Mrs Muriel Leeper left founder of the Barrie branch of the Canadian Opera Guild was present at the Fourth Annual Birthday Luncheon held recently at the Holiday Inn John Fraser an opera student was guest soloist of the luncheon and Miss Connie Fisher of the Opera Department of the University of Toronto was the guest speaker Mrs Joyce Langford Barrie music instructor was the accompanist for Fisher Examiner Photo About 100 children belonging to Sunday School classes at Westminster Presbyterian Church on Steel Street helped raise money to pay for this snovvinobile so they can send it to mis sion in northern Alberta The machine will be used by Rev Clarence Jaycox missionary in Grouard Mission in northern Alberta where there are about 300 Cree Indians Examiner Photo DufferinSimcoe Liberal candidate Jim Wales receives some encouraging words from his daughter Mary Margaret nine who stayed with her father most of election night as votes came in Wales and his supporters met at the Royal Canadian Legion Ilall in Everett Wales lost by more than 6000 votes to Progressive Conservative incumbent George Mciague Most of Wales votes came from the northern rural areas of the riding Examiner Photo Saudi connection is assisting US efforts to hold the line on energy cost Increases says US presidential energy adviser James Schlessinger The Saudis are holding to their policy of allowing only Reports persist that Soviet leader Leonid Brezhncvs retire ment is imminent despite Kremlin denials that he is con sidering stepping down because of failing health Brezhnev has been first secretary of the ommunist party since I964 when Nikita Khrushchev was ousted longer tenure at the top of the Soviet heap than any leader except Josef Stalin moderate oil price in creases compared with the other producing nations AA he doctor says Sirius trouble can be serious By THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson saw my doctor last week about bad head cold and headache with it He is not commu nicative He looked me over and said my sinuses were act ing up Everybody has that he said you should be lucky you havent had it before That was it No medicine no nothing He did tell me could use wet heat and get some rest thought sinus trouble was serious matter Can you com ment on this Mrs LY Sinus trouble can be serious indeed especially if the sinuses become infected or if they get so they cannot drain Then troubles multiply But just about all of us have had or will have nodding ac quaintance with sinuses usually with severe cold You probably have had the problem before only no one ever told you it was sinuses acting up as your present doctor did The aching you felt was probably related to the blocking men tioned Heat is usually helpful and probably all you needed You dont give the conclusion of your story so cant say more Dear Dr Thosteson have bags under my eyes They look like little sacks am 52 and my mother 81 doesnt have them noticed that other older people dont either My doctor said could be allergic to some thing Is that true Mrs This is usually matter of herdity the kind of facial struc ture you are born with Your mother can represent skip ped generation In any event skin under the lower lids just above the check bone is thin and subject to sag ging especially if the contour of the checkbones is such as to encourage it In some cases there can be sort of hernia bulging of underlying fat out through the muscles Fluid of ten accumulates in the body overnight in available tissue folds and this is why some people have baggy eyes on aris ing An allergy can exaggerate this fluid production which may be what your doctor meant If its really bothersome you might consider plastic surgery to remove the bags Skin may shrink in some older folks accounting for less ening of the bag problem Dear Dr Thosteson Will you please tell me if vitamin pill and fluoride pill every other day can be harmful Mrs MG You probably have no need for either Vitamin is espe cially important for children while their bones are growing After bones have stopped grow ing the need for extra vitamin disappears dont know why you are tak ing fluoride pills Unless they are being prescribed for spe cific reason give them up The same with the vitamin which can be harmful in excess cess Chances are you get all of ei ther substance you need in your food Dear Dr Thosteson Will you please explain en cephalitis Mrs AK As briefly as can It is an acute inflammation of the brain or brain covering caused by one of several viruses About 22 have been identified It cdn be transmitted by in sect bite particularly of the mosquito and tick or it may be complication of some viral in fectionmeasles mumps mo nonucleosis etc It may occur as an isolated case or be wide spread in population Symptoms are fever head ache vomiting stiff neck and nerve changes tremor and twitching Most people re cover There is no way to fight off the virus which runs its course While recovery is usu ally complete there occasion ally can be effects as Park insons disease Dear Dr Thosteson Iiow long after hysterectomy is it safe to have intercourse with my husband Mrs Ii Usually three weeks is suf ficient time for the tissues to heal South squeezes out slam NORTH 7652 V874 OAIO2 +KJ3 WEST AQIOSH V652 086 4A1065 SOUTHID AAK83 VAKQJ109 oKQJ Both vulnerable West North East South 30 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald 8i James Jacoby North didnt raise spades in spite of holding four little cards in that suit He had already raised hearts with 43 33 distribution and wanted to show that his hand was balanced with its high cards all in the minor suits South gave up all thought of seven and just jumped to six hearts West opened trump and South was in fine slam If spades broke 32 he was home Was there any chance if they broke 41 South saw there was He drew trumps with three leads and led low spade Maybe the winner of that trick would try to cash the ace of clubs No such luck but the hand made anyway East simply led low club South ruffed ran off all his trumps and the three diamonds while making sure to win the last diamond in dummy Poor West was squeezed He had to chuck spade in order to hang on to the ace of clubs Ashthe as Pennsylvania reader asks if we can tell anything about the late Olive Avery Peterson Until her death in 1965 Olive was one of the leading bridge teachers and players with 12 national womens and mixed championships to her credit Even more important she was one of the nicest of the thousands of bridge players daily crossword ACROSS 40 Pillage Answer to Previous Puzzle 42 Rivet 15 Made home 43 One Sp Live 44 illbred person 11 Antiseptic liq 46 Overturns uid 49 Red round 13 Confederation vegetable 14 Highwalking 52 Least apparatus 53 Animal of the 15 Slipsole cat family 16 Feline 54 Piece of 17 Boar property 19 Sort 55 Office worker 20 Negative conjunction DOWN 22 Over there 23 Snaky letter Platter 18 Olympic 41 Bandleaders 24 Greek letter King of gods board abbr wand 26 Skunklike Newspaper 21 Blood factor animal man 23 More uncanny 42 Mountain cat 28 Summer Fr Mae West 25 0f he 93 45 Affect 30 Rugged rock role 27 Field mouse 31 Moral Explosive 29 Give in transgression abbr 47 Born 32 Inventor Lions home com ence 48 summer time 33 Cafes Whitney Auxiliary verb 33 Vents Selfish 34 Ma Chld mm 35 Lamprey individual 375 Elm150nm so Military 37 Greek letter Sin to 5199 pl 10 Scailion 39 Defense or how abb 38 Mans 12 Notice ganization W85 nickname 13 Wood coal abbr introduced HI IE Thursday June 10 1917 GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Before involving yourself in any new ventures tidy up the old ones first If you dont they may overlap and cause nothing but confusion CANCER June 21July 22 Let bygones be bygones today where an old dispute with friend is concerned There is certainly no merit to reopening wounds now LEO July 23Aug 22 Dont build your hopes too high on new interest today Its bit more uncertain and complex than it appears on the surface VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Fresh ambitions may be awakened to day but dont rush into them without discretion if you move too fast you might trip over your own shcelaces LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 In financial matters this could be an expensive day Youre too im patient to get all the facts to make logical evaluation SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Joint ventures could take an un expected turn today and cause complications with associates Should something extraordinary occur keep your cool SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Your judgment is too easily influenced today by outside opinions and pressures You could please the others but wrong yourself STUDENTS SPECIAL Typewriter repairs clean oil and odiust from only $1100 Free estimates Call us now of Whitfield WINTH BOP THE 30 AND IM BIT NERVOUS illimliillir gt UNLAX OFFICE OUTFITTERS THIS is My FIRST DAV ON 7370201 IM ULlSiCIiOiNCfr 129 err AROUND AND EN day LIFE TH PAY is GOOD YER our IN TH FRESH AiR FAR FROM TH NOISE TH CiTy 6956199 llél we 9H0uw PUT THE mam ON THE END1W ED IM BEGiNNiN 10 WONDER WHATS MORE iMPoRfANr 1b YOU ME on MY PURSE NORTHERN STATIONERY CANT BUY APPNESS YKNOW 29 Dunlop St 7373860 THE biér WW LONGER EVEKYPAY CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 10 You may take on new respon sibilities where you earn your bread and butter Unless you treat them seriously things could go awry AQUARIUS Jon 20Feb 10 Try not to come on too strong to day wlth one youve recently met or youll chase this person away before he gets to know you Pl8CE8 Fob 20March 20 In family matters today try to keep things on an equitable basis between you and your mate if either is overshadowed the other will be angry ARIES March 21Aprii 19 You tend to spark prematurely today Take care not to open your BARRIE PLAZA ONHOW OF COURSE lOT DEPENDS Lora MY FATHER WILL CONTINUE TO Give ME AN ALLOWANCE mouth and spoil something which could be very good for you TAURUS April 20May 20 Theres possibility you could suffer loss today because of the rash judgment of business associate Eye closely any partnership activities June 16 1077 There is strong possibility this year that youll tread paths you never trod before Excitment and adventure lie ahead but blaze the trail cautiously THAT THE WEIQEEST Twine we EVER HEARD PUT THE DRAW on CAN TAKE HIM 0FF YET ERNIE THEYVE Go duRISDIcTioNAL DISPUTE some in i9770nyA nr as in THAIE WOULD YOU MIND GOING OVER THOSE ADVANTAGE 1977 by waiver Bias inc 65 BUT lTELIgt YOU 1D LOOK FOR lT IN LOT MORE PLACES Your wedding invitations 62 Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout servim