12 the oxgminer Thursday June 16 1977 The mobile auto einmissions test van operated by the On tario Ministry of the Environment at the Dunlop Street arena this week testing the carbon monoxide and hydrocar bon emissions of local cars Chris Whibley above of the ministry hooks up vacuum hose to the exhaust pipe of car The exhaust is sucked through the hose into an infrared analyler for testing of the 60 cars tested Tuesday 34 failed Examiner Photo Majority of cars fail emission test The Ontario Ministry of the Environment began testing the exhaust emissions of local cars on Dunlop Street Tuesday and more than half of the vehicles failed the tests Don MacMillan testing su pervisor said 34 of the till cars tested by midafternoon emit ted more carbon monoxide gas and hydrocarbon particles than permitted under provincial guidelines Thats about average MacMillan said of the IOcal failure rate adding that the provincial guidelines are pret tylenient Exhaust emissions are check ed by hooking vacuum hose to the exhaust pipe and running the emissions through infra red analyzer Engines are tested while idling and at 2500 rpm For 1973 and newer model ears the provincial guidelines are too hydrocarbon particles per million 25 per cent carbon monixide gas by volume and at 2300 rpm per cent carbon monoxide gas by volume The standards are flexible in that older cars and cars with larger engines are permitted higher exhaust emission levels Drivers can have their cars tested voluntarily or they can be pulled over by the police of Iicer who has been flagging ilown cars at random on lunlop Street since the testing station was set up It test shows that the car is emitting excessive pollutants the driver is given 21 days to have the problem corrected belore the car is retested Problems can usually be traced to malfunctions in the exhaust system the crankcase or the carburetor Machlillan said When he spots problem and suggests cure few people can argue with him was Class mechanic with General Mo tors for 25 years he said Every car now made in Canada and the liiited States comes equipped with variety of pollution control devices 0n tario drivers who tamper with these devices risk lines of up to $5000 Acquittals arent too likely either Weve been in court lots of times Machlillan said and we havent lost case yet But MacMillan said the ob iect of the pollution control deviCeS and emission testing isnt to start court battle The idea is to keep the air as clean as possible Execuï¬ves want hikes in incentives LONDON WPI Top inan agers in some of Britains larg est companies say they could boost profits by an average of to per cent but they refuse to make the effort without in creased incentive report based on survey of 501 executives earning an aver age of £1260 good salary in British business shows the am bition and drive of the bosses is being eroded by taxation as quickly as their standard of liv ing management services group which produced the 50 Otlttword work Trouble at the Top says the men surveyed work for 17 publiclyquoted companies and had an average age of 48 Clearly the potential exists for revwal and stiCcess but on the eVIdence the men at or near the top are dismclined to help found feast unless they can be sure of place at the table says David Bromige chairman of the firm which carried out the investigation POOR IN REAL TERMS Spending power has in creased the report claims but most executives are poorer in real terms than five years ago Their ambition is being killed says Bill Taylor head of market research If the generals have no taste for fight then God help the troops LIVES MANY YEARS The woodboring beetle has been known to live as long as 37 years Were looking for co operation not court case he said What were doing is an educational program with littlepunclibehindit Be Prepared For Summer 0n normui summer days super heated ottic air ISO degrees or more penetrates downward into your home keeping it NOT day and night CONTROL ATTIC HEAT HUMIDITY WITH Your home is cooler You work and sleep better Eliminates harmful meislure lmproves air con ditioning elliciency Costs fraction of centroloir con ditioning Install Yourself or by our Trained Personnel 7370600 HITGJELCEDRGIAN INSULATION LTD PROVIDING SEASONS COMFORT Prime MONTREAL CPl Women represent small percentage of the total of persons convicted of crime says MarieAndree Ber trand professor of criminology at University of Montreal The percentage ranged from three per cnt in Venezuela and Honduras to 25 per cent in un gary and Belgium in an inter national study she did III the 1960s Nowhere did crimes of vio lence exceed three per cent lrol Bertrand who is writing book on female criminality spoke on the sub ject at McGill University seminar Ninety per cent of murderers in Canada are finally appre bended and charged she said although the rate of clearing of murder cases in Quebec is much lower She estimates that 11 per cent of murderers are women and 80 per cent of the murders they commit are within the family But she said it is difficult to get completely accurate statis tics FIGURES HIDDEN Its impossible to know what the crime rate really is she SATURDAY FLEA MARKET 900 am till 700 pm location between Barrie Orillia on Hwy II in Fudas lot DEALERS WANTED Phone 4872302 ext or Ed at 83531 l9 Not by age alone At Seagram we believe age is important That why we age our whiskies longer than most But age isnt everything It takes more IT TAKES MUCH MORE THAN IT TAKES individually matured whiskies to just age to make great ensure that you the same great taste every time 1T THE QUALITY After all people expect great Even the grain we use is of saich thmgs from seagmm Extraa ed Fullymatured standard that the farmers These arge the obvious words to grow it for us call it Seagram IT TAKES YOUR GOOD TASTE describe the famous Seagram Quality Such attention to detail AND JUDGEMENT flavour Seagram declares the age of each whisky according to the youngest in the blend even though whiskies good deal older are used Every whisky is aged to the peak of smoothness and flavour even if it takes years longer before they join the blend AGED YEARS AGED 6IÂ¥EARS Thats maturity not just age ensures you get fine flavour Take our word for it smooth IT TAKES UP TO 120 SUBTLY DIFFERENT WHISKIES IN EVERY BOTTLE and blend from Sensitive master craftsmen select our library of 1400 tytauu orbIi lhd 544 luiriii ma1 tattoo9 unu upon min uni1 unia mm auc hlï¬ltfl Mal hurt it lItlhltllttit wiser Seagram has just the whisky will suit your taste Theres the fine bright taste of Five Star For something little mellower theres 83 Seagrams VO has the perfect balance of flavour and smoothness And for the connoisseur theres Crown Royal that AGED YEARS AGED 10 YEARS For fully matured exceptionally smooth good tasting whiskies Say Seagrams and be sure Quebec professor said The figures available only measure what the police decide to report For example ofthetwo mil lion offences reported in fan ada during an average year one million are never cleared meaning that we never find out what happened in half of the cases And of the remainder 100 000 cases are cleared otherwise Either the offender is dead dc clared insane under diplomatic immunity or the charges are dropped Prof Bertrand added that of these offences only serious crimes are detailed leaving lit tle information on the lesser of fences She said when men are con victed of indictable offences they receive harsher penalties than women Statistics in 1972the latest police figures available showed that 658 per cent of convicted men received sus pended sentence without proba tion the lightest sentence pos sible she said The percentage of women re ceiving light sentences how even road races EV am See your dealer now ever was twice as great with 1267 per cent In the same year Prof Ber trand said 29 per cent of women were aquitted of mur der charges in contrast to about nine per cent of men Twice as many women as men are declared unfit to stand trial she said They are diagnosed as depr essive and neurotic rrof Bertrand cited the ex ample of infanticide the mur der of newly born child by its mother for which the penalty is generally reduced because the woman is judged mentally un balanced Courts shouldnt decide that woman is mentally ill just be cause shes had baby said Irof Bertrand Mental illneSs should be proved Contrary to the leniency shown adult women is the treatment of young female delinquents Girls who run away from home are charged with im moral sexual conduct or deemed incorrigible and are treated more rigidly than young boys she said TNT has won enduros long distance events But it takes more than good engine to make good bike And TNT has lot more Serious dirt bike features like well spaced gearbox rigid double loop tubular frame long travel Betor front forks highepipe exhaust With spark arrestor snail cam chain adjusters and you can adjust the rake from 25 to 31 And Just for good measure we make TNT perfectly streetrrlegal With lights speedometer and rubber mounted turn Signals If you need one bike to do all kinds of riding TNT Will do it in BARRIE MOTOCROSS CENTRE lTD Where the Experienced Dirt Rider Shops There are Canadian National Champions riding out of our shop Enduro Greg Mathieu MotoCross Don Dallimore Ice Racing Dan Stewart We can supply the Motorbikes Ac cessories and the KnowHow to make YOU Winner too BARRIE MOTOCROSS CENTRE ITD 389 Boyfield St Just of Cundles Rd Open till IO every night but Wed Sat 1264112 David Sales 33d Service Barrie 7054293549 canemf It lets you be serious and still street legal Guaranteed Investment Certificates Annual SemiAnnual Annual SemiAnnual Term Certiticate Certilicate term CertiliCdle Certificate lyeat 73i°o 7°o eats years years ears eais Mfrs 8V Mars years tocars 91 Interest can be paid monthly on to 10 year certificates of $10000 or more Semiannual rates apply 5500 Minimum All rates subiect to change without notice Canada Deposit Insurance applicable on terms up to and including years Canada lhust II Dunlop at Memorial Square 250 TNT lt motile ylllldï¬ MoteCross Barrie 10572641