16 the examiner Wednesday June 15 1971 Arts Co uncil appointments OTTAWA CPI Tagak Cur ley 33 executive director of the Inuit Cultural Institute at Es kimo Point NWT has been appointed to the 12mcmber Es kimo Arts Council the Indian and northern affairs depart ment announced Monday In news release the depart ment also said that Mary Span ling director of the Mount St Vincent University Art Gallery in Halifax will join the council Virginia Watt managing di rector of the Canadian Guild of Crafts and director of the Gal lery of Eskimo Art was reap pointed to the council for sec ond threeyear term and will become its chairman the news release said The council is an advisory group assisting governments and organizations in the devel opment of Eskimo arts and crafts Ievi guide WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING 7737457911News 19Ontario Scene Nouvelles 79C TY Lights 600 24711 22ANeWS 3Movie The Adven lures 0t Nick Car ter 524 Hours 9Detinition l9Polka Dot Door 257Nouvelles 7977CITY Show News 630 22Gong Show 2477 9Newsl llParty Game t9Readalong 25Lactuel 645 19Communique 700 22Odd Couple 2Wlld Wild World 01 Animals 4Concentration 5Kinda Country 7To Tell The Truth 9Good Times llJonathan Winters 19The Red Pony pt 25PTile Semaine 79Get Smart 730 223128000 Question 25100000 Name That Tune 3Sha Na Na Strikes Spares Misses 5Worlds Together 7ï¬Gong Show Brady Bunch llFace The Music 19Education of Mike McManus 25Caravelli Noantop 79Tattletales 11220 800 sNews 22Monty Pythons Fly 1130 ing Circus 22Opposite Sexes 2Movic The Happen 2Johnny Carson ing 4Columbo Swaaseball 7Mary Hartman AGood Times 9News 7Donny and Marie trMovie Crooks and Coronets llHawaii Five 19Francais Si Vous Saviez 79Movie CrackrUp 830 4Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr 22Dick Emery 25Baseball 900 22Peter Marshall 11Larry Solway 79Money Game 1135 25Retlets Dun Pays 1140 STwilight Zone 1200 3Movie Shall We Dance 7Rookies llMery Grittin 22vMovie My Man And 19Communique iiiMovie Scarecrow 79MPTL ClUb ziteareita 1210 10 00 9vlronside Kingston Contiden 12130 tial zsiBrigade Speciale 711Charlies Angels 1100 9Sweeny 2Tomorrow l9 Pie El Face 797PTL Club 22News 110 79 43 7Mystery of the Week 1030 The Nurse Killer 19 7Corporation 9Movie Crack In The 11 00 Mirror 22 Mary Hartman THURSDAY MORNING VIEWING 555 Focus 600 Universny ot the Air 11 Camera on Canada 15 Farm Report 625 News Ir window on the World 630 Not For Women Only JrrrSummer Semester Cartoon Playhouse 11 Enioy Beirut Beautitul 655 Mission Employment 777Employment Flll 700 Today CBS News Good Morntnu America Canada AM 11Pau Bernard Psychiatrist 797Chincse Serial 730 tlOntario Schools 79 Portugal Today 745 t9mComrnunique 800 JVEct Allen Time Captain Kanoaroo 5Mon Ami 7777Rocketsnip 19 Polka Dot Dow 797 Greek HOTIZOn 815 25 La BoiteA Lettres Friendly Giant 79 Sounds ot the East 830 10 15 Daybeat 377 Mon Ami Time For You 25 Une Fenetre Dans 197 Les 100 Tours De Ma Tete Contour 1030 79 Italtantssimo Hollywood Squares 845 Mr Dressup 19 Media anti Methods 4PV16815 Right at the Artists First Impressions 55 19 Prints At The Na News tional Gallery 900 25 rrConseil EXDIess 27 Dumb 79 rGerman Show Howdy Doody 10145 In Touch 197 Man And His World Dialing For Dollars 1100 Toronto Today Wheel Of Fortune 15 Double Exposure 19 TBA Sesame Street 920 Happy Days 19 Readalono Kareens Yoga 930 11 It Figures Enioy Beino 19 Jounos SToutos De Beautilul Fans Tattlctalcs Georoe Anthony Romper Room 25 Les Trouvatlles De 19 Cover to Cover ClemenCc 217 100 Huntley Street 79 CITY Show 19 Cineloltn 1130 945 Ed Allen Timp 19 In Many Homes Its Anybonys Guess 10200 Party Game Friendly Giant it Young And the Heres Lu Restless What On Earth Fainin Feud Phtl Dnnolior Pots and Paris Art at Cooking 11 Midday 11 Doyneot 19 Vision On 19 Media 77 Les Animaux Chez Eux THURSDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 1200 22 News 2Shoot For The Stars 37 Leave It To Beaver 77 News Coronation Street 9w Uncle Bobby Show 19 Mr Rogers 25 Prince Noir FnIrIllI 797 Gene Taylor Bazaar 1230 2Magazine News Farm Markets Search For Tomor row Ryans Hope 97 Flintstones 117 All My Children 19 Communique 25 Les coqueluctics 1245 Memo Dakota 19 Century Of Craft And Skills 00 Gong Show 79 CITY Liqms 330 135 27 Lets Go 19 Elementary Math Celebrity Cooks 26 Femnie DAu 79 Match Game inurdHui 19 Education of Mike 145 McManus 19 Sec Helir 400 150 Memo September 19 Pnartalono Allairi 155 Meira Hunt News Merv Grillin 200 Its Your Choire Ooposde Sexes Star Trek All in the Fondly 11 Your and The 320000 Pyramid Restless Alan HarmI 19 En Passant Par Les 19 Cover To Cover Mots l9 Doctors Dlilr Little Rascals 15 Bottom 19 Priotitoraphy 79 Love Ameriran 225 Style Niwi 420 230 19 Lo Monrte Des Pelits Doctor 4130 Eliot II Night anlreluche Enlants 711 One Life to bye 12 Jokers Wild 12 Guiding Limit Latin Authors Homemade TV 79 Mike Douolas 22 Canadian Cavatctid Cinema 11 Oman 19 Mattmrntuu Court 19 Electrir Company dAll That Glitters 300 500 Bob MCLian Artotttit World 77 DOT DRY Trouble with Trai 13 Take 11 LUCY SDOW All My Children All 111 The Fam lltahanie 19 Arts Now 19 En Fromm EITIDIIICOC 120 Bonnie riidzlen 19 Sesame itriiet 19 Shape Up 79 People in Conilttl 15 Motiican De Paris 130 15 530 211 Days ol Out Ltyiu Con iizanilei 72m News As The World tiitn 11 Gllllrtll Hospitin Adan 12 Jovce Davidav 19 Frnnraia R001 711 22 For The Money HVMS 2S Nouvelles YS Lltcurc dc pointe THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING Walnuts 19 Dr Who 600 Vl II Br 25 Nouvcllet 2071122 News pm 00 37 Movie it Matt Mitt Mi Clttllill 457911 News A100 11 Priiie In Our 21 Mary Hartman Ws Hiriouv HIDI In 19 Explorations In Dmnlho Oil Illitlrt Show 197 Polka Dot Dom 11 vii to unity 17 Cl 1y Liohts 75 NOUVPI min 1105 79 CITY NW MINI 115 Mesdmnea 630 30 MlSylLUI 00m Show $71 yVIrlllItl 11220 24 News intI News 11 Party Cami 900 1130 ReadeOW leii tni soon 17 ODDUSIIPDDDUSIIP 25 Lactuel Mm 5va 645 Cit181 Johnny Carson communiQUtl tintlm Itfltl Komk 700 Hawaii Mnty Hartman 227 Odd Couple CIIIHITIUIINHIII on 11 Larry Snlwny 505K Itlllll 19 Communique Concentration 84171107 Millet 79 Mom7 Gnnte WIOS New 11 iiat wontts Jttv 1140 TO 19 110 11 An MIIVII Heritailct Grand Old Country tag 1200 11 MBKOIVI dlld ClIlf 19 Small 1y innitn Movie Flying 19 Movm The ï¬nd 11 My OIHII Leattiernci ks Pony 30 Geraldo Rivera concl Stmwt nun lronsndc 79 Get 5mm1 Fle 11 Moyit Fares Ct 7330 Mai Linr Dr Lanl 77 SUN memallndl t9 Witness to Yesterday Movni Sens To 7H°VW°° SCUM 22 Mixed Doubles Colmit Strikes Spates 1000 1205 MSSC Show Bil Brigade Slim 1011 Welcome Back kot Royal Hmnï¬m 1240 Barnaby toms Movie One Sm 100 Bobby VINO xiiims oi Sun tiltl Many Fs ism 11 George Honiitlon 1V yommmw Em 00 19 Aviius li liiuir MUVH Cirrlc 11lt MCMVU 15 Terri Et Moisson Of 75 Cncm 22 News Deceptiont 79 Tattlctalir 200 800 1030 it Mwomittt FanCISI Journey Carol Brrnett lfltl Ot Stmll Plans vaw fryw wwvvv Bright future seen for Angels The stars of the television series Charlies Angels from left Kate Jackson Jaclyn Smith and Cheryl Ladd talk about the shows second season at conference in Honolulu two hour special show is being filmed in Hawaii minus Farrah FawcettMajors but the remaining stars see the shows future as bright AP Photo entertainment All the beloved characters Still alive in theatre of silence TORONTO CP The Io tato People the Novice Skin li ver The Pear and those other lovable characters who once re sided with the Canadian Mimc Theatre are still hilariously alive in the theatre of silence Harri Maskow Paulette Hal lich Robin Patterson and Larry Lefebvre rejoined by former associate Terry Judd now form Theatre chond Wor ds and have carried many of the Mime Theatres bestloved works into their new company Maskow who was associate director 01 the Milne Theatre when founding director Adrian lcckiiold retired from it last winter formed thc new com pany when he and the other players disagreed with some of the artistic plans being in troduced by Wayne Prilchctt lritchelt Inc of Englands bestknown mimes and cabaret entertainers look over the nadian Mime Theatre Janl and soon had to recruit til en tirely new company for this season It opened its summer season last month to less than rave reviews by the critics Theatre Beyond Words in showbiz TORONTO Pt Contrallo Maureen Forrester sang after receiving her honorary doctor ate of music at the Iniversity of Toronto on Thursday and was given standing ovation Miss Forrester was chcribcd by Prof Ezra SChitIMS as lhc finest living contralto and what one looks and hopes for in pcr forming musician Car parts SANTA MONICA Calif AP Barbie Doll creator Jack Ryan has been ordered to re turn 37500 in Rolls Royce parts to exwilc Zsu Zsa Gabor Superior Court Commissioner John Alexander on Friday or deer the live whccls livc tires fivc hubczips front bum per grill and rear seats of the 1961 luxury car returned to the ac tress within two weeks Belorc their divorce last Au gust Ryan had stripped the car on the grounds the couple agreed to divide proceeds of the salient the car But Miss inbors lawyer Marvin Milcllelsnn said the car was worth 8201100 before it was dismantled and has value of only $5000 now Ryan was Miss labors sixth husband They were married in Las Vegas months before the divorce Taboo ClelNNAIl il1irin111 nati Reds catcher Johnny Ben ch and his wife Vickie have been divorccd and have agreed never to discuss their marriage in any book magazine or news paper The divorce decree granted hcrc Thursday also provides for Bench to pay lump settlement 01 $211200 and undisclosed alimony payments The couple separated in Feb ruary 1976 one your alter lhcy wcrc married Bench 28 and his wife 2t had no children lroduced itself to an invited To ronto audience this week with selection of short plays and vig nettes including Maskow ima gining himself as intrepid skindiver in his bath tub and Miss Petlerson as an overripe pcar dropping from tree and mecting fruit worm in the person of Judd The trouble with reviewing mine in the hands of these tal entcd veterans is that only the giggles and laughs of the au diencc can convey the whimsy and fun the players find in com monplace situations new skit Bust Stop was played by th companyfivc people silt ing nervously and un comfortably in bus station waiting room each distinc tivc personality bit all even tually tricked by one of their number The Potato People is full oneact skit played by the mim ists in colorful costume but wearing almost expressionlcss white masks Just the tilt of head the shrug of shoulder or other movement of the body can make the characters speak volumes though not word is said ROBSFANS There is Bud the dog played by Lefebvre who can whip the lid off garbage can with all the finesse of safecracker feeling the tumblers fall in combination lock Nancy Io tato played by Miss Hallich is an awkward kid always getting herself into trouble with none of the sophistication of her friend Iodine Pear blossomthe name itself is in spiredplayed by Miss Pat teison Maskow and Judd play the fussbudget Mama and the bumbling Papa Potato Did you ever want to just Shove it and leave it all behind tl law in 11111 uiIil1tt 1111 51 tii 46 DUNLOP ST Joyride yogiirritant Hilbert llarrladrinef Anne Lucktiart Melanie Griffith mo lpwHHw 7284681 SHOWTIMES DAILY AT 700 900 PM llu 11111th by Jlricptt Rttlirit Wt M11illlly unictlitthrl Mwiw 11 Amitunct lfl$b II Hut wit The Canadian Mime Theatre as demonstrated in its lirst show last month is still feeling its way under Pritchett and Theatre Beyond Words under Maskow has company of play ers who have worked together for years Their difference is told too in the kind of material they are doing Prilchetts is new based on his English expcriencc and what he has learned about the Niagara region since coming to Canada Maskow is basically universal situation comedy which would have the same ap peal in any part 01 North Amer ica or possibly the world There is certain to be rivalry between thc two companies thoigh they exchanged visits to each others performances The rivalry is likely to be mainly for touring subsi ies particularly those granted by the touring of fice of the anada Council and the external affairs department for intenational travel ex changes Yesterdays Stars Today Eso recalls the post By NANCY ANDERSON Copley News Service HOLLYWOOD Nobodys ever compared Charles Laughton and Elsa Lanchester to Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh nor to Laurence Olivier and Vivian Leigh for that matter As married couple they worked together on screen and stage Theirs was great associa tion However the public didnt identify them as romatic duo nor were they among the beautiful people Were they to be compared to contemporary team of mar ried performers they might be bracketed with Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward or George Scott and Trish Van De Vere whose fame rests more on their talent than their glamour not of course that Tony and Janet and Laurence and Vivian arent werent talented The widowed Lanchester was sitting in the Columbia Pictures dressing room of her friend Estelle Winward as she recall ed portion of her life with Laughton period when they owned 15 acres on the extreme 1y fashionable Palos Verdes peninsula near Los Angeles We had piece of land with an old orchard she said so there were macadamia nuts and the strangest tropical things But we couldnt really keep the orchard up We didnt live down there mind you but we had weekend place Our relationship was always based upon places In England we had won derful place in the country 28 miles from London on the old Duke of Richmond estate And that was pheasant run Whenever Im looking for property and Im very good at it always look for big trees because think that if you find big trees some wealthy people have lived there And wealthy people always leave nice place behind Even in Los Angeles found this house we have that have now surrounded by big trees Its right in the heart of the city but the trees are there get along like jackrabbit dont want to say just where my house is located because when you do that you have people at the door Lanchester first began at tracting fans to her door when they could find it when she ap peared in London stage hit called Riverside Nights Born in the citys Clapham Common shed gained her first theatrical experience in nightclubs and music halls and at mere 16 had organized Lon dons Childrens Theatre Also in her neophyte days shed organized performing friends into troupe called Cave of Harmony which met after shows closed to enact plays by Chekhov Pirandello and Housman and to do revue material INSULATION Just Arrived The FULLY FIREPROOF Materials Fibregloss Rockwool Insulate Now Free Estimates LIMITED SUPPLY Control the Heat Simcoe Economy Insulation Scott Muir Minesing 7281267 41 DUNLOP ST 111 IMPERIAL TWIN THEATRE ELSA LANCIIESTER lives in LA Riverside Nights was her first major showcase and it was in that that she was seen by Charles Laughton Later they worked together in play called Mr Prohack which led to their marriage Her first movie was silent AT version of The Constant Nymph but the film which first made American audiences aware of Lanchester was Henry VII starring her hus band in the the title role Her first picture made in Hollywood was David Copperfield For several years the Laughtons shuttled back and forth between London and the United States appearing at the Old Vic in New York in movies on stage together and apart CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our hot fast delivery Free on orders over $800 in Barrie 10 Discount on PickUp Orders over 5800 Phone 728881 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 1110 ovm 2ND WEEK 715 915 PM Shame on you Geraldine Page and Sandy Dennis and your NASTY HABIT II Thee outrageous comedy WIEIND AS All IIEIIAIIILII HER MISSION SEDUCE AND DESTROY ER DEADLIEST WEAPO IS HER BODY TOO HOT TO HANDLE san CHERI CAFFARO TOO HOT TO HANDLE AT 10 PM HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD AT 825 ONLY THIS SECOND ATTRACTION THE STIET lUIIERE STIILEYS IIIE IIIIIIIE CALL 7283440 ANYTIME FOR INFORMATION CINEMA SHOWTIME 710 905 5110mm 100 900 CINEMA romantic comedy that Is as poignant as It IS funnyTim9 Magazine HWY 11 NORTH AT GUTHRIE SCREEN ADULT NIIIIAINIENY WW PLAYING ADULT lllllullut WOODY ALLEN DIANE KEATON When Satan Goes Wild Watchout for the ultEnterloinment FOII CENTUIIIES TIIEY WEIIE IIIINIED FOII BOUNTY FUN AND FOOD Vi He doesnt get mad He gets even THE FARMER Lï¬ggggni BARRIE TWIN DRIVEIN THEATRE OPEN NIGHTLY FOR YOUR SUMMER ENTERTAINMENT can 4872212 ANYTIME FOR mrommon