20 the examiner Wednesday June 22 1977 Housing for disabled proiect of association The Barrie and District Association for the Physically Disabled is applying for grant to investigate housing in Barrie for the physically disabled Don Warden chairman of the housing committee for the association says the group has applied to Central Mortgage and Funding for the grant The first step would be visiting housing centres in areas such as Thunder Bay Oshawa Toronto and Ottawa the grant would be to cover transportation and ac commodation Warden said The idea he said is to pro vide housing which can be used by the physically disabled In many apartments wheel chairs can not fit into the bathroom he said because the hallways are narrow step on to outside balconies makes it difficult for disabled person to use the balcony Even elevators he said are narrow and dont facilitate the disabled person We dont want to be se gregated from society but we do feel we deserve the same treatment as others such as senior citizens who receive housing accommodations Warden said Urges group work to fight abuse Doctors with suspected child abuse cases have their hands tied says Dr Raymond Asquith Barrie pediatrician Their only means of action is contacting the local Childrens Aid Scoeily lCAS he says cant do anything he told crowd of 130 last week at daylong seminar on child abuse in Barrie Maybe they can Dr Asquith stressed the need for organizations to join forces and Work in real and meaningful way in the area of child abuse and neglect Even detecting and tracing numbers of abuse and neglect cases is difficult he says because they are so difficult to pinpoint How many children are abused he said in speech during the morning session held at Civic Square Tower know from my own in vestigation was not able to get figures out of our extremely ef ficient statistics system he said wasnt able to get them because this kind of diagnosis is not one Inade by doctors He says unless parent openly admits their child has been beaten or neglected doc tors are faced with the stories they are told We do develop suspicions of our own he said If child under two years of age comes in with fractures you wonder how child of two can get frac tures In the United States doctors have been told pictures should be taken he said Sometimes that is the only way you can demonstrate what has happened to the child he added Doctors also have only tem porary power to protect child suffering from abuse or neglect said Dr Asquith We can always take child into the hospital if we suspect abuse but thats only very temporary means to solve the problem he said Sooner or later that child is out and facing the same problems he added He says most children doclt tors see who have been sub jected to abuse or neglect are young children coming from broken or single parent homes Abuse stems from that initial impulse person with problems and on no control has to hit or silence their child he said Another aspect of abuse is the failure to thrive syndrome said the Barrie doctor The baby just doesnt want to seem to get on he said They seem almost to be in world by themselves He says children who fail to thrive have parents who cant or dont fondness to their child child watches its mother in very special way looking for reassurance and support he said Children who dont get that support withdraw Dr Asquith says people are slowly beginning to respond to pressure to report cases of abuse and neglect In Florida he said there were an annual average of 18 reported cases of abuse before hotline program for abusers began The number jumped to 15000 with the program with 4000 of these being investigated as serious problems It shows that people will respond if they have some way of communicating their problem he said The reported caseload of 18 jumped to 4000 because means of communication has been opened up he said Few reported cases in child abuse Cotnam Only per cent of child abuse and neglect cases oc curing in Ontario each year are reported says Dr Cot nam ntarios chief coroner Dr Cotnam says an estimated average of 250 people per million report abuse cases Based on an assessment brain hemmoragel with or without fractured skull wmultiple skin bruises par ticularly if they are widespread and of different ages unusual soft swellings of tissuesand other indications such as malnutrition and dehydration what is referred to masked deprivation as childs behaviour may in dicate abuse says the pam phlet Abused infants exhibit what 15 described as frozen wat chfulness it reads graduates Debra Anne Menary graduated recently from York University in Toronto with an honours Bachelor of Arts Degree She is planning to resume studies in Sep tember for bachelor of education degree get together was recently held in honor of her graduation at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Ronald Menary Louise Janet daughter of Mr and Mrs Ar chie Wanless RR Ihelp Wanless ston received an Honors Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Family Studies from the Luiversity of Guelph May 26 Miss Wan less is graduate of Elmvale District High School FRIDAY JUNE 24th 1977 ®®® EARLY BIRD GAMES$60 ea EARLY BIRD SHARE THE WEALTH Sheila Mildred Cook the daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert Cook of Jarratt graduated recently from the legal secretarial course at Georgian College Barrie She is graduate of Park Street Collegiate Orillia Miss Cook is employed with the law office of Conder Sugg Bigelow Miller Kenny and Reed in Barrie Ann Itusswurm with hnors Barbara graduated bachelor of science degree from the University of Waterloo at the spring con vocation She majored in kinesiology and plans to do graduate work this fall in this field She is former stu dent of Barrie North ol legiate Testimonies given at banquet By PAT GUERGIS Examiner Staff Reporter The 30th annual Ladies Night Banquet was held recently by the Christian Businessmens Association at the Holiday Inn Barrie Guest speaker for the evening was Jake Epp Progressive Conservative member of parliament for Provencher Manitoba About 150 people packed the dining room to eat hear Bar ries Bruce Owen sing songs from his latest album and join in sing song TESTIMONY Ron and Laura Sommers gave their testimony telling the audience that both were working to straighten Ron out but the job was not an easy one Laura said she had rebelled as teenager and at 16 started working in Barrie met my husband at Young Peoples it was love at first sight Isaw him and knew had to straighten him out We were married when was 17 and the first few years were filled with lot of ups and downs mainly because we werent walking with God was smoking at work and hiding it from my family and friends Laura said that once the children began arriving she relized the power of God and that she would have to smarten up and take the responsibility of wife and mother which hadnt been doing Following the birth of the Sommers first child Steven in 1971 their second child Brenda was born in 1974 It brought back the Lords purpose to me and gave up smoking and it has been the most wonderful thing But it was the Lord that did it not me In 1975 after the birth of her third child Rhonda Laura said she decided this was the time to get straightened out with the Lord knew had unconfessed sin in my life and it bothered me that had never confessed all my sins publically She attended crusade which was held in Barrie and from that realized she would have to get rid other self life felt an arrow through my heart and it burnt and ended up in the prayer room twice that crusade WALKS vvIIII 30D know now that have to completely commit each day to God or everything goes wrong was not spirit controlled Phyllis Gethons honored at party One of Simcoe Countys employees is retiring after 19 years Mrs Phillis Gethons retired June 15 and in honor of the oc casion the staff of the Simcoe County District Health Unit held dinner at the village Inn Thorton on Monday June 13 NEWMARKET ARENA EARLY BIRD GAMES 730 PMfl Cards for 50¢ WILD CARDS Cards for 50¢ Allan Glassford warden of PIONEER FESTIVAL MONSTER CU Smmmnnq OlaarvrnIrms of WI Tami SI John Pansh Couan QI ll PRIZES Simcoe County was also in at tendance for the dinner Mrs Gethons many varied interests include volunteer work with the Royal Victoria Hospital Blind Bowlers Cen tral United Church Soroptimist Club and handicrafts was me controlled but now life is so much better when walk with God RONS TESTIMONY Ron began his testimony by telling the audience that Laura was still working on straighten ing him out and shes got job to do yet He said he was saved 15 years ago at time when he was Hanging on by one finger ready to drop at any minute was going to church doing good things but the Lord was not blessing me the way he would Christian He led me into few situa tions and told me had better do away with worldly things and get my thoughts settled on sonal budget plan BARRIE TN APPLIANCES SYLVANIA COLOR TELEVISION FOR As Low As $39900 This is on 18 solid state color portable featuring the GTMatic color tuning system with an optional unconditional yr warran ty for only an additional $24 We also offer Barrie TV per We service all males of TY Trade ins accepted SYLVANIA 80 Dunlop St him He gave me verse John Chapter five verse five He told me that without him couldnt do anything so turned my life over to him Then when felt my life slipp ing again went to crusade few weeks ago and the Lord had to take me over again Several trips to the prayer room were not enough The Lord told me he wanted to complete my life he wanted to be the centre figure in my life he said could on ly do what he had planned for me And now that have given my life to the Lord He has real ly been blessing me Hes look ing after me like He never has before 7284297 ii to Semiannual 20 REGULAR GAMES$1M ea 18 SPECIAL GAME$650 2nd SPECIAL GAME$65000 Cards Cards Cards underweight or various anemias Ministry of Community $1 $100 $1 for for for originally made in the United States he says Ontario with population of eight million people should have 2000 cases Schoolage children may be withdrawn too eager to please inappropriately aggressive DOUBLE YOUR WINNINGS reported year However this is not true he says During the year 1073 total of 598 cases of child abuse were reported through the central registry of the ministry he said in brief to federal corn mitleeon child abuse That indicates that only ap proximately per cent of the cases that are occuring are really being reported he said He said there ae six in liealions of battered child syndrome teachers nurses police neighbours or relatives can detect and Social Services pamphlet on child abuse says anyone can detect problem through con tact with battered child Sometimes the child talks about the abuse it reads Everyone has seen child on bus or in store being cruelly slapped or pulled or ver bally attacked Some kinds of abuse are dif ficult to trace the pam phlet released this March The serious delay in normal growth and development described as failure to thrive may be the result of physical handicaps but it may also be manipulative demanding of at tention or food dressed in torn or filthy clothing un dernourished or overtired crown hill by Mrs Dunsmore 7268373 Mr and Mrs Roy Newson took bus trip to zuja New York Harold Drury is recovering at home after surgery at Royal 3rd SPECIAL GAME$650X JACKPOT GAME$15M SPECIAL GAMES$60 EA GAME PLAY BINGO ON WILD Cards Cards ON YOUR WIN for for Cards for 50¢ ARD SOLD FOR 81 PAYS YOU DOUBLE ON REGULAR GAMES $1 $1 PREPAID ADMISSION TICKETS WHICH INCLUDES ADMISSION CARDS EARLY BIRD CARDS EARLY BIRD SHARE THE WEALTH CARDS FOR EACH SPECIAL CARDS JACKPOT CARDS LAST SPECIALS $650 VALUE FOR $550 FOR MORE INFORMATION OR ncxzrs CallOucensvlle must Nmmikel acme ALL PROCEEDS TO ST JOHNS BUILDING IfUND NEWMARKET Victoria Hospital Phillip Sawula son of Mr and Mrs Peter Sziwula receiv ed an eye injury while playing refractures of one or more result of deprivation or bones particularly if they are at different stages of healing vsubdural haemoatoma neglect it reads Sometimes parents are unaware that they are guilty of The secret of growmg great tomatoes ORTHOG ORTHO TOMATO VEGETABLE DUST An insecticidefungicide combination in refillable plastic squeeze cluster for easy application Controls insects tomato blight and many other diseases OFF MERCHANDISE FROM MOST PDEPARTMENTS Vegetable Dust suPER SAVINGS TOO GOOOTO MISS PLAY BEATRICE BINGO AND GET BACK BUCK To get your buck back start saving the labels of the Beatrice products After the first fruit ap pears the tomatoes need protection lor If you prefer spraying try ORTHO Fruit and Vegetable Insect Con Limited Lakeview Dairy Division 185 Dunlop St Barrie Ontario shown in the Card Youll and weH mailyou variety ol Insects and ltol Ior ellicientcontrol find more cards at the donarlaheres nolimitto diseases To help of Wide variety ol Beatrice display In your the money you can make pugint these use Iron and vegetable In grocers dairy section as long as each completed Du °°° egec When youve saved row of labels is mailed in enough to complete row $371 the separate envelope in any direction Bingo Mail the labels along with Inn vGEuCIIIP if Just think now you can Luna Ilium make money in the gro BEST SELECTION your name and address to cery almost as easily as Beatrice Foods Ontario mall 3231 you Spend it mph ï¬EITMANS OVER 50 YEARS OF FASHION Robinson Hardware 31 DunlopSt 7282431 Olflfl lull Oil on minim LAKEVIEW DAIRY DIVISION ï¬eattice Toads Ll