Fanr pv at the examiner Wednesday June 22 1977 Miracle saves With everyday low prices Beulah Barr 8355865 The sincere sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs Jos Dockhart RR Elmvale and family in the loss of husband father and grandfather Joseph Lock hart who passed away sudv denly aat his home on Mon day evening June 13 1977 while tending the garden He was discovered by his wife who summoned the doctor The funeral service was held on Thursday afternoon from the James Lynn Funeral Home Elmvale Mrs Smith who has been visiting her son and daughterinlaw and grand sons left to spend few days in Midland with Mr and Mrs Rick and baby son Mr and Mrs Carman Russell motored to Deer Lake to spend few days there Their son David is sta tioned there in connection with the Forest Rangers Mr and Mrs Wright of Carley were visitors one evening recently at Deepdale Farm harles Rogers of Hunt svitle was the weekend guest of Mr and Mrs Barr and Jim Mr and Mrs Randall Toole and sons Lee and Scott Mr and Mrs Rick Smith and son raig and Donald Smith and friend all of Midland were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Bordon Smith and boys Frozen Predressed Canada Utility Grade FRYING CHICKENS 23 LB SIZE Convenient Delicious HOT BBQd Cut from the Shoulder Fresh Store Cut FRESH YOUNG PRIME SLICED VEAL CHOPS RIB ROASTS COOKED HAM 78 128 199 Cut from Canada GRADE Beef ldeal for BBQ QUARTER POUND BEEF PAIIIES FROZEN STORE PACKED The King of Roasts Mr and Mrs James Barr and Jim motored to Norland oboconk and Kinmount on recent Wednesday Dr Wm Butt is spending few days at his country home and his farm the former Dellart property where he is doing extensive interior decorating Mr Donald Barr and Mrs Jessie McPhee RR Ilawkestone entertained Mr and Mrs Barr and Jim on Wednesday evening Mrs pal Campbell is con valescing at her home recovering from recent tall She was hospitalized for some days Mr and Mrs Richards arrived home from overseas few days ago They travelled through England and Scotland and participated in the activities in connection with Queen Elizabeths Silver Jubilee Some area residents at tended the Birthday celebra tions for Mrs George McLeod and Mr Cecil McLeod both of rillia which were held on Colborne St rillia at the IOOF Hall on Saturday afternoon June ll Also Mrs McLeod was honored on Sunday after noon lune 12 at Rugby when relatives and friends gathered the community hall there to extend best wishes dinner followed which was attended by the relatives Belated Birthday wishes are extended Frozen Young Eviscerated GRADE TU RKEYS 1019LBSIZE 78c Butterball Turkeys 98c lb 1019 lb Size Miracles Fresh Quality Produce Full Cut Bonein RU ROASTS 118 Cut from Canada GRADE Beef handsome mobile home was moved into the area and will become the future home of Mrs Edna Douglas was set up on Wednesday on her property on the 7th conces sion of Medonte Ihe wailing bansheelike screech ot the fire truck at 421 am Monday startled and alerted local residents who made the discovery that tractortrailer loaded with nickel trom Sudbury had caught fire on the 400 exten sion at the tith concession of Empire or Pioneer SLICED SIDE BACON Blade Bone Removed BLADE ROASTS Medonte The driver escaped injury luckily LB PKG Word has been received of USA the death of Mr John Ontario Hot House Grown Woodrow of Derby St Canada No Grade lrillta He has been in ill health and was hospitalized in Soldiers Memorial Hospital Urillia where he passed away Thurs night He leaves to mourn his loss his Wife the former Isobel Barr Cut from Canada GRADE An Beef and two sons liar and ion don and several grand Pl children The funeral arr nc yo on may mngmncnts to be announced Fresh Pork Short later the sincere sympathy Shoulder Roasts Rlb Roasts ot lIltttllllllUllll reminded produc of UISA mmmmlopork LB Cumom Marian Ana LE Mrs Woodrow ant faint Capon Fresh Pork Prime WATERMELONS Butt Chops Rib Steaks 16 LB AVERAGE Fm 0mm pm LB gtrafgllADE But LB Bonovln Oulck Convenient Veal Cube Cutlets Steaks LB Cutlrom ConudlWBnt LB Top Qulllty Sllcod 601 pkg EM UiséAad Maple Leaf Brilliant ana hnhnuMEhfusmullchlckon plcklo plmnntodntch hudchuut 60 pm MptoLoalTopOulllty NorthAtllntlcCollownppod Tilden rents big home of at 10 LB GOIden Fry FIIIetS OI trucks for moving mer If Sausages sale no pkg sit cln 5090 La chandise or furniture By the day week or month at very economical rates Overall evay prices as low as or lower than any other major food chain Plus over 250 weekly specials ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22 TO 28 1071 EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED OTHERWISE IN IANRIE AT IAYFIELD MALL BAYFIELD ST NORTH AT HWY 400 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 341 Bayfield St 7370800 Featurlng Chevrolets and other fine trucks