van Friday June 24 1977 NEWSROOM 7266537 Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Baytield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Elio Agostinipublisher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 CIRCULATION 7266539 the examiner serving barrle and slmcoe county BUSINESS 7266537 NEWSROOM Dave Henshaw managing editor Sean Finlay city editor Randy McDonald sports editor Bill Curran county editor Bill McFarlane wire editor Roseanne McCabe litestyle Roll Kraiker photographer RE PORTERS John Bruce Paul Delean Richard Dunstan Pat Guergis Scolt Hoskins Sheila McGovern Sue Routliltc SALESMEN Dan Gaynor Lyalt Johnson Barb Boulton Dana Graham John Zarecky CLASSIFIED Lesley Young Freda Shinner Peggy Chapell ADVERTISING Len Sevlck manager Ruth Blais supervisor Karen Atkinson BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Betty Armer Dorothy Bowland Gall McFarland Vikki Grant CIRCULATION Jon Butler manager David Jenkins asst manager Andy Haughton Judy Hickey Alva LaPlante Elaine Porter Marg Scarll Published daily except statutory hol Id ays WEEKLY by carrier SIMCOE COUNTY $3650 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for noninsertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid tor such advertisement MOTOR THROWOFF ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Sunday and Subscriptions YEARzgcmzarï¬er created by its employees and published in this newspaper $41680 Copyright registration number 2038l5 register ol BY Mutsgame National advertising otlices as Queen 51 Toronto sumo uo Cathcart st Montreal 339 year $3850 year The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau ol Circula tions ABC Only The Canadian Press may republish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The Examiner The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original news anu awe using material Sunday dancing moral issue Greg Marshall has not learned from experience In his fight to allow his discotheque stay open on Sun days he has not learned from the Travelways Terminal debate at city council Travelways was operating terminal in contravention of city bylaw Council once persuaded that what appeared to be terminal was bus stop agreed to allow Travelways to continue on its way Marshall has only to convince council what appears to be dancing is not Marshalls problems with city council are far deeper than the simple guestion of whether Sunday dancing ought to be allowe At least one alderman thought the question of Sunday dancing is moral issue In this case it is But not in the way most people think The moral question is whether council has the right to persecute man Council answered that question And councils answer should send shiver down the spine of every Barrie resident What council is doing to Greg Marshall can happen to you Marshall once ran in Barrie body rub parlor There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth over his operation Aldermen and citizens predicted all sorts of dire things as result of the bodyrub parlor Marshall was eventually charged by the police with running common bawdy house He was tried in court of law and found guilty Marshall appealed That appeal is still before the courts The body rub parlor continued to operate Marshall was again charged this time with being keeper and an inmate of bawdy house and of having an offensive weapon That case is still before the courts Marshall closed the body rub parlor He opened discotheque Last month city council decided to ask the Ontario attorneygeneral for permission to prosecute Marshall under the Lords Day Act for charging admission to allow people to dance on Sunday This week council went on record as being opposed to public dancing on Sunday in Barrie There is word for what city council is doing That word is persecution It is ridiculous for council to take these steps against public dancing on Sunday when you can legally buy drink in Barrie on Sunday you can legally go to fair in Barrie on Sunday you can legally buy any one of variety of lottery tickets on Sunday in Barrie you can go to variety of sports events legally on Sunday in Barrie It is legal in Barrie to go bathing in bikini on Sun day it is even legal not to go to church Determining guilt and innocence and punishing the guilty are not functions of council For those who have decided after having read this far in lengthy editorial that The Examiner is defending Greg Marshall no we are not We are defending all others council may wish to persecute Remember council is doing this now to Greg Mar shall There is nothing but public outcry to prevent council from doing the same thing to someone else The world today By JOHN IIAIIBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Irish politics are about as remote from us as those of Iimbuctu But the recent surprise victory of former Prime Minister Jack Lynch can have some important repercussions on the permanent civil war in Northern Ireland It goes without saying that whatever the Republic of Ireland has in mind either to solve or exacerbate the Northern Ireland mess has an immediate effect on events there Prime Minister Lynch who was in office from 1966 to 1973 with his Fianna Fail Gallic for Soldiers of Destiny will drop some of the stern measures against the Irish Republican Army initiated by defeated prime minister Liam Cosgrave These will include the end of special nojury courts to crack down on IRA terrorists who fled to Ireland expecting relief from the Irish state and close police support with the British in the north Indeed it is expected that one of the new we want your opinion Something on your mind Send us letter to the editor Please make it an orignal copy and sign it We dont publish unsigned letters although pen name will be used upon request Include your address and telephone number because we have to verify letters but we wont rint your address should you prefer Weve ound that short letters are the best read Because of space limitations public interest and good taste we sometimes have to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the editor run Wednesdaysand Saturdays Send yours to letters to the editor The Examiner Box 370 Barrie Ont L4M 4T6 Lynch to face Irish troubles members of the Fianna Fail cabinet will be Charles Haughey who was ac uitted in 1970 of running guns to the outlawe Irish Republi can Army in Ulster At that time too he was member of an early cabinet of incoming Prime Minister Lynch The defeated coalition government had been in power since 1973 when the Ulster war took on its most bitter form Outgoing Prime Minister Cosgrave had promised the British he would control the relatively open border between Eire and Nor thern Ireland that made it easy for IRA Provisionals to escape south and hide from arrest WESTMINSTER WORRIES As result of the change the Callaghan government in London is wondering if Lyn chs strategy will include move the British have long anticipated namely asking the United Nations to intervene in Ulster This would receive instant British rejection since Northern Ireland is an inherent part of the United Kingdom and therefore unlike Gibraltar which in 1966 came under UN decolonization committee study further element in the unexpected defeat of Cosgrave who had expected the majority won by his opponent is that many of the leading Irish politicians identified with tough policy in the north and world role for Ireland in say UN peacekeeping have also been defeated These include the famous Dr Conor Cruise OBrien wellremembered for his role in United Nations activities in The Congo during the early 19605 and other international peacekeeping functions of that time He is minister of posts and telegraphs in the defeated government Also defeated is Justice Katin the minister of industry and commerce had been active in bringing industry to Ieland and in the refinancing and modernization of Aer Lingus the welladvertised Irish Interional Airlines Parliament hill By STEWART MaIEI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service If it werent for Quebecs controversial Bill One on language rights the federal govern ments muchheralded report on the official languages of Canada might have been regar ded as rather profound document But its six months 100 late After an exhaustive study of official languages in Canada the federal paper cn titled National Understanding says the government has concluded from its review of language policy experience thus far that Canadians must have freedom of choice to have their children educated in either of the official languages anywhere in this coun try We have heard this many times before and am sure most of us agree But now the federal government is saying it as the Quebec National Assembly is debating bill that would eliminate the free choice of language in that provinces schools The timing of the federal document is to say the least bit strange Just as the Quebec government is preparing to eliminate equality in the schools State Secretary John Roberts was announcing this in Parliament What the government is saying in this statement is that recognition of the equality of English and French as the official languages of Canada must extend from the federal to the provincial level of government Your business By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Canada is likely soon to become the only country in the world to slap tax on life insurance benefits paid at the time of death That will be the effect of Bill 056 proposal introduced June 15 by Finance Minister Donald Macdonald to amend the Income Tax Act It isnt possible to say categorically that no other country taxes the bereaved in this way but lifeinsurance industry spokesmen say they know of none In any case says brief pre red by the Life underwriters Association Canada the rule IS no income tax on life insurance at death in the United States United Kingdom Australia New Zealand the European Com mon Market countries Switzerland and others Its to be expected that any industry will ob ect to new taxes that have direct impact on itself or its customers In this case however the objections have to be taken seriously There is something hopelessly insensitive about government that is determined to initiate tax on widows and orphansliterallyat bereavement when it IS squandering hundreds of thousands of dollars on preparations for July wing if this country is going to continue to exist as single and unified country The federal document takes strong stand on the need for freedom of language choices in Canadian schools In fact considering the force of its views one would think it would be absolutely horrified by whats happening in Quebec But in times of political stress its remarkable how one government can come to terms with the actions of another Ottawa recognizes there is an insecurity about the future of the French language in Quebec and therefore until this insecurity is eliminated it may be agreeable to defer the implementation of the federal objectives In view of the considerable insecurity at the moment in Quebec concerning the pre servation of French in that province it is the responsibility of Canadians from all provin ccs to make the status of the French language more secure in Canada In the meantime the people of Quebec might decide that circumstances there could require determination that full freedom of choice should be deferred until present elements of insecurity for the French lan guage and culture are removed or reduced Reaching for any ray of light Roberts told reporters that Premier Levesque of Quebec had said he was embarrassed at having to legislate Frenchlanguage rights in schools And this said the minister might indicate that Bill One will be temporary ding and when generously paid civil servants are goofing off almost at will to bask in the Ottawa sunhine The proposal in Bill C56 is to tax policy gains defined as the cash value of life insurance policy less net premiums paid at time of death Until now this tax has applied only to life insurance policies when surrendered for cashfair enough if you accept the concept introduced by the Trudeau government in 1969 that any increase in the value of in vestments ought to be taxed Any tax at the time of death however runs counter to the whole purpose of life in surance by taking money away from beneficiariesusually widows comments Jackson chairman of the Canadian Life Insurance Association representing 128 in surers The whole conc of the tax is wrong he says because it usually fall at time of financial crisis resulting from the death of the breadwinner Although Bill C25 provides llrnited exem ption up to $10000 from this tax Jackson rejects Finance Minister Macdonalds con tention that this makes everything all right Most life insurance is takenout at young ages and premiums may bebald for 30 or more years before death occurs says Jackson freedom of language bill wouldnt bet on it All present circumstances being con sidered think this is one document that the federal government could well have shelved Sure its loaded with laudable objectives and it reaffirms everything that successive governments have been preaching for 10 years but because of the timing doubt whether it will have much practical impact in the provinces When one province is going off in an en tirely opposite direction and the federal government seems to making desperate ef fort to understand that temporary diver sion doubt whether this contributes to climate of accommodation in other provin ces Matter of fact it could work the other way This after all is the main point of the document The federal government has concluded from its review of language policy experience thus far that Canadians must have freedom of choice to have their children educated in either of the official languages anywhere in this country in future if this country is to survive as unified Canada In view of this explicit paragraph find it difficult to understand how Roberts or the federal ovemment generally can be so un derstan mg about Levesques legislation against English instruction in Quebec schools If were Roberts wouldnt have tried Federal bill would tax lifeinsurance benefits $10000 exemption at death is of little value to such policies which can have gain of 40 per cent or more of the face amount of insurance POLICY LOANS Another aspect of the government proposal is the imposition of tax on the total amount of any income generated by loans from life insurance com anywith no offset for the in terest cost on at loan Up until now you could go to your life insurance company and borrow the cash surrender value of your policy at sixpercent interest in most cases You could then accept the risk of investing it in some other form of security in order to earn higher rate of return lets sa nine per cent an pay income tax on the ifference three percentage points in this illustration The new islation will if passed rule out the deductibi ity of all interest payments on policy loans made after the end of the policyholders 1977 taxation year or after March 31 1978 Any additional revenues flowing Into the public treasur will hardly be enough to operate one ca inet ministers executive jet But the new taxes will satisfy those people in government and the bureaucracy whoclearly have no antipathy toward ordinary people who prudently save and invest Queens park Hopes rise for Liberals By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Yesterday talked about Stuart Smith and his new prominence As new party leader who has come through his first big test and is now leader of the opposition Smith gives Liberals in On tario reason for more heart But actually there is more comfort to be found for the Liberals in their caucus even than in the leadership If at this point Liberals have more reason for optimism than they have had in 34 years land they do it is because they have group of potentially good members in their caucus the most promising group they have had in the house since they lost power in 1943 NEW SPIRIT In the 1975 election they returned some im pressive new members many of them young and all eager and spirited Typical of them are David Peterson 33 of London Centre Hugh ONeil 40 of Quinte Remo Mancini 25 of Essex South and Sean Conway 25 of Renfrew North As freshmen they were naturally somewhat under wraps but they caught the eye and Peterson of course was Smiths main com petition at the leadership convention Then in this months election all were retur ned handsomely with big increases in their majorities And now with session under their belts and new mandate from their constituencies they should be really seated in and with this gain more prominence TIIE ENI Liberals would have great obstacles to overcome before they could gain office in the province They almost certainly would have to crack Torontoit seems no party can look to majority in Ontario without winning some of Metropolitan Torontos 29 seatsand with only one seat now and never exceptionally strong in the metropolitan area this is perhaps an awesome task facing the provin cial party federally it is quite strong in Toronto Then there are various areas such as labor where its appeal is low But above all one would say what it needs is credibility This has been its big lack over the years And the core of the lack has been in the caucus From time to time it has had good leaders John Wintermeyer and Bob Nixon at least had some stature and appeal But there was little vitality in the party behind them particularly in the represen tation in the house Now there is at least glimmer of hope that this could be changed Nobody is saying this will happen But one can just see the end of the recent Tory dy nasty in the province Cbnadas story Discoveries on June 24 By BOB BOWMAN This is St John the Baptist Day always celebrated by spectacular night parade in Montreal Historically there are good reasons for considering the possibility of making June 24 national holiday inCanada It was on this day in 1497 that John Cabot first saw North America He probably landed in Newfoundland but it could have been Cape Breton Jacques Cartier discovered Prince Edward Island on June 24 1534 He had landed first In Newfoundland following an amazing run across the Atlantic in 20 days in his toton caraval After rest and refit he sailed nor th and then entered the Strait of Belle Isle During this part of the voyage he explored the coast of Labrador which he said was the land God gave to Cain because it was so desolate Finding Prince Edward Island was wonderful contrast However Champlain is believed to have named it Ile St Jean as It was called until 1799 On June 24 1604 Champlain and De Mont discovered the St John River one of the most beautiful in North America They were ex loring the coast after founding their first habitation in Dochet Island on the St Croix River between presentday St Andrews and St Stephen NB There is magnificnt statue of Champlain gazing out to sea in Queens Square Saint John No doubt he also looked the other way land saw the famous reversing falls where the river enters the harbor The Indians used short port to go around them but there are two per ods during rising and falling tides when it is possible to sail through bible thought Nelther do men light candle and put under bushel but on candlestick and It glveth light unto all that are In the house but your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father lwhlch Is In heaven Matthew 51516 It is sad day for Christian or Chum who elects to focus the li on themselvu Give Him the gloryMy ory will not shah with another