10 the examiner Wednesday June 22 1977 thornton 4589298 Mary Wayne David and Leanne Tubman of Nunster Hamlet spent the June 10 weekend with Marys parents Helen and Orval Carr Other visitors on June 12 were Orvals sisters Elsie Sutcliffe and Isobel Carr of Toronto Willa and Bert Broderick of Burlington recently spent few days with Berts sister Erma and Cecil Brethet Muriel and Bill Fraser visited with their son John and Laurie Robert on June 11 Muriel also called on Florence and George Holt on the same day ATTEND PLAY Thornton area residents who went to see the play Was He Anyone at Georgian College Theatre on June 11 were George and Florence Holt Lee Arnold Florence and Ian Ban ting of RR DEDICATION number of Thornton friends of the Ivy Presbyterian Church attended the dedication service of the recent church addition as well as the luncheon on June 12 PAY RESPECT Sympathy is extended to Marion Carr Harris Barrie formerly of RR Thornton in the death of her mother Mrs Selby Adai Carr on June at the Barrie Kempenfeldt Manor Thornton friends paid their respects by calling at the Steckley Funeral Home CHURCH NEWS Rev Mel Boyd Cambridge was the supply at Trinity United Church on June 12 when his subject was How to be your own self Ills childrens story stressed the importance of being careful what you do as in most cases the activity cannot be cor rected Matt Lowrles solo was Re jolce with the choir choosing voice of many waters as their anthem The new minister rev it Rice will be holding communion service on July at the regular 1015 am time for the Trinity folks For the remaining four Sun days of July the Trinity con gregation will he worshipping at St Judes at am with no service at Trinity again until preparing August All the Trinity folks are busy preparing for their Strawberry supper on Wednesday June 22 from atoll pm Mrs Peter Debbiei Johnson returned home on June 11 after have having surgery at the Royal Victoria Hospital Bar rie hawkestone bv Muriel Hart 4872030 More than 40 relatives and friends attended mis cellaneous shower lune for Debbie Leigh at the home of Mrs Ted Johnston Cathy Scott and Mrs Brian Shelswell the brideelects sister assisted in opening the gifts Debbie is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Leigh She plans to marry Garry Cook son of Mr and Mrs Walter Cook of Hawkestone GRADUATION Many parents and grand parents attended the Guthrie Schools kindergarten gradua tion ceremonies on Wednesday June 15 The children presented the play Mistress Mercy SYMPATIIY Sympathy is expressed to the family of Christie McKay who died at the AlMar Nursing Home in rillia on Sunday June 12 Miss McKay was in her 7th year Funeral services were con ducted at the Miindcll Funeral Ihapel on Wednesday June 13 with interment at Know Cemetery in ro Township SOCIA Harry Barnsley of Toronto spent few lays with Mr and Mrs Ray uppage recently and also Visited other relatives Thc June 21 church service has been cancelled at St Aidcns hurcli to allow the congregation to attend the con tlrmation service at St lames Church in rillla at which two young pcoplc from the St Aidciis congregation will he cont irmed Mrs Tonks of St lilcs hurch Harrie was thc guest speaker at the Sunday School June 12 Sunday School will close June for the summer months St Aidens AW met at the home of Miss tirma Johnston RR rillia on tedncsday Junett Mrs lugsley chaired the meeting in the absence of prcsl dent Mrs Hall Plans were made for the air MISSES LADIES HALTER TERRY TOPS 100 cotton for OSelection of colors Our Woolworth Values to 798 Our Woolworth Special Price AVE UP TO 548 LADIES MISSES SHORTS lOO°° polyester colors IO to 20 squier Woolworth Regular Price for 56 Our Woolworth Special Price Save 200 for MENS 1SHIRTS 00 cotton conversation print SiZOeiSJrSionblworth Regular Price tor $5 Our Woolworth Special Price SAVE 200 for MENS PREWASHED DENIM JEANS 00 cotton Slzes 28 to 36 Our Woolworth Regular Price 1783 pair Our Woolworth Special Price $1 opoyestercotton Sizes SMLXl Our Woolworth Regular Price for $8 GEB itooiAit BOOTS Leother lined insulated Regulor toe Our Woolworth Regular Price 5195 pair Our Woolworth Special Price SAVEII9 VIDEO PRO TV GAMES games to play on TV Fun for all ages Our Woolworth Regular each Price 6995 each Our Woolworth Special Price SAVE 39°96 Our AUTOSTAR INSTAMATIC 26 gm KIT swmo SET C°°lm 41mm zlitm Ogicube flash mmly lltlu Woolworyh Reguar oFunll10wmI nunlm ol Woolworth awn Price Our PW Irun 999kil 4700 gt Our Woolwonh sped Pu Our Woolworth Spochl pm 2477 Save 2223 HM DANDY TENDER TOOTSIE SHOE SALE 14 styles to choose from White ton honey hickory doe Slzes 52 to Our Woolworth Regular Values to 1100 OUR WOOLWORTH SPECIAL PRICE 12 AREA RUGS Jute rubber backed Vorious piles Our Woolworth Regular Price 6997 each OUR WOOLWORTH SPECIAL PRICE 997 SAVE 3000 mm TRAILER on Moron on VAN MATTRESS OWOO piece zippered Um Cotton one side Vinyl Our qul per CUSlonier other Worth Regular Our Woolworth Regular Ce 89 qt Price 3997 each Our Woopwml special Price Our Woolworth Special Price on each 93° SAVE 20 SAVE 1210 ELEGANCE MATTRESS OR BOX SPRING 54 size only SPACE SAVER DAVENPORT Fobric covered plaids Rose coored floral pattern Green or orange tones 10 only our Wooiwonh Regular Price Our Woolworth Regular 9350 each Price 9995 eOCh our Woolworth Special Price Woolworth 3003 Slrieciol Price each SAVE 3450 eoch Our Woolworth Special Price PRICES IN EFFECT JUNE 23 TO JUNE 28 OR WHILE QUANTITIES LAST ll 1135 flt In Our Woolwort Wn Rocker choirs LCoholse Loungers Umbrella Tables TOURIST TENT Outside frame Cotton sides polyethelene floor Our Woolworth Regular Price 6250 each Our Woolworth Special Price SAVE 2251 099eoch WINFIELD SOCCER BALL Olntlatoble Block white Our Woolworth Regular Price 697 each Our Woolworth Special Price SAVE 291 ch CHILDRENS SWIM SET Mask Snorkel Swim Fins Sizes Small Medium Our Woolworth Regular Price 997 set Our Woolworth Special Price SAVE 497 set LIFE JACKETS OChildrens Adults Government Approved PRICE Of Our Woolworth Regular Price HOT DOG WITH FRENCH FRIES AND 25 COKE 99 nual AtW Hakc Sale ltazaai and white elephant sale to bt held at the church on Saturday July 16 starting at 2p Ill Miss Johnston showed slides and spoke on her work as teacher at Kettle loiiit School The next AtW meeting will be held Sept at Mrs Pugsleys home Several village residents at tended the Jeriiicy reunion at the town hall Sunday June 12 Mary Robertson of Toronto ent few days with Mrs lihrry Reid last week Reid 900012356 spent the last two weeks visiting relatives in New foundland SHOP FOR MORE lNSTORE UNADVERTISED SUPER BUYS NO CHARGE WDERGROUND PARKHVG ENTRANCE OFF MAPLE VENUE Open Monday to Friday 930 am to 900p Saturday 930 am to 600 pm Use These Cards in Woolworth Stores Across Canada