34 the examiner Wednesday June 15 1977 17°9 altPRINT RAILS llllllPl iIIIIII tilOPEN Isl Allll anl MORTGAGES thth Month Interest Bonus to Discharge titlli IIIIIIII tuilitiitltliis altOONNIIIIIIAL lllSllIlllTllll III IAIIAIIIIII PROPERTIES tItNOlIIllll PAINTIIISIII SIIIIIIIIII lllllllill mortgages the municipal savmgs loan corporation PIIIIIII llIII llliTlIIll lllll 72672 88 DUNLOP STREET OVER IOO MILLION IN EXISTING MORTGAGES IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate Ist and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties To consolidate debts low monthly payments I29 DUNLOP ST EAST CalIAnytime 347 BAY STREET BARRIE ONTARIO 24 Hour TORONTO ONT 7260981 Phone Service 363321 Home improvements anyworthy reason To pay off existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc TF CONVENTIONAL FIRST MORTGAGES 106 N0 salary qualifications We are mortgage brokers and since we specialize can guaran tee prompt and individual at tention to all mortgage Inquiries ensuring maximum mortgages under the most favorable market terms Ample funds for residential commercial and recreational properties We also purchase existing mor tgages for cash Call Mortgage Manager Kerr for valuable advice BUS 7371881 RES TOLL FREE 4875385 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlop St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association Ian TF First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD ST 7267130 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF ARMSTRONG LTD MORTGAGE SERVICE new first or second mortgage ROBERT may solve your financial problems Why not discuss it with professional Call Tony Pomeroy 7269262 Anytime WANTED $32000 Residential firs mortgage money at 10 10 Phoni 776 3821 or write Box 733 Barric 14 mobile homes trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenetfe Cygnet Terms Up To 15 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF 4314754 14 mobile homes trailers TRAVELMATE 25 Motor home sleeps rental or sale fully equipped Reserve now Barrie Tent and Awning 34 Bayfield 81726 6438 DODGE TIAGO motorhome like new $12500 sleeps Sporthaven Marine TANDEM Citation Bendix deluxe trailer luxury furnishings king size bed sacrifice at $7000 firm c051 $9500 new used only six times 705445 1480 TANDEM Citation Bendix deluxe trailer luxury furnishings king size bed sacrifice at $7000firm cost $9500 new used only six times 705 4451480 1976 COACHMEN travel trailer com pleter self contained fully equipped excellent condition Telephone 728 8873 1974 SUNSET 19 travel trailer full bathroom and kitchen tandem axle clean Bids accepted until June 23 On display at Bank of Montreal Duckworth Street 1977 TRAVEL Trailer 35 8Tipout le ing room air Conditioning under floor heating Perfect for summer cottage or winter home $7500487 2610 MUST SELL 19 1976 travel trailer fully equipped sleeps six will accept any reasonable offer Wasaga Beach 429 5796 I971 37 FT trailer fully epuipped located on large lot Wildwood Park Port Severn Screened in porch sheds Call 728 7397 alter pm CAPRI HARD TOP camper complete with sink stove cooler and awning Ex cellent condition Sec at50141h St Base Borden Ca11424 1980 16 opts to rent KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 72695807 7264991 Adults TF THE MAYFAIR Barries newest building One and two bedroom apart ments with nice view and many features 7370027 MWFTF BEDROOM Barrie and Angus also niwly leroratcd bactielorettes central Burrit after Telephontlziï¬ 6271 FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 776 0988 weekdays ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments from $160 manthly Central location irst 1nd last requirnd Appliances and hrat included Tullphone 776 9418 alter 6p in Two BED SITTING rooms and one bedroom apartments Can be seen at 48 Cndrington Apt Mississauga Court bedroom apts colored appliances rtrapos supplied next to Simcoe Plaza 717 1877 two BEDROOM apartment available immediatnly References No pets $730 monthly plus hydro First and last man thsront Telephone 728 IOZSar 7371771 TWO BEDROOM apartment available InllYlffIlflIeIY Roforlnces No pets $730 monthly plus hydro First and last man 1115 rent Tullphone 728 1035 or 717 1771 AND bedroom opts for rent in apt bldq ccntral location heat water park ing fridge and stove included from $710 monthly Telephone 778 0538 LARGE ONE bedroom apartments one available immediately one Junc 151t1 Stove refrigerator heat hot water Supplied $190 monthly Married couple Nochlldren 778 7618 FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment 12 miles north of Barrie paved roads abstmners Non smoker preferred Telephone 728 8067 TWO bedroom apls south end of city close to bus route and factories Children welcome call John or Harv at 776 0288 from 9a m109 pm ONE AND two bedroom apartments available now downtown area Call bet wecn9a and9p 726 3757 SUBLET One bedroom apartment months left on lease Prestige building with sauna and tennis court Last mon ths rent is paid Available immediater Phonei371456 after TWO BEDROOM apartment rent is $775 now $240 after July 31 Included refrigerator stove and parking Hydro Is extra No pets Lake view adiacunt to park 776 5063 ONE BEDROOM apartment clean building neat grounds and central References required Available July lst $700 monthly Phone 737 1780 after 5pm weekdaysonly TWO BEDROOM apartment close to downtown In four unit apartment bull ding $730 monthly Available im median1y Adullsonly Call776 9700 16 apts to rent SELF CONTAINED small one bedroom apartment frlg stove heat supplied St Vincent St area $170 month Available August 151 References Call 7260713 BACHELOR APT on John St $160 mon thly Fridge stove parking and utilities included Available July Telephone 7267910 BEDROOM apartment stove and lridge private entrance parking and laundry facilities Close to bus Adults only No pets Available July 151 Phone 7283783 AVAILABLE JULY Two bedroom apartment $205 monthly plus hydro First and last months rent Centrally located 7763912 FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment overlooking the lake $185 month year lease required suitable for per son 7268420 or 776 0241 TWO BEDROO partment Ies south of Barrie for working couple Fridge and stove Private entrance Telephon 894 evenin SUBLET Imperial Towers bedroom apartment $764 monthly everything in cluded Tennis courts sauna close to shopping Contacts daily 7285588 even ings 737135 LARGE TW bedroom apartment close to downtown on bus route stove fridge parking laundry facilities first and last months rent no pets Telephone 7766775 after pm BEDROOM apartment available im mediately east end Telephone 4872412 FURNISHED bedroom selfcontained apartment garage included $160 monthly Close to downtown suit one lady 7288484 after ONE AND Two bedroomapartments downtown NEWIy renovated 7371674 after 530 pm TWO BEDROOM apartment on second floor Refrigerator and stove optional Contraily located Available immediate Quiet adults Telephone 7372617 24 space for rent VERY NICE industrial building on Dunlop st West with large fenced in 4O articles for sale 34 trucks and trailers 1976 FORD Explorer wheel drive $7000 miles good condition PS PB radio many extras $5500 Telephone heated immediate occupancy ideal for painting or refinishing business $150 monthly 77166474 27cottages TO rent GRAVENHURST AREA Available some of June July and August Private sand beach bedroom cabin Suit fami ly of or Telephone 7767734 HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES Lake Cecebe hours from Barrie electrical lakefront camping sights boats Call Murray Valiquette 7260617 LARGE PRIVATE lot on Lake Simcoe Barrie bedroom cottage with fire place all conveniences $195 weekly 7371423eveningsonly LAKE SIMCOE lakefront bedroom cot tage all conveniences Available for the season 10 miles from Barrie For in tion Call 487 38 1977 CHEV Impala door white vinyl roof 350 V8 power steering and brakes in good condition Telephone 7760637 after PRIVATE SALE 1973 Pinto hatchback 4cylinderautomaticradio32000miles owner $1595 Call Doug Stewart 7281312 1973 MUSTANG stock car tandem trailer and extra parts Set to race at Barrie $1500 Telephone Huntsville 7057897393 197 CHRYSLER New Yorker Brougham all power options including air conditioning vinyl roof etc etc ex cellent condition certified call 7263103 1974 RED TR6Afeaturing sets of Michelin tires low mileage radio ex cellent condition certified summer driven asking $3900 Phone 7780103 MILES WEST of Bar two bedroom apartment garage fireplace laundry room electrically heated stove and trig supplied Abstainers only $180 monthly 726 6799 ONE BEDROOM furnished apartm close to downtown overlooking bay utilities provided Available June 30 $185 monthly Parking can be arranged 187 5959 no toll LARGE TWO beroom apartme July Includes fridge and stove washing facilities Ample parking $24C monthly Call 737 1638 LARGE Two bedroom partly furnishec apartment Stove fridge parking in Cluded $200 monthly available July 15 TOWNHOUSES Spacious rooms two bedrooms full basements oil heat on city bus route $185 plus oil and utilities No dogs Adults only PHONE 7284752 If no answer please call after pm TF AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY bedroom detached home brand new fuI ly broadloomed Call Harry Magill representing Lou Goedemondt Rea Estate 728 4067 or 726 3864 BEDROOM detached house in Allan ale Heights available July 1st $375 montly option to purchase if desired Telephone 7267959 LLL LvLA BEAUTIFU bedroom furnished townhouse in east end Available and of June $400 Includes all References necessary Call days or evenings 7261151 BEDROOM model home in Tall Trees fireplace appliances fenced yard ex tras S350 monthly plus utilities Available July tst Call John Colwell Rep Lou Goedemondt 778 4067 NEW BEDROOM house double garage Central $325 monthly View Sun day only to pm Call Tor 881 2515 after pm ANGUS bedroom duplex own yard available August 151590 monthly heat included if interested telephone 424 1179 TOP OF LARGE bunglaow three bedrooms heat hydro stove and fridge included Quiet area Available July $345 monthly 776 7673 ANGUS TWO bedroom frame house Large fenced lot First and last months rent available July references Please call 435 7184 am to pm BRAND NEW bedroomrhome in Barrie available immediately $350 with ap piliancers$325 without4363l93 SMALL HOUSE Situated on small lot Centrally located Near Queens Park Ideal for semi retired couple Call 728 2172 LUXURY bedroom townhouse with garage Adults only $290 monthly plus utilities Available July 15 Central loca tion Telephone 7267616 BRICK FARM HOUSE pleasant set ting bedrooms central heating miles from Elmvale $275 monthly Ref erences 3221488 Elmvale BEDROOM older home close to schools shopping Large living room with bar fridge stove Possible 4th bedroom $295 plus utilities 7265193 after4 30 pm TALL TREES bedroom detached house fireplace garage $350 monthly 151 and last months call 416 877 9371 after6pm TWO BEDROOM home $100 monthly Two miles north of Elmvale Available now 372 2853 FOUR BEDROOM farm available July 20 Call 372 2853 19houses wantedrto rent RESPONSIBLE YOUNG couple re quires bedroom home to rent will do repairs Must be reasonable references Telephone 728 8920 WANTED TWO bedroom houso or apartment for married working couple with baby and house trained pets Rent range 5700 7280559 after pm or all weekend WORKING COUPLE require or bedroom house for September Ist Will ing to go out of town Rent around $750 Phone 776 7868 after 30 70rooms to let FURNISHED near factories on bus route quiet atmosphere $72 weekly Phone evenings 776 9859 FURNISHED ROOMS Central ing kitchen privileges lounge supplied weekly laundry responsible adults 776 7186 FURNISHED ROOM in Allandale at bus stop Cooking facilities available Gentlemen prefored Telephone 728 4268 days or 778 0810 evenings FURNISHED ROOMS downtown clean bright modern central kitchen bath living room Parking Apply Hamilton RE 7371000 LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS Full kit Chen IBKIIIIICS rec room Available im rnediately Working people Central 726 6392 BRIGHT VERY largo newly decorated rooms to rent in downtown location Taurus Real Estate Ltd 737 3000 CLEAN BRIGHT quiet room for rent Linen supplind Kitchen facilities Elder ly people welcome Close to downtown and bus route Please telephone 737 3675 PENSIONED LADY will give free room to other penSIoned or elderly lady in hor own home in exchange for companion ship All household DIIVIIQQPS Close to bus stop ROfllfflcef 778 4463 after 30 CLEAN BRIGHT furnished bedroom for gentleman Linen supplied and changed weekly Cooking facilities free parking Cpntral $25 weekly 778 7471 73offi es storres for rent PRIME LOCATION MODERNDOWNTOWN Approx 8500 sq ft Heated air conditioned Ideal for stores and offices Call owner 7260981 weekdays 4163633421 anytime Jy12 MODERN OFFlCE space for lease small or large sutes immediate ac cupancv short or long term 726 3400 Angeloff OFFICE FOR rent attractive front room of old house 17 16 fireplace bay window downtown location park 1719 Call 776 7317frcn1loa at 106p 24spacefor rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 sq it fully sprinklertI transport and light truck loading docks 18 ft clear part of large expanding industrial mall 726 7130 FOR LEASE industrial warehouse Telephono Angeloff MOUSO Pork linen facilities and spacv 716 3400 SACRIFICE 1976 AMC Matador door automath ps pb rust proofing michelin tires other extras Asking $3495 Telephone 7377337 property Phone 7287044 or 416 6350637 7760761 BUILDING AVAILABLE 75 20 1974 DODGE 100 Vzton automatic transmission V8 PB radio track step up bumper with trailer hitch and cab excellent condition Telephone 4589571 1975 GMC wheel drive automatic power steering power brakes barrel gauge package radio wood box low mileage with Myers plowing equip ment $6100 4563840 evenings 36auto accessories TRUCK TIRESFour 100020 95 tread Four 20 flotation tires 16 ply With rims Cell 4367665 37molorcycles 1973 HONDA 750 Borrani rims Dunstall exhaust clean and well maintained ask ing $1500 Telephone 7282410 before 30 pm TWO 1976 Suzuki motorcycles 100 cc ex cellent condition $1500 miles on each Owned by couple asking 3800 Please phone 7373171 morning I974 C2175 Mata Cross ported motor rebuilt new piston motoplat ignition lay down air shocks $450 Phone after 430 pm 7288797 1976 SUZUKI 750 7000 miles excellent condition $1900 or best offer Can be seen days at 48 Anne St or call 7766618 evenings 1973 HONDA 350 cc electric start 7800 miles certified Like new $795 Call 4363153 1974 HONDA MT 750 certified many ex tras Good condition $600 or best offer Call 7765533 anytime CADY MOPED in excellent condition $750 or has offer Telephone 7768544 1971 HONDA 350 good condition iust overhauled $500 or best offer Telephone 7286919 1972 350 Kawaski streettrail low mileage $350 Also 1971 Norton 750 Com mando $1150 Telephone 7765390 1976 HONDA GL1000 custom seat sadlebags etc Best offer Call 7286485 after LAWN SALE Antiques china pressed glass Ironstone trivets woods househould items furniture Saturday June 18 10am to 7pm144 Maple Ave Barrie MODERN AND 618 guns China camnet chest of drawers add articles etc Apply 29 Ross St COLECO ABOVE Rum pool year old 17 75 oval with filter and at tachments $475 Call 8352201 CEDAR POSTS gaces etc 7370017 777777 TYPEWRITER $50 tires on rims H78 14 $8 each desk $10 large wooden car top rack $10 birdcage $10 New 39 bedspread $10 7281320 GARAGE AND lawn sa 12 Meadowland Ave Allandale Heights open from 10 am to 10 pm daily 15 ft aluminium trailer with propane sleeps 4piano 7263396 ï¬iwq USED DRUM setin good conditiorT reasonable Telephone 7371983 or 7264723 any sizes poles 1975 GRANToriho wagonrforï¬sale cellent highway miles $7900 Telephone 737 in good condition automatic certified Best offer Tele phone 726£1438 1967 PONTIAC Grande Parisienne door hardtop excellent conditirh per fect for somebody who appreciates reliable transportation Averages 19 miles per gallon Automatic transmis sion positraction rear axel pb air shocks radio extra snow tires mounted on rims Asking $560 Call before pm 7760559 1971 BUICK SKYLARK excellent in terior good body Best offer Call 7287796 WW BUYING CAR Why not get Idan at Barrie Community Credit Union 18 Cal lier St 7236191 1989 PLYMOUTHPURVTTdark green Uncertified Best offer 7265497 Call afterépm PARTS SEraobino 1969 Ford LTDIEIT9 motor automatic transmission tires etc For partscall 7286574 i971MUSTANG dawns power steering power automatic 62000 miles 4364791 1967 DODGE Potara excellent condi tion four door automatic 725 CID slant six only 3000 miles completely rebuilt engine new tires etc will certify Call 776 5787 after pm 1968 FORD V8 door hardtop power steering power brakes Not certified $200 firm Telephone 7260362 brakes 1977 MONKECARLOT 1200 milLeZsiITe grey many extras 55500 Telephone 436 1S97 1977 GRANDE Marquis Mercury 8000 miles air conditioning cruise control door PB PS PW AMFM radio $8200 487 7610 Oro 1974 LAND ROVER excellent condition must sell $3800 Telephone 726 4374 anytime 1974 CAMARO 76 Cyl PS no asking $3400private7781576 1972 PONTIAC Safari stationwagon low mileage top notch condition certified s1e95 Tclephoner726 132717 1976 TORINO one owner rust proofed PS PB radio rear defrost 24000 miles immaculate must be seen Orr Lake area $2950 Certified Telephone local 835 5559 1970 HORNET excellent runnincicondi tion Needs some body work S900 Telephone 728 3474 anytime 1973 PINTO hatchback automatic radio 44000 miles $1100 Call 7763760 or 72s 6092 1976 FORD LTD Landau air condition ing power package tape deck cruise control Other extras 460 Lincoln engine 60000 miles 54900 firm price 726 8355 1975 AUSTIN Marina door radial tires electric defogger radio under coated 77000 miles excellent cndition $1700 Phone 778 3679 afters pm 1970 DATSUN 510 MichelTn radials radio in good condition S400 firm Call after 5726 8205 1970 LINCOLN Continental 85000 milés $2000 728 7156 I970 Meteor Rideau 500 door hardtop 307 automatic good shape mechanical ly $300 or best offer Telephone 424 6481 1968 VOLKESWAGEN buq $750 or best offer Callafter 30 pm 7261417 1973 MONTE Carlo fully loaded light blue with white top dark blue interior Excellent shape Call 778 5594 106 pm or 728 5796 after pm 1967 Mustang 289 mclor needs body work 5350 Call 436 4468 after pm 1976 CADILLAC Power seats power steering power brakes AMFM power windows 24000 miles 1976 Ford F100 pickup short box maos and tires rust proofed tape deck power steering 4700 miles 1975 LTD Brougham auto power steering power brakes air conditioning vinyl roof AMFM power door locks power trunk release rear defroster 42300 miles 1976 Torino Squire station wagon auto power steering power braids rear defroster heavy duty suspenmon tinted glass 36800 miles 1975 Mercury Marquis power steering power brakes 67000 miles Call Dave or Marlene between and 726 6411 1970 FORD LTD automatic tuIIpower air conditioning radio good tires uncertificd $400 726 0793 I976 OLDS Cutlass Supreme used only for lady to go to work Excellent condi tion 22000 miles Climate controlled air conditioning Brown with buckskin vinyl roof Telephone 416 775 6963 after pm 1974 FORD Maverick door 76 cylj automatic dark green 36000 miles rear defogger AM FM radio under coated excellent condition certified $2475 firm Telephone 487 5443 after 500 SPECIAL 1974 Plymouth Grand Coupe door hardtop V8 ps pb pw air 40000 original miles This week only $7750 Call Simcoe Datsun 737 0754 33cars wantedto buyï¬ TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 728 8111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wrockers726 B711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wreckinil and parts top prices paid Fret pickup Telephone 726 8487 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid no immndiate pickup anytime 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrcckinn Fast pickup Days 435 6372 After pm 42475949 WANTED Clean used cars BarrieHon do Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 7766488 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing scrap metal cars bought over scales Bestpricespaid 436 3677 URGENTLY REQUIRED For Borries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF 34trucks and trailers 4x4 1973 LANDROVE 22000 original miles CB radio must sell best rea sonable offer Telephone 778 7410 befor 430 1974 ton Chev V8 automatic Rowe steering brakes Certified Telephon 424 6463 1974 FORD Econoline 700 only 300 miles 307 V8 automatic power steerin and brakes ply tires plus snows rims $7900 Certified 456 7545 1974 FORD model 750 460 engine powe steering power brakes air condition gnslanks10 ply tires 73000 miles XL camper special Will finance to reliabl pcoplo Call Joe Dyson holkan 728 4401 FOR SALEChesterfield suite lazy boy chair coffee table dresser aquarium pool table Snare drum cedar rails Phone 4875030 WEDDING DRESS size 17 Swiss lace over taffeta with cathedral train in cludes veil From The Room Simpsons New $350 $75 now Telephone 7282815 1972 650Yamaha Excellent condition $800 or best offer Call 7266261 after 530 Itssnowmobiles 1974 MOTO SKI in good condition Best offer Telephone 4363193 40 articles for sale 40 articles for sale Portable Televisions 012 Sanyo Black and White Assorted colors 0Dispay models 0A real saving of 9995 88 Dunlop St 7266585 JUIO15 Riding Mowers Now you can enioy the ease of cutting with lawn tractor hp engine pullstart or electric start of season opening clearance prices Call now 88 Dunlop St 7266585 Ju1015 Bicycles Floor Models and New Models Vagabond 10speed 9995 Many others to choose from at real savings Come in and see one today 88 Dunlop 7266585 JUIO15 POWER MOWER CLEARANCE From $9300 20 inch Many models to choose from 88 Dunlop St 7266585 Ju1015 SWIMMING POOL Sacrifice Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1976 JAY BROS season price Guaranteed installation and terms Call collect daysor evenings 14192214340 WWW BARRIE ONTARIO LEADING SWIMMING Pool Wholesaler 135 FERNDALE RD must dispose of 1976 all aluminum pools in stock Sacrifice price for desperately WORMS PAclKAGED IN 12 needed factory warehouse space Brand 25 or 50 AND BULK new swimming pools include filter walka round deck fence and warranty ca Ken JOY 726 485 size 15 27 ft $1355 cash or terms Call MWF Jy27 Perc collect days or evenings 1416 4813302 SWIMMING POOLS 1977 models slight ly scratched in transport Fully war ranted complete with pump motor filter fencing walkway and deck Suggested retail price $7295 Available at preseason special of $1788 Call not for early installation Call collect anytime 416663 9508 ELECTRIC SemiAcoustic Guitar and Amplifier approx months old Both in excellent condition Asking $550 7263435 USED FURNITURE Airconditioners small fridges for office or cottage solves freezers odd chairs Chesterfield sets lawn furniture and bedroom suites Clarks Home Furnishing Warehouse free deliver 7782843 LOCAL WAREHOUSE is overstocked with 1977 above ground swimming pools Must liquidate within the next 10 days Complete with filter fence walk and equipment package $1178 terms Call Warehouse Mgr collect days or even 1195 416 iisiiini CLEARANCE price on all color BW used TVs while they last Come early for best selection Barrie TV and Appliances 80 Dunlop St 7284297 TF INDOOR SHOWROOM full Sized pools on display Come in today or call 776 4606 for free 37 page booklet of inground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools Baymart Plaza SWIMMING POOLS to rent will lease and install for homeowners family size aluminum swimming pool with patio Choice of styles meeting all fencing regulations on one two or three year rental basis with option to own Try before you buy Call collect anytime 14166639508 31 Dunlop St st 7282431 complete restaurant equipmént forsSlé friers grills etc Cali 32777696 Firewood Buy now at Gstyearrs prices Hardwood $75 per face cord Free de liveryriin Barrierarea 7263649 THE EXAMINER AVAILABLE DAILY AT THESE Warwicks Store Stroud Beckers Stroud Bonds Store Lefroy Alexanders Store Lefroy Lefroy Red and White Alfies Variety Alcona Beach Ranchs IGA Alcona Beach Warks Store Alcona Beach Simcoe Meats Big Bay Point Gambles Alcona Beach M31H ALL Adfl AAA LAAMAAMMW 40 articIes for sale FINAL CLEARANCE 5060 SAVINGS LAMPS CHANDELIERS FIXTURES POTTERY GIFTWARE PREMISES MUST BE VACATED BY JUNE 30TH HOUSE OF TOMORROW 68 DUNLOP ST BARRIE 7263100 AT MARY Ju151617H Reupholstering DOLLARS Recover it Yourself °Wide selection of discount fabrics OFoom cushions OTooIs both amateur professional ONeedles threads twines OButtons made to order complete line of upholstery supplies UPNOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div of Fabric Drapery Mill outlet Just north of Georgian Mall 7371510 WThFTF TV PROJECTOR giant five foot screen Includes colour TV protector and five foot diagonal screen Fully warran ty $795 Private Call 7264758 after TOOLS VISES inch$2995 inch$3600 inch with swivel base $6500 impact driver $895 16 inch channel lock $1300 Adair Volume Sales 21 Mary St PU RSES Leather purses $588 all other purses $288 Adair Volume Sales 21 Mary St COLDSPOT CHEST Freelerle cu it $150 GE electric lawn mower 545 Both in good condition Telephone and one rollaway bed wine making equipment billiard lamps table and chairs skates skis pet cage shovels Call 7266132 after pm HOT HIGH pressure cleaning unit for farm industrial commercial use For fiurther inform ationrcall 4365548 SPECIAL $299 70 color TV with stand one only Barrie TV Budget plan available This one wont last long Visit Barrie TV and Ap pliances 80 Dunlop St Barrie or phone 7284797 CIA $449 26 full floor color console with push but ton tuning One only Barrie TV Budget plan available Visit Barrie TV and Ap pliances 80 Dunlop St Barrie or phone 778 4297 HAIR DRYERS hood and portable Frigidaire clothes dryer Simplicity washer spin dryer Electric mower mans skates ladys skates Reasonable 72s 3504 1972 SKIDOO olympic Shocks light cover helmets and suits $450 Anti que Sewing machine $30 Telephone 474 0443 BED CHESTERFIEL dressers chesterfield chair kitchen chairs step ladder all in good condition Also double bed Telephone 7762952 anytime ADMIRAL SIDE by side refrigerator freezer matching Admiral continuous clean gas range harvest gold must sell best offer Telephone 7370242 GARAGE SALESaturday June 18th from 10 am to pm corner of Duckworth and Highview Rd every thing from automobile to household ap pliances to ice hut tent KELVINATOR FROST free fridge white 15 cubic feet $400 30 Kelvinator stove white $300 Spin dry washer Ken more white $700 All in excellent condi tion Phone 7370916after pm PIANO APARTMENT size excélleth condition hardly used asking $990 Call 7263929 HIFI RCA console solid oak two pieces AMFM reel to reel tape deck turntable needs new volume control New $1500 asking $725 Call 7263929 CORD wooo for sale face coralpéiiv ery available Call 7766975 or 7372714 COLEMAN Hardtop Camper New Yorker sleeps plenty of cupboards sink furnace fridge burner stove awning extras Telephone 7281232 bet ween 6200 830pm COOLER Dismay Counter plus large compresser excellent condition Ideal for small grocery or fruit stand $700 7782951 GARAGE SALE Satu da June 18 10 am to pm 104 Springdale Some fur niture household items toys and many useful articles SHOPMATE ELECTRIC TOOLS At low IvW prices Pratt Motor Supply Co 39 High St 7285911 Open Satur daystitl4 EVENING GARAGE 5pmtolo pm Wednesday Thursday Friday and all day Saturday Chesterfield end tables dishes electrical appliances clothes toys antique bed and dressers round walnut table 43 Eileen Dr off of Little Ave Barrie AIR conditionersfnoo BTU one $75 one 95 Call 7281225 MOFFAT FRIDGE annotate SIDve months old White Must sell Call 720 0902 DRESS long floral pink size 12 $12 Blue and white check long sleeves size 11 $12 Gold with long sleeves size 13 $12 pair sandals navy and tan wedge heels $5 each Black leather shoes size wedge heel $5 7767938 MOFFAT 30 continuous Clean 63 stove harvest gold in excellent condi tion $200 Inglis gas dryer in good condi tion 7507Call 7267053 GARAGE SALE 777 Glenechr Drive Nelson Grove area Furniture odds and ends Moving must sell June 13 June 18 737 0146 35 MM KODAK Pany Camera good for beginner $75 Cady Moped months old in good condition $200 Telephone 7267089 GARAGE SALE household items baby things buffet aluminum siding 67 Chev sewing machine small re frtgerator vacuum cleaner numerous other items June 17th and mm St Vin cent St Mldhurst 7789733 BTCYCLEWFOR salefiadyls speed CM in good condition Telephone 71616799 41boats and motors 27 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inboarc motor Al condltlorP Asking $2500 Telephone 4354745 after 430 pin SAILBOAT 16 foot custom designed anc built Totally fiberglassed over marint plywood sails including new spinnaket and Geona Many extras 35 hp engine trailer Real bargain at $1700 7267955 FOR SALE one 16 foot Dumphrel runabout excellent condition with hp Evinrude tanks $1000 firm Call 4872310 SAILBOAT 737Wegu 1976 model load ed Mercury motor $8000 Call 12714059 after pmBoat located in Barrie 32 TROJAN Cabin Cruiser with planked hull In mln condition Fully equipped with VHF radio air conditioning depth sounder loud halter bumpers deck chairs etec tric bilge pump refrigerator sniffer twin Interceptor engineer with 550 hours full convertible camper back Witt ac cept car or truck as trade Askln $19900 For appointment telephone Or Hardy motors7284777 Telephone 436 3193 67 fruits vegetables CANOES Strawberries We have truckload of dif pick your own ferent sizes shapes and colors of fibreglass and aluminum lop quomy Lots of parking space miles canoes 119th of Bradford on Hwy 11 lsmgitvsï¬trm mile west on 13th line on Shanty Bay Rd 4167752808 7261001 Ju 25 Au3 STRAWBERRIES pick your own 40 tents per pound Opening Thursday Rlx HANDY1AAst SPECMLL boat mom =arms Ltd mile south of Stroud east and trailer best offer can be seen at 177 HWYHLf I533 Dunlap St Walter pm STRAWBERRIES Open Thursday June 16 at am 30¢ lb Small crop this 6055 Berry Farm phone 4875605 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Brown as pullets available June 18 Also farm Ca resh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farms Stroud 4361811 17 Ft CHRYSLER Fiberglass boat Daycruiser with canopy top 80 HP 31 Chrysler outboard Explorer trailer All in excellent condition Best offer Telephone 776 7836 SAILBOAT 76 contessa berth com pleter equipped for cruising inboard motor lying Barrie best offer 7284162 after430pm BOAT AND motor molded mahogany plywood 13 windshield and controls 18 hp Evinrude electric starter 436 3107 evenings COLUMBIA 23 Sailboat 99 electric out board sails cradle well equipped sailed year Owner bought bigger boat Eager to sell Telephone 519538 1194 FOR SALE freshly cut hay good quali Telephone 726 1120 after pm ACRES of standing mixed hay Call 563611 4farm machinery I975 18 SILVERLINE Bowrider with ORGE HARVESTER for sale also Gator trailer 165 OMC inboard outboard itch sprayer liquid manure tank 1000 With power and select trim includes allon row air planter 400 tons of A1 cassette player and speakers CB with ileage377 2351 aerial PA born props and travelling tarp and many other features like new $8000firm Call 7370780 after 6pm Write CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures Clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 7288234 REQUIRED Good 3558 iténis 31 all kinds for the needy Salvation Army 60 CUSTOM MADE EQEEJZEEZZt Bale Thrower Racks 44dogs and pets Flat Racks BARRIE POODLE SalonShampooing III9°s and clipping of all breeds Sophia CHARLES BATT Street East 7264141 Bonï¬re TRTMNTlNG praiessionai 7286560 grooming all breeds pick up and dc litA9 7268798 Pet Studio MWFJu17 MAYTS POODLE PARLOR prising sional clipping and grooming reason able rates Telephone 7760061 BROWN AND BELL Farm Dairy Equipment DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Complete line of Dany Farm Equipment and Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 27 7260338 or 7286766 MWFTF TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria 143 Ardagh Road 776 0094 ALL BREED dog training Obedience and guard dog training Telephone 726 8617 orrr41677297755 DOBERMAN PUPS lorSSieJ wast old call Randy at 7788111 days or 436 4517 evenings OLDENGLISH Sheepdog female nine months needles and papers Owners moving must sell 7264210 ï¬personils customer is the most im portant person in any business customer is not dependent on us We are dependent on him customer is not an in terruption of our work He is the purpose of it customer does favor when he comes in We arent doing him favor by waiting on him customer is part of our business not an outsider customer is not iust money in the cash register He is human being with feelings like our own customer is person who comes to us with his needs and his wants It is our iob to fill them customer deserves the most courteous attention we can give him He is the life blood of this and every business He pays your salary Without him we would have to close our doors We dont ever forget it PUREBRED DOBERMEN pincer pups tails docked shots wormed no papers $75 Telephone 7280172 before pm 4364462 after6 pm PUREBREDT BOXER for 5151573 years old male excellent with children $50 LABRADOR Retriever pups yellow in color weeks old CKC registered all shots and tattooed Telephone 776 0597 LABRADOR PUPPIES CKC reg istered Black and yellow Tattooed needled and warmed Ready to go Me donte Valley Kenneys 835 2913 FREE TO Good Home year oidwmlxed Terrier loves children female Must find home Telephone 435 4895 after pm DOBERMAN fear aidispayed ternaio registered excellent with children Also year old male German short hair Pointer with papers Asking $75 each 7371909 GERMAN SHEPHERD pup6 months old spayed female alt shots and fully trained Telephone 7371899 50gardenï¬supplies CROWN GARDEN CENTRE Hwy 931 mile north of Hwy 11 7284296 Flower and vegetable box plant special 70 materials and advice for all landscaping and gar AYS TRAVEL SERVICE dening needs Discuss your 45 Dunlop 51 west Barrie green thumb problems with us 7234700 Ju18 Ju8111518 HOLIDAY IN THE SUN sogarden supplies CHOICE TOPSOIL Excellent for lawns gardens etc Evening and Saturday dehvery Call 77776 392870r 726 1117 52plants and bulbs TROPICAL PLANTS New shipment iust arrived ideal for hanging baskets Brays 26 Ferndale Dr 776 7951 54 service and repairs WEEDS Lot or field cutting Also Brush Clearing 7264536 Jy9 55Construction maChinery STEEL FORMS Over 3000 feet of steel forms all accessories included Hoyt95 5951 56camping equipmï¬entrv 1973 SUNKAMPER fridge furnace stove chemical toilet fully equipped lots of extras Owner going out of camp ll 7260148 after5pm Write Clover Motel Apts 212 108th Av Treasure Island St Petersburg Florida 33706 We have vacancies from May on ward efficiency Units from $75 week for people Phone 728 3136 for information WThFAut7 UNWANTED HAIR removed safely permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrenchuk Certified Electrologist 7372671 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh Farm 7260197 WHY SUFFER agony with Corns and Callouses Relief now is yours from England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold for over century with effec tive results medicated pad that really does the lob Corn Caps or Callous Caps now available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Martsand alldruggists VVv INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION Services Civil criminal divorce surveillance Di5cree1 and confidential 7372972 NOTICE Wéicoiné to our New Loca tion 84 Dunlop East near Queens Hotel Bill Fisher Sid Jeffetsf Thank You ROOFING and add jobs FreereStimates Work guaranteed7474 07371 if TWO TEACHERS want daily ride from Barrie to Toronto Keele Wilson area Leave Barrie 730 am leave Toronto MOSTENTIWT p105 Coleman camping equipment 73701067 CAMPER VANA1972 Ford paradise raised roof economical cylinder stan dard sleeps adults children stove fridge heater 47000 miles good condi tion $350013266958 NEED camper boat vaEatiDh iiii iiEoiiiiiezeEiéimmi ed gmCalmelas REFINED CHRISTIAN lady mid I97l Hardtop tent trailer Going out of camping $1000 firm burner stove table portable toilet sleeps See anytime at 374 Edgehill Dr 1972 VOLKSWAGEN camper excellent condition sleeps Michelin tires radio will certify $2500 or best offer Telephone 487 5388 1970 NIVMROD hardtop camperfor sale complete with sink ice box three burner stove sleeps six $750 Call 737 I246 57Iivestock for sale fifties divorced loves home life enioys trips music and Christian fellowship would like to meet companion with similar interests only honest and sin cere replies please to Box U53 the Ex aminer HH jgeneral meeting of Parents without Partners June 15 at pm at Grace United Church Grove and Cook streets For further information telephone 7269930 BERTON James Fallows Willi161E responsible for any debts incurred in my name as of June 13 1977 AMAZINGLY QUICK relief for discom fort of mouth sores white canker spots dental plate sores tender gums with Fletchers SoreMouth Medicine Avall able at Cusdens Pharmacy and Shop pers Drug Marts AA GOLDEN STAR LOBA No 551 Crystal Chapter No 50 Prize winners drawn at Spring Tea Doris Daniels Barrie lst prize Stephens Barrie 2nd prize Meaghan Hutchings Sutton 3rd prize Eunice Smith Ferndale 4th prize Wiri MONECA pshyic and card reading counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 728 8868 TACK SHOP English equipment Ger man saddles and bridles Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop East 728 7431 TWO HORSE trailer electric brakes stepin good condition Coldwater 686 7887 67fruitsvegetables SEED POTATOES for planting Canada Department of Agriculture certified Cancilla Fruit Market 17 Clapperton St Barrie Call 7282253 STRAWBERRY season open Coombes Gillroad Midhurst 35 cents per quart pick your own in your own containers 728 2111 STRAWBERRIES PICK your own 35 cents quart Bring own containers half mile north of Midhurst 4th Concession of Vespra 728 8074 67 fruits vegetables PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES 321 LB BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINERS NO CHILDREN IN PATCH GARRETTS BERRY FARM st DIRECTIONS 1V mIIesnorth of Highway 11 on highway 93