MMzuit swam 731 wmr 14 the examiner Tueedey June 21 1917 16apts to rent MODE RN luxury very large bedroom apartment for lease Quiet adult bull ding No pets References For Informa glooln 7289682 90 Holgate Apartment FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 7260988 weekdays ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments fron $160 monthly Central location First and last required Appliances and 2eat Included Telephone 7269418 after pm TWO BEDSITTING rooms and one bedroom apartments Can be seen at 48 Codrington Apt ONE AND two bedroom apartments available now downtown area Call bet ween am and pm 7263257 BEDROOM apartment available Im mediately east end Telephone 4872412 ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments downtown Newly renovated 7371674 after 530 pm Two BEDROOM apartment on second floor Refrigerator and stove optional Centrally located Available immediate ly Quiet adults Telephone 7372617 LARGE TWO beroom apartment to rent July Includes fridge and stove washing facilities Ample parking $240 monthly Call 7371638 LARGE TWO bedroom partly furnished apartment Stove fridge parking in cluded $200 monthly available July lst Call 7262910 SINGLE BEDROOM apartment with private entrance available July 1977 Central Barrie close to transportation Stove refrigerator utilities and parking included $160 monthly Aurora 4167273830 after pm All day weekends APARTMENT IN central Barrie loca tion newly decorated unfurnished Suitable for elderly couple 4873188 after 6pm AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY land bedroom apartments central location parking heat water stove and frlg in cluded from $210 monthly Phone 7267736 LARGE bedroom apartment with broadloom and appliances available all utilities included plus two playgrounds large balcony or yard Telephone 7372649 BEDROOM Apartment for rent $245 monthly includes all utilities Central Available immediately Close to trans portation Call 7267286 or 7370685 TWO BEDROOM furnished apartment central location broadloomed through out No pets Available July Please call 7371605 after 430 TWO BEDROOM apt large living room fridge and stove west end of Barrie Available July lst $210 monthly Utilities included Telephone 7282928 days BEDROOM upper duplex on two levels downtown area modern colored appliances range hood broadloom utilities and heat included parking No pets Security deposit required $285 Telephone 7261685 evenings only BEDROOM lower duplex breakfast nook finished basement room broad loom colored appliances utilities and heat included parking no pets security deposit required $275 Telephone 7261685eveningsoniy TWO bedroom apartments available June 30th $180 monthly One bedroom apt available July 15th $220 Central east end of Barrie 4872412 TWO BEDROOM self contained apart ment heat and hydro close to Base Borden $185 monthly Available July lst Telephone 4241971 LARGE TWO bedroom apartment close to downtown on bus route stove fridge parking laundry facilities First and last months rent No pets Telephone 7266725 alter pm ONE BEDROOM apartment with frig and stove and parking included in rent at $185 East end location No pets Adults Phone 7265282 or 7260875 5201001113101 FURNISHED ROOM in Allandale at bus stop Cooking facilities available Gentlemen prefered Telephone 7284268 days or 7280810evenlngs LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS Full kit chen facilities rec room Available Im mediately Working people Central 7266392 BRIGHT VERY large newly decorated rooms to rent In downtown location Taurus Real Estate Ltd 7373000 CLEAN BRIGHT quiet room for rent Linen supplied Kltchenl cllltles Elder ly people welcome Clo to downtown and bus route Please Elephone 7373675 23 office store for rent PRIMELOCATION MODERNDOWNTOWN Approx 8500 sq ft Heated air conditioned Ideal for stores and offices Call owner 7260981 weekdays 4163633421 anytime Jy l2 MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 7263400 Angeloff 1800 SQ FT STORE office plus extra large garage bays downtown Barrie ln cludes lots of parking $425 monthly less montth parking Income Call collect 4166321452 evenings 24space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 ft clear part of large expanding industrial mall 7267130 F012 LEASE industrlal space and warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angeloff VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlop St West with large fenced in property Phone 7287044 or 416 6350637 BUILDING AVAILABLE 75 20 heated Immediate occupancy ideal for painting or refinishing business $150 monthly 7266474 26accom modationsto share GIRL to share bedroom apt and to share expenses St Vincent Grove St area available July lst Telephone 7373688 YOUNG WORKING girl has large bedroom apartment to share with same outside of Barrie carpeted throughout with fireplace lst and last months re quired Telephone 7263525 27COTT8985 To rent GRAVENHURST AREA Available some of June July and August Private sand beach bedroom cabin Suit fami ly of or Telephone 7267734 HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES Lake Cecebe hours from Barrie electrical lakefront camping sights boats Call Murray Valiquette 7260617 BY THE season and bedroom cot tages inside convenience private sand beach also available boat storage and trailer lots 4873827 or 4872427 LAKE SIMCOE Oro Station Lakeshore Month of July bedrooms fireplace indoor conveniences $100 weekly Telephone 4872248 evenings 32cars for sale 1972 CHEV Impala door white vinyl roof 350 V8 power steering and brakes in good condition Telephone 7260632 after630 pm PRIVATE SALE1973 Pinto hatchback cylinder automatic radlo 32000 miles owner $1495 Call Doug Stewart 7281312 Pb md Wind°wsl 599 bumpe white pedestal chairs blue seats pur man saddles and brldles UNFURNISHED TWO bedroom apart ment second floor fridge and stove Pay own hydro First and last rent required Call 7285135 FIVE ROOM apartment $220 monthly Hydro not included No pets or children Ten minutes from downtown Available now Call 7263759 after pm 1973 MUSTANG stock car tandem trailer and extra parts Set to race at Barrie $1500 Telephone Huntsville 7057897393 BUYING CAR Why not get loan at Barrie Community Credit Union 18 Col lier St 7285191 1970 LINCOLN Continental 85000 ME 32000 7287156 1973 MONTE Carlo mint condition Zlebarted air conditioning radio new exhaust system radials must be seen car 7265494 1976 CADILLAC Power seats power steering power brakes AMFM power windows 24000 miles 1976 Ford F100 pickup short box mags and tires rust prooled tape deck power steering 4200 miles 1975 LTD Brougham auto power steering power brakes air conditioning vinyl roof AMFM power door locks power trunk release rear defroster 42300 miles 1976 Torino Squire station wagon auto power steering power brakes rear defroster heavy duty suspension tinted glass 36800 miles 1975 Mercury Marquis power steering power brakes 62000 miles Call Dave or Marlene between and 7266411 PRIVATE SALE 1976 Corvette power windows and brakes tilt steering burglar alarm AMFM radio 8000 miles Phone 7262884 after5pm I976 PLYMOUTH Gran Fury door 175 pb 10000 miles $3900 Telephone 4665671 1976 DATSUN 710 7000 miles $3600 or best offer Excellent condition All ex tras Call 4241766 after pm 1971 ACADIAN cyl automatic asking $800 uncertlfied telephone 4584520 after pm weekdays 1970 MUSTANG 351 Cleveland barrel automatic Power steering power brakes Best offer Telephone 3222656 after5pm 1973 TOYOTA Corolla 1600 radials radio private must sell good condition $900 Telephone 7284974 evenings 1975 DODGE Royal Monaco 26000 TALL TREES bedrogrngggï¬ga milesapower steering and brakes air house ï¬reman garage $350 mommy condltuonlng shows and rims In ex lst and last months call 14168779371 eanMINOHCa7374 ajtgrvgpnt 1932 PLYMOUTH Coupe needs work Call Bob 7262119 1976 NOVA Concord lime green metallic hall white vinyl roof White In terlor $4300 Telephone 4662540 MGB 1970 convertible as Is new motor brakes clutch 10000 miles ago Some rust Best offer Phone after 7373049 1974 TR6 39000 miles AM radio sets Michelin radials owner summer UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS and bedroom Available July lst and 15th No children no pets Couple preferred Apply Armstrong Hardware 7282441 SUBLET ONE bedroom apartment Im perial Towers Five months left on lease $261 monthly everything included Telephone 7285896 NEWLVY DECORATED Furnished bachelorette Central in Barrie Call 7266271 iiA BEDROOM apartment available July 1st block irom bus close to shopping Adults only $200 monthly Telephone 7269200 ONE BEDROOM apartment centrally located refrigerator stove all utilities included $160 monthly Available July lst References Call 7280674 BAYFIELD AND Rose St area Two bedroom spacious apartment stove and fridge $250 monthly Call Jim Cancilla 737 0011 LePage Ontario Ltd BACHELOR apartment in new home on outskirts of town Bedsitting room kit chen piece bath private entrance $150 monthly Telephone 7266100 ATTRACTIVE spacious two bedroom apartment fridge stove and parking $250 monthly Adults only No pets Telephone business hours 7282253 17houses to rent PUGET COURT Prestige luxury and bedroom townhouses Selective neigh borhood References 275 Blake For in formation call from to pm 7262361 Evenings 7289682 NEW BEDROOM house douole garage Central $325 monthly View Sun day only to pm Call Tor 8812515 after7pm NEw YEARS bedroom semi JTIEy lst possession $3 per month 7281671 THREE BEDROOM townhouse carpeted two blocks to beach near school workshop four appliances barbecue garage $350 monthly plus utilities Call 4365624 BEDROOM semidetached hobséTRec loom with fireplace and den or 4th bedroom Four appliances One and half baths Garage $350 monthly plus heat Call 4572310 DUPLEX Central Ibcation all ap pliances and three bedroom Available July Phone 7269697 alter 67p THREE BEDROOM house centrally located in Barrie Available August 1977 $325 month Call Toronto 9290982 anytime AVAILABLE August Four bedroom large living room dining room large lamin room with fireplace Quality broadloom throughout Single car garage Quiet residential area Close to school $385 monthly plus utilities References please Call 728 4492 LARGE bedroom luxury townhouse conveniently located broadloomed finished rec room appliances inter com garage with private driveway heat utilities cable TV Included 7260293 THREE BEDROOM home Blake Street close to St Vincent Park $290 monthly Available immediately References required 4872412 BEDROOM home large lot ASKIan $285 monthly Telephone 4362295 after pm AUGUST 15 Anten Mills bedroom farm house 1V2 baths family room some appliances inground pool Snow removal garbage collection Included $385 monthiyplus utilities lst and last Lease 728 3715 18apts wantéd to rent MATURE MARRIED male teacher re quires furnished accommodation in Eastview Secondary School area for five weeks commencing July 4th Apply Box U60 The Examiner 19houses wanted totflt RESPONSIBLE YOUNG couple re quires bedroom home to rent will do repairs Must be reasonable references Telephone 7288920 WANTED TWO bedroom house or apartment for married working couple with baby and house trained pets Rent range $200 7280559 after pm or all Weekend RESPONSIBLE family want country home to rent or bedrooms north from the 8th line of lnnisfil Will take ex cellent care of the property Reasonable Telephone 7269395 20rooms TO let FURNISHED near factories on bus route quiet atmosphere $22 weekly Phone evenings 7269859 FURNISHED ROOMS Central Park Ing kitchen privileges lounge Ilnen supplied weekly laundry facilities responsible adults 726 7186 driven Certified Good buy at $3900 Telephone 7280103 1967 CHEV BISCAYNE 250 automatic mechanically sound needs some body 1967 CHEV $100 or will sell in parts Call 7280776 I34 trucks and trailers 40 articles Tor sale 51 Ivestooll for solo 1974 FORD F100 Ranger XLT PlckUPps WHITE PEDESTAL kltchen table ACK SHOP English eqvlnmfzntélGer nson new paint 0006 Willow 395 chased for $350 three years old Asking Hardware 31 Dunlap East7282431 telephone 8355791 or call Nell 7266411 suo Telephoae 7269667 YEARLlï¬GQW 1974 DODGE 100 ton automatic with ife star Quiet entle we transmission vs power brakes radio SINGLE AND 9°be NUS refrigerator 3Y track step up bumper with trailer hitch agfogzgve in 9° C°d° C3 manneredhulmy and wundwnaa and ca Excellent condition Tele hone 68957 EvfthIZUNGIIIPOOL film and Pump AllenggIEasrltllerE ktlagnable oeco gh san liter and 34 hp ree Ste 1220 F2c£lsc°aÂ¥2g ï¬ï¬slï¬‚ï¬ pump fiberglass lined filter with rates Callafter6pm7263317 Also International diesel farm tractor Nb 70 99 20 PALAMINO FILLY Years Old 50 Ben offer an aï¬ers volts used three months in excellent western Quiet been raised with c°d°c25572 children ssoo firm Includes two sad DICK Model 210 hand operated dles7053222447 fluid duplicator reconditioned $150 555 cow herd also 2yearold Call Ron Wilson 7266602 Charolais bull Telephone 7281326 26 ELECTROHOME color console TV 1V2 years old excellent condition Also 9PounryChCK5 Boys bicycle green with high bars and 33ca rs wantedto buy TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 7288111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 ggï¬giggggqimabe We Year °d gg pullets available June 10 Also farm Craig Hunter Poultry TRATcY WANTS cars and trod SALE OF household furniture kitchen rï¬pnslsggoudluwau wrec mg and pans mp prces pad appliances Wednesday and Thursday2 Free mkup Teephm mam pm pm 43 Maple Ave Apt No ofeedseedgra1n COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted 39 Box SPRING and mamess clean 00 It uare bales of flogbilgfezltlgrgl 58245l94c9kup Days 15 for bmh 7239830 We and Eggtwgratln $1953 15 plough for Pm ale International point hitch trip WANTED Clean used caIS Barrie HO ADMIRAL STOVE dryer and fridge with3ace bottomsCall4563845 da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 7266488 Wm vertical 5pm doors avocado EKALB READY to lay pullets Brown SHAKELS IWRECKING and Towing years old excellent condition 3450 IPBSIure for sale scrap meta cars bought over scales Telephone Doug 7284067 or 7283274 FOR SALE 85 acres of the best 895 prices pad 43 3677 enerSDm farmland in lnnisfil $1300 per acre off 41boats and motors CANOES We have truckload Of dif ferent sizes shapes and colors Iof fibreglass and aluminum 6auto acessories TEEL SPOKE wheels with or without lres fits Ford pick up or van In ood condition 7280139 after6 pm TOCK BBL intake and Carb for Ford 51C spd stand trans for Ford 302 lso wrecking 1972 Mach Mustang any parts Phone 7372569 anytime Hwy 27 near HMLY 89 Telephone 4589492 4farm machinery FORGE HARVESTER for sale also itch sprayer liquid manure tank 1000 allon row air planter 400 tons of A1 ileage 3222351 ASSEY Ferguson 165with tndustriaï¬ canoes loader Simms cab anyJ IBthOLJIShEX ellent condition $55 or es er mmorcyces SPORTIIAVEN MARINE Call 4584797 after pm 973 HONDA 750 Borrani rims Dunstall is xhaust clean and well maintained ask E0 Of Ba flUITS vegetables ng $1500 Telephone 7202410 before 430 on Shanty Boy 7261001 973 HONDA 350 cc electric start 2800 SIIOWbeIIIeS 3léleasrsscertlfied Like new $795 Call pick your own 1974 HONDA MT 250 certified many ex FT SHE PHERD mahogany boat lop qualify ras Good condition $600 or best offer ouble hull cylinder Chrysler Inboard Lots of parking space mile Inorth of Bradford on Hwy II mile west on lath line 67752808 Call 7265533 anytime otor Al condition Asking $2500 1974 HONDA 125 Elsinore extra parts eeph°e3575 39413091 Iow riding time $500 Telephone 7289366 Al LBOAT 16 foot custom designed and afterépm ullt Totally fiberglassed over marine 1975 HONDA 500 cyl excellent road lvwoodBils 191011109 spinflake nd Geona Many extras 35 hp engine 352FL3$313n° mles Teephme railer Real bargain at$1200 7267955 Ju 25 0R SALE one 161 foot Dumphrey oflnldes for sale unabout excellent condition with 35 STRAWBERRY season open Coombes Evlnrude tanks $1000 firm Call GllLroad Midhulrst 35 cents per quart 72310 pic your own it your own con alners Automatlc 32 ROJAN 7232111 AT STRAWBERRIES PICK your own 35 abln Cruiser Wlllt planked hull In mint cells quan Brng own conlaneVS half by onditton puny equipped with VHF mile north of Mldhurst 4th ConcesSIon of chemically ea Your pod for adio air conditioning depth sounder VainM oud hailer bumpers deck chairs elec STRAWBERRIES pick youTrown Two less than $60a season 16 32 ric bilge pump refrigerator sniffer miles south 01 Highway 89 beside Hwy models to choose from Win 119119910 EHQIneer with 550 hours 400 on Concession 13 West Gwillimbury SERVICES ull convertible caiznper beet WAllkpc Phone John Carlin 4504797 after4pm ept car or truc as re mg 19900 For appointment telephone Orv 63Per50nals 7283646 m°°57784272 TELECARE Why fight your problem Liquid Chlorine dellVered ANDYMAN SSPECALb°a m°l°r alone Let friend help Call Teecare 20 nd trailer best offer can be seen at 172 7264922 anyï¬me 7uan°tp SEXRBJCéméberglass boat ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 if drnk thats our busness If 00 bvoElL MCIAm pmwa hm waer aycrUiser wm campy l°p 8° HP want tolquit thatsburs Call anY timeY Iler all fired suitable for large home hrys oumoard Explorer amt Gross output167300 BTU $500 Apply cane condition Best one UNWANTED HAIR removed safely Robinson Hardware elephone7267836 permanently medically approved Iy dia Hrenchuk Certified Electrologlst SWIMMING POOL Sacrifice Leading BOATsTsnglhEgS for reentt Two slabys 7372671 Canadian manufacturer and distributor ram rices 08 has aluminum pools left over from 1976 784175 Toronto 14163631954 ï¬gggobgfgeï¬gcsggg invdewgqgï¬g Season V2 price Guaranteed Installation 1976 STARCRAFT fibreglass 1312l Windy Haugh Farm 726092 and terms Call collect days or evenings ylinder Volvo engine and 519m drive 14162214840 WHY SUFFER agony w1th Corns and ower trlm full canvas and completely Caucuses Relief now is Yours om LEADING SWIMMING Pool Wholesaler quipped 50 hours running Wlll sell England Camaï¬on Com Caps have must dispose of 1976 all aluminum pools 5900 or best offer Call Dan Henderson been sold ior over century with ï¬fec in stock Sacrifice price for desperater 286065 or 7371771 ï¬ve resuns medicated pad ma ream ewe IPCI°EY waemUS space Brand 1976 16 FOOT Peterborough boat fully does the iobl Com Caps or Caucus Caps new swmmng pools ndude Hen quPPedv 7° horselowe EVinUde now available at Cusdens Shoppers Wakamund deCK fence and warranYI otor and trailer Marina slip paid for Drug Marts and druggisys 51915 27 31355 Cash terms Ca 1977 season $5700 7261133 after 630 MViaM Perc collect days or evenings 1416 pm INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION 4818802 Services Civil criminal divorce SWIMMmG pOOLSm rem win 3359 2artlcles wanted gglance Discree and confidential 93 °°°We5 lamiV 519 CASH FOR old furniture books dishes aluminum swimming pool with patio Choice of styles meeting all fencing odds and ends we regulations on one two or three year ig rental basis with option to own Try liqdogs and pets before you buy Call collect anytime BARRIE POODLE SalonShampoaing ROOFING and odd iobs Free estimate Work guaranteed 4240321 MONECA pshyic and cardmreading counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 7288868 166639508 IMMING POOLS1977modelsslightA and clipping of all breeds Sophia Iy scratched in transport Fully war 51961 53517264 ranted complete with pump motor POODLE TRIMMING professional filter fencing walkway and deck grooming all breeds pickup and de Suggested retail price $2295 Available Iivery7268798 Pet Studio at pre season special of $1288 Call not for early installation Call collect xazlscliZSiggDLaEnd reason anyï¬me Iuéaafloa able rates Telephone 7260061 ELECTRIC SemiAcoustic Guitar and TROWCAL FISH 585 selection in Amplifier approx months old Both in own AquarIums all sizes at unbeatable excellem C°nd° ASkng 5550 pric Evenings and weekends Edge this date forward June 21 1977 without 7263433 hill Iiillflla 143 AEOVaQIJVROaCL726U09d my written consent USED FURNITUREAIrcondItIoners ALL BREED dog training Obedience small fridges for office or cottage and guard dog training Telephone 70IOST and found solves freezers odd chairs Chesterfield 72636170 7299755 MALE SIAMESE Cat Seélpoim syears sets lawn furniture and bedroom suites Clarks Home Furnishing Aarehouse OBEDIENCE TRAINING for dogs old in Georgian College 8351 Grid area free deliver 7282843 Summer Classes Starting June 28 For in Small childrens pet $25 reward formation call Mrs Walters 4589361 7288999 weekends or evenings LABRADOR Retriever pups yellow in heplaflteg color weeks old CKC registered all shots and tattooed Telephone 7260597 ME DOBE RMAN year old spayed female If you want to work registered excellent with children Also year old male German short hair approximately hrs daily days week price on all color BW used 53333 Wi 93 king 75 eah no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence TVS While hel C°m° my WEIMARANER PUTSf rengtered for best selection ovor 21 yrs of age pass medical champion stock intelligent pets for corn panionship and protection $200 Tele Borne TV and Appliances Then we want YOU Call Mrs Sim EFBELEZZELIL EEC SAMOYED Purebred puppies for sale not ready for homes until July 10th 80 Dunlop elephone 726 788 7284297 Stock Brothers School Bus Lines old very gentle Could be used as sleigh hounds Harnesses available Telephone 12637545fter 1200 noon GENTLEMAN IN midforties would like to meet lady 3050 able and willing to travel this summer Obiectfriend and travel companion Please send replies to Box U58 the Examiner WEING OUR affair is over but Id like to talk to you Call MondayFriday 4873607 Profes VICTOR Bower of RR No Midhurst Ont will not be responsible SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS Algi ban Kaypool etc Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop St East 7282431 PUREBRED VISLA pups not registered Excellent fur and feather hunting dogs Keen well disciplined TF Make wonderful watchdogs and family pets $75 Six to choose from Phone 519 =irewood Buy now at last years prices waiter 63911 Iardwood $25 per face cord Free de ivery in Barrie area 7263649 CEDAR POSTS anyTsIzes poles oraces etc 7370017 GARAGE AND lawn 533717 sogarden supplies Meadowland Ave Allandale Heights CHOICE TOPSOIL Excellent for lawns open from 10 am to 10 pm daily 15 It gar ec vening ur av aluminium trailer with propane sleeps piano 7263396 ivery Call 7263928 or 7261117 52plants and bulbs OLIVETTI CANADA LTD seeking person to train as TROPICAL PLANTS New shipment technician on our office produc COOLER Display Counte7 p105 large compresser excellent condition Ideal lust arrived ideal for hanging baskets Brays 26 Ferndale Dr 7262951 Is Knowledge of electronlcs helpful High school graduate tor small grocery or fruit stand $200 7262951 and must have car Phone 728 3421 for appointment KEESHONDS male neutered was MOFFAT 30 continuous clean gas stove harvest gold in excellent condi tion $200 Inglis gas dryer in good condi tion $50 Call 7262053 35 M771 IZODATcFony camérzdaaa Io beginner $25 Cady Moped months old in good condition $200 Telephone 54 service and repairs WEEDS ork $200 firm Telephone 7266895 1972 FORD LTD station wagon ps pb 46000 miles Telephone 4246463 filled 1971 JEEP CJS Universal wd80 Inch heelbasc vlynl top Warn Hubs good condition Telflmone 7264823 PRIVATE SALE 1975 Datsun 710 green two door coupe standard ex cellent gas mileage low mileage Cer In excellent condition $2895 7265757 after 6pm 1971 PLYMOUTH Fury IV Grand Coupe excellent condlton 44000 original miles $1800 Call 7286017 after6pm 1967 CHEVELLE Malibu two door hard top cylinder automatic radio power steering Good condition Used as se cond car only Uncertlfled Asking $975 7285283 1973 PLYMOTH Satelite Sebring green door hardtop P5 P8 318 automatic excellent condition $2600 Telephone 7262831 1971 OLDSMOBILE Delta 8874 door low mileage private sale Telephone 7284659 after pm 197436NTIAcï¬arisi he poweriwinr dows brakes steering air conditioned one owner low mileage $3200 7263407 1972 TOYOTA Corona door sedan litre engine speed standard In ex cellent condition 50000 miles Many ex tras Must sell $1300 or best offer 7266133 anytime iiitrucks and trailers 4x4 1973 LANDROVE 22000 original miles CB radio must sell best rea sonable offer Telephone 728 2410 before 430pm 1974 FORD model 250 460 engine powar steering power brakes air condition gas tanks to ply tires 23000 miles XLT camper special Will finance to reliable people Call Joe Dyson Cholkan 7284401 1975 egmc wheel drive automatic power steering power brakes barrel gauge package radio wood box low mileage with Myers plowing equip ment $6100 4563840 evenings 1976 FORD ton ps va sliding back window toneau cover $4000 Telephone 456 2907 1974 RANGER XLTIoi automatic radio 40000 miies In good condition Telephone 728 8149 after 7pm 1969 CHEVROLET 72 ton pickup good condition Telephone 4589573 1968 Inter onal Tandem Dump 1971 Transtar Tandem Tractor diesal 1972 White Freightliner Tandem Tractor dlesal 1969 Fored Diesal air ilft tractor Telephone 726 3781 72979139 7m Lot or field cutting Ju22 LOOK AT THIS Also Brush Clearing 20 lh £322163 2322 7264536 AVON now for only 34 weekly txo money ggwn qu BEING AN one Iénigfiilaiï¬le flight 13 Kellys AVON REPRESENTATIVE TV 72171132 ssconstruction machinery STEEL FORMS Over 3000 feet of steel $6 forms all accessories included Buys beautiful 26 RCA color Spanish Tuephone 4355051 tothelloor console television No money and make extra money for down 11 ments until Au ust Phone 56cam 1n 01 1118111 op the things yOu need Call 728 tonight delivery tonight Kraty Kellys NEED vacanor TV Barrie Plaza 737 1182 camper oa or loan See Barrie Community Credit 9651 AVON PO 30 485 Barrie Ont AIR CON ON R5 Union 18 Collier 7285191 All sizes up to 10000 BTU now in stock IsREIflUfloonIIKEDTOF camper starting with the Super GE 4000 BTU double beds plus addaroom Clean ant Carry Cool for $14995 Featuring 10posi VEY 900 ¢°di° 5° Teefhom tion thermostat and deluxe speed fan 723 5305700911 DIII Ideal for bedroom Call 737 1182 now for 1976 EASY Tow house trailer 15 foot your free home survey sleeps six Towed approximately 20 Instant delivery no payments til miles Telephone 4563624 QW KmY KeIY 35 5°°°° laFT RAMBLER housélraileffsteép PM 7377337 excellent condlllon fridge stove anc CEDAR POSTS all sites line posts on toilet Phone 436 3118 evenings chors and braces Also poles and chickens and ducks7281637 wElL MCLAIN packaged hot water boiler oil fired suitable for large home Gross output 167300 BTU Apply Robin son Hardware fits beautifully into your schedule YOU work your Own hours meet interesting people MTTF CLASS mechanic required for dealershii in Allislon Telephone 4354371 from am to 530 pm ask for service manager 771 h0lpwanted BARRIE GLASS NUTILL deadline for Classified pm previous day noon Saturday MARINE SUPPLIES Brydon Algonquin Aqua Marine Priced right at Pratt Motor Supply Co 39 High $172859111Open Saturdays till 4V 40 articles for sole THE EXAMINER AVAILABLE DAILY AT THESE CIRCLE PINE GROVEBORDEN SAVE MARTHIGHWAY 90 PRICES STORESUNNIDALE RD UTOPIA HIGHWAY SERVICEHWY 90 ONE STOP SHOPSUNNIDALE CORNERS LILY PAD RESTAURANTHWY 90 BRAYS MARKETBIG BAY POINT CEDAR POINT VARIETYLEFROY BONDS STORELEFROY WARKS STOREALCONA BEACH 40 orticlos for sole machine maintenance Please call maintenance supervisor ALUMINUM WINDOWS doors sldin Saffit for any dcbts incurred in my name from 726657 ALUMINUM GIBSON ALUMINUM LTD Alcan siding Saffit Trough Doors Windows Awnings Illllllllh ALCAN Aulioiiud dealer BARRIE 7265609 GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Slding Saffit Eavestrough Windows Facia Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework For free estimate Cd PNIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business Fascia and trough all colours year arantoe 4246073 WRTHERN ALUMINUM Products Saffit Fascia Siding Trough All colors Guar anteed 7262609 7269002 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales md service 18 Alliance Blvd 7283392 REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary St 7265441 DANOUETTACTLITIES FRIENDS CLUB has facilities for banquets weddings private parties Food and banquet licence Mr Marshall 7283865 3110 IIDIJSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sole Ap ly at 92 Melrose Ave Barrie or telephone7 6283 CO TR TIN STEWART CONSTRUCTION LTD announces the opening of NEW GRAVEL PIT on the 7th CONC OF 0R0 TWP to better serve our customers 0R0 4875707 ORILLIA 3264711 CARPENTRT AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces Mranteed 7371507 Need help LI THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory xib CUSTOM FENCING FENCE °Chaln Link Gal 0r Vinyl OReguIaIion Pool Fence Wood or Metal Privacy Wrought Iron dWfflxfW 74 UL IIKNIITMAN SPRING CLEANUP Storm windows removed and cleaned General lawn care clean up and spring fertilizing Garages and basements cleaned if Refuse removed installed BARRIE For Free Eustimute HALFTON TRUCK Polntlnil C°P° pee Fence NOME IMPROVEMENTS Systems Inc INTERIOR NEMODELLING rooms Call Russ 4363601 after 63 pm planning and decorating privacy screens aid patios aluminum door The number for all our noeds7288906 SPECIALIIING IN Tuck polntlng chimneys waterproofing brick and stone caulking win dows and expansion iaints Work guaran teed 4589346 11 CONSTRUCTION House raising foun dations renavallons additions Phone 4362955 or 4364175 after RENOVATIONS BASEMENTS dug block and brick laying fireplaces painting Interior extorlar Guaranteed workmanship 4246073 GISTOM BUILDING House lifting founda tions and basements oddltions and renova tions Fox Contracting 726I710 mRTHERN CARPENTRY Decks rec rooms renovations extensions etc etc Guar mtod work 7262609 or 7269002 GENERAL REPAIRS renovations carpentry small plumblng electrical exteriorinterior 264702 TIFle FENCE co 160 Bradford Street Barrie Quality chain link fence supplies at lower prices Do it yourself or we install For free estimates coll Just look over the ads below The odverllsers listed are experts In their field and Will assure you of the flnest Iob pOSSIble Kitchens rec 465 DAVIS DI NEWMARKET Mrm one MED MORE living space rec room extra bedroom play room aundry office storage space Also painting wallpapering Murray Dell 7288906 Collecf CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement intln Rafinishln furniture 726ma 729413 WEDOIT DISC JOCKEY Painting OHome Repairs Music By ROOIIng BRIAN IIILTz Tree Cutting Disc Jockey °Y°U Nome Comm Disco 7284812 01 4365549 Weddings Dances Banquets 7T7 INCOME 1Ax Special prices MomFri 7263808 and weekends PAVING PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS CONCRETE WORK ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES BARRIE 7370179 MANIERI PAVING Driveways Parking Lots Tennis Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee 7260081 Serving Simcoe County for 17 years PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone 7283270 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages ARTIFRAM Custom pictwo framing Wide selections Fast service Low low price RENTALS TIFFANY PARTY RENTAL Everything For Entertaining Tables chairs dishes glasses etc We DeliverReserve Now 7371388 248 Tiffin St Barrie ROOFING and Roofing New Asphalt shingles Repairs guaranteed quality work sonable 14168957533 collect AND ROOFING New and old Repairs INCOME TAX returns prepared An us Bar rte Oreo SS up Dobson 4245 10 after Fug mum 322 uh FM LAURIER INCOME TAX returns prepared for small business farm and home Mitchells Book keepan Service 7262973 DRESSMAIIING SHEET METAL DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AOUINO 7V Specializing In pantsuits gowns and altera roOfng Tar lans 42 Eugenio 51 Phone 7266000 BotN6 PROPER sflvicos 3Wan Gravel cleanups prunin lawn and garden New and Repairs maintenance Ian scoping sodding Free BILOTTA DRYWALL and taping residential mates7264536 Eavestroug mg and commercial no iob too ig or small Commercial Tale hone 4584233 Residential EAVESTROUGNING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING troughlng installed Call 7286628 LAWN CARE FERTILIZING WEED spraying mowing hedge For estimates call 7263492 Eovos CARPENTER ociallzlhg In rec rooms in SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Speclalisls afï¬arï¬nggmjg °W9 tarior remoda ling trim etc Please call Roofing and roofing repairs Free estimates 7288884 after pm Call Martin Verstraten 4241956 New Lowell CABINET MAKER European tralned Kit chant vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 2948 UCENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction aranteed and Construction 7267461 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc No lab to small 7261271 CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters for renovations additions homes cottages Hansllmates 4354995 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Ravltollze your carpets with Al carpet steam cleaning 7266321 STEAM CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL ANY lIVNIG IOOM $1 Upholstery Dry dented Window Cleaning Wall Washing Siding Cleaned Champlain Mohtononco Service Ltd Pllona 7265437 CARPET INSTALLATION WALL TO WALL Installation carpet and vinyl fully guaranteed reasonable rate 4584432 CERAMICS VVINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling and real 7266263 MANIERI PAVING Patios sidewalks steps curbs and garage floors Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 COMMERCIAL ARTIST CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood fences Improve your property 737 1507 11IIeIanted AND MIRROR requires immediately téflt3gtzébe GLASS FITTER AND METAL INSTALLER In the Barrie area Full time employment Above average wage Uniforms supplied Minimum years experience Drivers license CALL 7269122 AM TO PM QUALIFIED ONT MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN Required by CANADYLET LIMITED Must be familiar with iniection molding machine and general TF CERTIFICATE Ju 20 21 22 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work Fireplaces specialty SEWEASY CD Free estimate 705 4245158 Service calls from 55 PH GAMBLE Hum c°mm°rci° Specialists repairs all makes Industrial Residential Industrial Installations and ser th7254996 SIMCOE MASONRY alterations repairs and Pd MU maflns NW Ufld 05 Contracting rasoanabla rates free 95 71621 tlmalas coll Dunc Borden 7285397 gldutr1ltl CommrCIal MICROWAVE OVENS PAWS SNIOWPLOWIT midmflu and est on ID arms commerclo roasona rat ll DELL MICROWAVE serum WRIGHTs SNOWPLOWING Small commer Electrical consulting cIaI and residential 20 Yrs experience Amana LittonPanasonic Dependable 7267757 mm mm City Masters Lic 118 Hitachi Toshiba Sanyo STUCCO 7288234 sale Amana SanYO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco 1w year warranty Inferior textured walls and ceilings Free on Amana Tags Dole Ruuoll Mldhurst telephone 0ndustrial Commercial save UP I0 75 Hydro 7264177 days wm DIGGNG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT game WARREN BROWN DJ Music for people who like to dance Good rates 7289545 HANIST AVAILABLE FOR WEDDINGS RECEP Residential Electric Heat Dryers Ranges Roof Deicing QUALITY SINCE 1949 Farm ON Machine dug wells 7284896 ms DINNER PARTIES Call 726 5211 after om Conan Farm ndumy Specializing In Concrete Tlle Steal reinforced concrete Illa 8lan thslor sole ROBERT BOVCHOFF Excavating haulage GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular DiamghrJVJEH up synrm ranching loadr work gravel43615584361257 chip or pool 3258341 joMMERCIAL 4111 design art work layout etc Plose col collect 416 linlllnfl °Id 9°°°d torior wollpaperlng custom textured walls and ceilings Telephone 705 8355387 local FIREPLACES VIENNA PAINTING and Decoratlng Reg In terior and Exterior Wollpagar and fine fabric STONEWORK and fireplaces spoclalty Vlc hanging Fre estimates uaranteed wark Watson for free astlmafes 7281599 manshl 7371914 FIREPLACES Custom built and designed Iallllng In natural stone and antique brick All workmanship guaranteed Peter Henstra 7372871 NANDYMAN LEE Garages cleaned trash hauled away Just give us your culloffs Telephone 4875525 or 7263441 renovations 4584233 ceramic Illa 71 help wanted 71 help wanted NEW WORK and repalrs drain and sewer cfeanlng complete kitchen and bathroom Buy The Examiner To Read DELIVER TELEPHONE BOOKS FULL OR PART DAYS Men or women with automobiles are needed in Barrie and all Surrounding areas Delivery starts about July 15th 1977 Send name address telephone number type of vehicle and in surance company and hours available on postcard to DDA LTD PO BOX 220 STATION TORONTO ONTARIO M68 4A1 Please do not call the Telephone Company LICENSED MECHANIC required im UR FRANCHISEE mediater for construction company in Slmcoe County Apply Disher Farrand Position Available for local Gift Shop Box 68 Barrie Ont 7260274 If you qualify and desire on NEEEObVMANAIE $103016 unusual opportunity send resume to PO BOX 417 and body work To work under good BARRIE ONTARIO commission Call Beach Motors Wa saga Beach 4294550 RUSCO BARRIE LTD Excellent opportunity for aggressive commission salesperson to sell steel wln dows doors and siding In the Barrie and Orillla area Must have own car For In terview call 4872202 LOOKING FOR sincere Interested In dividuals to work weekends with Iuveniles in group home setting Ex perience working with youth definite asset For Interview call 7372441 10182021 EXAMINER ANT ADS PHONE 7282414 WEST GROVE VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterion Work guaranteed Establish ad30yoars72622257269w2 1b BGCkhoe Excav WAYNE OLEV Professional painters Ex on er forlar on lntarlar Free estimates Work firerfzchftrfgl Au erin L°r°ndnb7m we Dnlmg DON SIESLING Profegsional painting Farms Homes torior exterior paper onging custom wor Satisfaction guaranteed7266808 conoges PAINTING PAPER HANGING ax erIenced noon RETINISIIING am mama 9mm FREE ESTIMATES 17568874 maowooo noon Installation and mom DECOMWG mm IOyears experlence ANGUS 4245657 52 wmoow cLEANINo ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cleanlng Apart allotto menls Stores Houses Factories Reason dale rates Telephone 7281914 71 help wanted BABYSITTER mature loving person to care for my children in my home or yours Two children ages and 10 In Oakley Park Area Interested persons call 7289977 after 530 pm LADIES YOUR own business asa vanoa beauty counsellor need counsellors In the Barrie area training available call Evelyn 7288999 EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper Recep tionist is required for the law firm Oatley Purser Contact Karen Wh fi3d7269021 EXPERIENCED Grocery Clerk wanted to work on night crew for four days 40 hours per week For further information telephone 4872302 or apply In person to Fudas Food Hwy 11 North RESTAURANT help wanted some ser vice experience full or parttime For Interview apply In person The New Pen ny Restaurant King St Cookstown REGISTERED NURSES wanted registered nurse for fulltime 11 pm to am shift in Bradford registered nurse for parttime and on call In Newmarkel $571 an hour to start TLC Nursing Centre 7753351 MATURE RESPONSIBLE person re quired for nursing care services with profoundly mentally retarded children Must have own transportation and be willing to work weekend rotations Employee benefits In effect For Inter view telephone am to 430 pm 4361461 3WANTED Now For full and part time employment Please call Mr Charles at 7371904 for an Interview between 10 am and pm