual ways or Iilllllfil and then sprayed with sealer REPAIRS EASILY She said the lfllllifl is The City of Barrie intends to mark the occasion of Her Maiesty Queen Elizabeth lls Silver Jubilee by spon soring concert in her honor on Friday October 14th at 800 pm in Central Collegiate Auditorium Tickets will be on sale for this concert at City Hall from August lst As your Mayor invite you to celebrate this occasion with me as we remember our historical association with the Crown Publicity concerning the concert will be appearing shortly breakable btit It breaks in large pieces and can easily be fixed display of various items which are carried at the Ac center Shop featured two very large pigs They stand about two feet high and have slot iii the back so they may be used as batik Its iutt and easy craft aitd gifts which are painted aitd given have personal touch and are usually very much apr pieciatedbecauseoftliis The shop is opctt front to am to trim pm allowiitg plenty of time for hotttcitiakcrs or Work itig people to take part We MW in great number of children who come here Mar shall said In fact we have Valerie Marshall left ol tlte Wilson guest speaker ducts sold in IHi store customers from six years old to over till VARIETY While applying stain to the planter which ltad already been given two coats of brown paint the shop owner said it is possi hi to Fool around lot with lbcstain You can leave lot on or wipe lot off We have 20 till ferettt stains and over to paint colors ay ailablc There are approxitttately 30m different items to choose front The tttllll Shop does not carry them all lll stock but do have catalogue troitt which pieces may be ordered NIIW IIICS Mrs Marshall said site gets lots of ideas for various ltses of her product front her cits tomers We have large wall plagque at the shop which is about three feet wide ne women bought if planning to use it as headboard for her daughters bed Another woman purchased childs clothes hanger for use in the bathroom for towels If customer likes piece but does not want to paint it irs Marshall will finish it for an added foe Frogs wall plaques planters King Kong figurines skulls tall figurines small figurines aitd many other items are available at the Accenter Shop for those desiring new atid different craftgift idea the women were told ittliliil Shop at the liaylield Mall llarrie shows Lisbeth at Wednesdays Iirtstian Womens tIub meeting some of the pro Ih Marshall gau demonstration on lasleful Accents to your home to croth of about 50 women at the lIntbassy Ilall tlItininit Ihotnl Female intuition Its real study Lthllth tltculcrt is chologists have finally cstali lislicd that theme is such it thing asfemaleintuition omnieiits such as dont trust that man took at the Win he walks may no longer be trcatcd as engaging or lllIltll ing mannerisms of ltlllltllllll the psychologists say team of American scicii lists have measured the skill of bothseXts Ill non verbal com ntuiticatioii comtttonly known as llllllllltlll to find out why the ltltl is attributed to women ottlv lltcic ultsot then le pub Iislteil ill New Hot tety ligiinc show that Hlllltll are more lvlltII allottltxt to ollltlpeophthaniitll IIlcy aic tluo better itIlIt to ilttlgc lIlt ici meanttti behind lIcIuI cxpicsion Imtl mow ments and oicc tone all the mannerisms which can Itll otl things which lIIt person an or wont say iti woids The tests III III Ii tttcn and women were shown silent lilill clips representing difleient emotional Sllllttlliilh con in incd results of early studies dating to 1920 Wonten con sistcntly scored higher than men Ill ialtl cent of the tests lltliil lVtIIIllAIN Iltcic are no answers yet as to the origin of this ability in wontcii but researchers have come up with suggestions which might fit pattsoifhe pun Ilc lltey concede the ability may be inborn or genetic biil say Illtll likely explanation may lie til the ttlIlIllll of the human lttc Ann Landers Dont spend $40 as4conquering fear Dear Ann All my life Ive been scared to deal it of wonns decided to go to psychiatrist and rid myself of the fear During my first session$40 the doctor put Worm in my hand almost fainted The second session he handed me womi and asked if was still afraid to hold it saidYes Ilc replied cant doanything for you Goodbye That was the end of the therapy Another $40 Im still afraid of worms and hate myself because my boyfriend likes fishing and Id love to be able to bail book What should do now ltll Dear ltlt Ihe psychiatrists technique was correct Too bad he didnt stick with it You need more titerapy with another doctor Or try holding worm on your own for nothing Dear Ann Landers Why dotrs the world discritttimttc host the homosexual think it is unfair that two people the opposite gender can hold hands caress one another kiss lie toget her in the grass in the park dance together iii public places yet if two gays do this they are the object of scorn ridicule and may even run afoul of the law Many of us are becoming incensed over this unfair treat ment Are you courageous enough to speak out in behalf of these rights for us gays One Plus Dear Plus DID speak out in behalf of the civil rights of homosexuals 20 years ago when it was an unpopular position to take Illinois was the first state in the union to de clare homosexuality between consenting adults iit private NOT crime would like to believe my efforts had some thing to do with that legislation If guys want to hold hands and dance together iii public its OK with me lMaIcs do it in other culturesi But dont like to see lmtcmmxuals mushing it up iii public and the same goes for homosexuals Dear Ami Landers Some of your readers seem to think only public schools have discipline problems but its not true lam mother of Slitgrade student who is enrolled in parochial school and Im distressed by the attitude and bcha vior of todays students Once weekl go to school to help the teacher with the stu dents The kids are rude mouthy and show no respect to the teachers Many times Ive taken my child home attd pun ished him for the way be behaved while was there even though his rudeness was ignored by the teacher The classrooms are in state of chaos the kids can learn anything is beyond me Kids Will do Just exactly wnat the fi re they can With The lack of discipline is appalllitggiuleasetto nélliglibt state my child has many years of school left in this town and Idontwant to make it harder for him Will never be room mother again Its too much for me and raised SIX Irealize this letter is not well written bul fix it up so its good enough to printwAnonynious Please Dear AP The message is clear Thank you Ho Erma Bombeck Ah To be paged The ultimate By ERMA BOMBECK Do you know what the ultimate is in importance Its being paged All my life Ive wanted to be seated at the fanciest restau rant in town and have waiter wander through carrying plugin phone and calling my name Some people pay no attention to whos being called but not me Itsjust like the flag went by not only stop and ob serve the pagerI follow him with my eyes until he makes contact with the pagee In Las Vegas few months ago had two nickel slot ma chines smoking when bellhop called out loudly Mark Twain pick up the nearest phone please Mark Twain an swer the nearest phone please was standing frozen with hand unable to release the lever when my husband leane over and whispered For crying outloud what do you expect to see 142yearold man in white suit answer the phone once left coffee shop in Dayton to see if Jerry Ford an swered his page before it occurred to me the president would probably have ride into town friend of mine in Los Angeles shares my fascination She has set aside handsome sum in her will for perpetual page in the Polo Lounge in the Beverly Hills Hotel where being paged is rated just under witnessing God When you think of it it is the only way of remaining eter nal The only threat see to the paging system is the little beep beep boxes worn by the medical profession asked starlet whose career was settling at an astounding rate if she thought it would ever come to that She said Are you kid ding beep bee in our profession is dirty word agree lik it better when the theatre lights would go on an announcer would walk to centre stage and announce dramatically If Dr Leechbed is in the audience would you please call your service immediately Boy the drama that announcement used to conjure of woman in the final seconds of labor an army of nurses wait ing with gloves extended and the fingers blown out and the doctor saying Pray God Im not too late was sitting next to doctor at dinner couple of weeks ago when beep beep came from his chest He excused him self and called his service An emergency lasked upon his return No the babysitter called and wanted to know if the kids could split cola before they went to bed Her instructions had been to cut off their liquids at 00 Boy Ill bet his calls werent that boring when he was paged Pollys pointers ct Ammonia cuts smoke odor DEAR POLLY have sofa saturated with the odor of cigarette smoke and wonder if there is anything can do about it WILMA DEAR WILMA 0f courle the first thing would be to air the loft If pouible breezy sunny day would be but Ammonia in open container could be placed under It but only If there are no children or pets who can get to it Bowl of vinegar are often help and charcoal pieces between waxed paper but not closed up In It could be placed under the cushions or if you prefer open cakes of Icented soup presume you have already tried spray in with boulebold deodorant Hopefully one of these tb ngl will nllo biep Alice who has smoke odor problem too POLLY DEAR POLLY was interested in Christines Pointer concerning the use of coffee to remove the odor of smoke from cupboards and your mention of that being rather expensive cure considering the present price of coffee My mother used to sprinkle coffee grounds on the hot lid of the coal stove to remove offensive odors have also done that but with the pre sent priee of coffee one can use used grounds Place some in heavy skillet for few minutes Did you ever notice how strong the scent of coffee is when the grounds are removed from the basket in percolator would try placing used hot grounds in cupboard or wherever an odor was IRENE DEAR POLLYTo get coffee stains out of glass coffee put few lce cubes in the pot and jggle them around stains will soon dlsa ear MRS DEAR POLLY hen you want to paint your woodwork but have wall to wall carpeting cover the carpet with newspapers for protection Next take an old metal automobile license plate and bend the edge along the length of the plate to make slight curve and as you paint hold the bent edge firmly over the edge of the carpet next to the baseboard You will have to wipe the metal plate off each time it is moved but this does do neat and fast job MRS DEAR POLLY use toilet cleaning brush with good strong bristles for cleaning the floor in the car There is not much room in our garage and it is hard to get the vacuum in broom ls too big and the bristles always break off of whisk broom and have to be picked so this brush works well as it is easy to get in and around an it flips the dirt out quite well

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