Lourin wont yield on one point but Mightconsider changes in language bill QUEBEC Clrrrtamille Laurin indicated Monday he does not plan to yield to pressure to withdraw proposal in his language legislation which would bar Canadians who move to Quebec from sending their children to English schools But the cultural development minister did indicate that the government might consider it PA fits all JUN BOYS SWIM SUITS anklets with comty Quickdrying mart Price Inflatable pice Children love ma price elastic to Nylon swim Vinyl pool In this set of neige or ice trunks in an cheery col pail shovel shades 039 size assortment ours Approx rake water mg of colours inches can sand pk Boys 46X deep Approx mold sitter 48 diameter and two boats 11 MISSES TANK TOPSa on NYLON SHORTS gm Claire ea Jamaica style pullon shorts with stitched front crease or 65 Polyes with printed front Both in Popular Sum ter 35 Cotton tank top mer colours in sizes SML STEI PRINT SUN DRESSES Easy breezy Polyester print dresses with flattering shirred style top Choose from Sum mery assortment of prints Jun Petite One size mart Price INFLATABLE WADING POOL some changes to the penalties provided in the hill and that it might be possible to enlarge the right ol appeal Laurin told national assem bly committee studying the leg islation that Quebec must con tend with continuing heavy im migration from other parts oi the country which can only weaken the position of the French language and culture astel colourful Kainm um Alwayy COOL comii BRA DRE The prettiest wa Summery day Figureflattering bra dresses come in variety of prints all Cotton Misses sizes 818 mart Price PC SAND MOLD SETS lie supplied statistics to sup port his contention ineluding figure that showed from 1966 to 1971 41000 Englislrspeaking Canadians moved to Quebec from other provinces conr pared with only 30000 trom out side Canada ITIZD PROGRAM The minister also cited the current federal government program to move thousands of To C00 SSE of crisp IN PR PACK Stretchy Nylon civil service jobs from Ottawa to new quarters in Hull as threat to the French language and culture in Western Quebec Laurin was responding to suggestion from the Federation of Principals of Quebec repre senting Milli lirenclispeaking school administrators that the legislation he relaxed to allow newcomers from other prov inces access to English schools mart Price submit these figures to your attention and ask you in light of these figures whether you can consider that there is no menace to the francophone collectivity he said Later the Quebec Chamber of ommerce presented brief which called for major revi sions to some key provisions of the hill Among its suggestions the ham ber proposed Dropping Article 37 which would prohibit an employer from requiring an employee to speak language other than French unless the employer furnishes proof that knowledge of second language is essenr tial for the job Amending the provision concerning language of instruc tion to allow newcomers to Que bee from the rest of Canada to send their children to English Schools Further amending the same provision to permit Fren chspeaking Quebecers to send their children to English schools for limited time to allow the children to adequately learn English ASSORTMENT OF ONE TWO PIECE SWIMSUITS FOR HER Provocativer priced swimwear made to suit even the tussiest shopper Choose from hugging fabrics in assorted and colours and prints too Canadian ma Juniors 715 Teens 1014X wide range of figure piece styles Sunny de Misses 3238 the examiner Tuesday June 28 1977 Irank berlc PC Prince GeorgePeace River told reporters Monday outside the ominons that Solicitor General Francis Fox requested oiiserialive Mls to lay low on questions about 1970 breakiii to offices at the Praxis orp to protect certain unnamed persons lliotol Lay Iow appeal on Praxis issue OTTAWA Cl SolicitorGeneral Francis Fox has asked Progressive Conservative Mls to lay low on questions about 1970 breakin at the offices of lraxis Corp in Toron to because the lives of unnamed persons are in danger Frank berle tPCthinCQ GeorgePeace Riveri said Mon day Oberle told reporters Fox made the request late last Fri day through ConservatiVe Leader Joe Clark berle said he was travelling to his riding and Fox could not reach him personally Oberlc said Fox has asked to meet Clark to discuss compromise or an offer Oberlc speculated this might mean an inquiry into the breakin However spokesman in larks office said later that no further meeting was requested and none is planned Oberle said he believes the persons in danger are people who acted as agents for whatever police force broke into the Praxis office stealing documents and setting fire to it Praxis is Toronto group formed to organize poor people The stolen documents earlier had wound up in the hands of the RCMP and were turned over at Foxs order to Metro politan Toronto police for investigation The RCMP were later cleared of any criminal activity in gaining or holding the documents Oberle said the request from Fox to lay low followed berles threat last week to name persons involved in the breakin if the federal government will not take any special action to investigate further If the government wants the official opposition to lay low he said eventually it must say precisely who is threatened and who is threatening them Smollwood starts tour on unity in Canada lllll ttlr loey Smallwood To has retired from active politics but the national unity question has given him new lease on tile its great fun to be back campaigning again said Smallwood who has started national speaking tour in the cause of unity He said farewell to the ew foundland legislature earlier this month alter years as premier and brief erratic roleiiiopimsition Now he is sitting through in vitations to speak and trying to organize national tour pro motingiiiiity Smallwood said he would not want to be limited to speaking to groups that Could aftoril llllll llie wellheeled outfits that pay my expenses and fee without realizing it ill be pay mg my costs of speaking to Illuminated Signs Artwork Posters PMSWQ ENS CutOut letters Graphics Sheets Billboards Printing Gold leaf etc etc groups that can not attord icx pcnsesi lie said he does not expect to make any money on the tour lhavc my ilegislaturei pen sion And dont forget own littlepublishingcompany time new book coming out lltl month which will be the most magniticent thing of its kind ever published in Can ada by anybody moo Color photographs tine oi his most recent lll vitations was from the Public Service oinmission of Canada organizers of seminar luly tit 13 at Montihello Que for ilfrltl senior federal and provincial civil servants The topic is per spect ives lll tedeialism Smallwood will be one of the speakers but said he would preA fer more public platforms such as service clubs schools and universities OUTDOOR ADVERTISING ITD owes Barrie 7289711