yummy 1o tha examiner Tuesday June 28 192 PM and son Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau carries his son Sacha as he makes brief stopover in New Brunswick during weekend trip from Quebecs Gaspe coast to Ottawa About 100 people turned out to greet the prime minister and his son as they switched from helicopter to jet at the Dalhousie airport CI Photo $300000 lottery win no road to happiness OAKLAND Calif AP Less than two years ago David Tucker Won $300000 in the II linois State Lottery Today he is broke For the next 15 years Tucker will receive $20000 year But he said this years cheque due in October already is pledged largely for back taxes and penalties and other debts What happened Bad management and girl married in Chicago said Tucker 43 He said he was in good health but since the lottery has developed variety of prob lems including hypertension His health forced him to quit his job he said but first they had to set up special tele phone Iine to take all the calls from people asking for moneywstrangers mostly from all over the US Four days after he deposited his first $20000 cheque Tucker said his second wife withdrew $1900 which he has never seen againselle and his wife are separated and getting di vorce When the second cheque came last October Tucker said he used much of it trying to cover the previous years mistakes Then he got into legal hassle with his first wife and received 86000 bill for lawyers fees lie is looking for job to sup plement the lottery income All want to do is to try to get out of the hole Tucker said that in spite of everything he still considers the lottery blessing largely because it helps him provide for two daughters from his first marriage But he added dont think would want to do it again might just say thanks but no thanks Not by age alone At Seagrarn we believe age is important That Why we ago our whiskies longer than most But age isnt everything It takes more they join the blend AGED SYEXRS For fully matured exceptionally smooth good tasting whiskies IT TAKES MUCH MORE THAN just age to make whisky great IT TAKES ivHISKIEs AT TEIE PEAK or MATURITY Extraaged Fullymatured These are the obvious Words to describe the famous Seagram flavour Seagram declares the age of each whisky according to the youngest in the blend even though whiskies good deal older are used Every whisky is aged to the peak of smoothness and flavour even if it takes years longcrl before Thats maturity not just age Sensitive master craftsmen select and blend from our library of 1400 theres Crown Royal tr TAKES Even the grain we use is of such standard that the farmers who grow it for us call it uSeagram Quality Such attention to detail ensures you get fine flavour Take our Word for it smooth IT TAKES UP T0120 SLBTIX DIFFERENT WHISKIES IN EVERY BOTTLE Russian doctors his only chance FORT WORTH Tex AP Kent Waldreps last slim chan ce to walk again depends on the success of efforts to get him to the Soviet Union The former Texas Christian University running back who suffered spinal cord injury in 1974 game against Alabama might walk again if he can get to Leningrad where Soviet sci entists are using experimental techniques OII injuries such as his Its not good chance said Dr Archie Tunturi of Portland re neuroanatomist who has studied Waldreps case It is simply the only chance there IS want to do it Im anxious to try it said Waldrep who has continued his business stud ies at TCU after extensive therapy Though doctors say his spinal cord is not severed Waldrep cannot move his legs and move ment in his arms is limited Iunturi University of re gon physician who is con ducting similar research said the Soviet treatments involve injecting two enzymes into the spinal fluid to dissolve scar tis sue and improve recovery in spinal cord injuries Such experimentation on hu mans still is limited in the So viet Union so results are non conclusive Tunturi said How ever the Russians feel they are getting some positive results The Federal Drug Adminis tration must approve any en zyme tests on humans lunturi has applied for FDA per mission but he acknowledged it may be long time coming This is why he suggested that Waldrep try the Polenov In stitute of Neurosurgery in Len ningrad Waldrep says he has talked to former race car driver Bob llurt who was treated in Rus sia for thc paralysis he has sutl fered since an Indianatmlis Sol accident eight years ago He said llurl is enthusastic about the results and feels he has recovered much strength in his arms and hands He told Waldrep that he now is able to do some walking with the aid of braces US car mileage rules may mean major saving WASHINGTON AP The Carter administration is proposing new automobile mileage standards main taining they could eventually save the United States 10 billion gallons of fuel year The standards announced Sunday by Transportation Sec retary Brock Adams go beyond those already approved by Con gress Under the new standards ORILLIA 93 COMMERCE RD 705 3266485 JERRY SMITH RENTACAR AND TRUCK SERVICE RATES DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY YEARLY Featuring Chevroletsand other fine cars passenger automobiles manu factured in the United States would have to achieve an aver age fucl economy of 22 miles per gallon in 1981 model cars 24 mpg in 1982 26 mpg in 1983 and 27111pginlfl84 The transportion department said the standards mean cars will have to be smaller and lighter with most engines hav ing four or six cylinders not eight BARRIE 341 BAYFIELD ST 705 7370800 JIM RAWN individually matured whiskies to HIGH STANDARD ensure that you get the same great After all people expect great OF QUALITY taste every time things from Seagraml MU WWIIin iMfu¥ DualJP rnw ithu hlF New vimu SAW nlillDld mamaqu Iandbe sure IT TAKES routGoon TASTE AND JUDGEMENT Seagram has just the whisky that will suit your taste Theres the fine bright taste of Five Star For something little mellower theres 83 Seagrams VO has the perfect balance of flavour and smoothness And for the connoisseur AGEDGYEARS AGEDSYEXRS AGED Israel EVERYA LOPRICES ARE AS LOW OR LOWER THAN OTHER EOO STORE AOVERTISEO PRICES WE DARE YOU TO COMPARE We Do NOTICE The Barrie store will be closed all day ConudaDuy July 77 THE ANGUS STORE WILL BE OPEN II AM T0 PM ON CANADA DAY JOLLY MILLER MAPLE LEAF ORANGE ELAVOR CRYSTALS SPEcIALS CHUCK STEAK VALENCIA SLICEO SUNSET SPECIAL FLAVOR SMOKED PICNIC GRADE COMPARE ANYWHERE SHOULDER 98 BONELESS DINNER PORK SHOULDER HAM ll RANCH BOLOGNA COWBOY STEAK WHOLE OR HALE 48in BB0 MONARCH POUCH POLISH COIL SPECIAL CAKE BROWNIE SAUSAGE la GRADE MUFFIN AND BOLOGNA ICING MIXES LB SLICEO 983 REG 51 WIENERS COMPARE ANYWHERE No LIMIT BONESS LUNCH MEATS BOSTON ROUND 2884 OZ PKGS MAN DINNER FOR FOUR STEAK Am CHICKEN LA KING BREAD 24 oz to BBD AND RICE DINNER mm SPECIAL IIEAT FRESH 59 AND EAT LOIN STEAKS COMPARE CORONATION PICItLEs ANYWHERE EA 32 01 3mg no REG 198 No LIMIT SWEET CANADA MIXED GRADE BREAD Is BUTTER OMATO JUICE lIBBYS FANCY 89 48 OZ 59t PEANUT BUTTER SCHWARTZ EA LB JAR CHUN KING DINNERS BEANS WITH TOMATO SAUCE PORK HAPPYVALE BRAND 48 OZ TIN COMPARE ANYWHERE REG 123 EA N0 LIMIT MEDIUM GROUND BEEF CHUCK LBS UP NADA GRADE MAPLE LEAE FRESH CHICKENS While Supply Lasts PKGS MARSHMALLOWS FOR SItILLET 330 CAMPEIRE yum ROASTING OR II OZ PKGS COMPARE EL FRYING LBS UP REG $I29 REG 55 COMPARE ANYWHERE TURKEYS FROZEN CANADA GRADE BELOW I8 LBS BUTTER BASTED ALL BEEF BURGER PATTIES 40x2 oz ORANGE JUICE ItENT FROZEN I2 01 ALORO AND UNIVERSAL PANTRY BRAND TOMATOE CANADA CHOICE 28 OZ TIN SILVER RIBBON CANNED PEAS CANADA CHOICE I901 3M SCOTBRITE SCOURING PAOS PIth CANADA DRY GINGER ALE 28 OZ BOTTLE JELLO JELLY POWDERS ALL FLAVORS OZ PKG PKGS 99¢ REG 28 EA COMPARE ANYWHERE 99F FOIL WRAP ALCAN Is INCH 25 FT ROLL ALBERTO VO fétift ouuxs lIGHlER FLUID FINAL NET oz PIZZAS TOMATOES N0 USA lARGE vm mp FAMILY PAK LETTUCE as NO CUKES CAN NO KINGS ESSO HAIR SPRAY 32 OZ TIN 79¢ FAMILY PACK COMBS REG PREPICED 178 PKG MAGIC CUBE FLASH 393 MIXEM 399 HlC FRUIT DRINKS MIx EM 95 ASST FLAVORS COMPARE 63 FLASH Angus Store es at Discount Sovmgs opensunauys and Holidays II tlm pm STORE HOURS ogozogo Monday to Saturday DISCOUNT toga 4245 090 99 BARRIE 393° 309 4i End Rd 900 Poo Monday to Saturday DOOOOOO tun to MIL Thurs Friday We reserve the right to IImIt to average family needs 1266831