zo the examiner Friday Jun 24 1917 Vernon Martin Kicks his beanbag during field day activities this week at Our Lady of Grace School in Angus The object of the game was to flick the beanbag from the foot into chalk circle I5 feet away Vernon missed The field day involved all students from Kindergarten to Grade at the Angus school The Grade students supervised Examiner Photo Once upon time Britains royal family was the young family represented here The wax group receiving final touch up from hairdresser alhy llolton represents queen Elizabeth ll Prince Philip Prince Charles and Princess Anne in 1952 The group is special display at Madame Tussauds wax museum in London during the Queens silver jubilee Detroit has long way to go to catch up with Lisa ains achievement in fuel economy ller motorized skateboard demonstrated at the Los Angeles Sports Arena gets an estimated 250 miles per gallon of gas Top speed is 25 mph The doctor says Hyperactivity and children By TllOSTESON Ml Dear Dr lhosteson Please tell us more about hyperactive children What can we do to helpMrs RP The most important thing can tell you about this trouble some problem is that proper diagnosis is essential ften parents are the least able to do that The symptoms are so var ied and appear in such varying degrees there is no bold divid ing line between hyperactive youngster and merely active one Dr James White of the University of Texas discusses the subject in recent issue of the American Family Physician magazine He savs it is estimated that from five to 10 per cent of all school age children can be clas sified as hyperactive They rep resent the majority of referrals to child guidance clinics Drug therapy is successful Dr White says bllt he advises the minimum dosage for the shortest time period possible Drugs merely treat the symp toms and they dont replace good behavioral management an important point many parents can miss Drug therapy should be used only when the hyperactivity seriously interferes with academic or social functioning Dr White warns There are host of symptoms of hyperactivily and diagnosis is made by experts through study of thc childs history and background Dr White says the schoolroom teacher is still the best source ol information in determining if child is or is not truly hyperactive The symptoms Increased physical activity dis tractability short attention span restlessness impulsive ncss antisocial behavior and learning difficulties The hvne ractive child can range from bright to borderline however so academic achievement isnt sure indictor The matter of diet articu larly of certain food ditives has been discussed here before and is worth investigating with dietician However all the evidence is not in on this con troversy so one shouldnt place great faith in that approach You can contact any child guidance centre for further details about this important subject Dear Dr Thosteson few months ago learned that have rheumatoid arthritis am 25 year old and am often tired to the point of complete physical exhaustion find it difficult to do my housework My question is about my weight Two years ago went down from 182 pounds to 125 on diet have started to gain again and cant seem to lose although Im dieting cant figure it out It seems to be problem associated with my ar hritis Is this part of the iisease Theres no direct relation ship but the restricted activity mposed by your arthritis is Jound to add some pounds Keep as active as possible con entrating on activities you can nanage without great difli ulties Your weight should be gin to stabilize br decline on restricted diet There is an Arthritis Fountla ion chapter near your city You can receive advice on Jrganizing your houscwurk and making specific chores easier Dont give up its important for the arthritic to remain as generally fit and active as possible suggest you have thorough examination at this time Your fatigue may be related to your bcsity but it also may in iicate another con iition anemia for example Are you sure you havnt been vcrdicting Arthritis is nough on burden to have to arry without compounding aroblcms with some other un zrcated ailment South off by 10 per cent NORTH AQ63 VQ964 OKJ32 97 WEST ¢J985 V73 95 KJ864 EAST ¢K72 V10 OQlOBi 4AQ532 SOUTH 10 10 Neither vulnerable North East West South Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald James Jacoby South drew trumps with two leads cashed the ace of diamonds finessed dummys jack unsuccessfully and even tually went down one trick when diamonds failed to break spades misbehaved scandalously and the defense failed to drop dead guess just lost 90 per cent contract complained South No you lost 100 per cent contract replied North You had sure thing play North was right After drawing trumps South should cash the ace and king of diamonds and lead club If either opponent takes the tricks and leads diamond or spade South would be sure of his contract so the best defense would be second club This time South should discard his small diamond The defense would have two tricks in but no way to get more than one other third club lead would allow South to ruff in dummy and discard spade spade lead would hold the defense to one spade trick and diamond lead would also be hopeless Miriam oo Utah reader wants to know the correct opening bid with AAQxxxVxx exAAQxxx The standard opening bid is one spade but if you want to open with one club you will be following the practice of some experts Whatever you do dont pass daily crossword ACROSS 48 Vagrant 50 Throw slowly Wipe 52 Greek deity Sword handle 56 Territory Hawaiian 58 Footwear tie town 61 Poultry 12 Water barrier 62 Singletons 13 Befuddled 63 Wintry glaze 14 Flower 64 Makes lacs 15 Receiver 65 Circuit 17 Robust 66 Lair 18 Positive words 19 Sorry horse DOWN 21 Heavenly body Normandy 22 Swmg around invasion day Answer to Previous Puzzle DEEDEH amino BEE For Saturday Juno 28 CANCER Juno 21July 22 Even though things seem to come easy for you today it would be mistake to pressure pal for something he owes you LEO July 23Aug 22 As usual youre willing to do things for friends today But the strings you attach may scare them off and their refusal would anger you VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Someone in position to do so is anxious to help you today Dont butt in He wont tolerate your outlining his course of action LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 per son you teel you know rather well is quite selfish today and may try to take advantage of your open handed manner SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 You might be the beneficiary of windfall today that excludes companion He may try to pressure you to give him share of the pie SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Doc 21 Although youre not snob youd be better off today associating with those who are more on your intellectual social or economic level CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Important projects should be attended to early in the day Later others may get their hands in the dough and gum things up for you STUDENTS SPECIAL Typewriter repairs clean oil and odiusf from only $1100 Free estimates Call us now Whitfield WINTHROP WHY DO G2EEPV CRAWLIE5 ON Lgt COME OAT AFTER DARK liZ ILL lqlltinlA um ltrg U4101I BC DEAR FAT EWAD mvlunv lt BUGS BUNNY JUST START TALKING at OFFICE OUTFITTERS 737020 LIKE THE OTHER DAY WHENI HAD MY HUSBAND REALLYsrauws ME He THIS REAL FUNNY Tame HAPPEN ems TAth Too MUCH AND Atwlns FALLQ ASLEEP THE MIDDLE OF MY gToRIES MR MY FRIENDS TELL ME IM OVERDEAKIN TACTLESS AT MY BRIDQE CLUB WELL IT WAS FUNNY To M5 666 QALLY HAS JUST 610 Two cwes AND LOUDMOUTHED AStrOG raph Bernice Bade Osol AQUARIUS Jan 21Fob 10 Its liker youll be in more of partying mood than your mate today Dont force him or her along or you could have grumbler on your hands PISCES Fob 21Much 20 People who are truly ap preciative should have all the help you can give them today Offer nothing to those whod accept without gratitude ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Youre easy to get along with to day until someone trles to tell you how to spend your money or what to do for fun Then youll balk TAURUS April 20May 20 For tune smiles on you materially to BARRIE PLAZA CONT CALL ME THAT IN FRONT OF THE 6W6¢ARD day However frustrations could surface In dealings with relatives or family GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Dont allow an old grudge to spoil your fun today if you encounter someone youre not too fond of at social gathering Juno 25 1977 Lady Luck may stop in at critical times this coming year She could help you in finances career matters or domestic situations DID ANVEEODY EVER TELL VA YER EVES ARE Ace PLUMBERs rp LIKE you hlen FAucEl DRIP WITH 00 en YOURSELF coMPLicnrions 25 And so on Smeplechase 20 Deutschland 43 Holemaking wds Lat Charitable or Abbï¬ tool 27 3133 Qabngzation 23 233 45 Animal flash 30 Adam Change 24 Frequent 47 mac w°°d recognition Believer 26 Three Nam 48 Tha currency 33 Shoshonean suffix 27 Chinese 49 Animal waste Indian Air nation 28 211 chemical Smart Sierra Ctor ruger 36 Wild goat Village in 29 Harm 51 WOOdwmd 37 Aleutian Ireland 30 Sinuses Swmem sland Laugh 31 Swerve 53 Sudden attack 39 Bohemian Short 32 Doorway sign 54 Behold Lat 41 Aloha symbol tempered 35 Railway 55 Noted 42 Usual lO Remarkable abbr 44 Return person 51 38 Mine workers 57 smpd °° 46 Former labor 1t Foreboding union abbr 59 poem group abbr 16 Existence 40 Affirmative 60 M80 47 Slacken Lat reply tung EH PLAYED DONT aoruerz wscouugt Ger REAL NNlE LENNARD KNOW CLOSE IF YOUD GET OFF THE TABLE NOTHINmjf 1D KN an MUST THE SUBJECT ABOUJ BlLLARDS TE LLVDU THE GAME DARLlN SUPPOSE YOUVE NEVEK CONSIDERED in Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service Were going to beat them this year The Richardson family of lelroy make the Not tawasaga Valley onservation annual canoe race family affair The mother and son ltitllt of Ann and Leslie ll promised to beat the father and daughter team of Mike and liristinln but unfortunately it didnt turn out that way How long did Ann think the si portages were Too long but the scenery was lovely and the werent any mosquitos This as Mikes fifth year Ann and hristincs second and Leslies third year of taking part ill the event Mike said he uses his canoe quite bit on family outings as well as his work with his Scou troop which recently went on tilmile oycrnigllt trip tlalniner lllotol NORTHERN STATIONEEY 29 Dunlop St 7373860