Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jun 1977, p. 33

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titIIPIII Isl IIIII 21111 IIIIIIIIiIIilS quires furnished accommodation in Z7gmfiqtllseislexoalgaghe7ufgdit With Ms we Eastview Secondary School area lor ec0verl Hm to wee mmenFing July 4th Apply 1976 SPORT FURYmintconditionover Need heIp JUS look over he ads beow The advemsers 30 WillThe Examner two months warranty remaining 12000 Yourself titPIIIIII IIIIIS illIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS ing to go out ol town Rent around 3250 179775 VBUICBWCenturyV VEOOrwharrdtIOp oNeedes threads twines Phone 7267868 after 530 auto PS air 33000 original mi es figpgfisEtgqégify355 cgbggrv sharp $3000 or best otter Telephone Buttons madeto order ALUMINUM COMMERCIAL ART FLOOR REEINISHING PAINflNG IIIIITIIIII PIIIIIIIIIIIS titIIIIIIIIIII PAIIIIIIISIII SIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIllII 11 tousils to rent CLOSE TO downtown bedroom separate dining room bathrooms fenced yard and garden $285 monthly First and lasts months rent Relerences required 7286163 AVAILABLE July 15 Three bedroom brick bungalow tamily room one and hail baths garage $285 plus utilities Fist and last months rent Call 726 3679 IBa pts wanted to rent MATURE MARRIED male teacher re 19houses wantedrto rent RESPONSIBLE YOUNG couple re quires bedroom home to rent will do repairs Must be reasonable relerences Telephone 7288920 WORKNG COUPLE require or bedroom house tor September Ist Will home to rent or bedrooms north lrom the 8th line ol lnnislil Will take ex cellent care ol the property Reasonable Telephone 7269395 20rooms to let FURNISHED near lactories on bus route quiet atmosphere $22 weekly Phone evenings 7269859 the examiner Wednesday June 22 1977 33 32 cars for sale 1972 VOLKSWAGEN Window Van part ly converted to camper Excellent condi tion Undersealed radials AMFM radio certilied $2200 Telephone 4875388 for lurther details 971 BUICK convertible LeSabre new tires new top extra snows on wheels Good gas mileage Good Condition will certily $2250 Telephone 7284220 A1 miles carelully maintained invoices available 360 CID with gold vinyl root on goldbrown body velour semibucket seats heavy carpets air radials etc Asking $5500 By appointment only phone 728 5831 or 7372094 1968 MONTEGO Convertible in lair cor dition $700 4372412 726234B T975 MONTE CARLO low mileage ex ceptionally clean well equipped Call 7263871 1972 TOYOTA Corolla 1600 body lair motor needs minor work Interior good Tires good As is $250 or best otler 7281441 alter 6pm I969VOITD$MOBILE Cutlass good condi 40 articlesigr sale $AVE Reupholstering tIWide selection of discount tabrics 0Foam cushions OTools both amateur professional complete line of upholstery supplies UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP GIBSON ALUMINUM LTD Alcan siding Sallit Trough Doors Windows Awnings ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory COMMERCIAL ARTIST work layout etc Plese cal collect 416 93mm CRESTS design art HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and refinishing old and new guaranteed not to chip or pool 3258341 Installers ERNIES CRESTS AII floor wall mosaic tiles and vinyl asbestos listed are experts In their lield and will assure you of the tines lob possible VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating ln terior exterior Work guaranteed Establish ed 30years1362225 7269002A WAYNE FOLEY Pralessional pointerTEx tartar and Interior Free estimates Work guaranteed7267389 DON SIESLING Prolessional painting in terior exterior paper hanging custom work WEE W1 it saztpizzgzszzzzssre FW $35222 321 9°°e°d Eilfl°lr33°f°°°oT ing kitchen privieges ounge inen W74 77 11 at 009 99 suppliedbwegklly nigglltglgy facilities 1970 MAVERICK door vinyl roof ex Drapery MI II II Cresting On Garments Pncsgglqnlzelggmpony mgffrfiSilivaiiwéifmi33bi resiaohsi evalgiwfigri WWW cellent running condition Can be cer Just non °° LARGE FURNISHED pooms Full kn tilled $500 Owner leaving province Geor ion Ma ALCAN grab lefres AcAL mlfliziuLm Chen facilities res mch Available im Phone 7737224dralter7530 pm dd 0C PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced mediately Working people Central 33cars wanted0 buy 7371510 color in Ros 7286338 rggbegélgptes JackRichardson 7262012 77¢597L Th or BARRIE 7265609 13 IVll ll lrJrlIl 1113 31211an BRIGHT ventlarge newly decoratad URGENTLY REQUIRED GENERAL lISDALE DECORATING Interor ex rooms to rent in downtown location LEADING SWIMMING poo Wholesaler toriiorlwallpcpilartnhg custom textured walls 739 REE5I9L473195 For Borries Newest Car Dealer mug dispose at 1976 an aluminum pools GEOIGAN T£°BP 9057Q5331339 OMlor rent Toronto street UITNS in stock Sacritice price for desperately RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain in custom ed Quiet private Parking KIICile needed lactory warehouse space Brand wood tences Improve your property 737 privileges could be arranged 575 ton TE MODEL new swimming pools include Iilter PRODUCE 1507 thlyTVevlephgte273uWva iiw GOOD CLEAN LA walk round deck fence and warranty windows cleaned 23ollices stores lor rent AUTOMOBLES iaéfo5333ooJiissofaSCoilJSQTifiifi 06 re MESERN OFFICE space for to ORV HARDY MOTORS lags021 vim eSd enero ovdv cal 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 lNDOORSHOWRooM 4lullsized pools mg aves roug cleanu an ferti izin sma 399 5es mmedfae on display Come in today or call 7264606 sotlit windows OChaln Llnk Gal 0r mel DRIVEWAYS pancv 5m or long term 776 3400 MWFTF tor tree 32 page booklet ol inground and AngelsII obovo ground pools Pioneer Pools gem Doors tfiegulauon Pool Fence PARKING LOTS TOP PRICE lor top cars Toke Motors Baymart Plaza utters Awnings 83 DUNIUP STREUE Ld BradOTd Battle 729 8111 SWIMMING POOLS to rent will lease Addmons Roofing wow it Metal Prvacy CONCRETE WORK JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices and install lorhomeowners lamin size iOU 1011 WE MODERDWNTOV2N paid Same day pickup Holt Auto glyrnmun sylllmsrning pool wltlthf patio Porch EnclosuresStonework ALL WORK GUARANTEED x35 tHeate air Wreckers7268711 Olceo sye mee mg encmg pp ahAEY whoPg gag 679 regulations on one two or three year For free estimate DU II yourself 0T FREE ESTIMATES condltloned Ideal for stores wrecking and parts toap pricLecs pal rema basis wim mic own Try CaIPHILSPURLING flfiTfi and oilices Callownert Free pickupnTelephone72678487gt Eigrgbgggoabw ca ec WM 01 PlUIeSSIUIIally ahiJaepdlicbsottaryrl£giobtgbpfrhbll 726098 weekdays COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted SWMMING LOOLS é7ymdeISs Callonytirne322II76 TTTTTT ght for wreCkmg Fas pmkup Days scratched in transport Fully war AL°COIF°mHY85e inStalied FREE 50mg °°°d 05 WGd 4I6363 anytime 4956372NEWPTfgiyfi LLL ranted complete with pump motor ALUMINUM WINDOWS Emir 9° Esfimae WGYJUSQWG us yourmsoushephone WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon it Wfilsi ing it 487552Sor7263441 rivewa or in ots Immediate 1st and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Jy 12 er enCing Wo kway and dec Anywhere an all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties COMPARE our rates First second 16 opts to rent BEDROOM apartment available July 1st block lrom bus close to shopping 24space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 sq lt luIIy sprinklered transport residence for month at August Max LAKE SIMCOE Oro Slatxon Lakeshore Month at July bedrooms cylinder automatic radio 32000 miles drarAutoVSaIies117Gowan 51726 6488 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing scrap metal cars bought over scales Best prices paid 4363677 34trucks and trailers 1966 INTERNATIONAL 1800 345 1975 FORD ton super cab with topper Suggested retail price $2295 Available at pre season special of $1288 Call not lor early installation Call collect anytime 416 663 9508 ELECTRIC Semi Acoustic Guitar and Amplilier approx months old Both in tor small grocery or lruit stand S200 737 0966 Fascia and trough all colours 20 year guarantee 4246073 mRTHERN ALUMINUM Products Sottit Fascia Siding Trough All colors Guar onteed 7262609 7269002 Peel Fence FENCING Barrie HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Call Russ 4363681 alter 630 pm References available renovations extensions etc etc Guar 72848I or 4365549 Tennis Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES VLW Written Guarantee and ht truck load n9 docks 18 it WiaVrv 7° °5°d°° d9bs l°w mmhiy paymens cleartgart at large expanding industrial 4x4 1973 LANDROVE 22000 original excellen condition Asking s550 PAINSWICK NEED MORE Ws $P°C° 96 KW EXW CB 726 3435 bedroom play room laundry olllce storage H°m° mP°°m° °Y°Y °°° La3 7391 236321 oliora igioéiiésno iiautisooilffo psi0 rupmrune dlroonotiorlor mm P°94 w°°°Pe9 my gt oTo pay all existing or maturlng mortgage agéhoffisefilgfioflga722 62d 430 pm small lridges lor ollice or cottage OWNER OPERATED Hunk 121123832 ME SerVIng Slmcoe County 00 am so asrrman Construction lunds tree OdVICB llY US 519910 31ngng géwgrdglrggé6oafinggazi229 zggfisaJJneTSSrrfidafiwhdaggséfogeyggmgglg PROTECT and BEAUTIFY lplanning and decorating grivacy screens for 17 Years ll VERY NCE ndUSria Wilding gt our home With fund patios aluminum door The number tor TTmrmms ram ma gt we have ready cosh purchase morgages Dunlop St WeSt with large lenced in 935 anks OPV 95 73000 05 XLT Cr deslivegnizta EQHSMQ are ouse on your needs 7288906 property Phone 728 7044 or 416 camper Speclai W1 finance to reliable REYNOLDS ALUMINUM EPECIALIZN€IN 11 In 6350637 people Call Joe Dyson Cholkan SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS Algl Coueci kucd pOlnI Clklmneys OATES 82 Dunle 5L Em Cuswm gérages 728 4401 lgypsoplégtsc Sglyyzslon Hardware 511mg xvtfsrpargg IWi°niorlcsnewgtlk Igllugovrvol homing We flock many sizes 1976 FORD ton ps V8 sliding back oso fitFascia fie ed Phone72B3270 eiLueem 4589346 We Window toneau cover $4000 Tele hone rewood Bu now at last ears ces LLL 263CC0mm0dallonSl0 Share 456 2907 Hlardwood s2V5 per lace cdrd 1er de EWGSITOUQh Ra CONSTRUCTION House raising loun FRAM CUSOM PM ammo Wide fifiT 1974 RANGEQ XLT 507 auyomanc livery in Barrie area 726 3649 seamless ldationS renovations additions Phone seiegmgs F9 Sew L°W °W 129 DUNLOP ST EAST CaIIAnytime 347 BAY STREET £LopsehnasreeS 2Sbevoocmmargwavrgd Sip radio 40 000 mil Im good condition CEDAR FOSTS any sizes Wes FIRST CLASS WORK NSHW 1r43629550r4364115alteré AA 793V3J93 Hour area available July 15 Telephone Telephone 778 49 Bill1 braces etc 737 00l7 RENOVATIONS BASEMENIS Pd ii 3633421 7373688 1969 CHEVROLET ton pickup goocl GARAGE AND lawn sale 12 FREE ESTIMATES MPROVE YOUR PROPERTY bf °V9b°i°fa P° egf ex erlor uaran ee wot mans 726 0981 one Servtce YOUNG WORKyNG gm has large condlllons550 Telephone 4589573 2289163113731aAr€ofiigangalall8ll latwnr dirtigORzggiepLegrzxdcggy Member onTorlO Morgage Brokers ASSOC 31933 aluminium trailery wimppropanefsleepg CUSTOM BUILDING House lilting Iaunda renovations ceramic tile Bilotta TF with lireplace lst and last months re White Freiqhtliner Tandem Tractor mam7 776 33 lilo 0nd b°5°°15°dd°5 °nd re°V° quired Telephone 726 3525 diesal 1969 Farrd Diesal air lllt tractor COOLER Display Counter plus large ions Fox commchngnblLo ELECTRowx Canada Ltd authorized outs EXECUTWE wishes rem waterfront Telcphone 726 3781 compresser excellent condltlon Ideal and mmke mAmun Blvd 7283391 NORTHERN CARPENTRY Decks rec rooms LTD imum 3700 Reterences ll desired Call speecl transmission with speed aux 79 295 11fig293909°57399995mmnw TIFFANY PARTY RENTAL FIVE ROOM apartment $220 monthly lneson Realtor728 4294 iliary til tipping livestock body Solid MOFFAT 30 continuous lean gas AUTO REPAIRS GENERAL REPAIRS renovallans carpentry MORTGAGE SERVCE Hydro not included No pets or children iroot with one opening 10 00 20tires as stove harvest gold in excellent condi vamled arid Vinyl Ismail plumbing electrical exterlorlnlerior veryt lng For Entertaining Ten minutes from downtown Available gLfCOI Ofllenty iIS best oller Call 726 5141 tion $700 lnqlis gas dryer in good concti WE REPAIR 35h EW°P°° J19 Installed p°9 RilVmsheiiiflflffiBélqgs Tablesl Chm Shes new llls Of secon mortgagel nowgall 7233759 all bpfimfsvdf GRAVENHuRST AREA Available 1974 FORD F100 Ranger XLT pickup OS on 55010111 726 2053 gszssSpronatlon Auto Serv 17 Mary 51 FREE ESTIMATES glosses etc may 5° V9 Your nanca UNFURNSHED AP RT an some ol June July and August Private Db linPd Windows radio 390 bumDet CEDAR POSTS all sizes line posts an problems beamm Available JV 153 sand beach bedroom cabin Suit laml new paint good condition Best ollcr chors and braces Also poles and CALL we DelwerReserve Now No children no pets Couple DYElEIred ne 7734 telephone 835 5791 or call Neil 7266411 Chickens and ducks 728 1637 Why not discuss it with Apply Armstrong Hardware 728 2441 LV OIQr Flea 26 onhng 737I388 vfiAwei WAS HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES Lake 1974 DODGE 100 mm automatic POOL table 575 like new FRIENDS Clue has professional SEXaIErzwgzligfirgmfgfigafnggg Cecebe hours lrom Barrie electrical zgfigzyegorhamsIgaoloé Telephone 778 3340 wedding WM pa°d°d11 Home Repars 248 Tltttn $1 Barrle lakefront cam nq sights boats all C°T°Y P°°°Y $261 monthly everythng Included Murray ValiquZllte726 0617 and cap Excellent canditlorl Telephone wflygiefligfiggé kglfireegegfsbgw °°MMh° 3865 11 ROOInQ 7269262 TelelflngEQEEZéfi7 éVTHE 595535 and bodmom oi 458957 chased tor $350 three years old Asking BIRD HOUSE c0 Tree Cutting ROOFING Anytime NEWLY DEEORATEDB Furnlzhéild tages inside Convenience private sand 1971 FORD halt ton V8 automatic $110 Telephone 726 9667 name and Roofing Ne Asphcn Shinge becneioelle 93 in are beach also available boat storage and idiov disc makes MUS 59 SINGLE AND doume beds ntri PURPLEMARTINH 0U qerator ouses or so eAppIy at92 MwFTF 776677lfi MAW Wm trailer lots 487 3827ror 487 2477 25 61595 am V0 and stove All in good conditmn Ca Melrase AveBarrieortolaphone7285283 or Repairs guummeed quamy work Reasonable 141613957533 collect AND ROOFINGTNew and old Repairs SWI IN third mortgages appralsals Gerry Adults only $200 monthly Telephone replace indoor conveniences empower brakes power steering ColcnhgdGhmfgznglzifigrBanndd alums Quality chain link fenc EEETEEyEJEYLLSBI Syvokas 4873362 Pat Qumn Ltd 716329947W WW weeklyTelephone187 27180venirtgs RUOmaIC MSmSSIOQ monY 9165 pump fiberglass lined no win INCOME hm med Anguspap 7371414 ONE BEDROOM apartment centrally 32cars for sale $4500lirm Telephone 42 1624 evenings capable 0mm of M70 gm per hour no STEWART supplies of lower prices fie or 35 up gob 5910 on Survwe WANTED HMORTGAGE monies M0 ocayed reingeraior stove all utilities WWMW WWW 1966 FORD halt ton with cap 289 volts usnd three months in excellent CONSTRUCTION LTD Sondweeltondt Ere tgage money urgently required or included $160 monthly Available July 1972 CHEV mpaa my white vimy lautOmdtk sleepetwo gtrack rape deck common Cali 5577 DO IT Yourself 01 we Install erpnse mortgages tosw000with uptoummon 151 89335319329037 mo 350 V8 power meriné and brakes laestoller accepted Must sell737 0000 °°UC95 9015901119 00 3C9 23 5°Pje3 £301 Co for thly repayment Innlslil location Reply BAYFIELD AND R059 5r area Two in good condition Telephone 726 0637 1971 INTERNATIONAL ion 14 Van NEW GRAVEL plT POI free esflmcfes 2322227264739 Boxyjffllle EXBMINEF bedroom spacious apaCrtrlTent séove alpd alter 30 pm speed transmission 345 engine UlomOIIC on 197 CONC OF 0R0 TWP 0° Inswlled triagele monthly Jim anci hydraulic tailgate Needs some work Eavestrou hn mm mm Lap WWW PRIVATE SALE 1973 Pinto hatchback Cd Hammer pm LIQUID CHLORINATORS i0 bener serve our cusyomers INSULATION gl stalled KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest ATTRACTIVE spacious two bedroom apartment lridge stove and parking $250 monthly Adults only No pets Telephone business hours 728 2253 SUBLET TWO bedroom available August apartment Adult building Allandale area Call 7265850 alter spin owner 51495 Call 7281312 Doug Stewart BUYING CAR Why not get loan at Barrie Community Credit Union 18 Col Iier St728 5191 T970 LINCOLN Continental 85000 miles six Call 726 1791 alter lilac Telephone 726 6475 alter pm standard Also I971 tent trailer sleeps 1972 GM STEP VAN good condition can be converth to camper Also 1967 Pan 1969 FORD VAN 300 series cylinder by POOLMINDER chemically treat your pool for less than $60 season 16 32 models to choose from SERVICES ORO 4875707 ORILLIA 3264711 DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT it made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenio St Phone 7266000 INNISFIL INSULATION RENOVATIONS 4364899 OChimney Rebuilding Repairs Call any day from am pm Graham Roofing WV TRAILER ton good condition 216 72 Tggigg FURNISHEDsma one bedroom 9000 7287156 iCook St Unit7 Barrie 7283646 CARPEMRY DRYWALL Blown Cellulose Fibre 6628 suitable for one personoverlooking the 1973 MONTE Carlo mint condition AND General Contractor Kitchen rec lake One year lease required$185 mon Ziebarted air conditioning radio new 136auto accessories Li uld chlorine delivered mm mom add MOT DRYYVA °Pd °P 95d°° FREE ESTIMATES Adults replaces and MACHINES thly72684200r7260241 exhaust system radials must be 20 goorontood737lso7 °° l°b °° 57 11 seencarm 776 5494 STEEL SPOKE wheels with or WIllIOUi T°°°58233 SALES SERVICE 52235 1°°°°Pamg$34 976 CADILLAC tires l4gt tits Ford pick up or van In kf CARPENTER Specallxlng In rec rooms In EAVESTROUGHING r7 es r0 ca ower Sea Cu Dower SALE OF household lurniture ic en tenor remodellin trm etc Please 11 59 water and parking Adult only building steering power brakes AM FM power giggmdég 723239 grip appl1811CPSWdnCSdflY and Thursday 7238884alter6pgm Spa 15 co Servflc its lod Ssi in quiet residential areaCaII726 5853 windows 24000 miles 1976 Ford F100 IS inta arm or or or lo Av tNo ewevs 35 EPWS 95 1d v7 plcku Vshor box mags and res rum 35 gym and 31390 Ford 302 on an CABINET MAKERI EUTOPOOn ONdI KII m1 EAVESTROUGHIANG say BOTTING PROPERTY Serylces Spring and house machines New used sales semesnewes m9 BACHELOR ANDone2bedmom ape Droolgd taco deck power steering 420017050 wrecklno 1972 Mach Mustang ADMIRAL STOVE dryer and tridge 454 V°° P° °°°°5 Mm Ingimmnwcdne 28 cleanups Pruni law and Wm 7374671 One and two bedroom apart Lnfrrll tor rent Phone 7371674 alter 530 miles MLTD youqhsmlaumpower imam Dam phmennm anyfimo Wm van 5pm doom avocadn glleerotions Domestic Commercial 726 5225111012 dEAVfiSTROUGHINr Spefilalists maintenance Ian scoping sodding FreegocFE 75 rn wcr brakegyj ond0nn years old excellent condition 5650 9° TOOIWIOPOIIS 08 95 males lestlmates724536 ii 777 Wdlvw l° 99 951795 905 Wllh Ce VeW °d m°nY JnIiLUYjeis bedroom apagtment $193 353 ZolfAWFM pongf my my gagLémrfeunzfis Telepllone Douo 72a 4067 or 728 3274 LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homo CoilMurm Vcrstroten 4241956 Newlowell thfsiflfimfl gig eatures Ove TI era an power trunk 39359 rear deflower Ier ipm cottages renovations repairs Sotislaction 7370027 N° CWde 7767937 42300 miles 1976 Torino Squire station i37m0l0rCyCI65 WEIL MCLAIN packaged hot water guaron ELECTRICAL SNOWPLOWING wagon auto power Steering power boiler oil tired stiltablo tor large home CARPENTER will do rec roams renovatIOns MwF TF BEDROOM apartment $175 monthly brakes rear delroster heavy duty 1973 HONDA 750 Barren rims Dunslall Gross outpu1167300 BTU $600 Apply remodellingetcNojobtosmall7261271 SSin°f E°f C°°d° PAULS SNOWPLOWING residentlal and w7 in exllaustclenn and wcllmallttalnedask °°5 5° commeruol reasonable rates tree est ea an ro en ra Iy suspension tinted glass 36800 miles Robinson Hardware co CON 726996 located Available July 151 Telephone 1975 Mercury Marquis pow Stepring In1$l500 Telephone 728 241012elor0480 Cd CWWWs EL 2T9 KENNEDY AVEPAINSWICK ONT mtescaIPuul7373064 new power 20m firsBills E22fi2°llloifil5oié ltzgzzmstzt°fiitzsz °° SIMCOE ELECTRIC oo MadameSwot in 16W 3gp5ih Marlene between9andi726 6411 11m HONDA 350 cc elcrlric start 2800 0W Qurde ciaI and residential Reasonable rates FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom Urns ed hem ttrd Lkr 3795 Call relcpmnpm be bl 7267757 ml car new main enance En apartments available Central Adults ggzegémmgmgdiggcvdggog 3mgSrQLEbrflfXffwgfimg 43 353 BOYS HIGH speed bicycle excellent CARPET nuns Industrial Commercml BELL 7v 4872714 burglar alarm radio 8006 1974 HONDA MT 750 cortilied many ex condmon 345 Telephone 7261430 R85denh°l Farms 00 Ing Evergreens ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments bNé gébpddM aggrymeni miles Phone 726 288A altersp ltras Good condition $600 or best aller HEINTZWN Uprigm 509 Grand You 99 °9 °d°Y lrom $160 monthly Central location First and last required Appliances and heat Included Telephone 7269418 alter TWO BED SITTING rooms and One bedroom apartments Can be seen at 48 CodringtonLApt Mississauga Court bedroom apts colored appliances drapes supplied next to Simcoe Plala 7371877 TWO BEDROOM apartment available immediately Relerences No pets $230 monthly plus hydro First and last man ths rent Telephone 7281035 or 737 1771 TWO BEDROOM apartment available Immediately Relerences No pets $230 monthly plus hydro First and last man lhs rent Telephone 7281035 or 737 1771 FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment 12 miles north ol Barrie paved roads abstainers Non smoker prelerred Telephone 7288067 ONE AND7 two bedroomfiapartments available new downtown area Call bet ween am andg pm 7263257 Two BEDROOM apartment on second tloor Relrigerator and stove optional Centrally located Available immediate Iy Quiet adults Telephone 737 2617 LARGE TWO beroom apartment to rent July Includes lridge and stove washing lacilities Ample parking $240 monthly Call 737 1638 LARGE TWO bedroom partly lurnished apartment Stove triage parking in cluded $200 monthly available July lst Comm2910 SINGLE BEDROOM apartment with private entrance available July 1977 Central Barrie close to transportation Stove relrioerator utilities and parking Included $160 monthly Aurora 41672738 alter pm All day weekends APARTMENT IN central Barrie loca tion newly decorated unturnished Suitable tor elderly couple 487 3188 alter 6pm AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY and bedroom apartments central location parking heat water stove and trig in cluded trom $210 monthly Phone 7267736 gt gt Two bedroom apartments available June aoth $180 monthly One bedroom apt available July 15th $220 Central eastend ol Barrie 4872412 TWO BEDROOM self contained apart mom heat and hydro close to Base Borden $185 monthly Available luly 131 Telephone 4741971 LARGE TWO bedroom apartment close to downtown on bus route stove triage parking laundry laclllties First and last months rent No pets Telephone 726 6725 alter pm ONE BEDROOM apartment with trig and stove and parking Included In rent at $105 East and location No pets Adults Phone 7265282 or 7260875 UNFURNlSHED TWO bedroom apart ment second lloor mono and stove Pay own hydro First and last rent required Call 7285135 heat included new carpets clean building neat grounds and central Relerences required Available im mediately $175 monthly Phone 737 1730 alter pm and weekends LARGE BRIGHT bedroom apartment in quiet central residential area All utilities included lridge and stove $265 monthly Telephone weekday evenings 4364736 ROOM bachelor apartment on Shanty Bay Road $175 monthly Parking and all utilities included Available immediate Iy Telephone 7260786 17houses to rent NEW BEDROOM house double garage Central $325 monthly View Sun day only to pm Call Tor 8812515 alter pm New YEARS bedroom semi July lgpossession $300 per month 723 1671 THREE BEDROOM townhouse carpeted two blocks to beach near school workshop tour appliances barbecue garage $350 monthly plus utilities Call 436 5624 BEDROOM semi detached house Rec room with lireplace and den or 4th bedroom Four appliances One and hall baths Garage $350 monthly plus heal Call 487 2310 DUPLEX Central location all an pliances and three bedroom Available July Phone 726 9697 alter or THREE BEDROOM house centrally located in Barrie Available August 1977 $325 month Call Toronto 929 0982 anytime AVAILABLE August Four bedroom large living room dining room large lamily room with lireplace Quality broadloom throughout Slngle Car garage Quiet residential area Close to school $385 monthly plus utilities Relerences please Call 728 4492 LARGE bedroom luxury townhouse conveniently located broadloomed llnlshed rec room appliances inter com garage with private driveway heat utilities cable TV included 1769793 THREE BEDROOM home Blake Street close to St Vincent Park $290 monthly Available immediately Reterences required 487 2412 BEDROOM home large lot Asking $285 monthly Telephone 436 2295 alter am AUGUST 15 Anten Mills bedroom tarm house 142 haths lamin room some appliances inground pool Snow removal garbage collection included 5385 monthly plus utilities lst and last Lease 778 3715 FOUR es DROOM house excellent downtown location broadloomed throughout Available immediately Relerences required 416 936 4818 AVAILABLE immediately bedroom townhouse centre location 117 baths basement garage First months rent plus deposit Relerences No pets $325 monthly plus utilitels 7266913 alter pm 1976 PLYMOUTHOran Fury door ps pb 10000 miles 53900 Telephone 466 5671 1976 DATSUN 710 7000 miles 33600 or best oiler Excellent condition All ex tras Call 424 1766 alter pm 1971 ACADIAN cyl automatic asktnlll $800 uncortitied telephone 458 4520 alter pm weekdays I970 MUSTANG 311 Cleveland barrel automatic Power steering power brakes Best otter Telephone 372 26561 alter 1973 TOYOTA Corolla 1600 radials radio private must sell good condition $900 Telephone 728 4974 evenings 1971 DODGE Royal Monaco 26000 Call 16 5533 anytime 1974 HONDA 12$ Elsinorv extra parts low riding time $500 Telephone 728 9366 alter pm 1975 HONDA 500 cyl excellent road bike $1300 3300 miles Telephone 435 7977 alter6p 1973 KAWASAKI 350 perfect condition never raced Asking 5700 Phone 414 6576 1971 TSiO SUZUKI trail blke 17 inch wheel S250 also 1973 Honda 350 7000 miles electric start windiarnmer lar inq$82t Cerllliod 728 S701 WANTED 125175 cc Enduro late model low mileage Reasonable Tollphone 726 9451 miles power steering and brakes mr conditioning snows and rims in ex cellenl condition Call 737 2416 1976 NOVA Concord lITIl clrornl metallic hall white VinIFOOIWI1IO in terior $4300 Telephone 466 2540 COLLECTORS ITEM 1952 American Pontiac straight it speed hyrlromatlc transmission Body 1an interior in extra good condition As is Best oller Calll 726 53 1969 BUICK 35400 V8 Aspeod ltlarl dard wiltl Hurst shill As is Asking $400 or best nller Call 776 5141 1974 TR6 39000 mllIs AM radio 501 Michelin radials owner summer driven Cornhcd Good buy at $3900 Tllfphllftl 728 OIOl 1972 FORD LTD ildllOll wauml ps on 46000 TTIIIP Tllnphonc 424 6463 1971 JEEP CJ Universal wd 80 illih wheelhnsr Viyltl lop Warn Hubs good condition Telephone 726 182 PRIVATE SALE 1975 Datsun 710 green two door coupe standard ex cellont gas mileage low mileage Cer tiliod In exrellenl condition $2895 726 575 alter 6p 1971 PLYMOUTH Fury IV Grand Coupe excellent Ctlllllfnri 44000 original miles $1800 Call 728 6017 alter 1967 CHE VE LLE Malibu two door hard top cylinder automatic radio power steering Good condition Used as so cond At only Uncutlillid Askan $975 728 5283 1973 PLYMOTll Satelite Subrlllq green door hardtop PS PH 118 automatic excellent condition $2600 TPIOOIIDIII 726 2831 1973 OLDSMOBILE Delta 88 door low mileage pllvdll sale Telephone 7211 465 alter pm 1974 PONTIAC Prtrlslennn Dower Win dows brakes sitering air conditioned one owner low lllilengv 33200 726 3407 1977 TOYOTA Corona door sedan litre engine speed standard In 11 cellent condition 50000111103 Many ex lras Must sell $1300 or host otter 726 6133anyttme I971 VOLKSWAGEN Station Wagon nx cellcnt condition radial ply tires MICIITIln snows mounted on rims raillo gas heater etr Best otter Tollphone 726 2734 alter 1968 PON IAC ParISIellntr PS PB lrtsi ly cerlitled $350 Call 126 5964 1967 YAMAHA 350 twm pots pans linens silver pictures small Ifreezer excellent conditlon Telephone netctr minor repairs $150 or bust otter 728 2861 499092519539 USED TV CLEARANCE price on all color BW used TVs while they last Come early for best selection Barrie TV and Appliances 80 Dunlop St nil4297 TF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE dishes appliances Color TV sewing machine older style bedroom suite with vainity odds and ends Saturday June 25th Sun day June 2610 to pm at 2113 Davidson St across lrom Oakley Park School BLUE RIBBON 18 cubic leet chest 26 9254 alter pm 12 BANDSAW Craltsman with stand motor and saw blades like new only $275 or trade lor woodworking speed 350 speed $35 exhaustion 510 I726 7364 machinery or tools 728 7674 daily 776 9870 alter pm SWIMMING POOL Sacrilice Leading Canadian manulrlcturer and distributor has aluminum pools loll over lrom 1916 season price Guaranteed installation and terms Call collecl days or evenings 1416 721 484i IAY BROS WHOLESALE RETAIL BAIT BARRIE ONTARIO 135 FERNDALE RD WORMS PACKAGED IN 12s 25s or 50s AND BULK Call Ken Jay at 7264851 MWF Jy27 Plano approximately 50 years old Good condition 726 2079 alter pm BICYCLES lor 68 year old 3302 10 aluminum storm door 14 34 80 $20 hlack and white TV 23 $60 Call DOUBLE BED complete also chest ol drawers and bass amplilier All in good condition and priced reasonably Phone 726 8000 alter pm HOOVER Swingette vacuum Simplicity washer spin dryer dark brown lined drapes 92 84 and 54 84 All like new Also bunk beds lridge Slave work tables bathroom sink and taps 21 black and white television dresser gallons orange paint Phone 726 9764 alter pm GARAGE SALE stove crib wedding dress and miscellaneous items 113 Cook St on Saturday June 25 am DOUBLE BED lnr sale box spring and mattress excellent condition $60 Also living room Chair traditional gold needs repair very reasonable Telephone 726 2952 CB RADIO and Stick aerial only weeks old Asking $110 tor both Telephone 726 6669 allcr pm ELECTRIC WINCHES 12 volt or 110 Pratt Motor Supply Co 39 Hllih $1 778 59 Open Saturdays till PLATE GLASS Mirror 16 54 Bridge lable anti chairs tool stool metal TV labllS Telephone 726 8543 alter pm GAST AIR Compressor 100 psi com pleto With all litllnqs and spray guns 3700 Telephone 728 4260 GOLF CLUBS right handed mens Chrome kitchen table and chairs also 12 It aluminum cartop boat and 99 Chrysler outboard motor Telephone 7266027 LIVING ROOM Suite piece in good condition Call 728 9604 alter FIXTURES BY JUN 68 DUNLOP ST FINAL CLEARANCE 5060 SAVINGS LAMPS CHANDELIERS PREMISES MUST BE VACATED HOUSE OF TOMORROW AT MARY BARRIE 7263100 Revitalize your carpets with AI carpet steam cieanlng736321 Lighting design Electrical consulting STEAM cum CLEANING 2° Ys experience sncm City Masters Llc 118 At uvelc noon 7288234 $1995 Tm Uphplsterybrytlaan PARRY ELECTRICAL wxgfigvgishzzigw Olndustrial 0Commercial Siding cleaned OFarm OResidential Champlain Maintenance Electric Heat Service Ltd Dryers Ranges Phone 7165431 Root DeIcing CONCREE QUALITY SINCE 1949 7283896 MANIERI PAVING mm Patios sidewalks steps curbs and garage floors Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 72600in CARPET INSTALLATION WALL TO WALL Installation carpet and vinyl tully guaranteed reasonable rate 4584432 CERAMICS WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall tilin candrgpain 7266263 40 articles for sale POTTERY GIFTWARE 30TH Ju24 STONEWORK and Ilreplaces specialty Vic Watson Ior Iroe estimates 7291599 FIREPLACES Custom built and designed Specialixlng In natural stone and antique brick All workmanship guaranteed Peter Henstra 7372871 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loader work gravel 4361558 4361257 77 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Sockhoe Excav Trenchlng Horizontal Augering 7289833 Cedar Hedges Fertilizing and Patio Repair FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 7265666 LAWN CARE FERTILIZING WEED spraying mowing hedge and shrub trimmitng Also rough mowing Vic Triemstra 7260427 MASONRY STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work Fireplaces specialty Free estimate 705 42451578 SIMCOE MASONRY altelalians contracting resoonoble rates timotes call Durlc Bordenr728597 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music tor people who like to dance Good totes 7289545 PIANIST AVAILABLE FOR WEDDINGS RECEP nons DINNER PARTIES Call 7265213 alter repairs and tree es MUSICINSTRUCTIDNS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio LET THIS SERVICE GUIDE WORK FOR YOU PHONE 7282414 40 articles tar sale Brookdale Inn Dunlop SI Parkside Variety Parkside Simcoe Pharmacy Blake WEEXAM AVAILABLE DAILY AT THESE Betty and Jims Anne St Shopppers Drug Mart Georgian Mall 40 articles lor sale WELT Dr Bayfield Mall Smoke and Gift Shop Harpels Pharmacy Penetang St Shoppers Drug Mart Barrie Plaza St East End Variety Blake St RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco interior textured walls and ceilings Free estimates Dale Russell Midhutst telephone 728 392 Turbomt RADIO CB COMMERCIAL way radio Sales and Service SHOP ON PREMISES Dockside Electronics 53 Owen St at Worsley 7287310 WELL DRILLER Gilberts Water Well Drilling Forms Homes Cottages FREE ESTIMATES 10 years experience lANGUS 4245657 41 boats motorsm CANOES We have truckload at dif lerent sizes shapes and colors at fibreglass and aluminum canoes SPORTHAVEN MARINE mile East at Barrie on Shanty Bay Rd 7261001 Au 14 ALUMINUM TlIOFlICS boat new with new 10 hp Merc motor new gas tank 31250 total or will sell separately Telephone 728 3310 during ollice hours KAYAK 17 two sealer Iolbot with pad dies Excellent condition two years old Please call 4361270 14 MOHAWK Canoe lightweight with hp Evlnrude outboard and sail kit 3451 Telephone 728 4452 alter pm

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