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ION arrie Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 505135175 ï¬ggï¬gmanage 680 zatlpnaladvertising ottices 65 Queen St Toronto sumo uo Cathcart 5r Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 aul Delean CLASSIFIED David Jenkins asst manager SIMCOE COUNTY on rea Richard Dunsan Rum Ems supervisor Andy Haugmon $3650 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out MOTOR THROWVOFF 5393 yedi ELSEWHERE IN CANADA $3850ayear Pat Guergis Scott Haskins Sheila McGovern Sue Routlitte Lesley Young Freda Shinner Karen Atkinson Peggy Chapel Judy Hickev Alva LaPlante Elaine Porter Marg Scarlt ot errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error is due to the negligence at its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non insertion ol any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement Elio Agostini publisher NEWSROOM CIRCULATION ADVERTISING 7266537 7266539 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 BUSINESS 7266537 No time to halt inflation fight It is understandable that the petition of Sinclair Stevens MP calling for an end to price and wage con trols by the end of the month should receive mixed reception There were influential organized groups ready to give the move their full endorsement Others who are not as able to cope with higher prices and more increases in the cost of living were naturally apprehensive In support of the petition the Conservative financial critic who is member of Parliament for YorkSimcoe riding which borders the city of Barrie argued that the controls program was not working and was having an adverse effect on the economy The latest index showing an eighttenths of one per cent rise in consumer prices last month was mentioned The increase in food prices was 14 per cent in itself With the higher prices in gasoline electricity fuel and other energy bills certainly going to further affect the in flationary trend Mr Stevens would seem to have an im portant point But there are those who fear that the lifting of controls would only add to the problems for the great majority who are least able to afford it Spokesmen for these people have been calling for cut backs in tax spending as means of reducing costs for business industry and individuals Such course should take the lead in really fighting inflation and until it is done as an example they believe the controls should re main Despite all the talk about government restraint taxes have kept climbing At the Federal and Provincial levels deficit budget financing and piling up public debt has continued While talking restraint various moves to increase costs for taxpayers are hardly consistent One of the latest examples is the move to increase membership in the House of Commons by 18 to 282 with new electoral boundary changes This follows an increase in the Senate membership not long ago It all adds fuel to those who have been blaming over government and growing bureaucracy with recordhigh tax burdens for much of todays inflation and economic difficulties The time is past due for elected representatives con cerned with the plight of ordinary people to call halt Answers Harbron on Middle East Dear Sir Your analyst John Harbron has erred again He is incorrect when he states that the crux of the ArabIsraeli crisis is the displaced Arabs This particular problem is not the crux but is just one of the many problems that has oc curred from what is the crux of the problem The crux of the crisis is that the Arabs refuse to recognize state of Israel It is fact that no Arab leader has said that should there be socallcd Palostininian state that they woudl recognize state of Israel that they would discontinue bel ligerency against Israel and that they would want to carry on peaceful intercourse with Israel Many of the Arab leaders have stated that such state would be good place from which to continue fighting The refugee problem would never have oc curred had not there been state of war There would be no Arab and Jewish refugees to be compensated for andor their posses sions returned And as to Mr Harbrons comment that they are both arrogant and that President Carter does well to temper the intemperatc Mr Begin just he this brings to the fore thought that has long plagued me ie if you study the history of the area you will discover that most of the beligerency that has occurred has been due to the instigation of outsiders think it is fair to ask whether represen tatives of countries that make lot of money out of selling arms to the belligerents are qualified to act as gobetweens We should not overlook who it is that is be ing kept in perpetual state of bankruptcy or whose blood was spilled as guineau pigs for the testing of the sophisticated weaponry mostly of the big powers design cant help wondering if the Arabs and Israelis were left completely along to their own devices that they would soon end up liv ing in peace An example of what mean is Mr liar brons mention of the fact that Mr Carter wants the problem of homeland for Arab refugees settled soon we want your opinion methingon your mind Send us letter to the editor Please make it an original copy and sign it We dont publish unsigned letters although pen name will be used upon request Include your address and telephone number because we have to verify letters but we wont print your address should you prefer Weve found that short letters are the best read Because of space limitations public interest and good taste we sometimes have to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the editor run Wednesdays and Saturdays Send yours to Letters to the editor The Examiner Box 370 Barrie Ont 1AM 4T6 letters to the editor Is this proper for Mr Carter to say Is this neutrality Is he really just acting in capacity to bring the parties together or is he already making decisions which are suitable to him and not necessarily to the warring par ties If that particular problem is to be settl ed the people concerned ie the Arabs and Israelis should get together talk it over and decide not some other guy on the other side of the world Who indecd is arrogant Personally pray for thc day when my brethren in the Middle East will tire of thc patronizing of the Big Powers and the far cical UN and say Enough is enough let just us sit down and talk this over Al Pinkelstcin RR Barrie Firehall dispute Dear Sir Having read carefully your two recent reports of statements made by few people who still wish to see the 100 year old firchall demolished rather than preserved as an art and cultural centre wonder at your giving the reports such front page hcadlincs It must be the sheer absurdity of the stuff that ap peals to you Here are mumbcr of organizersso called ltlaring to make themselves knwwn as low prolilc people who are asking us to gel on the lclcphonc to budgcr lo nag our court cillors into changi of mind on an issuc that has been votcd on Are wc to lakc our councillors for pack of irrcsmnsiblc juvcnilcs Do the wouldbe demolishch not know that councils dccision on tho firchall was not forccd overnight that the matter rcccivcd an cnormous amount of publicity over several months And what tidbit of reasoning is the slutc mcnt that The currcnl drivc was delayed un til aftcr council voted the $30000 grant becausc firchall oponcnts did not oxpccl lh grant to be approved What lzilcnl what judgement ltosc Smith Burrlc Dishonorable Dear Sir More and morc frequently lately Wc hear that dishonorablc antiCanadian excusc If dont get it somebody else will Ctiizens aldcrmcn mayors MPPs and Mls clambcr to get on the federal and provin cial funds bandwagon that is wrecking the character and future of Canada There is no such thing as federal and pro vincial fundswcvcry dollar is raised by local taxation and than some but only some is dolcd out after the burcaucrats take theirs to local government supported undertakings in exchange for local frccdom thn is somc local official or body going to have the courugc the common sense the honesty to say NO to the lure of federal and provincial government funds Yours truly lt Nixon ll zislle Drivc Barrie Ontario Parliament hill By STEWART aclEl Ottawa Burcall Thomson News Scryice That must have been truly remarkable meeting between Conservative Leader Joe Clark and his sometimes troublesome scat mate Claude Wagner Its difficult to understand how they could accomplish so much in 90minutcs We all know the background Clark felt compelled to summons Wagner on his carpet after the SaintHyacinthe MP had suggested that the Tory leader was responsible for re ccnt byclection losses In fact Wagner who was runnerup to Clark in the party leader ship FthC scented to be going out of his way to criticize his leader Meanwhile of course Wagncr was under heavy fire from within the Conservative caucus for his failure to campaign himself in the byelcctions He didnt contribute one speech to the cause and some of the defeated candidatcs were furious Then to make matters worsc Roch LaSallc ilCAJoliettc who heads the par tys Quebec wing bcgan fighting with Wag ncr ovcr lhc issue saying that his attitude had bccomc intolcrablc He suggested that Wagner cithcr shape up or gct out The world today Ily JOHN IlAllBltON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Scrvicc American newspapers are printing it list of military phone numbers the ones that American draft evadcrs and dcscrtcrs can call if they wish their dischzirgcs upgrudcd under President Jummy Carters dccision permitting many of them to be pardoned and conic home You will rcmcmbcr this was firm promisi from his clcction campaign last fall and the first aiuiomiccmcnt hc mudc us prcsidciit lt docs not includc all lcscrtcrs omitting those who did so in thc ficld and under lct ion But most of thc cxilcd Amcricnns in thc for ccs during the Vietnam war who went over the hill did so from training camps or after induction By far the largest number of thc exiles are those who refused to reply to their draft noticcs and quietly left the country to come here or to Sweden as the preferred European exile Upgrading dischargcs not only gives them new document of released from the armed forces such as from dishonorable to special discharge of under other than honorable conditions but an upgrading in their veterans benefit status There are about 6500 desertch eligible for relief under the presidents parole and about 435000 undesirable and general discharges given by the American military between Aug 41964 and March 281978 PRESIDENT SET DATES These are the dates designated the president as the Vietnam era and uring which the actions of the exiles are assessed for change in discharge status or forgiveness for dcscrtion The place designated for processing those There were other cries for Wagners dismissal from caucus And this led to threat by Jacques Lavoic PCHochclaga that he would quit the par ty unless all this fighting ceased Things were getting serious And all this was occurring while Clark was travellin up and down the British Columbia coast to ring his partys platform to the peo ple No one could concentrate on the platform because of all the stories from Ottawa and Montreal on the internal bickering When he returned to Ottawa Clark an nounced he would settle everything with Wagner And we mist remember this is not the first time he had to call in the Quebec MP Furthermore we knew how tough Mr Clark appeared in earlier confrontations As soon as Jack Horner had his first chat with the wooing Liberals Clark dismissed him as his transport critic And when David Mac Donald PCEgmont broke party ranks and voted against government immigration bill he was immediately kicked off the Tory strategy committee There was no fooling around am trying to pioneer new ground to make sure the party hangs together the Conservative leader announced Draft dodgers return to US who come forward is Fort Benjamin Harri son Ind and stories about the reticence of returnees cvcn wanting to enter an army bar racks gain are humorous even though the cir cumstances are also poignant nc returnee arrived with skelcton key hidden under his clothes revealed during routine medical exam in case he was really going to be locked up again And another paused when he signed his name to his new papers since he had not used it for nine years but had assumed new name during his cxilc These and other vignettes are reported in an update on Vietnam desertcrs by the Washington Post along with more vitu perative comments from rightswing members of the House of Representatives who want to try and forestall the presidents generous offer Of course hundreds of Vietnam victims if thats the word for these exiles of conscience will not bother to request change of status cs cially those who have become citizens of ot or countries chiefly of Canada and who have turned their backs on their homeland The presidents generous enough pardon does not include those who have given up American citizenship which could make return home potentially unnerving situation of an American immigration check reveals stillindictable offense under the military code In any case this is continuing travail of the Vietnam war in which Canada shared on ly as country of refuge and for many as place for new life If any American draft evader or deserter in Canada is reading this column be advised that the pro ram ends next Oct and until then only one call is needed to check your status Clark meeting with Wagner seems to have ended strife In the light of all this and due to the fact that Wagners sins appeared far more serious than earlier transgressions was among those who thought Clark would have to he virtual executioner when he confronted Wagner Not only were there howling deman ls for stiff disciplinary action from other MP5 but Clark simply cannot afford the luxury of Quebec MP who refuses to take part in byelcction campaigns while criticizing his leader who did take part There were even suggestions from some MPs that Wagner didnt appear unduly unhappy with the byelcction results He said Clark had pill together his own Quebec organization and theyve produced what theyve produced BLOODSIIEI EXPECTED When Wagner entcrcd Clarks office and closed the door behind him we all expected to hear screams of rage Would only one man emerge Well dont know what happened in that of fice but as said it must have been re markable 90 minutes It makes you wonder whether in view of the speedy cure of party ruptures Clark might have some hidden talents as faith healer The men were simply beaming after the 90 minutc session Reports of discontent within the Conservative party were exaggerated announced the leader The party is united he proclaimed And Wagner said his chat was very very positive No no there was no talk of dis ciplinary action Why the conversations didnt even centre on the Wagncr criticism of the byelection campaign Neither would answer the intriguing question of what they actually did talk about for 90 minutes believe it is important for the Progressive Conservatives to maintain confidentiality said the leader This is well accepted by all our colleagues and will maintain this position Perhaps all caucus members favor con fidentiality but think that if Clark has discovered way to unite the Tory party in one 90minutc conversation that didnt even centre on the main problem then we should be informed of his incredible formula He owes it to the cause of world pczicc IOE IAltl healer Queens park Liberals gain new chance By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO So what about the future Are we looking to fairly early end to the Tory dynasty in Ontario Could be though not by any means certain An the answer rests with the Liberals WIDE APPEAL It is obvious now that the New Democratic Party doesnt have and wont have broad appeal When it reached peak of 38 seats in the last house there were only two or three more that you could see it possibly picking up And this holds true for the future The party is fun damentally limited in its outlook and its ap peal While the Liberals do have broad appeal It is true they have never in recent years been able to go far in Metro litan Toronto But in the other large or an centres Win dsor London Hamilton and Ottawa they are factor And in smalltown and rural Ontario they are right in there And the party as of now definitely has momentum The question is can it maintain it STAY COOL And it will be while before we have even any strong clues to this The Liberals of today are fresh group They have leavening on veterans But dominantly their members in the house are relatively new They tend to be hardworking many of them are apparently able and lot are young But from Stuart Smith down they are relatively inexperienced and untested To date this has been reflected in freshness as compared to the other two par ties They have been much more to the point even blunt And their thinking where it has showedin such matters as education small business and spendinghas been original and not hidebound by old precepts and practices But now the party and its representatives face the test Can it and they develop into mature representative broad and credible entity Most particularly to date the party has been pretty well able to pick its shots choose the points it wanted to talk about and ignore the rest to play on its own fighting ground In the future it wont be able to do this It will have to have positions and answers on all issues And whether it will be able to do this and still come across as cool original and positive it now has to show Canada story Peace treaty with Iroquois By BOB BOWMAN When Champlain died at Quebec on Christ mas day 1635 Charles Huault de Montmagny was appointed to succeed him He arrived at Quebec on June 15 1636 Until 1636 Quebec had been furtrading post With Montmagnys arrival it became the centre of religious movement to convert the Indians to Christianity Montmagnys landing was an occasion of pomp and ceremony that had not been seen in Quebec before He was soldier and knight of the Maltese Order as was his aide Brehaut lIsle They came on shore wearing black robes with white eightpointed crosses on their breasts and were followed by soldiers in scarlet unfiforms and flashing breast plates One of Montmagnys most important tasks was to try to control the Iroquois who had established positions along the St Lawrence and Ottawa Rivers This separated the Fren ch from their allies the Hurons and Al gonquins Maisonneuve arrived in 1641 to found Mon treal and Montmagny tried to dissuade him from going there He offered him the Island of Orleans instead but Maisonneuve insisted on going to Montreal Montmagny tried to protect him as much as possible by building fort at the mouth of the Richelieu River He also organized regular patrols of the St Law rencc Eventually Montmagny was able to Sign peace treaty with the Iroquois at Three Rivers Que in 1645 Among other achievements Montmagny laid out streets in Quebec and rebuilt Fort Chateau SaintLouis He was also in terested in the theatre and arranged for performance of Le Cid on December 31 1646 OTHER JUNE 15 EVENTS 1616Thc first schools for Indians were opened at Three Rivers and Iadoussac bible thought Yet small number that escape the sword shall return out of the land of Egypt Into the land of Judah and all the remnant of Judah that are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there shall know whose words shall stand mine or theirs Jeremiah 4428 Men and nations have come and gone but the Word of God marches on the Wods of the Lord endureth forever Read it and believe it