10 the examiner Wednesday June 15 1977 Little resistance on pipeline MAYO Yukon tCPt In dians stepped up their opposi Miracle saves tion to the proposed Alaska Ilighway natural gas pipeline Monday and met little resist ji ance from white society More than 30 persons gave 32 their views on the pipeline at two public hearings and few in dicatcd any unqualified support for plans to bring 48inch American pipeline across 500 miles of the Yukon The Indian opposition was unanimous as speaker after speaker told an afternoon ses sion ot the threeman Lysyk pipeline inquiry that the line should be delayed 10 years They said the delay would give Indians roughly onethird of the territorys population time to settle Iaiid claims and to bet ter prepare themselves for modern developments Many whites ho spoke at the hearings expressed similar Foothills Iipe Lines Ltd of Calgary has proposed the line which would start at Prudhoe Bay Alaska cross the southern Yukon and link tip with existing lines in northern British Colum bia There also has been talk of possible future connecting line to bring taiiadian Mackenzie delta gas down the length ol the territory tIIIIthEl Mayo small nttllhiClIIlfil Yukon supply cetitre with mixed population ol too Indians and whites would not directly be alleeted by either ol of these routes btit many ol the persons who addresSed the hearings in heated concern about the over all eltects on the territory lar Ilager Tlyear old In diaii resident told the inquiry that prior to 1933 when there was no bar in people were much happier The bar brought drunkeuess and numerous other problems lan people she said now are learning to stop drinking but pipeline would lead them back into their bad habits The pipeline also would bring iiillated prices and the people on liked incomes would sulter she said chers repeated tears ex pressed at previous eoinniunity hearings that the pipeline would bring prostitution drug pi oblems alcoholism and other Mitlill problems that the say the Indians arent capable ol handling Itllllll GIN me white man 13year Yuv koti resident said pipeliite cott struction might increase the territory population by so per cent SUeh sudden inllux ol people would have adverse el tects There was support for the pipeline however Graham Kelly miner at nearby Keno Hill said pipeline development ll aid small fal tering lIISllltS tiottloti McIntyre legislative tIIlCll member tor Iao said the Yukon economy hit plateau two years ago The pipeline would citre present economic stagnation The inquiry headed by KCII iieth Lysyk lean ol law at the Iniyersity ii is studying the possible HCILll and eCo noiiiic eltectsol the pipeline At the same time team ol tederal public servants study ing potential environmental ini Ettls ttiltlizattttlitW MiraCIes Fresh Quality Produce Etipiéiiï¬iso Po iii°é°3iise COOKED CHICKEN LOIN STEAKS mm mm Trl 2L8 BUCKET od tU SA PERLETTE EEK LETTUCE LB GRAPES tell lltlllll arter whether Cut from Canada GRADE Boat Braise Fry or BBQ Convenient Delicious CHUCK HOT BBQd STEAKS Limit steaks per family Cut from Canada GRADE Beet Ideal for BBQ Meaty Flavounul The King of Roasts Delicatessen Quality QUARTER POUND SHOULDER PRIME SLICED BEEF PATIIES BEEF STEAKS RIB ROASTS COOKED HAM FROZEN STORE PACKED L388 L28 $199 Cut from Canada GRADE Beet out from Canada GRADE Beet Frozen Young Predressed Canada GRADE Biasï¬tmtlgui TURKEYS ROASTS 1014 LB SIZE Cut from Canada GRADE Beef Butteiball Turkey5980 lb 1014 lb size line an be built tliroigh anr ada and Il so where Today the hearings more to ltton ity Yukon Drug store shares sold llilttll It Ioblaws Ltd ol loronto has sold all the mmtn ms in llIt diui Blldclo on and cp co store chain lainblyn Ltd to Short Boots the hetnist ltd ol ltrit Roasts Nocup litlkl $156 IA Inblaws spokesman said PrOduc USA C°C°°5 LB Cutlrom CondGRADE rant L37 Taiiililyn which operates on Poninysncw drug stores iii Ontario and had Beef Maple Leaf sales ol Stitl million in WW3 has been plagued with losses in re Wieners Slde Bacon 514 18 LB AVERAGE ttb ptii Hunks Swifts Famoua tor Oullhy Lazy Mapte Schneiders Sausages M23385 boot critcm port boot ItoIt TopOuIlltySllcod ion Emléiliilalisélade giapte stiff Righllilltgr Fish New WHtTE satfhts TABLE POTATOES WW 10 LB BAG Dinner Style Snow Cooked Ham Crab Claws saintu 24mm LB LB my verall everyday prices as low as or lower than any Other 3mm maior food chain Plus over 250 weekly specials ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 15 177 EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED OTHERWISE IN BARRIE AT BAYFIELD MALL BAYFIELD ST NORTH AT HWY 400 WE RESE THE RIOHTTO LIUIT QUANTITIES 45 Dunlop St Men to the Ylieoiie 94