the examiner Thursday Juno 1917 bY ing home for their fireplace It memorial service and the Mrs Nash will be held Saturday June at gedlcatlotnzof the vault Sunday 8am une 19a 30pm 7289565 Sundayaflune is Play Sims fï¬he UrtlittzdthChlurch Eagen social Notes ay at Mi urst United Sun ay wr mee ome 155 Tue5day evening ï¬ends 503335 June 12 is promotion £33556 Mlyrgile and neighbors gathered 13m Sunday for the Sunday School Miller will be the guest speaker and Sï¬hool the Umted and their annual pot lick dinner with the topic of decorating °°r °Y SW0 will be held in the church yard Come with your qurstions She was presented wth following the morning service Ide gifts Her two SiSterSv All church families are cordial Ni onrmonrnrs THRUSH Ruth and Wendyvassmedthe lyinvited nightingale is type of SiSter Joy and DaVid MViSOn Dont forget the annual thrush QUIT SMOKING COURSES BARRIE QUIT SMOKING CENTRE In fourweek extensive course you will he taught the CARSON METHOD of overcoming the smoking habit This method has proved to be 91 euc oeuiel with the thoeunde who have completed the course The Instructor is IIll CARSON Hamiltons Professional Hypnotist with 24 years ex perience as Consultant You are invited to attend tree explanation of the Course on who JUNE 5th at 100 pn IIOlIDAY INN Churchill South Meeting Room R088 TREE Oi HHdeWD El 133513 ususvomw Retirement banquet On Saturday evening the Ladies Auxiliary of the Hall Board catered to the retirement banquet for Earl Richardson who has been clerk for Vespra for number of years Mr and Mrs Lorne Orser spent the weekend in Aurora HWY 77 gt Hospital patients Sorry to report Mrs Kemp Mrs Jim Bertram and Mr John Storey are patients in Royal Victoria Hospital Mrs Hunter Russel is home recuperating with walking CARSON cram FOR PROFESSIONAL mmosrs 212 James Street South Suite 202 Flowers planted Hamilton Ontario L8P 3A9 5251644 Vespra Horticultural Society planted the flower beds in Midhurst Union Cemetery with petunias The society also decorated the sign leading into Midhurst EVERY SATURDAY AT PQOPLQS+ jEWELLERS 10 AM i5 Travellers Mr and Mrs Barrie Green have returned home from trip to the British Isles They especially enjoyed Ireland Mrs Hilda Ellis is entertain ing her daughter from Van Second Downtown Mall larger than first couver for few days She is enroute to the East Coast Mr and Mrs John Burns and KEMPENFEL BA Shadtd areas on map of downtown Barrie Show streets on which the second Downtown Mall is he council April 25 after being outlinged at meeting of the Downtown Improvement Board April 20 int held and the streets which are closed for the fourday event which ends Saturday evening The Downtown Improvement Board is responsible for the mall Areas on thc map marked in the family 0f Toronto Spent the The mall this year incluch four blocks not ill last years lnall Boundaries were approved by city circled are public parkinglots weekend with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Spence the Federation of Agiculture Sharon celebreated her 15th Atkinson and family of Geul Lindsay Michelle Corbett in St new report and Mrs Wanless birthday and Mr and Mrs JoIhn Johns United Church in comdmg eveHmlS by answered the roll call for the Mrand Mrs Joseph Spohn ot DeGorter and family of Elmvale Afterwards the gab ldBoallv as Mrs AIWanress New Flos Institute Mrs Sam Toronto spent last week at the Newmarket were entertained atthe home of Mrs Carson 012 89 to he ï¬e 3222978 Allen convener of family and home of their soninlaw and MI and Mrs Alex Finlay Lindsays other grandparents 7238767 21 $9139 to consumer affairs gave her daughter Mr and mrs Tony Spent the holiday weekend Mr and MerVyn Corbeu ad 35 acqlnfh Ewe Six members the New F105 report and cut the birthday Porretta and family Foresters Falls with their son Elmvale Mr and Mrs Clarence Car torcpat mgAa tim hter Mr and MranersAllen Sinclair of son and Louise visited tum en re yone en drug the bee should come cake Mr and mrs Archie Wanless mlawligd ding E1 rs ug am le arolyn lngwoo ave JUS Clarences sister sre ln preparedmtakealoadofkindl Womens Institute attended the and Jennifer On Sunday they returned from twoweek trip Toronto recently 75th annual meeting of the Sim SOCLALS Spent few days in Toronto Ar chie attended course at York toe Centre District Womens institute held May 24 at Knox Mrs Steve Rawn spent few University and Mrs Wanless attended Jennifers chnstemng England vrsrted wrth Mrs Mr and MrSL Ameck of Presbyterian Church in days at the home of Mr and visited their daughterSharon 13°55 abyteran Chum Smelars momer Mrs Steve Windsor visited last week at the rossland Mrs John Wilson and Sharon of Holiday weekend visitors Mr and Mrs Wanless and Rahzvrnvgdsnrga6hn zymamds Bernard Loftus home Mrs Alex Flnlay was the Schomberg hlle she was wrth the DeGorter family ln famlly attend the chrlstenlng of Sudbury Mr and Mrs Vic Glenda Carson Student at by orgamstMrsCllne Rawn gave ther er granddaughter cluded Mr an Mrs Harold ay 22 of the granddaughter tor Zymantas and Mrand Mrs the Unwersuy of western On GraeeM Ivray Les McBride and Timmy of tario is home for the summer 4240227 Toronto were here for the long She will work in the county weekend buildings this summer Mr and Mrs Cliff Carter Everett Edwards is patient Nic Van Castemn home agkléï¬g gigaï¬lie zï¬ntMtlh at the hospital in Penetang as George VCongratulatlonsto Ann Rawn was home as well but has vslnC rs h0 gradaedh honors returned to the University of ak e355 ï¬pem Degree ke°1°gy mm the Waterloo fortlle summer wehirenarlflj tlhagd Marinas University of Waterloo Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn and Mr Mr and MFS Murray Carson Mgtenburg and boys 0f 511d and Mrs Steve Rawn attended 00k bus our to Ottawa bury Spem the weekend With Ear Piercing Clinics with Registered Nurses Hypoallergenic Safe Sterile Note Parental or guardian release required for minors Piercing with gold plated surgical it steel studs Piercing with surgical steel studs 99 the ceremonies May 26 recently Mr and Mrs Len Robinson Congratulations to Janet andboys 20 OFF LOCATIONS Wanless who graduated last Mr arid Mrs Harry SPECIAL OFFER BAYFIELD week with degree in family LACK KNOWLEDGE Mansbridge and Mrs Ruby Piercing customers will re studies from the University of NUlLEY NJ AP Newls spent the weekend at ceive 20 oil the regular ALL Guelph Mr and Mrs Archie survey conducted by Response MCCIHCkenS Landings Price Of the Pair ea Wanless attended the convoca Analysis Corp showed that 71 Mr anl Mrs Alt Rowe and rings PurChased PEOPl95 ion at War Memorial Hall in pher cent Americans btflieved grgngghlldgen ofBTrentor Guelph at smo ing robs the ody of an rs onnie rown Mr and Mrs Warren Wanless Vitamins but only 12 Per cent OShawa Spam the W69kend of Sundride were weekend knew that smoking may reduce with Mr and Mrs Oscar guests of Mr and mrs Archie blOOd levels of vitamin Rowe Wanless Though 47 per cent knew Mrs May Blenkm Spent CLINICS BY CANDYM ENTERPRISES LTD women on birthcontrol pills theweekend alKeamey TIEYLRLES need more vitamins only six It is illegal to walk ill the per cent knew these women streets of Maine with your shoc need higher levels of vitamin laces untied B6 Va alwmtk Correction Essa Township Arena essay winners Winners of thc Essa Township Arena Essay ontcst were allum9 Our Lady of Grace arld Todd Kopitoski oulson presented with prizes recently by the Lions Club of Angus Street School Thrcc other winners who were ill play Tom The winners arc lcft Lorraine McCallum 10 Our Lady of Sawyer the night of the presentations are Cathy Pawis Grace School Lisa VanGaalcn 12 Our Lady of Grace Simcoe Street School is Tompkins Simcoe Street School Woolworth Sidewalk Days Price for GWG Scrub School DCIIIIldH Khrista Atkins it our Lady of iracr and Nancy ElliotSimcoc Street School who was the overall bies should have read $1700 as opposed to the School Tommy oulson Our Lady of race Sandra Mc Winner of the contest Each wlnntr rccclved cahs prlzc $19 95 price published in the May 315 Examiner Examiner Photo New ll ltSl ylc Country Estate Homes Festival on July in Angus WEST COAST BARK 50 lbs MARBLE STONE The Music and Arts Festival planned for the Liorls Park in MOON for your money When you buy Benjamin Moore Paints you get more than premium quality product you get your Benjamin Moore dealers knowhow Hell help you with expert advice on all your decorating needs Look for the friendly paint dealer who means Moore to you cu ft PEAT MOSS lialllï¬lllRAlNlltDis gt lllollpllEilllllllllllllï¬ Thursday June I977 Extensive lines of distinctive and unique items BLEEDING HEART ALL PLANTERS Just Arived Seed Potatoes Pleasant Place Deal Simcoe District CoOp 259 Innisfil Barrie 7266531 LIMIIII See your Benjamin Moore dealer today IRVINE DECORATING CENTRE BALL BUILDALL 48 Anne 7282496 Pewter from Norway Germany and Italy Brass from Denmark Norway and Germany Copper from Great Britain Porcelain and Glass from Argentina and Scandinavia From Morocco plates leather hassocks Our concern is Quality 22 Clepperton 7285566 Bayfield Moll Barrie next to Crazy lees