Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jul 1977, p. 15

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ltm lIelping his Dad on the farm will keep Ken iiffen of RR Miiiesiiig busy this summer The Youth of the Mouth chosen liy the Barrie Kiwanis Club will enter Waterloo Two years clone in one school year liy PAT illIIHiIS Examiner Staff Reporter Ile did it all himself without any help or pushing from his parents says iraydon Giften about his son Ken who has been chosen Youth of the Month by theKiwaiiis lubof Barrie The 17yearold student recently graduated from North tollegiate and will attend Waterloo liiiversity in the fall taking computer science cotirse Kens last year at school was little unusual He completed trades 12 and 11 in the same year and graudated with an around 90 average It was kind of rough sometimes There was lot of homework involved but it beats doing another year Ken said carried eight subjects so often would have to do homework after coming home at night from hockey or else would get up early in the morn ingandsttidy Ken and his sister Sandy 19 had to get up at am and walk down to the highway to catch the school bus at 730 am The family lives at RR Miiiesiiig lnitl this year Sandy has been one year ahead of Ken in school Now they will he star ting university at the same time She is enrolled in Science course at the Universi ty of Guelph majoring in wildlife NUT FARMER Kens mother Velma is employed at the Vespra Township office and his lather is farmer Would Ken like to become farmer No way Its too hard to make living at it The work is hard and the hours are long help here with the chores and the other things that have to be done on farm but wouldnt become farmer Ken and his parents attended banquet of the Kiwaiias on June 27 where he was presented with plaque which reads As honorable testimonial of excellence of scholarship character and leadership potential TOP BOY Earl Brydges principal of North Collegiate was ItSIJOIISL ble for submitting Kens name for selection The Math Iub at school was the only activity Ken was able to get involved in When you live this far out of town its hard to get involved in much at the school because its hard to get ride home University in the fall in computer science program Ken was also chosen lop boy at liarries North ollegiate and graduated top in his grade I2 class Examiner Pliotot Kens tilt per cent average carried him the honor of being Top in his grade 13 class as well as top boy in the school TIIER INIERIISTS Listening to music is one of Kens favorite pastimes tape all my own albums Oneof thethiiigs lenioy most is putting music systems together The elder Giflen says he thinks his philosophy with Ken paidofl When he was in II he was told it he couldnt look after his calf himself he couldnt have it And when he went to high school told him it he didnt want to study he didnt have to We didnt help him or push him in any way and think that litv tle bit of philosophy paid off Ken is enrolled in coop course at Waterloo Ile will go to school for periods of four months and then work lor four months This Will go on loi three and threesquarter years Ile will be paid for the work periods and will likely go back to the same employer each time This system quite often results in fill with that employer Reii explained Although Ken has decided not by Kiwanis Club Youth of the Month KEN illtlEN to become farmer he plans to live in the country job in the computer science field will likely mean that will have to work in city but liloiil intend to live there Ill live iii Ihecoiiiitry Kens younger brother Kevin will be starting hiin school at ort Ii this September Magazine urges creation grown hill of selfdefence groups LONDON Reutert Brit ish magazine entitled Race To day is urging creation of self defence groups to combat in creasing attacks on the Asian immigrant community in lion dons rundown eastend dis tricts In discussion document Race and Violence Towards Command ouncil the maga zine outlines proposals for ac tive service units of 10 people from the immigrant com munity under the leadership of secret command council which would organize methods of selfdefence Editor Darcus Ilowe 34 from Trinidad said the proposals arose from the staffs own work in the Bengali community The monthly magazine is an inde pendent joumal of the black community in Britain Previous magazine articles had focused attention on the miserable lifestyle of the Ben galis many of whom it said new flos by Mrs Wanless 3222978 Visiting Friends Mr and Mrs Steele Laura and Etobicoke were weekend visitors larence Atkinson Miss athy Finlay Toronto spent the holiday weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Alex Finlay Bob and Johnson before leaving for Compton Quebec to take sixweek summer course in Hench Campbell David of hoHday with Mrs Home From llospital Glad to report that Mrs Steve Rawn is able to be home from the General and Marine Ilospital iii ollingwood Visitors on the weekend with Mrs Rawii included Mr and Mrs Tony Toinek of Toronto Mr and Mrs John Wilson and Sharon of Schomber Mr and Mrs Allen Sinclair of Col ingwood and Mr and Mrs Walter Lynn of Suniiidale BOOK YOUR WINTER VACATION NOW BRISTOW TRAVEL 29 OWEN ST BARBIE 7370340 worked in crowded sweatshop conditions in the garment in dustry in Londons east end FAMILY STONEI Recent attacks reported by the media included the stoning and bounding of young Ben gali widow and her children from housing complex vicious bottle and knife attacks on teenagers and the beating upof Bengali men going to their local mosque The magazine said all that was offered so far in face of in creasing racial violence was little moral support from liberalsandantiFascists We have to protect our selves there is no alternative said the magaxine introducing its proposals The plan is bound to cause controversy since an der British law the organ ixation of uniformed or para military groups is illegal The increase in the random attacks some of which have re sulted in hospital casualties anada Day Parade Mr and Mrs Archie Wanless spent the holiday weekend with their son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Warren Waiiless of Sunnidale Sundbridge On Friday they attended the Canada Day Parade in North Bay It included an air show and tattoo and Pauline McGib bon Lieutenanttiovernor of Ontario was present Saturday visitors with Mr and Mrs Larry Cameron in chided Mr and Mrs William Kerton and liale of tyandotte Michigan Mr and Mrs Chas McLeod and Brenda and Mike lronside of Big Bay Point Miss Anne Rawn is working for the summer as day camp Councillor Miss Janet Wanless is an assistant probation officer with Community and Social Services in Midlatid Four Poster Members of the New Itlos Womens Institute and friends enjoyed their dinner on Tues day at the Pondeiosa and the matinee The Four Poster afterwards at the Georgian ollege Theatre OAILENE IIISTOW coincides with the rapid growth of the National Front an ex trerne rightwviiig party which wants an end to all immigration and the forcible repatriation of immigrants already in Bri taiii IIIIC IIIIII The police and security foiu ces in Britain have simply failed in their ditty to protect black and Asian people from at tacks by white racists They have not even tried said IIowe Scotland Yard spokesman said in reply to the magazines allegations The police reply to all calls for assistance irrespective of race He em phasied that the police are opr posed to any form of vigilante groups First meeting in 60 years LtNIN ttlt The last time the Ginn sisters were to gether David Lloyd George was prime minister of Britain and the country was at war with Kaiser Wilhelm of Ger many Agnes Giiin married Canadian soldier and left with him for Saskatoon iii till Now 81 Agnes Adams has re turned to London for her first meeting in till years with Rose Marwood T41 and Eleanor Short 80 Alice Guest 72 who lives at llemel llenipstead in llertfordshire Iias come in to join them used to think would never see my family again said Mrs Adams But with traii satlantic flying it is so easy to take trip home nowaday My sisters and have kept in touch all these years and have exchanged photographs through the mail but it is strange to meet them in person after so long People dont really change that much said Mrs Mar wood We get older and greyer and develop few wrinkles but underneath the personalities are much the same Mrs Guest agreed of on outstanding investment No competition Low capital investment High net yield Low labor content truly unique Can We Do Business Together This very unique business opportunity has all the features It can be operated an regional basis as either an owner monager or strictly as an investment If you feel that you have really heard and seen it all before then you should contact us for something that is Reply to Box U78 The Examiner Mrs Dunsmore 7268373 lhyllis Vowroll president of the Simcoe lrcsbyteiial IVV will be guest speaker July 17 at the Ittziitt in church service field at iown Ilill United hureh The frown lIill Womens Iii stittite were hosts at smorgasbord held recently at the church hall for members of the Durham Womens Institute visitinghere The women then proceeded to the local shopping malls before leaving for home The Durham women also enjoyed trip to the Simcoe ount Museum Mrs Miles lliekling HI leader of the rowii Ilill club accompaniwl girls from North Simcoe area HI clubs to con ference in Guelph recently Her daughter ltern was rown Ilills representative Mr and Mrs Leonard Edger toii and Mr and Mrs Bud liuiismore were among members of Sintons bus drivers who were guests of Mr and Mrs Iloyd Siiiton on re cent social outing to Toronto rowii Ilill had five graduates from the irade classes of Shanty Ray School Tony Ayotte Lynn happcll Dorothy Clark Ricky Duiismore and Brian Smith Brian Smith entertained his classmates at swimming pool party held at his home at the endofthe class year Mr Bill Reid is patient of liarries Royal Victoria Hospital following recent surgery Mrs Wayne Siervars and children of New Westminster visited here recently with her brother and sisteitiiilaw Mr and Mrs Bllltt thappell and family Mrs Viola luck visited in St at hariiies recently Ilarold aldwell of Sparr down It Visited here recent ly with his sisters Mrs Miles lliekhng and Mrs scar llicklr mg and their families Mr and Mrs Bob Dunsmore and daughter Laura of ants ville and Mr and Mrs Jack liaiker of Base Borden were weekend visitors willi the lusiiioies recently town country Council approves sales purchase Two land sales and one purchase won approvacouncil this week Council passed bylaws authorizing the sale of home at 207 Cook Street to custom builder Isbrandt for $16900 and the purchase of 4244 High Street southwest corner of Dunlop from Ross Money for $75000 Both actionswere previously approved by council resoiu tion In addition council approved general committee recommendation to sell 24 acres of the citys Welham In dustrial Park on Big Bay Point Road to Rox Ltd Barrie electrical contractor for $58923 The Cook Street sale is part of the citys work in acting as courtappointed administrator of the estate of the late Edith Bishop the High Street purchase is part of an intersection improvement plan 69 per cent increase salary increase of 69 per cent for Barries 24 parttime firefighters and purchase of three vehicles for the fire depart ment for total of 3133000 were approved Monday by city council No prosecution agreed on City council confirmed Monday general committee recommendation to withdraw an attempt to prosecute Friends discotheque under the Lords Day Act for operating on Sundays and also upheld decision not to list dancing as permitted Sunday sport Since the two closelylinked issues arose the discotheque has ceased operations while awaiting liquor licence hearing scheduled for next month Emergency meetings only Its officialcity council will not meet in August except for emergencies Council approved general committee recommendation Monday to continue the traditional August recess this year Storm drain approved $4000 storm drain extension on Lillian Crescent in the Riverwood Farm subdivision won city council approval Monday The extension is to take drainage from swale on the west side of Riverwood Park avaoiding spillover on the road Sodium vapor tights going in High pressure sodium vapor street lights often subject of controversy or their odd color but generally regarded as the wave of the future will be installed on reconstructed portions of Essa Road Bayview Drive and Wellington Street West this year Home subdivision goes ahead 37home subdivision proposed by Don Allen for 44 acre parcel on the north side of Edgehill Drive won city council approval Monday Grading bylaw passed City council approved Monday resolution to amend the citys property standards bylaw to require vacant lots to be graded to the satisfaction of the citys property standards of ficer City to get new garbage firm general committee recommendation that tenders be called for new city garbage pickup contract was approved Monday by city council The current contract with Baxter Disposal Ltd will be endd by mutual agreement before its Dec 31 expiration date Baxter has been the subject of com plaints regarding service disruptions due to equipment breakdown and city officials have said the city is paying the firm too little to allow it to keep up its equipment The city is to help keep Baxter going until new contract takes effect No action an increase City council approved Monday general committee deci sion to take no action on proposed pension increase for former city police chief Ed Tschirhart who currently receives $8515 year from the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System MEILUN 01 DENTURE THERAPIST Complete Denture Service Hours am pm Mon thru Sol 280 Dunlop St Barrie 72868l0 Member Denturist Society SHOP HAPPY $AVE WITH SMIL Boniiiong HAM 199 BONELESS BARBECUE ROASTS DEVON RlNDlESS BACON SWIFTS LB BOX 469 793 WIENERS MAPLE lEAF POLISH ROIEN CHICKEN gt ouaurerarvpmsomu Izmsmvct 42 MAPLESTREET Mus8580 the examiner Wednesday JuIy 13 1977 15 Taylor notices friction in first days in House Ontarios new legislature is marked with increasingly ar tisan debate and friction et ween the two opposition par ties says George Taylor tPCSimcoe Centre The recently elected MPP says the friction which he credits to the change in status of the opposition has added to the tension and uncertainty of minority government In recent press release Taylor also says newly elected members from all parties are getting chance to debate issues in committees What is going to require some patience on my part is learning the intricacies of parliamentary procedure and gaining further knowledge about government programs he said Taylor says his first impres sion of provincial government is the concern given to proposed legslation by cabinet ministers and MPPs in the government caucus He says caucus meetings are each members chance to make their point on new legislation without the glare of publici ty PLANNING OFFICE Taylor says he plam to open an constituency office soon in Barrie although final ar rangements havent been work ed0ut He also plans to issue series of weekly or biweekly releases to keep people in his riding in formed the press release states Taylor thanked voters for their support in the June 9th election For those of you who sup ported one of the other can didates may assure you that Meetings start Monday for selfhelp group Recovery lnc selfhelp organization for former mental patients will be starting regular weekly meetings Mon day at pm at St Georges Anglican Church Allandale Bill Reder organizer says Recovery does not take the place of doctor Our main function is to share experiences We have talk and then form discussion groups We dont diagnose or recommend medicaton or even offer advice It is gettogether where people with nervous pro blems can discuss and share things which have happened to them Recovery Inc is nonprofit nonsectarian organization of fering assistance in preventing chronic conditions in nervous patients and relapses in former mental patients For more information about the organization and the meetings call Bill Reder at 4362168 building too CORRUGA FIBERGLASS PANELS Fire retardant fiberglass panels in your choice of Green White or Yellow colours Approx 26 96 SHOP AT You 465 Bayfield Monday to Friday IO am IO pm This quality constructed steel storage unit is built with the heaviest wall panelling of any we know of in Canada Ideal for tools equipment bikes etc Features rich Brown textured panels with White trim Easy to assemble HEAVY DUTY UTILITY SHELF Sturdy shelf with more strength and rigidity than has ever been available in home shelvin Approx 36 72 x1 garden all steel utility mart Prtco mart Price arl win sow 21 KMART PLAZA St Barrie 152 35 1512 41 152 47 1512 53 1512x 59 152 64 152 71 represent all of you regardless of political affiliation he said To provide public service for personal concerns and mat ters is the primary job of any provinciallyelected represen tatives in this world theres always room for one more Call your Welcome Wagon Hostess now Phone we MPIIIIIIEMEIIT ii iiic lul Lilli In ICUI While thlilllci Iul lie Itl IIc rteii Io liiml leiilillci STEEL STORAGE BUILDING PANELLING st Woodgrain panel ling adds rich touch to any room of your home Re quires minimum care to keep its lustrous tone mart Price PLASTIC EXTERIOR SHUTTEBS WHITE or BLACK 10 11 Pt 12 14 15 It mart Price It mart Price It mart Price It mart Price It mart Price It mart Price It mart Price NEIGHBOURHOOD STORE 7262200 Saturday am IO pm

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