uuvlaii the examiner Thursday July 14 1971 By SUE ROLTLllFE Examiner Staff Reporter Peach prices should re main on par with those set year ago syas spokesman for the Ontario Fresh Fruit lrowers Marketing Board Faye Clack says prices should be between 33 and 35 cents pound despite winter host that wiped out 40 to 50 per cent of southwestern Ontarios crop Tonsumers were saved from higher prices by surplus crop grown in the Niagara region she said in an interview Niagaras crop produced an increase of 10 per cent over 6001 acres of produc tion Southwestern Ontario had 31100 in production this year Between the two the price has averaged out to one stable with last years level she said Ontarios 1977 crop is estimated to be between 85 and 100 million pounds and should be on local store shelves by liily 24 says Mrs lack Peaches now stocked in Ontario stores are from New Jersey Georgia and alitor nia Aug should be the peak of the summer for fresh Fresh Ontario peaches You can top summer salads with them hollow out their centres to add cunant jely and cinnamon or top them with whipped cream You can reach for them without thinking with guilt of that diet you meant to stick to There is just in calories in each averagesized peach you can hand them to your children instead of chtxolate bar leaches are valuable ad dition to your summer meals says Faye lark spokesman tor the Illilllti Fresh Fruit Growers Marketing Board Filled with vitamin they are nuirit ious fruit that can be had for about 31 to it cent pound Mrs lark says there are number of uses tor peaches in everyday meals and specialoccasions teaspoon oi currant ielly in peeled peach half that has been hollowed out top pcd with cinnamon and broil ed makes tasty addition to meal of tiny meatballs and brown rice she says main Course tossed salad can include peach slices wit halved pitted sweet cherries Peaches can become part of milkshake made in blender with one large sliced peach one cup of milk and one scoop of vanilla ice cream I977 peach prices hould not chang peaches while peaches available later in the month are good for canning and freezing she says FRESH EMPIIASIS The emphasis is increas ingly on fresh peaches says Mrs Clack Producers who once set aside 50 per cent of their peach crop for production and 50 for fresh fruit markets have changed the figures to read between 75 and 80 per cent for fresh fruit markets she says ntario peaches are hand picked and handpacked says Mrs Clack They are picked to ripen in two to three days and travel to major assembly centres to be packed and transported on refrigerated trucks that run on 24houraday sen vice throughout the province Its estimated that peaches reach the markets within two days of bar vesting with maximum of five days for the more dis tant locations she said Peaches are now being shipped to Quebec and the Maritimes where demand is high says Mrs Clack HIT BY COLOR Consumers should buy peaches on the basis of the Fresh Ontario peaches have variety of uses ther ideas says Mrs Clark include glazing peach halves with favorite berry jelly The peaches should then be refrigerated To serve invert on the halves on scoop oi peachflavored ice cream and sprinkle with chopped almonds Roast lamb makes delicious meal garnished with peach halves says Hark The halves are coated with melted mint jelly and then placed around the roast on platter and adorned with sprigs of mint tr you can serve freshly thawed frozen peach slices in fruit cup or just by themselves In preparing peaches removing the skin can be done easily by plunging the peach on spoon in boiling water for Iltl seconds The peach is then uncovered and put under cold water To prevent peaches from browining solution of ascor bic acid can be used says Mrs Clark The acid is sprinkled on the peaches and mixed through well lEll MARMALAIHC 12 Intario Peaches oranges tmediumi tl cups sugar Wash peel and pit Ontario peaches Peel oranges keeping peel from 113 oranges Mince peaches ground color of the fruit and not the outside blush says Mrs Clack Good peaches have creamy yellow background and are firm to the touch This year is good year for firmness in peaches because of the lack of heavy rain this spring she says They should be of better quality with more shelflife she said Ripe peaches can be kept longer if refrigerated while underripe peaches should be spread out not touching each other at room temperature and away from sunlight she said Consumers have increas ingly turned to the home methods of canning peaches in the last two to three years says Mrs Clack Canning time for peaches is midAugust she says While semicling early peaches such as Royalvee and Sunhaven are best as fresheating peaches she says freestone peaches available in midAugust are best for canning Freestone varities include Redhaven Envoy Loring Madison Veteran and Red skin peaches says Mrs Clack oranges and peel Measure the fruit to cups Place in large preserving kettle ad ding cup for cup of sugar Br ing to boil and boil rapidly 23 to 30 minutes stirring oc casionally to prevent burn ihng Bottle and seal while ot FROZEN PEACH SLICES This recipe for freezing peaches is unsurpassed When thawed the peaches taste freshpicked And the lovely golden slices can be used in pics desserts refreshing drinks and there is readymade juice for fruit cups or sliced peaches alone For this recipe use plastic containers with tight fitting lids ilakc up one sixounce can of orange juice ac cording to directions on the can Unsweetened juice is recommended Add cup sugar and Ascorbic acid follow manufacturers directions found on container as these vary Using the above mixture fill container full Fill the remaining space with sliced fresh peaches irlut crumpled wax paper on top of the peaches and press down gently to keep the peaches submerged in the juice 77over and freeze Jaycees Jaycettes honored at 42nd annual convention Barrie layeces were honored several times this weekend at the Canada laycees 42nd anA nuai convention at the Skyline Hotel in Toronto President lreg llenn was called to the podium to receive the units seventh Blue hip certiiicate in eight years founders club certificati for starting the Midland laycees in May and first placc lltllltl iii the lllur liip Award of lix cellcnce program wliicii recognizes outstanding laycce units The convent ion began liednesday with opening ceremonies highlighted by Hob by iimby and group of Toron to public school children lohii raig Eaton was the guest speaker at the Blue hip luncheon Thursday an event organized by the Barrie laycees Progressive Conser vative leader Joe lark ad dressed the delegates Friday llis speech on national unity was well received The Canada laycces have adopted na tional program to promote uni ty across aiiada liiis progiaiii to be orgaiiiw ed by the Toronto laycecs will focus on tw inning Quebec cities and towns with other aiiadian cities anti towns The ilaiiic layctttcs were also represented at the conven tion and president Sandy Wyvill accepted second place award for the group for its babysitting Course in the Chris tian Smith contest which deals with child safety The Barrie Jaycees received five awards They were first in membership and extension second in economic affairs community development and youth activities and honorable mention in public relations Final event of the convention was presidents banquet and ball Saturday Syd llarmon of Brampton was then installed as the new national president Children sense love and core by Notre Dame sisters Sl tilli ltl il gitlii liilditiiis Villagi took iii it it iilitciied iiic near old boy lil Scptcmbcr in bi first wetLend llltlt lie i1ti away How tiiiws scicanicd when ippioailicd by the statt itll ltttisttl lli ltt lltlltllltl anyone psychiatrist JltlSttl olti ciils that the yoiingstci lisycliiilli ititl liiitiil lK tilIil in an institution lllsllltll llit tlllt llitiii tcrs who run the villiiec ll this community ll ll11lt west of alciloo kept the boy lodi he is 1alkat1vc well oi gained and doing well in st hool lhe ilil children betwccii and 13 who the the tillage are all emotionally disturbed Some are referred by childi ens aid societies oi iuienilc courts across the tt iiicc t1ici ai placed it the village by their parents Most are above normal lit in tclligeiicc but how plolJIttiis with their families and pceis Some are victims of child abuse Others have been pased lion om to ci hone to an llllt Iilil lll it lltl iii nuiat Iilltiililltilt peiiod wit it child platcit aii oi sitt Iiiiiiily coitayc with hoiisc tiltlll and Illlll oi tlillt ll biotlicr indststcr We ll ltit1tllitil iliiiiits that iiiikc tlltlll lttl pail oi toi il inil pii ot thcyillauc iiitlistei lii llipnei sl aiit diici tor oi lllt iligi llicy know the enliii tall hcri to help iliciii and hiy sill sctlicloicaiidtaic llotise pai cnt irc llll ed ioi two year period lliey biiiig then owii childien lllll into one oi the lllil iollagcs and adopt eight or nine young steis tine painiii is pi rii died to lyccp iii ontsidt lob the othei itltuillt 17 ill lllilflt Hit the children lhcy liic wtckl night oft iiitl one liti weekend linilll it My bigiie with was whitlici id be nine to took for all those kid said fail tii its ltii llis litvi litttlsc llitlllltl lol llitlilt twii ytms lI ll twill iltinl ll itrittit ii liliitil to tllti oi lll extiy tlitl llii yot ioiild not Ullll Ni II II lll tnm sint til litiillltlil she ll iitllilMl lltll she and hci liiisluiiitl liiiy took their nine kids bowhiiy man lit iiitwinning lanc asked fail llllill ill lltllt lliltll ii Atlt lili in lll iiisilitl yes all lli lid iiiiiinil llou tililtiil iicii tliioiiiy tall iiieinheis who tltil ll the chitdiei llllI iii upccial edui ation tenchci llllltl care woi kci sot ii itillytl and iii tit ltil it Iililliillllil lhc Illillt oticr porls tiatts giiitii iiiil ltt oiilion its on llIil chat ridiiii ind iollcr sl lltll llat child lli lili lttl1tltilllt toy s1 is and st lili aic doiiatcti by the com iiitiiiit lltl alhtiiiit llciiii aid the llltl look iot lotti tilii iinproycnieot ixihcr than ltlt iinlit iiiiiiclc Classic cotton in contemporary styles For travel days anti stayathomc days this elegant duo is winner Tailored shirt in seasonless black features full sleeves that taper and Cliff at wrist Anklelength dirndl skirt presents vivid mixed print in black and rust tec motif Deep hip pockets and loose easy flow of skirt reflect casual and comfortable spirit Shirt and skirt are in too per cent cotton From nne Klein Al lthllT silhouette of classic and contemporary good looks Versatile 100 per cent cotton knit Isliirt is basic yearround ardrobc item The shirt features short sleeves button front and neat little breast pocket Smart wrapstyle skirt is also in cotton shows its stripes Easy to pack easy to launder botii shirt and skirt are ideal for so many occasions at home and away lifestyle Pink Helmets spearheading drive for equal rights for Japanese women liKYtl titeiiteii lile nicmbcr of Japan tippei house have becn wained that they man be ll danee of get 1m laritc chop troni fcmalc mciiiieis it they present bills itllliltiltll to atomic or maI humiliating remaik about them Japans niw lon cn lit1 is ilcidin ibo ltt itillti for ltCiliilb the 33 seat house The partys toundei dcmuie hsako linoki ha said all an didates xi ill leirn larite to deal with iinsyinpathctic ilillltil mentiirians of the opptsitc sex and Ill be llillt prepared to ill llitt karate tllltl otl Iitiiltit rant malc eislit ois lis linolvi aid lapancsc male chauxinisin is ending tcr Boot years Mitt loiiiitling her party in 1irt it she has led hcr feminist shocl troops nick named the pint helmets into the oliii of taint husbands to forcethcm in pa iliiiiont llit lltl tpi1liiiiiit1 11 et has in twllltr tll t3e ill scat liii lttlill iil in the upper litliiSt iii of whom tat ic eiet to INIC llllil ll1 lCnoki iho will not rtin l1 lllt elect ion so she can suiiei ise the ciiiitagi siid elected liiik llclmcts ma tort ibl oc ihi lioiisc iticsidcn scat when iecessir Shi said her part iiltimatc oi ijcc is to at liic woiiicti siipren ic lll Japan lllt end of hisccntiir ur tirt tak to gci pat liaiiientar sents to icie the tiil code to the itltantaue ot woiitcti ill tllllllll itibi iiiiijoiity and tale tt power then ull extend our helping hands to otliei llllttlttt1tlllltl count llt lii llltltlSllliillNl the powci of must lcs lzti loiigci mciit Wontn iiic more tcnac iid itiitib then ii cit iiltl Draw with the eyes lis lllvl pcisiiadcd hci ic liictant doctor husband to boi row 17 million ncn motion than bank using their liniie as collaicial Announcing the paitxs crea tion list Maich she said hei husband ad igiccd to borrow the ii oncy oi ttllid 1oii that it thc deb ins not piid by llltlil oilul llt iillll tlltilll ithcr liiniorwoiiieii iibeiation llllCH ll If we siict stally revisi lllilltrtttltlllttl lat won will be eligible ht ti eilc in thc ltllllllll thionc all oxei ll lltlll ciiiploccs will bc tillltt with ltltll doing poi time jobs and ill ms whose itrtsuiiiiis and eecutivcs are Vtttttll will bi eeinpt ii on toiporntc taxis iori tlll women ll torn an alt lliitlt labor oi gait iilliitl omen ill be able to cntci lltc dciciicc icadcmy so hii ntilitar otlit ei will eicn uiil ill bi some Mrs llnitki who stiitlicd People paralyzed from head to toe may soon be able to communicate by ritillfl ItVi sion semin moving only their eyes as illustrated by llerith llovcr an artist at the entcr for Advanced Visual Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology She collaborated on the project The system lets the helpless compose messages draw pictures and play games AP Photo biotlicmisrrx it college for med llliSslllt group in WT calling tor the lllltlll1ll1tllt of abortion laws and the sale of cont racept es Abortion legal in Japan since llila iindcr stringent conditions now is allowed for economic rcasons as well as Ior mental and other physical conditions while the oncclianiied pill is available on doctors pre scriptioiis Mrs llllll iornicd an organ ization to help destitute wives ioeitsagii She said dont deny pcacelul coexistence of both sexes lint shock tltéltltltlll is iiecessar in transitional pe rind Teddy bears are normal researcher PHILADELPHIA tAli lleies good niws for mothers and the makers of teddy hears it it normal for toddlers to cling to security objects such as blari kets and stuffed toy animals Thats the word from Dr El len lay clinical psychologist who after studying young chil dren has concluded that chil dren who tote blankets like Linus in the cartoon strip Pea nuts are simply taking helpful anxiety break toddlers problems an affront from playmate inability to master new toy harsh word from mother may seem minor to an adult but to the child they are terribly up setting says Dr lay who wrote about children and their fuzzy friends in her PhD thesis at ltryn Mawr College but act with something soft and comforting something that may have originally been sub st it tile for mothers closeness and warmth during infancy can help the child keep an even keel through his diiiicult times its chance to rebuild his coii tideiicc Its perfectly normal Ir lay found that stress in dications rose sharply just be fore the lllll went to his blaii ket liaiiiber Barbecue llic tiltltl lliii1clhaiiibcr oi toiiiiiieiic is holding its 31h annual barbecue llll at Molsoiis lark ill iiric Socialilmg starts at pm while the caning and serving of western style hip of beet being siipcr ised by Ed isctiirhart begins Il about ill The dress is western with those in the best western dress being presented with prize Lucky draw ill beheld llaiicing will also be held later in the evening The cost per person is S3 Ann Landers Recipients are not always lazy Dear Ann Landers Youve had lot of flak in your column from people who think everybody on welfare is trying to rip off the hardworking taxpayers read something last Sun day that gave different set of facts It IS the combined findings of 18 major private social servrce agencies in New York City It is called Mvths and Realties of Welfare in New York hope you will print it am Brooklyn reader physically handicapped and cant tell you how pleased was to read this Please share it wrth the world The maximum monthly welfare grant in New York City for family of four not including rent allowance is 32 or about $15 per week for each family members basic necessuieswa survey of welfare mothers in New York City in 1974 found that 56 per cent were spending less for food than the cost of nutritionally adequate diet 86 per cent of the families reported running out of food at the end of most cheque penodSI and 41 per cent said that their families ex perienced varying degrees of hunger at all times More than 60 per cent of the welfare clients in New York itv are children under the age of 18 who do not enjov the advaniages afforded their peers in working families The popular misconception that all welfare recipients areéazy liWIdCSPICHd ays ie report Only cent of tone reeeivin welfare are able to hold jpcob Most clitnls are young children mothers who try to care for them and people with severe health problems Some ablebodied adults who receive welfare are on the relief rolls because they cant find jobs for which they were trained Whats more their education has been so poor they are semiliterateNY Reader Dear NYl Im sure your letter will anger great many people who enjoy believing everyone on welfare is lazy or crooked but the facts are correct and am happv to print them Dear Ann know Im out of season dut pese help me anyway am one of those lucky ones who was born on December 25th Christmas Day feel honored but also feel cheated My friends and family always combine mv Cluistmas present with my birthday present If receive anything for my birthday its usually card Those with whom lexchangc giits receive TWU from me Question Would it be OK if sent these people card on their birthdays and gift at Christmas Thank youfrom all the Christmas babiessrlwo In One Dear Two Yes it would be perfectly OK recommend it Dear Ann Landers hat do you think of three grown children with families who ask their mother ta working woman in her 505 to spend her twoweek vacation every year acting as livein maid for their children so they can have carefree vacation Grandma is sweet person who cant say no So she has been shamelessly abused for the last four years Any com ment Id love to hear what you have to say Seething The Sidelines Dear Seething You must be new reader Landers Law of Exploitation goes like this in order for person to be abused two elements must be present an inconsiderate clod the abusert and person who will allow himself to be taken advantage of Unless both elements are present ex ploitat ion is impossible Erma Bombeck Kids question parents love By ERMA BOMBECK didnt mean to eavesdrop but the conversation was just too good to pass up group of kids were talking around our kitchen table and one of them said Every time my Mom says lm doing this because love you know its going to be something rotten Yeah doesnt love ever feel gotxll asked another boy Are you kidding Love at our house is never being able to sit down for week How do you get them to stop loving you and do what you want to do The one that always gets me is This is going to hurt me worse than it hurts you Theyre lying Did you ever see parent depressed when youre cut ting the grass Hey got one said another kid How about When you grow up youll thank me for being so strict rte Thats gotxl one said his friend Cant you see your Mom looking at her calendar and saying lley today is Tuesday Ive got to go over and thank Grandma for giving me rap when spoiled my dinner by eating two cookies back in 1946 Parents sure are fiumy said another boy love it when my Dad says Son may not always understand you but am always willing to listen He says that just before he says dont want to hear any more Go to your rooml You know the phrase that really turns em out is when you tell em everyone elses mother says yes and you get the whole table in unisont lm not everyone elses mother Where do they get these phrases Maybe theres book of them the hospital passes out on the day you take baby home from the hospital Wise Say ings for Parents Do you suppose mothers really have that extra power they say they do The one about No matter where you are or what youredoing Ill know They thought about that one for awhile then one said Probably not but who wants to take chance on it The conversation tumed to Saturday night and one of them said Lets crash Kai by Krupps party If our parents knew theyd kill us We wont tell em Thats sneaky and thats dishonest No1hats sparing them and thats love Try toothpaste on blackboar DEAR POLLY Is there way to remove crayon marks from childs chalk board have two small children and would really appreciate any help you can give me about this CECELIA DEAR CECELlATry toothpaste as it will remove crayon marks from painted walls and woodwork am sure we will be hearing from other mothers who have had the same problem POLLY DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve is the fact that manufac turers do not make the popular juvenile patterned sheets with Walt Disney figures on them in more than one size Most of the printed sheets for children come in twin size only and many children who sleep in double beds cannot enjoy bed linens that appeal to them MRS HEW DEAR POLLY All of our seven children like glass of water with their meals so instead of pouring out what they do not drink have placed container under the kitchen sink to collect this water It is used for watering flowers indoors and out or rinsing the sink and even helps when running the gar bage disposal MRS DEAR POLLY When ironing clothes shirts especially wrap twist tie from bread bags around the neck of the hanger after garment is put on it to remind me if there is button missing tear in the seam etc When the ironing is finished can quickly see what pieces need some work before hanging in the closet Also keep clean piece of waxed paper in my shortening can so when need to grease cake pans cookie sheets or casserole dishes save myself bit of time by not having to get out the roll of waxed paper right in the middle of the bak ing job CAROLYN DEAR POLLY Most hospitals now give patients plastic items to use while there and they are yours to keep when you leave Never discard them as they can be put to many uses use the water jug for frozen orange juice soap dish to hold pan cleaners kept on the sink the cup for toothbrushes the pan for washing small items and so on EILEEN