Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jun 1977, p. 23

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78 tenders 18 tenders VILLAGE OF COLDWATER Tender for the Structural Reinforcing of the Coldwater Arena Tenders will be received by the undersigned at the Municipal Of fices Coldwater Ontario until 12 noon local time on 27th June I977 for the structural reinforcing of the Coldwater area Contract documents and drawings may obtained from the Village Office Gray Street Coldwater for nonrefundable fee of twenty five dollars The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Julien Tofts Clerk Treasurer Jul3l61820 it £193 TOWNSHIP OF ESSA TENDER FOR TIRES Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until pm Friday June 24 1977 for tires as required by the roads depart ment Tender forms may be obtained from the clerks office The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted ARTHUR ROTH ClerkTreasurer Township of Essa Box 10 Angus Ont Jul6l7l8 LET SERVICE GUIDE WORK FOR YOU PHONE 7282414 cot ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES IDeath Notices Engagements Dirt TENDER 774 Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 500 pm June 24 1977 for the sup ply by lease of the following II977 ton pickup truck cylinder standard tran smission snow tires to be in stalled on rear Truck to be complete with cap with lockable rear door lease to be standard form year 24000 mile lease For further information contact Fire Chief Bab Byers 17 Owen St Barrie 7284784 Lowest or any tender necessarily accepted Dennis Wilson Clerk 17 Owen St Barrie Ont not JuI718 maximum 40 words additional words l0 cents per word Card of thanks 40 words $550 Additional words 10 cents per word In Memoriam no verse $550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events 86 card of thanks $322 86 card of thanks EARL RICHARDSON FAMIL wish to thank the members of Vespra Coun cil staff and employees Arthur Evans MPP Wm Ainley Associates ratepayers of Vespra and friends of the area for the won derful retirement party of May 28 also for examiner patterns Happiness Is Printed Pattern HAPPINESS rs sunny day when shes wearing breezy bareback prnatore appquued wrth bright red apple Pop it over pullon shorts and sew the set in crisp pique Printed Pattern 4804 CIIIIA drens Sizes Size plna lore shorts 34 yds 45 in $125 I0r each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern for IIISI class marl and handling 0m residents add or sales tax Print plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept the many cards received and good wishes the Barrie Examiner so expressed Progress Avenue Scar borough UntarioM1P4lI Ju18 81 bllflts Mondays Child rslair at face TuesdaysChiId istutl of grace Wednesdays Child is lull of woe Thursdays Child has far to go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its lIVan And child that rs born on the Sab bath Day Is lair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important inIormation for your childsduture An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day at the week month and year at birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $5 50 maximum 40 words Addi tional words 10 cents per word PHONE 728 NH GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth of your child in The Ex amrner CIIDDIIIQS of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to marl your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Examiner Classilied 728 7414 Itsdeaths WOODROW John At Orillia on Thursday June 16 1977 John Woodrow at 23 Derby St Orrllia Beloved husband ol Isabella Barr in his 89m year Dear lather of Earl ol Beeton and Gordon of Oro Township Lovrnq qrand lather at eight grandchildren and brother of Jennie Mrs Thomas Flet chart of Oro Station Resting at the Doolittle Funeral Home West and Cold water Streets Orillia lor serVrce on Sun day Junr 19 at 30 pm Interment Knox Cemetery Oro Township CAMERON Norman Alter long illness on June 13 197 at Palm erston General Hospital in his 69th year lovino husband of Doris loving father ol Judith Cox and loving orandlather rrl Jayson and Shannon ol Stayner Ont Also laying brother of Doris Loacock and Hilda Forsoyc of Toronto For those who wrsh donation to the Canadian Cancer Society would bl appreciated Crertta Iron TERSTEGE Hendrik Hank Past master of Ken Lodqe no 230 AF and AMi Al the Royal Victoria Hospital Brtrrii on Friday June 17 t977 Hank Terslerrn iii In 50th year beloved nus hand If Nell dl Rooy Dear lather at John Peter amt Kennre all at Barrie and Lucy ers Smart ol Nairnrt Australia Dear sort of Mr and Mrs Trrsteite ot Holland Dear brother of Tina Bert Cornet and Wrm all of Holland Drar Grandfather ol Sonya Chris and Tm Friends may call at Stockley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie alter pm Saturday Funeral servrces in the chapel on Mon rtay June 70 ill tr Interment Barrio Union Ctnetery Canadian Legion sor vrre Sunday at Masonic Scrvrre Sunday at 30 under auspices ol Kerr Lodgr no 230 Memorial donations to Canadian Cancer Society the Masonic Foundation or the Hospital Rerncm brance Fund would be appreciated THOMPSON Eldon John Althe Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Friday June 17 I977 rgt0th year Beloved husband of Grace Andersin Dear lather of Christine Mrs Wayne Lambert Debra Maroarrvt and Bttrnara all at Barm LOVan ilrmtdlalher ol Bryan and Daniel Drar sort of Elizabeth and the late George Thompson survrved also by three brothers and three sisters Resting at the Sterkloy Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie alter 7p Satur day Funeral service in the chapel on Monday June 70 at Interment St Johns Cemetery Memorial donations to Ontario Heart Foundation or Arthritis Rheumatism Society would be ap preciated BAILEY Spradue At the Royal Vic torra Hospital Barrie on Saturday June ta I977 Sprauuo Bailey beloved hus band at Eliza Faulkner ol Slroud brother at Ben at Strourt George Hughie Vcra Mrs Williams Helen Mrs Nursrit all of Toronto and Margaret Mrs Bamhuryt of New Ioundland Dear uncle ol several neices and nephews Resting at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Bar rE alter at Sunday Service in St Pauls Anglican Church Innslit on Tues day June 21 at pm Interment St Pauls Cemetery In llU ol llriwors dona trons to St Pauls Anglican Church Memorial Fund would be appreciated EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 Eldon John Thompson in hrsl Crarqhurst 88 coming events BINGO EVERY MONDAY 8pm CANADIAN LEGION Branch 147 St Vincent St and Cundles Rd JACKPOT $500 CONSOLATION $100 SgtTF Plan to Attend BONDHEAD UNITED CHURCH Annual Strawberry Supper in Community Hall FRIDAY JUNE 24 PM Adults $400 Under 12 $150 Preschoolers no charge Ju I7 22 McNABB OPEN HOUSE will be held in honor of our parents JOHN NORA McNABB to celebrate the occasion of their 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY JUNE 19 I977 24 pm and 79 pm at 12 Oak St Barrie Friends relatives neighbors welcome Julbl718 Strawberry Supper at Grace United Church corner of Grove and Cook Sts TUESDAY JUNE 2Ist 1977 TO PM Admission Adults $300 Children 12 and under $125 Sponsored by Grace UCW J2l718 Annual STRAWBERRY SUPPER Thornton United Church WED JUNE 22 500 800 PM Admission $350 Adults $15012and under Preschoolers free Ju II l4 I6 17 18 20 and their DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to ad vertise in The Examiner Classified Section ANSWER to inflation sew and save dramatic dollars Send for NEWSPRINGSliMMER PATTERN CATALOG Clip coupopon for free pattern Separates rumpsurts dayevening dresses Send 75¢ Instant Sewino Book $100 Sew Knit Book $125 Instant Money Crafts 5100 Instant Fashion Book $100 Simply Perfect rinted Pattern Here rt rs the one perfect dress for all your comings and gorngs this Spring Its softly body shaped With all easy draw string neckline gathered warsl Printed Pattern 4525 Misses Sizes 10 12 14 16 18 Size 12 bust 34 takes 14 yards 60 Inch fabric $125 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 250 each pattern for llfSl class mail and handling um residents add ltd sales tax Print plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scar borough mtarro Mll 4P7 ANSWIR to rrtllatrnir sew and save dramatic dollars Send lllt NFWSPRING SUMMIRPAIIIRN CAIAIOG Clip coupon for tree pattern Separates rurnpsrirls day evening dresses Send 75¢ Instant Sewing Book $100 Sew Knit Book $125 Instant Money Crafts $100 Instant Fashion Book $100 Rural hospital has grim CHIVIRICO Cuba AP 3sbed hospital stands on 21 MIL top where bonfires once burnerl to summon passing boats to take local residents to hospi tal in Santiago lessthan50 miles away as the crow flies More often than not the boats didnt respond and wooden cross and many mounds of stones along beach at the foot of the hill mark the graves of those who died while waiting The last beachside death is said to have occurred less than 18 years ago shortly before the Chivirico rural hospilal was built by the Fidel Castro gov ernment whosc struggle for power had begun in the nearby Sierra Maestra The site was symbolically chosen to overlook the seaside graveyard Before the Castro regime opened IWOlalle blacktop highway front Santiago into the Sierra Macstra passing through Chivirico the only relatively fast way to reach medical attention was by sea fiveday trip by mulcback was the only alternative HANDLES ROLTINE CARE Today Chivirico is within an hours reach of Santiago Cubas secondlargest cilym by road and an ambulance stands by at the hospital to carry serious cases into the city But routine maternity and pe diatric care as well as dental and outpatient services are handled on the spot Our primary concern is with the child and the expectant mother said hospital director Dr Luis Fonsbarrio 23 it re cent medical school graduate who like most Cuban doctors is spending his first three years in rural assignment Fonsbzrrriri supervises staff ils the examiner Saturday June 18 1977 23 My history of four doctors nine nurses and two dentists Thcy average bith day and in addition to coping with the hospitals inpatients they share with another small rural hospital the job of providing general medical care for the 35000 people scattered through the Sierra Maestro region Tire hospital has no xray ma chine and only simple laborat tory facilities The dentists of ficc has drill from Czech oslovakia and sterilizing equip ment from Poland CONDITIONS IRIMIIIYE Chiviricos delivery room is primitive and far from sterile But Fonsbarrio said it has helped to reduce drastically the death rate among infants and mothers in an area where unat tended births were standard and mortality high Outofltospital childbirth is virtually nonexistent here to day Fonbairio said and ex pcctanl mothers who live far out in the mountains are often brought in as muclt as two weeks before their expected dc Iiveiy date to ensure that they are there when they have to be Chiviricns 35 beds are evenly split between the pediatric and maternity sections In the pc dizilric section mothers spend days and nights on chairs next to their childrens beds supple menting the limited nursing staff in caring for the patients Dr llclcnio Ferer chief of the department of preventive medicine at the University of Havana Medical School said Chiviricos facilities are typical of the more than 60 rural hospi tzrls that have sprung up in Cuba since the Castro regime camc inlo power In 1958 there was only one such hospital in the entire country First meeting since separation soon after his arrival at Ottawas lplatrds Airport Thurs day It was their first public inclling since their separation May 27 Phrtlri ge to Soviet newspaper minister of this smiling Margrrrrl Trudiall Irrilds youngest son Michel wliilr Iicrrr clatsps Justin Cllllll and Sacha tit his chest ChaHen EDMONTON CPI can talk about our Indian reser His lilliputian world overlaps the real one PENSE Szrsk rCIt Artist Joe Fafrrril is man of two overlapping worldswthe real world and his own lilliputian world of little people The overlapping area is the scape of human emotion for in the faces of his small incred ibly detailed figures of clay is reflected all the joy and sorrow of real pcoplc Fafurds miniatures are done with tremendous attention to detail Ive found at certain method of talking about human beings through clay figures but Im not talking about life in general said the softspoken Fafard Im just talking about the cer tain bit of humanity that find in individuals Fufurd has been creating his lifelike figures for about eight years and they now sell for about $2000 each 10 times the amount hc originally asked But his sales didnt begin to in art centres of the world CENTRE NOI NECESSARY Visual art in general Is 0b jcclmaking and only takes one person so it doesnt ltave to be lone in centre 11s matter of where you prefer to be where the artist finds he needs to be to create his work Frrfrrrrl starts his figures at the top itlld works down If he doesnt like the head he aban dons it but if he likes the heard he continues with the body and then it suitable support Ilis figures are if people he has known all his life and of people he hardly knew enough to form zrn opinion Srimcl imcs its portrait or it illustrates it certain idea that person represents to me Theres no one answer Each one demands its own rules llis artistic reputation has been growing steadily in recent years but hes not crincrncrl with how his work fares III for crcase until he increased the price Fafard said that living in the middle of the bald prairie isnt exactly luxury but he said he has developed strong ties with this village rmd its 270 people 110 doesnt feel cut off front the Key unity role for ethnic groups Ry FREI II PHILLIPS FREDERICION CPI Canadas ethnic communities have key role to play in the preservation of Ililllltllill unity say two faculty members of Ryersrm POIyIOCIIlilCill Institute in Toronto In paper presented to tho rrnarlizrn Society for the 0m paralive Study of Civilizations Dr Donald Gyzillzry director of Ryersons Management Development Institute and Dr George Korey tho instilutcs executive vireprcsidont said im migrants from other pzrrls of the world hzrvo added it new rli mcnsion to the originer consensus of the founding frrlhcrs rif British rind French extraction They told the meeting part if the Congress of Learned Soy ciclies that the commitment of the immigrants to Canadas welfare ztnd prosperity often seems stronger thzrlr ther of the descendants of the original settlers These people of different ethnic backgrounds who opted for it free anrl strong anarla have it vested interest in their new adaptive country their pzrpcr said They 10 not want their newfound happiness threatened by blinll ignorance and self lest ruct ing prejudice inside and sinister forces outside SEPARATION llRlIlI lyallay und Korey said scpzrrtrtirm would be it retrograde step for Quebec and would harm the rest of the country and that till justified aspirations of Qrtcbcrcrs can be achieved vttliiil Ihl Canadian context But renewal of the 1807 consensus is needed to prevent the breakup of Canadzi they said In addition to the separatist trend in Quebec there were major economic problems in other pzrrts of the country the underprivileged economy of the Mziritimcs the unstable agriculture of the Prairies and the controversial natural resour crs and energy position of the two western provinces But they viewed Quebec separatism its the major problem because of its complex priliticrrl cultural and socioeconomic ramifications Scparatism challenges the btlSIC concept of Canadiunism eign countries feel Ive covered Canada rclcvzrttt titty and it earls at the very mitts of our survival as united coun try they said As first step they called for recognition of zrnadas culturer pluralism STATLS QLO IMPOSSIBLE The Canada of today is very different from the Canada of only years ago rind nobody can insist on it status quo Ac cepting realities and mzrking concessions will not wezrkcn Canada the contrary satisfying the largest possible nutri bcl of vested interests would strengthen Confederation Regional interests should be given greater Scope at the fed crtrl Icvcl logelhcr with ethnic viewpoints in it remodelled Senate and specific guarantees should safeguard French nzi tional and cull urer development Gyrrllziy and Korey stressed that new Canadian unity of pur pose must arise from it genuine acceptance of the principle of harmony Ill diversity ur very Canzrdianism iliilrrtcs to us lhzrt unity need not be melting pot integration of different cultural hcrilligcs creates tr national cultural harmony which is more llttrn the sum of its component pirrls Conversely this mcrrns that ethnic groups should be entitled tr the preservation zmd pursuit of Illtll heritage within the framework of united nrrlirin lllc ptrpor Sitlll those who illC prepared Iri jeopardize lrtitl llilll rinily for shurlellrm local arlvrmllrgls lit the most lltllltl to their 0er long range future Individually can all prnbrrbly SlllVlVl but we definitely opt for membership iii strong prosperous uriilcrl rtnrirlirm Ililltlttt Ive decided not to try to ex pand beyond Canzrdzi before want to make it at home Thill should be where an artist is in his own commu monton Journal has issued challenge to the Soviet newspaper Soviet Latvia to ex chzingc publication of articles on human rights But The Journal said irt it re cent editorial that it doesnt think the Soviet Inion has the guts tritakc on the challenge The cditorial said The Soviet press is publish ing articles about Canadas ox ecrztblc record on human rights If We can talk about their Gulzrg Archipcllrgris and their politiczil mudliousc they ves and unemployment The Soviet attack on zinada as free society everywhere in chains ap peared in rather remote newspaper called Soviet Latvia ask Lalvizms about the Soviet part of limit The writer described mounting racism against Indians and Eskimos in Canada was be here in the 195057 He mentioned Canadas indefensible treat ment of Japanese citizens during the Second World Warfor which the prime country apologized on Japanese soil last year He referred to clamps on trade union activities the in flation control progiamt and the predilection of Canadian newspapers to publish scant and malignant short articles about the USSRs treatment of its dissidcnl citizens Finally the article criticized Canadians for reading only lampoonists such as Alexander Solzhenitsyn who is not available in that court trys bookstores and claimed that Soviet CIIIIPHS are much better informed about life in anarla than we are of life in the USSR Instead of refuting Soviet criticisms one by one izrrrd sometimes accepting them we offer general lost worthy of use in situation such as this We will publish the Soviet Latvia article critical of Canada in full rm this page and without comment if that newspaper will publish an ar ticlc critical of the USSR written by ourselves and un censored on its pages How much will your son know about business when he applies for his first fulltime iob Plenty if hes ever been newspaperboy Through route experience hes already lap ahead of his classmates While they both mastered ideas the boy with newspaper route was able to put them to practical use Business Hes learned the basic principles from the first day he started delivering newspapers He bought at wholesale sold at retail Made collections Kept his own books Dealt with people face to face Quickly found out that profit and loss are more than textbook terms The bentfits of managing newspaper route are an equation for future successful citizen great number of todays prominent men started their public careers as newspaperbriys And they all vouch that newspaper route gives boy head start on the future If youd like more information for your son or any other interested youngster get in touch With our Circulation Department CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON IN TODAY YES ID LIKE MORE INFORMATION ON AN EXAMINER ROUTE NAME ADDRESS AGE PHONE PARENTS SIGNATURE PHONE CIRCULATION 7266539

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