showbitk Award for Sinatra WASHINGTON AP Singer Frank Sinatra has been presented with Israels Cultural Award at an Independence Ball celebrating the Jewish states 29th anniversary More than 1000 persons at tended the affair Sunday at the Washington Hilton and wat ched as Israels US am bassador Simcha Dinitz honored Sinatra Sinatra has made number of visits to Israel in recent years and presented series of concerts to promote the states health and welfare institutions Actor may leave BERLIN AP East Ger man authorities have given dis sident actor Manfred Krug per mission to emigrate to the West friends said Sunday The East Berlin sources said Krug who twice won East Ger manys National Prize for drama has voluntarily surren dered his citizenship and plans to leave in the next few days with his wife and three chil dren TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING 6100 24 771122 ews JIn Concert 524 Hours 9Definition 19APalka Dot Door 25Nouvelles 79CITY Show News 630 22430ng Show 247 9News 11 Party Game 197 Readalonq 257 VLactueI 645 19 rrCommunique 700 22Odd Couple 2World of Survival 3vBilty Graham Crusade AConcentration SMuppet Show 7To Tell The Truth 9Bobby Vinton 11 Audubon Wildlife Theatre 19Movie Last Days oi Pompeii pt 277Monde merveilleux de Disney 79 Get Smart 730 22Baa Baa Black Sheep 27 Muppet Show Strikes Spares and M15595 Woliman Jack Price Is Right Bionic Woman 11 Country Way 19 Education 01 Mike McManus 79 Tattletales 800 2Baa Baa Black Sheep ItsBarney Miller AFamily Holvak 7Happy Days llBill Davis Rally 19Down to Earth 25Le Travail la Chaine 79Mavie The Master Race 830 35MASH 722Laverne and Shirley 9Julie I9Famous Nobel Prile Winners 25Vedettes en Direct 900 2Police Woman JsPolitical Talk dMASH 711Rich Man Poor Man 9One Day At Time 19Ontario Scene 224aught In The Act 25Rue Des Pigoons 930 35Queen Elizabeth 11s Silver Jubilee AiOne Day At Time 22rSports Probe EDavid Steinberg 25Le 60 1000 2mPoIice Story 4Koiak 7vABC News Closeup 9Kotak 19rFaire Et Deiaire 227News 79AFBI 1030 22PaliticsPremier William Davis Inter view 19Olympic Profile 25Nouvelles 1100 22Mary Hartman 2lt395A79A11News 19Speaking oi Books 79CITY Lights 1105 25VingtCinq ans de Regne 1120 3759News 1130 22Opposite Sexes 2Johnny Carson AMcMillan and Wife 7Mary Hartman IILarry Solway IsCommuniaue 79Money Game 1140 SPolice Woman 12 00 3Movie The Early Bird 7Silver Jubilee 91ronside 11Merv Griffin 79PTL Club 1205 ZSBrigade Speciale Policier 1210 SeMaverick 1230 7Baretta 100 2mTomorrow 9Movie The Hanged Man 79PTL Club WEDNESDAY MORNING VIEWING 555 Focus 600 University at the Air 11 Camera On Canada 615 Farm Report 625 NCVVS window on the World 630 Not For Women Only Summer Semester Cartoon Playhouse 11 Enioy Being Beautiiut 55 Mission Employment Employment File 00 Today CBS News Canada AM Good Morninu America 11 Paul Bernard Psychiatrist 79 Sounds oi the East 730 11 Ontario Schools 79 Portuoal Today 745 19 Communique 800 Ed Allen Time Captain Kangaroo Mon Am Rncketshio I9 Polka Dot Door 79 Greek Horizons IS Friendly Giant 830 Jeeraybeat SeiTime For You 19 Les 100 Tours De Centaur 79 Italianissimo 845 19 Sue Becker 855 News 900 Dinah AriHowdy Doody In Touch 7mDiating For Dollars Toronto Today 915 19rTB 920 1977Readalong 930 3Enioy Being Beautiiul rTattletales Romper Room 19 WRituaI 01 The Rains 79 Cinetotto 950 19Te11 Me Story 1000 3AFriendly Giant Heres Lucy What On Earth Phil Donahue Art oi Cooking 11 Davbeat 19 Child Liie In Other Lands 7s You Hou ll Canzootere 79 1015 3Mon Ami 25Virginie 1020 197Langue Et Activite 1030 2Hollywood Squares 35 Mr DressuD 47 Price Is Right First Impressions 19 Witness To Yester daY 25 Les Marmitons 79Gerrnan Show 1100 277theel Oi Fortune Double Exposure 5Sesame Street 777Hapr Days rKareens Yoga Itelt Figures I9Les 100 Tours De Centaur 25vlmpressions 1670 1970 797 CITY Show 11 15 19 Autour Du Monde Par Le Conte 1130 22 Ed Allen Time Shoot For The Stars Party Game 47 Young And Restless Family Feud Pets and Pets 11 Midday 19 Basic Sports Skills 25 Les Maries Du Bout Du Monde 11 45 19Gtaciation WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 1200 22 News Name That Tune Leave it to Beaver 17 News Crown Comt Unz to Bobby Show 19 Mr Rogers Skpby 79 Gone Taylors Bazaar 1230 12 Canadians Mauazlnc News Farm Markets Starch For Tomor row 57 Ryans HtlDi Flintstoan 11 Ah My Children 19 CilmihttlllGUU 45 Li ttquclurtitS 1245 Movie That Kind of Wrimant 17 Max no Things Work 100 Canadian Cavalcade Gong Show All That Glittirs Bow Mt Limit All Nty tiilrtrcii Trouble with Tracy Iy Olyirtiiiv Frttiilf 130 For kne Moiity It tow Of Our Lives AI Tttc World Turns oyt Davidson l9 Sil Hoar IS Nvtnvcltet LiritttS 135 19 Inside Out 25 Femmedau iourdhUi 150 l9 Readalonq 155 News 200 22 Opposite Sexes All In The Family 320000 Pyramid Alan Hamel 19 For The Record 79 Doctors Diary 225 News 230 22 GUidinq Light Doctors Edge Oi Night 711 One Life to LlV 19 Guess What 75 Le temps do vivre Magistrates Court 240 19 Ritual Of The Rams 300 22 Bonnie Pruddcn Another World 15 Take 30 All In The Family 19 Citizen In Socuety 79 onpl in Conflict 315 Commander Tom 11 General Hospital 320 19 Look And Learn 330 University Of Toron Celebrin Cooks 79 Match Game 19 Education oi Mike McManus 400 22 Little Rascals Movie Soldier In The Rain Matra Hunt Merv Griffin Its Your Choice Star Trek Young and The Restless 19 Cum Le Dauphin 2S Bobino 79 Love American Style 415 19 Autour Du Monda Par Le Canto 30 22 Jokers wild Zoom Captain Nemo 79 Mike Douglas 11 Oman 19 Electric Company 25 Le Grenter 500 22 Doris Day Lucy Show Sally Emergency Sesame Street 28 Cineastes De La Faune 530 22 Adam 12 News Room 212 11 Hot Hands Lche De Painte domnu WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 il 21 News Rear For The Top 21HOUr Diiinttimi i9 Polka Dot Door 15 Ntiuveltis 79 Cl TV Show Nlw 30 Gong Show Ntwlt Lily Graham Crusade let him Preview 11 Party Game 19 Riarldlono 2S or met 645 19 Ctttnmuniqm 700 22 Odd Coupli Wild Wild World of Animals Conteiitiation To Ttll The Truth Good Times 11 Jonathan thl1 Last Days at Pom pin Di PTtti Scmaine Got Stuart 30 H000 Question $100000 Ntime That tum Bascball it strikes Spares Misses Gong Show Brady Bunch Fm lhc Music 19 Education oi Mike McManus 25 Baseball Tatttetalcs 800 Monty Pythons Fly nq Ctr us MoVie Certain Smile Good Times Donny and Marie Mowc Ill Never Forget Whats Hts Namcl 11 Hawaii FivtO I9 Francois St Vnus Saviel 79 Movve The rithen ed ClIYl 830 Dick Emery 900 22 Alice Movie Soylet Green 11 30 27 Glen Campbell 1000 Kinoston Coniiden tial It Charlies Angels Swoeny l9 Pilc Fan News 25 estival Interna lional On Jan De Mootreux 79 FBl 1030 Worlds Together Baretta l9 Corporation Nouvelles 1100 Mary Hartman 211157911 News 19 Ontario Scene CITY qutil 11 05 2S Reilets dun pays 11 20 News 11 30 22 Opposnc Sexes Johnny Carson Colombo Mary Hartman 11 Larry Sotway 79 Money Gami 11 40 Lanrre 1200 Movie Sistir Ken nY Rookies Ironsidc Il Merv Griffin 17 Movie Baik From Etrrnityi ly Communique 15 Cinema 79 iTL Club 12 10 Twniaht zone 100 Tomorrow Memo Mnttir Oi Innocence 79 PTL Club 10 Mystery of the Week Violence In Bluc loyal fan greets Guy Lombardo in Port Stanleys Stork Club where the CBC taped it per formancc this wcckettd in ltonor of the golden show business anniversary of Lombardi and his Royal Canadians The band drew good turnout and fans still rush to the stiigc to grch the famed bandleader Photo Sentimental location picked for Guys golden anniversary PORT STANLEY tint Pi Guy Lombardo wavcd his conductors baton and cast nostlgic spell over crowd of about 1500 at the Stork lub on Saturday in this community 10 miles south of St Thomas Lombardi and his Royal Ca nadians arc celebrating their golden anniversary in show business The BC taped Satur days perfoimuncc in thc area where it all began for Lom bardo and the band for telc vision special to be aired in De cembcr The CBC wanted to do 50th anniversary special and think they showed good judgment in picking Port Stanley 10m bardo said in an interview The Port StanleyLondon area is the most sentimental to us He said it was hard to explain why he and the hand have been working so long Perhaps its because wc have the same ambition that we lid when we first left London he said Id say our early training in the lance business helped Were fortunate we had tempos that endured If Lom bardo is not quite sure why he and his music still is so popular some of his fans are more definite SAYS LSlf SWEET Jean Martin of London said that his music has sweetness that no other orchestra has And of course Guy Lom bardo came from London but Ive gonc to New York to dance to his music Charles McLean also of Lon don Silll the music llombzirdo plays is soft low and the type person can dance to McLean said hc has heard Lombardo mziny timcs but ncvcr tircs of thc music Some of the songs take you back when he plays those old time one Lombardo said it is always pleasure to perform near his home town because hc meets so many old friends He said many fans grew up with his music or havc celebrated such special occasions as unnivcrsarics or New Ycars Evv dancing to it Lombardn said not many things have changcd ovcr the years The songs that were pop ular ycars ago 51 ill arc cnjoycd today Songs like Stardust have not lost tbcir beauty he said guess our band has cndurcd bc causc we are not fad band Asked about retirement Lombardi said he intcnds to cclcbratc his 73th illlllltl5£l1y in the samc way hc murkcil his Stith ycar lcailing his band ABC Classics is addition to 15th18th century music By KING 1lltK1CE ople News Sen ici Now the Amcriczin consumer can Choose from the products of thrcc phonograph record com panies that feature the music of thc l5th to the litth centuries To Tclcfunkcns las Alts Wch and Duetschc tram mophons rki Protluktion has been ziddcd AllC ccords ABC laxsics The newcomer is new to the United Statcs but not to Europe lhcir pcrformzinccs are in fact from thc rcspcct ed Scott label of Hamburg ier many company established at the beginning of this decade Not only is thc company unknown to most Amcriczin discophilcs the namcs of many of the pcrtorming artists will clicit littlc recognition 111 large thcy arc Dutch artists and in gcncral thcy zirc ab solutcly first rzitc lhc first of thc rclcnsvs has got the company off to an ex cellent start as the third big company tthcrc are sonic fine littler llllSl offering cutalogucot old music in this country In all thc first releascs in clude l4 discs particluarly enjoyed John Blows dc on the Death of Mr llcnry lurccll played by the Leonhardl Con sort lAIltLlfltllli the same groups superior realization of Bachs Musical offering tAl3 TL670071 brilliant disc by Eugcn llombois lute playing works of Bach Prelude rugt an Allegro BWV 0081 Kellncr and Weiss iAIttll7l1t1tt and my mid summer rccommcndation of liristinziss record Christmas MllSIt of thc 15th and 16th en turics lillrti7l102i one of the finest recordings 01 Christ mos music have ever heard and one expcct to enjoy for many ycars to comc Also thcrc arc two most welcome discs of the music of Thomas Stoltcr tc 1480715th and Antomc ltitttllltt Itti7l 1745 and youll look Ill rain in thc Schwunn catalog for othcr recordings by thisc two com poscrs who stinply are unknown to most music lovers Stollzcr is rcprcscnlcd by his setting lbr four of thc ltutlicr translations of the Psalms number of other capclla works and cspcciully his quumitc Missa duplcs pcr ltitum innum Mass for any timc of the your tAlttitXl2 lll Konrad Rlllllillltl dirtch tlic Munich Capella Antiqua III gripping IAKlIS LESS 511 Sitting uses cight pcr less iicrgy than standing cciil pcrtormancv of and bcauty Forqueray who at the age of 17 was employed in thc court of Louis XIV is respresentcd by dozcn of his charming picccs for harpsichord played by iustuv Leonhardt tAB1 7009 All of ABCs new discs urc well worth thc listeners ate tcntion Those particularly in tcrcstcd 111 music of this period might enjoy sampling of the discs on single rccord 11 titlcd ABC Classics The First ltclcasc WIS670011 And while wcrc in this wonderful world of older music here are some other rccnrds of music of this period that Illith listcncd to of recent dutc and particularly enjoyed Montcvcrdi Madrigzils Chorus and Chamber Orchestra of lluusannc conductecd by licltcl otbox lllCA ltlxz 1971 2discst Glorious is word not bit too strong to chcribc these great power trcasurahlc mudrigals of Man tevcrdis work like unto it would be not bit too strong to describe orlmzs work with thc Lausnnnc groups If some cruel fatc has kept you from thc knowledgc of tthc trun sccndcnt masterpieces rcctily this at onci with this wondcrlul sol As unfamiliar as Montcvcrdi 11567164111 may bc to many lovcrs of fine music lohzmncs ckcghcm lc 11111145171 will provc cvcn morc unfamiliar And this too is great sad ncss Not to know the music of ckcghcm is not to know thc work of thc man whosc crcativc efforts sct thc stngc for what was to bccnmc thc glory of 15th tcntury music lcant rccotnmcnd too highly this splendid disc of his music by the lomcrium Musiccs Alcxandcr Bluchly director thncsuch ll 713116t lhc works on thc disc arc his Missa Aumaistrcss Misszi Au travail suis Motels and Chansons CINEMAS 7269944 nun Glenda Jackson and Melina Mercouri had NASTY HABITS Thee outrageous comedy 0M El 001011 tynetuii PlilllllSlllN WKIIXD AS W1 ITIITAIIIEII THE MlRlSCH CORPORATION presents BLAKE EDWARDS PRODUCTION ii inii In NlTilit 11ml llluIl Comic stri the examiner Tuesday June 1977 Vietnam war subiects for Tony winners NEW YORK AP musi cal based on comic strip of another era and plays about gentle poet of another century and divisive war of another decade were winners at the 3lst annual Tony Awards for ex cellence on Broadway Julie Harris who portrayed the reclusive poet Emily Dick inson in her limitedrun one woman show The Belle of Am herst won her fifth Tony as best actress Al Pacino known best for his movie roles in Serpico and The Godfather returned to Broad way playing the title role in Theatre Company of Boston re vival of The Basic Training of Pavlo Hummel aitd won as best actor in the Vietnam war play But Annie the musical built around the story of Little 0r phan Annie was the big win ner taking the Tony in seven of the 19 categories at Sunday nights presentation at the Shubert Theatre DISLIKED IDEA Thomas Meehan in ac ccpting his Tony for best book of musical said that when lyricist Martin Charnin phoned him with the idea for musical based on the comic strip thought it was the worst idea Id ever heard Charnin and composer Charles Strouse picked up Tonys for best score Annie producer Mike Nichols accepted the Tony for best mu sical Comediennesinger Doro thy Loudon who runs the or phanage won as best actress in musical Peter Gennaro won for his choreography David Mitchell for his Annie scenery Annie designer Theoni Al dredge tied with Santo Lo quasto who did costumes for The Cherry Orchard as best designer Barry Bostwick won as best actor in musical for his title role in The Robber Bridegroom rustic caper which opened in October and closed in February The Shadow Box drama about death that recently won the Pulitzer Prize for author Michael Cristofer was named best play Shadow Box director Gordon Davidson won Tony Tonys for best featured per formch in plays went to Jona than Pryce for Comedians which opened in November and closed in April and Trazana Beverly one of seven young women in For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow ls Enuf TV Mailbag av Barry Bostwick lcft Dorothy London and Al Pacino were among the winners in the annual Tony Awards this weekend at New Yorks Shubcrt Thczilrc Bostwick was best actor in musical The Robber Bridcgronm Miss London best actress iii musical Annie and Pacino best dramatic actor in The Basic Training of Pavlo llummcl Best dramatic ac tress was Julie Harris for hcr onewoman show The Bellc of Amherst AP Photo Tonys for best featured per formers in musicals went to gospel singer Dolores Hall in the modern Passion Play Your Arms Too Short To Box with God and Lenny Baker 111 Love My Wife Director Gene Saks also earned Tony for that romp new Tony for innovative production of revival went to the Houston Grand peras Porgy and Bess on Broadway from September to January Jennifer Tipton was named best lighting designer for the limitedrun The Cherry chard Grandma Walton returns in fall By THOM MEAD oplcy News Service HOLLYWOOD The TV Mailbag know Ellen Corby who plays the grandmother on The Waltons suffered stroke recently Will she ever return to the series Camdiin NJ As previously mentioned in this column Ellen Corby suf fered stroke and was forced to temporarily leave The Waltons last year after only half the episodes had been film cd Not one to be kept down Miss Corby is well and is acting again She will be reintroduced to The Waltons this coming season in special tw0h0ur episode Grandma Returns The program is tentatively listed as tltc season opener for the series Would you please tell me what happened to Gary Moore Victoria Nothing has happened to 41 WNW ST IMPERIAL TWIN THEATRE CINEMA Gary Moore so far as know Hes the host of the television daytime game show To Tell the Truth which is syndicated and may not appear on your local stations would like to know little bit about Mark Shera who played on SWAT and is now on Barnaby Jones also would like to know where to write hime Wash ington PA Mark Shcra was born in Bayonnc NJ where he took no ting lessons as youngster and attended high school He pur sued acting at Baston Universi ty appearing in several studcnt productions Sheras profes sional career has been suc cess story from its inception In his first professional audi tion he won the role of disci ple in Godspell playing that part in Boston for nine months then assuming the central role for 10 months on the road and six more months in New York noBEi NEWMAN REDFORD WINNER OF ROBERT SHAW GEORGE my HIIL FIIM mt STING BARRIE TWIN DRIVE ACADEMY Recapture the STING Experience 11m 11 NORTH AT GUTIIRIE SCREEN 22 MILIJON PE PLE 91 Including Best Picture In 1973 Tony nominations were voted on by 486 mcmbcrs of the theat rical profession Thc Lawrence Langncr Award for lifetime achievement was given to pro ducer Cheryl Crawford Special Tonys went to the Equity Li Presented by brary Theatre National Theatre of the Deaf and three performers who made Broad way debuts this season with oneperson showscomedienne Lily Tomlin and singers Barry Manilow and Diana Ross lITTlES Hlll PLAYERS Georgian Theatre June 910 8200 pm Tickets $350 $250 Seniors and Students Available at Trites Gift Shop Jones Stationery Allandule Drugs AODUNLOPST 728 468 tii mt ii1l lltl Iftlll Il1 II 111 1111 lit ll mi ttlll l11itli lltklll4 lI 1111Ill ll lllll iiiitikt lllill Ililti tin Brass Glenn Dunlap St or 7283354 AMIITADJ rust gt4 VlAI lllary lllaru Bloody Illaru NEXT ATTRACTION Islands In The Steam SHOWTIME 705 900 OPEN NIGHTlY FOR YOUR SUMMER ENTERTAINMENT Adult Entertainment to Walter Matthnu Tatum ALL NEW BIGGERJJORE EXCITING THAN AIRPORT 1915 00 main BIA$11 iii titanium slum CAll 7283440 ANYTIME INFORMATIO CINEMA All 4872211 ANYTIME FOR INFORMATION SCREEN aniline DELL m7 MUSTANG COUNTRY ROBERT FULLER PATRICK WAYNE Humi NIKA MINA mu mun initiator