80 public notice 80 public notices 71 help wanted exammer patterns Color Spectacular Twice Nice The Barrie Planning Board will be holding Public Meeting on Tuesday June 28 1977 at 700pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall to discuss subdivision proposal to rezone the lands located on the northwest corner of Little and Bayview Drive from Multiple Family R3 Single Family R3 and R2 to Multiple Family RM4 and RM and Single Family R3 The subdivision proposed for the 1069 acre site proposes single family units 60 semidetached units or 30 lots and twenty street townhousing units for total of 89 residential units Interested persons are invited to attend to express their concerns or opinions Jones SecretaryTreasurer 259 DUNLDP APTS BURTON AVE AREA NORTHOWEN AREA Ju242728 SUMMER ROUTES Great Canadians or 549 Montrealborn sculptor Radanna Zack hits an unusual MERRWGAHSDNAREA Siflifltvflfyaï¬tlï¬elthrlf3°délililftittlt AVAILABLE FAIRVIEWSDUTHVIEW AREA ï¬sts seeking good home CP Photo MARYMAPLE ST AREA Whatever next Cold shoulder for Polywater By DOUGLAS GREENWOOD Science and Technology Correspondent Water that freezes at 50 below and boils at 300 degrees Celsiusmore than 600 degress Fahrenheit Unbelievable Thats what most scientists thought when new form of water was reported as having been found in the early sixties SHANTYBAYVANCUUVER AREA TORONTOHIGH AREA The Barrie Planning Board will be holding Public Meeting on Tuesday June 28 1977 at 715 pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall to discuss two subdivision proposals located north of Edgehill Drive east of Ferndale Road in District Plan The subdivisions propose to rezone the lands currently zoned Residential Hold to Resdiential RMI and Residential R3 to permit ap proximately 78 semidefached units and 14 single family dwelling units Interested persons are invited to attend or write to express their concerns or opinions it Please fill out the application below and return it to THE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayï¬eld St Barrie Jones SecretaryTreasurer Barrie Planning Board or Phone 72065393 JU242728 by Drs Fedyakin and Deryagin in Russia But in 1969 Lippincott Cessac and other scien tists from Maryland and the National Bureau odetan ame Add lovely accent to dards repeated some of the RuSSIanexperiments an con room with this colorful picture Fun to wear together or cluded that polywater as they called it did indeed eXIst On in glowing tones highlighted separately set shell love ly small quantities were able to be made But from these Address SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES by gold or silver Sleeveless openwork vest American seientists deCIded that the new type of water was Embroider inhsimple stitches tops longsleeved solid cro apolymer made up from ordinary water molecules 90 vices Engag hs 55 mainly outline and Single chet overblouse Use spert When chemists make plastics such as vinyl nylon Tale hone maximum 40 words additional words iOcents per word Pattern 7085 transfer 15 yarn in colors to crochet polyester and so on they do it by making various otherwi5e gt o4 Card of thanks 40 words $550 19 Inches color chart pretty duo Pattern 7471 small molecules link together by the tens of thousands at $100 for each patterncash cheque or money order Add 15¢ each pattern for first class mail and handling Send to Alice Brooks Needlecraft 78 tenders Childs Sizes 10 incl $100 for each patterncash cheque or money order Add 15v each pattern for first class mail and handling Send Additional words 10 cents per word In Memoriam no verse $550 Verse per count line ext bnts per line Coming Events $322 per column inch 72sales helpagents EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus bonus Contact customers which point the original gas or liquid molecule becomesa solid polymer or plastic as such products are called in general That is exactly what polywater was believed to bea long chain of ordinary water molecules linked together with the 78 tenders gropndPBarries We train Write Deptv All 300 Minimum hydrogen atoms equally spaced on either side of the oxygen Bicanjptdrffométbrfvgjzlem peroleum him 36 and of thanks The Examiner 60 Progress Dept atom In ordinary water the spacing is not equal hence the ExclusivierritJYSQaiiabETJexr Avenue Scarborough On The Examiner 60 Progress difference in phy5ical properties renced Sales Re GOOD EWS STORV When you an BURKEewnere does one egin say $23593 business ï¬ï¬hegsï¬agï¬sï¬eg Pea ounce me him of your child in The Ex mank you ow riends who have tario MlP4P7 Ont residents Avenue Scarborough On All sorts of analyses such as how it absorbed infra red counts and promote use of our industrial chemicals to new industries Do not apps ly unless you are interested in building an above average income through your sales ability with view to accepting management responsiblities in the future Salary commission and profit sharing bonus This is an exceptional op portunity with good future for the right ICOUNTY 6r SIMCOE TENDERS FOR aminer clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Examiner Classified 728 2414 deaths shown their love and respect at ths dif ficult time in our loss of Hammy To Rev Don Peak Rev Speers Mrs Crook and her wonderfully kind nursing staff of 6C Dr Thompson Dr Hicks Chrysler Outboard of Can St John Am bulance Brigade The Barrie Chess Club the Ont Humane Shelter Staff and the Ladies Aux The Cooper Group and add 7¢ sales tax Print plain ly Pattern Number Your Name Address Value 225 designs to choose from in NEW 1977 NEEDLE CRAFT CATALOG free pat terns inside Send 75¢ now tario M1P4P7 Ont resments add sales tax Print plain ly Pattern Number Your Name Address More than ever before 200 de signs plus free printed in side NEW 1976 Needlecraft Cat light and other physcial tests all seemed to show that polywater was just what it was supposed to be But then if youll pardon the pun the bubble burst Dr Rouseau of Bell Telephone Laboratories and Dr Porto of Southern Califor nia chemically examined polywater samples by xray fluorescence neutron and electron microbrobe techniques nds and n8 hbours 0U Mame They found all sorts of impurities including silicafrom he tosaialoexS ingfgfhe IS INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TO 255 Efgmfyn2gpaC32 thgnk you for mgaking very difficult SillCh Palm QUIIIS $125 alDEUE Has everything 75c glass capillary tubes in which the polywater samples were aminer SIMCOE COUNTY ADMINISTRATON CENTRE med Thursday June 73rd 1977 time Somewhat easier to bear Bless crochet with Squares $100 Crochet wrth Squares $100 producedt0 the Chemical elements that are typically found VACANCVï¬varsVaiEaEHBUFmE Norman Allen member of Collingwood YOU Crochet Wardrobe $100 Crochet Wardrobe 5100 in human sweal It was decided that these polutants Either which affords an opportunity or Sealed tenders on stipulated sum basis forlnterror Renovations to andlife member of the Barrie Canadian Beatrice Burke and family Nm Fm Quilts $1 00 my me cums $100 Le ion Son of the late Robert Henr Kuw to ex regs our dee from acc1dental handling or by vapor condensation had lifetime If you are proven salesman Ad ml marked as to com CL have drive personality and integrity mcoe mms en Sincair and Minnie Seigge 093 appEeCiamn friends and Eighbour mpple Emaher $1 lpp er 00 given the socaned polywater unulue quahuesi you can earn upto $50000 yearly replies tents Will be received until3 pm local time brother of Basrl ol Barrie Roy of Cell Radio Shack Prnkertons Pinkerton sew Knit Book $125 Sew Knit Book 5115 th be ie UL Poyuater is no onger aroun In SC ic confidential for 5pmmem wme or THURSDAY JULY7 1977 Inqwoo ryce an 0v or bar security guard at Born ar rer ooper Flower crochet Book $1110 Flower crochet Book $100 1d th phones of Langevin Real Estate Ltd Cir Re MsEdosbumeiolcm tool Group Lvmned Cooper Tool 5908 II bet Book 5103 Hairpin Crochet Book 51 00 mm It as wng em as me Box 931Wasaga Beach omario by The Corporation of the County of Simcoe do Mr Duncan Green BiggrfgodéeélltliClAlxigalgsï¬Ã©oqgggigég grab cfgrzlgrï¬Logveiyorfcljiralo cggggotsmggs alplft1 all ch Bonk $100 nstam mocha Bonk $100 alchemistts philosophers Stone that was supposed to tum Hmpwmem med 8° s°° cm Adm5°° Mdm interns amen W2 11 is erasures Ilitilt Mathis Book $100 Instant Macrame no $100 basemeals° altruism mum ario Vice war ospi evere NO 13 ll cn kl Instant Mone Book $100 lflSlanf Money Book $100 UgligdoFmZéhgnic wï¬ ggaï¬gk as Plansand specifications Will be available to General Contractors on gaze gnqjoof5 sglgwavufjfe 25 55gbï¬fgï¬lgmefFe unng our re complete Afghans 5114 $100 Complete Afghans 14 $100 Other imposters have gained membership in seiencc home anything considered domestic or after Monday June 27 1977 at the offices of the Architects on 25m 1977 at 30 Interment Trinin 88 Easy Art of Needlepoint $1 00 Easy Art of Needlenoint $100 Club of realities only to be exposed and rejected pontelyy 09°5 Teephme 73707 de osif of certified cheque made payable to Salter and Allison UMP Cemeey C°W°° commg Cam la in Oi from the exclusive membership of provable repeatable and qu°a° REEVE Hazel At her home Bar Complete 800k $130 vte 80 00 ESEï¬EmEBflgaï¬jï¬ï¬ï¬ma Architects inihe amount ofFIFTY DOLLARS $5000 he on Friday June 24 I977 Hazel Book of 16 Duilts 60¢ Book of 16 limits 50 thus acceptable facts One persuaswe imposter the Raeences Tadgersonfve yegrs 233 ms °d SpeCiliCPHWS Wi be on display the Barrie Builders gad Prime Wh° 15 0760 Museum fluilf Book 52 60¢ MUSeum Duilt Book so laboratory sent shockwave through seientific Circles nCe CQVE ear m0 8F een isser Eiisléreï¬iiy°wnit Alfandale Ema change of Toronto and John Reeve of Roberts 51 John Vlanney Hall 15 lurlts forToday 60¢ 15 Curtis orliodav 73 so when Dr Maronnell of Texas tgaiï¬edlsome patvlyogms 10 ELOHEQEZQEQig vv All tenders must be accompanied by an acceptable Bid Bond in the 3312Byisxflaorigmbiarkggggg Sign EVERY TUESDAY Book of 16 Jiffy Ruugs 50¢ 30 9f IEIIfIy Rugls 60c react In gondltï¬onpddrentegdlo 8513121308 1g l8 amount of $250000 Camel Joanne and john Fnegds my $200 Jack 12 Prize Afghans 12 60¢ me giant 60¢ than group upeé ch rte uca TIIvormSSIrnns we SLId t3 on Lowest °r any ender n° necessarily accepted ivadrsigy 53ééni2ivr£1° trig p0 TF litavfgacuqnuirraeld1 the sainvdtlleglrsningï¬gffhbvpreviouslworms that Duncan Green AUCTION SALE Commast $55223gxszdgggoguggnaggtgPm Easysee Diagram Dagonal FIaflery had been canmbahzed it was theorized that sort of Complete dispersal of house Ju27 DE HART Nora At the Royal Vic gene memory had bgen passed on thmlijgh the Stuff of the contents IIvmg roombedroom lztglyIf97vhalzlglAngrgempn 8233ng Printed Pattern Pruned Pauern genetilctergolrtecrtitles tbs edUcalc worms now dmmg room sune dShes up Bessie Mrs Brimage of Orilliasur 3551 eun rame Orms pliances tools linens etc vived also try nieces Barbara Gigliottiof EVERY MONDAY natural extenSIon of sucha development dbecarnle the some amt uesfor LPN 35 C°ib and 05 Jane 8pm baSlS for kinds of SCIenccfiction stories an artic es in ARRY pERRY Ontano Government Tender 335432 nféy CSTecklfaeyleuhgICgl CANADlAN LEGION which flights of fancy had hamburgers enriched With the Home 30 Worsley 51 Barrie after enetic molecules the RNA ribonucleic acidr of such men be held Monday compee serviceinhe chape anCh gt genius as Einstein Darwin and Bernard Shaw fed to JUNE 29 on Tuesday June 28 at 330 pm Inter commencing at pm sharp Located on Adullam Ave off the 8th Con of lnnisfil Town ship miles east of Highway No 11 Terms cash Home sold VERNON AYRES Auctioneer HEATING CONTRACTORS 67056 MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Supply and install 21 Oil Fired Furnaces in Various Houses at the Adult Occupational Centre EDGAR Ont Replace Vacuum Pump at the Southern Research Station ment Orillia Cemetery SMALL Patricia Ann Pat Afler lengthy illness on Sunday June 26 I977 Patricia Noble beloved wife of Robert Small Dear daughter of Clarence and Marion Noble Dear sister of Susan Mrs Bourgeois of Toronto and James of BC Dear daughter in law of Victor and Geraldine Smell of Stroud St Vincent St and Cundles Rd JACKPOT $500 CONSOLATION $100 students who would brilliantly carry on the good work started by previous giants of science Alas the wormburgerwithmemory theory is now but memory itself It was found to be unrepeatable after rigorous experiments Again science backed off graciously When it lays an egg science in general doesnt squawk much these days Unlike Julol727 MAPLE Ont gglsgfghgppugg ngjï¬gï¬foeagf the fakirs of psuedosciencc as for example Martin Gard 67180 Bradford from to pm Tuesday CLASSIFIED JANITORIAL SERVICES Supply Janitorial Services at the Public Health Lab Private service will be held Cremation In lieu of flowers please make donations DEEPDFPJBP Cancer Society Strawberry Dinner Wed June 29 I977 ner in his book Fads and Fallacies In the Name of Science talks about with their psionics Atlantis Orgone machines Dianetics hollow earths and so on responsible science first Hw RILLIA nt listens patiently to many weird and unorthodox ideas then M4269IB ARNOLD aw °dOCk applies the tests of repeatability and factual measurement Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until Funerm Home Chapel $1 Mary Chum theones dont 19851 up they remam theories at best DIRECT PHONE 200 local me on Friday July 22 1977 127 BAYFIELD ST 65 Amelia 51 until proven otherviisenone wayor the other 7282414 Combined Tenders will not belaccepteld 7282530 AdVOnceTiCkels onlY fFalsl lgacts hlghsly mrlurous to pfggress of Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Friendlycourleous SeViCe 7374663 7266389 EtcThea Fete of Stcrlence pmcee stWIt garllto C°id °d °° Ministry of Government Services Georgian Ba Re lOf MWRTF 27 eory ls woman more lmpor an than pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of fice 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V fertile than good as one researcher put it However we 3me Employ ad WWW which 6K7 should always remember the sages observation that the truly wise man believes everything until proven otherwise auglficgtio by pm two days prior 10 NOTE For further information regarding the Tenders please But at least such diversion as polywater does nothing BIRTHS snoaomsms ca Mr MclSOOC the above address Telephone No else if not provide some fun for headline writers MARRAGESI DEATH 01 705 3257403 PolywaterFor the Birds Or how about Goes Down the Addinonfxgaiigffpflword The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted Drain Science Digest had good one when polywater was WAN we no Add Ju2729 found to be unaccpetable Polywater Evaporates There tionol wordsOcts par word bound to be others if you work at it lN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verso $500 Mth verso per count line 21 cents per line COMING EVENTS Ministry of DUMFRIES Scotland CP This pleasant town astride Jutting into the main street is another landmark the Mid 22 par column inch the River l8 llCh in Steeple erCCted in 1707 and OW 24 wono MINIMUM Govern ment historical associations the town hall grey steeple on CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount plaque marks the spot on lop 0f blow Sï¬ndSlOfle IOWCI Rain apply if paid within7days One or two Castle Street where Robert the It is ï¬ne example 0f lhe Old insertions 9c per word insertion Thra con secutive insertion cents per word inslrlion total $612 Six con motive insertion 8c per word par inser tion total $1152 Multiple Insertions may be Ontario Bruce met Red Comyn repre sentative of rival claimant to the Scottish crown in friary Tolbooths found in many Scott ish towns In early times they were used to collect tolls as the farm Hickorydickorydock John attends to clock FREDERICTON CP There has been talk since 1955 dust clogged the gears forcing Fredericton residents to turn whichnolongerstands elsewhere to set their drd nllinwln L°°2 Bruce stabbed oomyn came to the market and as SIZES $23532ilefléhiiéï¬fciillLiii timepieces counting fewer than 24 word count as 24 quarrel and ran from the friary prisons for dcfaulters and oth 102202 words Each initial abbreviation set of numbers are count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department ro miru ad advertiser to kindly rachaclt OdVOriipomant immediaton after first inur tlon in order that any error or omission may be reported before pm in order that lama may be rectified for the following day Flirting in office good for morale LONDON Cl girl clerk in London shipping office first met her husband when she leaned too far over her desk and latiori Census and statistics It can brighten daily life and lighten the work load while an aide finished him off Shortly after Bruce launched his war for Scotlands in dependence Bonnie Prince Charlie stayed in the town in 1745 and received £2000 and 1000 pairs of shoes for his illequipped army from the citizens in his unsuccessful ers who fell afoul of the law The one in Dumfrics now has Quick Take Away Snax shop at ground level with an ornate fountain nearby To the west of Dumfries is the market town of Castle Douglas named for the Black Douglases who dominated the area in the WRAP it over shirts jumper style or wear it as sundress pinafore Whip it up in morning of denim polished DIAGONAL SEAMING does it Dramatically narrows the total view of you as seen in full length mirror Ideal for sIub bed silks knits linen blends clock but no action has been taken One reason may be that offi cials know the clock will con tinue to keep good time as long as Johnny King goes up three times week to wind it and check for worn parts Ive been going up there sin It took about two weeks to get the clock back in operation During the overhaul it was dis covered one of the cables had broken and fallen through two floors It was replaced It should last another 20 years King said The clock works on steel cab cotton Dacron blends Easy les and weights It has an ei ht 31bZZTIRJZZSISEJKLJ$13322 03 reï¬elivgd aggllugï¬jffjk in lilï¬gggypgsiï¬Eyffltglgelpk bid to regain the British throne TMhiddle Ages Nearby is Printed Pattern 4602 Misses Prmteg Pattern 4605 Hall ffoï¬ï¬regï¬fmï¬ï¬‚gifggï¬ foot pendulum which swinsg on f0 thStuzrts reave Castle ther izes 10 12I 14 16 riionziggiï¬aiiimiiytilir 21L17e3l mediately the girl said more prepared to go to work gaunt sues 10 12 14 16 18 in 1970 four 10h thiCkr eight mCh for which do no lessen the value of the advertisement are not lligiblo for correc tions by malt goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify rovlua or roioct any want ads PHONE 7232414 Seems he had mistaken my bottom for some other girls told him if he did it again hed get slosh across the chops hed remember He never did not in the 0f fice anyway and some weeks later we got married That was six years ago and we are still and if flirting contributes to this spirit so much the better Productivity must be affected for the better because people tend to work harder in pleas ant place The chairman of large elec tronics firm agreed Flirting is good for office Robert Burns spent the last few years of his life in Dumfries and is buried under marble mausoleum in St Michaels Church There is marble statue of the young poet beside Greyfriars Church and his favorite sittingroom in the old Globe Inn still contains the chair he sat in Nthcentury stronghold Gateway of Fleet is little holiday town on Fleet Bay con taining the Murray Arms Hotel where Burns wrote Scots Wha Hae mile south is the 15th century Cardoncss Castle with square tower Size 12 bust 34 lakes 22 yards 60inch fabric $12510r each pattern cash cheque 0r money order Add 25¢ each pattern for first class mail and handling Dnt residents add 9c sales tax Print plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept 13 20V2 Size 14V2 bust 37 takes yards 60inch $125 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern for first class mail and handling Dnt residents add 9c sales tax Print plainly Slze Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept King said he came to work one morning and found the for mer caretaker Sam Mc Coombs at the bottom of the stairs leading to the clock all out of breath King has tended the clock ever since except for 412 years during the Second World War long steel bar Each of the four faces made of brass is eight feet in diame ter The hands are made of cop per The weights have to be wound up 30 feet and will run for about five days However King goes up every two days To wind them up the happlly mamw morale he said flirt quite BRHNT g1 US The Examiner 60 Progresq The Ex when he was overseas He and aminer so pr entire way would take about an BFIlISh govemmem r990 lifhtvxirdtglfl Wm 50m or my Five bridges cross the Nith Avenue Scarborough On Avenue Scarborough ogrglh liar tllidaï¬Nalb macmmsn hour hard work but is only OPERATEFARM reveals that many SUCCESRM es ItpÂ¥5 the oldest being the sixarched RNIHNGIM EASE tario M1P4P7 tirio MlP4P7 ee ecoc gomg 20 minutes if done more MOOSE JAW CF The marriagesaremadeInoffices for instance If tell my T1AWA rp Carleum Citizens All Association of Moose Jaw has received $22 908 provincial grant to operate sheep farm to train and em loy handicapped persons The arm is on 4000acre parcel of Statistics show that many marriages result from men and women employed in the same office and leading psy chologist said flirting among employees is good for office secretary her new hairster makes her look younger she smiles that much more and does actually look younger The government report said that most married couples in redstone span built in the 15th century At one end is 17th cenlury toll house now mu seum The bridge still used by pe destrians is named after Lady Universitys board of governors has approved record $45milr lion budget for 197778 Although spending is tip of ficials dcsrribe it as it bare ANSWER to inflationsew and save dramatic dollars Send for NEW SPRINGSUMMER PATTERN CATALOG Clip coupon for free pattern Separates jumpsuits ANSWER to inflationsew and save dramatic dollars Send for NEW SPRINGSUMMER PATTERN CATALOG Clip coupon for if clock was built by Gil lette and Bland of Croydon England in 1878 The firm sen ds representative about once every 10 years But MacNabb makes all the spare parts so the frequently AFFECTED BY WEATHER The only factor that affects the clocks accuracy is the weather King said strong wind will sometimes set it back bones bud rel hi lht veni 75 palteln Separales lumpsi British firm doesnt get an or ll in In or aye ngresses en provincialIyowned land east of morale Britanljnieclin offidces at dan eaesygglrgkmag J0 1331 llllztr umvfrsny IS using previous lsnstam Book gum ldlfsï¬gfnsigalggeshsoegk sendnygg ders laerSneitnute or two but it is easy to Mortlach Sask The roects General baritering between ces 1m parties an in private nh surp us to avoid deficit of raw nt ook 125 intends to show that rrrfcnlally the sexes at work livens up the homes They rarely meet in aï¬ggdillt Eurtgpe inï¬eglfenggl $250000 if olhtrwisc would Instant Money Crafts $100 81833 mt 833 fl25 CTLGORIILEE sillde frggfewtlienildglltnaï¬ciiifmlliz handicapped persons can be atmosphere of busy office parks in trains or in the street dowed Baum College Oxford have No cut in programs or Instant 15th 300k 3100 00 productive members of society said the department of popu but there are exceptions in his memorv staff is anticipated Instant Fashion Book place this year aï¬ter city hall Iheat from the sun can rectify was sandblasted The sand and this problem