€Dr¢ 14 the examiner Tuesday June 28 1917 New powers for auditorgeneral but of order ruling in NDP try on tax law OTTAWA CP Speaker James Jerome ruled out of or der NDP attempts in the Com mons Monday to give the audi torgeneral new powers over government tax laWs Robert Andras treasury board president also opposed Progressive Conservative bid to add more clout to proposed legislation strengthening the auditorgenerals watchdog authority over federal spen ding As result the legislation is expected to become law in sub stantially the same form as it was presented to the Commons several months ago The bill based on recommen dations of study group formed by AuditorGeneral JJ Macdo nell would give him new pow ers to investigate the finances of Crown corporations and wider scope in rooting out de partmental financial mis management Under existing law the audi torgeneral is empowered to re port to Parliament on cases where money was not spent for the intended purposes The proposed legislation would give him added authority to judge whether the taxpayer has received value for money in government spen ding programs Jerome ruled out of order series of amendments by David rlikow tNllWinnipeg Nor thl which would have allowed the auditorgeneral to in vestigate revenue losses due to various income tax exemption and deferment programs These included the registered home ownership savings plan the registered retirement savings plan and the child care deduction plan rlikow said his proposals would give Macdonell the wer MPs intended him to ave He said even govcmment members of the public accounts committee which reviews Macdonells annual reports are horrified by his accounts of government waste Jerome said the proposals would alter the basic principle of the legislation which already had been approved by the Com mons He said Orlikow wanted to let the audtorgeneral in vestigate the income tax re turns of individual taxpayers something never intended in the bill Andras called on the Liberal majority in the Commons to vote down proposed amend ments by Gerald Baldwin ICv Peace River which would let any 50 MP5 order the auditorgeneral to investigate government spending OUt serVICe and guarantQGS the be POSSlble nation of Mr Jusice LouisPhil ippe le Grandpre 60 the sec ondyoungest judge on the Su premc Court of Canada was announced Monday and left the 30 Kenmore range With Selfclean oven nineman high court with two vacancies Justice de Granpre ap pointed to the court only years ago is leaving for per sonal reasons said three sentence announcement from the oflice ol Justice Ministcr lion Basford The resignation was sub mitted to Basford on June 13 Selfclean oven ends messy oven cleaning forever Save on oven cleaners too Clockcontrolled automatic startcook off oven Dinners ready when you get home Just set the controls Infiniteheat plugout elements One is Choose correct heat for job Controlled variable broil lets you ad just the heat not the meat Minute minder and Timed appliance outlet Oven window Nodrip top and is effective Oct just be fore the court returns from its summer recess The other vacancy is being created by the mandatory re tirement of Mr Justice Wilfred Judson He retires July 20 his 75th birthday Sources say that Justice dc irandpre has been unhappy living and working in Ottawa and both he and his wife wish to return to Montreal lle pracr tised law there lol 35 years before being appointed to the Supreme Court in 1974 There have been rumors that liisticc de Grandpre might be asked to replace Lucien Tremb lay who retires Friday as chief iust ice of Quebec Supreme Court rules and cus toms require that Justicc dc lrandpre be replaced by Qucbt and that JustiCe Jud son by someone trom Ontario Strong contenders for Jud sons position are said to be Mr Justice HJ MacKinnon 56 of the Ontario Court of Appeal Mr Justice Gerald Le Dain of the Federal Court of Appeal and Chief Justice Willard Estcy of the Ontario Court of Appeal Another prime point of dis cussion in legal circles is the in turc ol Mr Justice Jean lieetz at 30 the youngest person on the Supreme Court He is former lrudcaii counsel who is also said to want to return to Que bet lrudeau likely will name suc cessors to the two departing judges sometime this summer 0998 Familysize 151cu ft Frostless refrigerator Fullwidth cantilever shelves adjust to all your storage needs 3temp butter conditioner for the con sistency you want No rockhard butter Adjustable procelain meat keeper and twin porcelain vegetable crispers Handy freezer shelf and juice can holder on freezer door Slideout ice bucket Porcelainonsteel interior never needs defrosting Colors $10 more 171cu ft $54998 Sfop order accusation lIAWA ttfli lrime linr ister Trudeau and Services Minister Jeanlierrc oycr were accused in the Commons on Monday of suppressing em barrassing information about the cost of trips by Liberal lls and cabinet ministers to the povertystricken Quebec region of Mataiie Progressive inch onscrvalivc up Ml lom ossitt tLeedsi charged that lrudeau and Goyer put stopordir on the tabling of written replies to tour questions on travel to Matane that he asked for MTV than three months ago Cossitt told the oninions lie was told by highranking member of the civil servici that responses to the questions had been prepared but were being held up on lrutleaus or ders The questions presented March sought inlorination on the names of cabinet ministers who travelled to Matanc since 1972 the number of trips the cost of each trip the method of transportation and the names of all persons accompanying the ministers Range with Selfclean oven and Rotisserie Ends messy oven cleaning Selfbasting rotisserie for year round barbecuing Deluxe plugout elements Two one Speedheat one Truesimmer for stewssauces Controlled variable broil Minute minder Timed appliance outlet Oven window Nodrip top Color $10 more 25998 24 spacesaving Kenmore range Clockcontrolled automatic startcookoff oven infiniteheat 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