Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jun 1977, p. 4

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Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays Subscriptions WE EKLY by carrier Barb Boulton 90cents Dana Graham YEARLY by carrier John Zarecky $4680 AlLBarrie CIRCULATION BYM 54630 National advertSing ottices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 the 640 Cathcarl St Jon Butler manager IMCOE COUNTY Montreal David Jenkins asst manager $3650 Slew ROYCE MOTOR THROWOFF Judy Hickey $39 year Alva LaPlante ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Elaine Porter $3850 year Marg Scartt NEWSROOM Dave Henshaw managing editor Sean Finlay city editor Randy McDonald sports editor Bill Curran county editor Bill McFarlane wire editor Roll Kraiker photographer The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau at Circulat lions ABC only The Canadian Press may republish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The xaminer The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number 203815 register at BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Betty Armer Dorothy Bowland Gall McFarland Vikki Grant ADVERTISING Len Sevick manager SALESMEN Dan Gaynor Lyail Johnson the eXaminer servln barrle and Tuesday June 28 1917 imcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 POR TE RS John Bruce Paul Delean Richard Dunstan Pat Guergis Scott Haskins Sheila McGovern Sue Poutlilte CLASSIFIED Ruth Blais supervisor Lesley Young Freda Shinner Karen Atkinson Peggy Chapell The adveriser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages arising out at errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space actually occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error is due to the negligence at its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability tor nonsinsertion ot any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement Elio Agostinipublisher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 72824 clacuurioii 7266539 BUSINESS 7266537 Queens My County council record is better In calling on members of his council to make this 135th anniversary year of Simcoe County administration memorable one Warden Allan Glassford certainly merits full backing As pointed out in these columns before the county ad ministration has been remarkably good when compared park Oppose tax on pop cans By DON OHEARN vsamm mmth to regional government Property taxes have been going up in Simcoe county municipalities with the inflationary trend but not to the extent of regional areas Since the county councillors rejected pressure from different spokesmen who tried to convince them they should change to regional administration decade or so ago and at various times later until the past three or four years the relatively good showing must be gratifying to those involved The chief argrument presented by regional govem ment spokesmen was that the change would reduce taxes by increasing efficiency and eliminating duplication But comparison with regional area statistics shows such contention was unduely optimistic Despite greater government assistance in grants which are paid for by Ontario taxpayers from other than property taxes regional government levies on properties have been higher As Warden Glassford might point out there is lesson to be learned from this The value of taking the time to thoroughly evaluate such proposals was certainly justified Oro deputy reeve Allan McLean was among those who have stressed the need for cautious care on each step before committing the county to further updating which could cause sharp increases in taxes In this inflationary era costs are higher but the grow ing need for all levels of government to cooperate in holding down taxes and checking rises in public debt should be obvious to all concerned about the future economic trend The experience of the past few years has made it clear that it is much easier for governments to keep piling up expenditures and public debt than cutting back Simcoe County administration has been largely an exception and today has the unusual record of no debenture After all the prime concern of Simcoc County and municipal administrators has to be the ratepayers whom they represent snmcoe yesteryear This eastern view of Barrie along Ktmptnftll Ba iIlIlSlItlltS the great change which has taken place since the 1900 era Compared to the modern city Biiiric then was small town although it was growing with the incorporation of Allundalc Photo was provided courtesy of the raig family of RR Barrie Your business By VINCEN EGAN Busincss and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service By the spring of 1979lcss than two years from nowthc annual cost of driving your car and heating your home will probably lll $200 higher than the already high 1977 cost That will be the impact on the typical Canadian of the four price increases of $1 per barrel of crude oil every six months starting July 1977 that Energy Minister Alastair Gillespie recently announced These semiunnual price increases which have been taking place for the past few years we want your Opinion Something on your mind Send us letter to the editor Please make it an original copy and sign it We dont publish unsigned letters although pen name will be used upon request Include your address and telephone number because we have to verify letters but we wont print your address should you prefer Weve found that short letters are the best read Because of space limitations public interest and good taste we sometimes have to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the editor run Wednesdays and Saturdays Send yours to Letters to the editor The Examiner Box 370 Barrie Ont L4M 4T6 Another bonanza for oil firms are what passes for an energy policy in the Trudeau govcrnmcnt closcr examination it looks much more like patronage policy something ttuwa politicians understand much bcttcr than they seem to understand energy nccds lhc billiondollar sixiils will go iti part into the fcdcritl trcaisury whcrc some of it will bc zillottixl to offsct the high pricc of oil importcd into Eastern Canada from the international oil cartcl partially into trcasurics of the oil producing provinccs of Albcrta and Saskat Chcwzin its another windfall and in part into the oil companies also as bonan za although Ottawa will put them to the ad ded trouble and cxpcnsc tstutioncry postage and so on of sulnnitting semiannqu reports on what thcy do with the moncy ONSLMIJR PAYS As usual thc ordinary pcoplc of Canada thc consiinicrs who ultimately nicd gasolinc to go to llltll jobs and hcuting oil to help thcm survive thc cold wcuthcr are forgotten Their rolc as soon by Trudeau Gillespie and company is Simply to pay highcr prices Aftcr till whats unothcr lllll or two on onsunicr Irict hich thats always rising anyway It may not hurt thosc workcrs fortunate enough to have contracts that provide for automatic wugc incrcuscs every time the CPI goes up But thc only way ordinary Canadians might have chumc of turning the price squeeze to their udvnnlngc as it is to the advuntugc of govcrnmcnts and industry is through in vcstmcnt or spcculution on the stock market Parliament hill CONATO viiirnnli Um By STEWAI uclJIOI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Scryicc As sit in front of this window watching hordes of workmcn transform Parliament Hill into highcIaSs county fairground am having dcucc of time trying to dccidc how to make my contribution to The Grcut Canadian Birthday Party Naturally want to bc thcrc Thc govern ment obviously wcll rested after taking year off from these noisy cclcbrations is being absolutely insistcnt that wr zill bc there It has something to do with showing our love for Canada But cant be there all day rcgzirdlcss of how much lovc Canada And with Ottawa activities scattered around the city and with livc television covcrugc coming in from all over the country they arc even going to show us the midnight sun am sorcly afraid will miss somc highlights And this is no way to mukc contribution to The Great Canadian Birthday lart certainly dont want to miss that cake decorating contcst Nothing contributes more to great nutionul cvcnt than it cake decorating contest vi but other countries are talking about it already and Ill ix closc to that stage when the finalists parzidc by waiting to hczir Bruno icrtissi announcc the winner NOT OlVlPlCIlllt tN Stutc SetlCltll loiin ltobcrts incidentally has been adamant in dcclaring that The lrcal Canadian Birthday Party is not an at tempt to outdo thc St Joan Baptistc colcbrutions in Quebec dont want to turn The world today By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Scrvicc Not even tho most implucziblc critic of the Russian Revolution will deny that thc most impressivc accomplishment of that event which began in 1917 was the development of science in the Soviet Union The beginnings of great scientific achievement of Russian scicncc were there in fits and starts undcr thc impurinl system There wcrc admiruls with strong scientific bents thc Mcndclcv chart of the elements of chemistry the early aviation pioneering of Sikorsky the first Russian iccbrcukcr com missioncd in 1807 But the major thrusts cumc with the arrival and emcrgcncc of the Sovict system Over the years in this country the visits of it into liloyard relay with Quebec he has said with precision Yet bet some people will still wonder about this particularly when Ottawa now is willing to spcnd $35 million on oneday pain ty which follows on the heels of Qucbccs $13 million bash Last year you might recall the luly celebrations wcrc cancelled altogether It secms we couldnt afford par ty just two months after Prime Minister Trudcau announced the death of scparatism This year wc arc bringing in French anadian singcrs from Hollywood and paying them well And we are spending nearly $1million on an advertising catn paign to make surc cvcryonc comes In fact organizers didnt even bat an eye when they had to rcrccord thosc English and French unity songs that were composed for the oc casion The English version had to be redone becausc it referred to the wrong number of fathers of confederation while the French version neglected to mention Canada slight oversight ictting back to austerity its amazing what can happcn in one year Just ti months ago the secretary of states department an nounced reluctantly that the Governor Gcnerals annual garden party for children would be cancelled At that party hot dogs are the order of the day Well on July one Canadian company is donating 50000 pounds of hot dogs to thc festivitiesall free And since this represents about 600000 wieners perhaps we should all take doggic bags FOOD FLAGS FLOAIS As sit here thinking about food can see Soviet professors academicians heads of large technical institutes and top bureaucrats of the USSR Academy of Sciences them selves distinguished scientists have in creased in number The most recent to arrive met small troup of the Toronto press in setting which would make them feel at home the empty con ference room of Toronto waterfront hotel with large table set in the middle of the room Eastern European style Outside the window large red star painted on the funnel of what is permanentlyan chored cruise ship probably made them won der if they had ever left home However the red star not yet removed by the Toronto entrepreneur who bought the ship from the ideologicallywayward Yugoslavs Record fireworks display planned at Ottawa July workmen hang ropcs up the full length of the Peace Tower where $5000 flag will be drapcd during the closing ceremonies This will occur as choir sings Canada and the entire city is threatening to explode with the biggest fireworks display in Canadas history Preceding this of course will be thc grcat purztdc featuring 10 massive floats from thc various provinces And no onc can accusc the federal government of forcing the provinces into debt with this extravaganza All thc floats are being built right here in Ottawa in cluding the one with the 30foot plastic lob stcr Sonic cynics suggest there were fcdcrul fears that Quebecs Parti Quebecois govcrn ment might not coopcrnte if the provinces were asked to send their own floats And this would spoil the spirit of The Great Canadian Birthday Party You could tell this years bash was to be something really special when the initial news conference was held to announcc details Bernard stry normally cmploycd iii the museum business is running the wholc show and at that news conference he had bar food and band to fill in between questions Not bit like last year when the cancellation was announced on one sheet of paper Now if can just figure out way to get from the RCMP musical ride to the cake decorating contcst without being blown to bits by fireworks or carried aloft by helium balloons am willing to do my bit for national unity hope they dont complicatc things by adding piceating contest Soviet scientific progress greater after revolution marks the site of one of the citys best floating seafood restaurants My thoughts went this way because last fall enjoyed immensely frank and light hearted report on the Soviet northern sea route by the USSR naval attache in Ottawa during fine seafood lunch on board the same ship And today am across the dock from her talking with welding specialists from the USSR aixmt their success in shipbuilding method and pipeline technology The delegation included acadernician Khokhlov rector of Moscow State University and acting vicepresident of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR who is himself laser physicist and academician It Pokhodnia director of thc Paton institute in Kiev in the Soviet Ukraine Queens Park Bureau Thomson Ncws Servicc TORONTO The live and let live lets ayoidanclcctionatanycost philosophy of the new house will probably have quick test One of the pieces of legislation remaining from the last house which the government has committed itself to reintroduce right away is the measure to put tax on pop cans ft is expccted this legislation will be back in the house quickly And with it all three parties will be on bit of spot 1200 JOBS Neither the New Democratic Party nor the Liberals agreed with the original bill which had as its main purpose the control of litter from cans The NDP at first publicly went for it But then after caucus eruption it changed its position The reason for the change was that there are some 1200 jobs involved in making cans If the tax cut down on the use of cans which it certainly would there would be sharp loss in these jobs So NDP policy became phasing out of all beverage cans over fiveyear period The Liberals took different tack They didnt disagree with the impost But they said it should be deposit instead of tax NOW NOW Now that they have to face it again all three parties are bit afraid of the legislation The big problem is that when they first fuccd it none gave enough consideration to the job aspect And with the need for jobs having been big factor in the election this is beginning to sink home The govcrnmcnt which is stuck through having committed itself before the election to reintroduce the bill has said it will again in troduce the some legislation But En vironment Minister George Kerr indicated thc government would be amenable to having it changed in the house The NDP is maintaining its last position which mcans it will have to vote against any thing that would immediately reduce jobs And the Liberals have been having second thoughts In the first instance not only did they not propcrly weigh the job angle but reaction has shown that their approach which would require storeakecpcrs to handle used cans would be impractical So how are the parties going to wriggle to position all three can agree on When we know this we should know better how this new minority house will be able to make its way without landing in an election Canadas story Doublecross over Quebec By BOB BOWMAN General James Wolfc landed at the Island of Orleans on June 26 1759 and by June 28 the battle to capture Quebec was getting hot This was literally true because the French tried to sct British ships on fire The crooked intendant Francois Bigot whose namc led to the use of the word bigot was instructed to buy eight ships and have them filled with pitch and other inflammable material Bigot bought the ships for 640000 livres but managed as usual to pocket great deal of the money even in Quebecs hour of need young man Captain Delouche volun teered to command the fire fleet but he did not havc the experience or as it turned out the courage The firc ships drifted down river toward the British fleet but Delouche lost his nerve and deserted The men of five other ships also went overboard but one captain remained and was burned to death The manoeuvre was useless in any case British sailors simply attached grappling hanks to the burning ships and towed them to shore giving loud cheers Montcalm and his officers watched the fiasco from vantage point near Beauport church and were disgusted Bigot had denuded the country of supplies He had bought crops at the lowest possible prices and stored them in warehouse to be sold to King Louis at the highest prices Food in Quebec was so scarce citizen wrote to friend in the country herewith send you 14 biscuits all that can spare in our present distressful situation bible thought Blessed are thosc servants whom the Lord when he comctli shall find watching verily say unto you that he shall gird him self and make them to sit down to meat and will conic forth and serve them Luke 1237 Because of the risk of being called old fashioned or little fanatic not much is being said about His second coming For those who are faithful in preaching this fact there will be sure blessing and certain reward Behold He comcth Get the vote out for the Lord attend your church Pray for the services and Gods ser vant Its the Christian thing to do lmp l1g tgnuaavi

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