the examiner Thursday June 1977 Ann Lander Speed limit isaioke Dear Ann Landers Recently drove from Boston to Hartford Conn distance of approximately 90 miles keptm speed a157milrspethour Two undred and eightyfive cars passed me Many were going at least 70 miles an hour few weeks later drove from Boston to Springfield on the Massachusetts Turnpike distance of about 85 miles Again kept my speed at 57 miles an hour One hundred and eightyfour cars passed me on that trip The 55mileanhour limit is joke hope you will print my letter and remind all Americans that it is their patriotic duty to conserve uelFJ Dear Mr FJK Right on But something more im portant than fuel can be conserved by respecting the 55 mileperhour limit Life Traffic fatalities have dropped considerably since the energy shortage has made it man datory for motorists to reduce the rate of speed PS Where are the Massachusetts and Connecticut high way patrolmen anyway Dear Ann Landers Please help me understand my hus band Sid and have been married little over three years He has been good to me and always trusted himuntil now Last night we went to party Sid got slashed He is the jealous type so am very careful about keeping my distan Guild sponsors displays to help promote theatre thelake to see Thark They are alSo planning tour to the OKeefe Centre in December to see The Nut cracker Suite by the National Ballet of Canada The guild was started in 1970 by Brian Rintoul and small group of actors and technicians who put on several plays in the hall of Collier Street United Church Shortly after the Georgian Foundation for the Performing Arts was started to help raise funds for the theatre The guild was formed in 1973 tohelp with fundraising Members of the Georgian Guild will promote the Gryphon Theatre by holding diwlays in the various malls this week Displays will be held today from to pm at the Bayfield Mall Friday from to pm at the Georgian Mali from 11 am to pm at the Bayfield Mall and from to 8pm at the downtown mall Saturday from 11 am to pm at the downtown mall and at the Georgian Mall and from 11 to pm at the Bayfield Mali Members of the guild will man booths at the malls pm moting sales of subscription tickets to the Gryphon Theatre now entering its eighth season They will also sell tickets for the 5050 cash draw sponsored by the guild The guild will have poster blitz June in the Barrie area and luncheon for guild members June 15 This will be held at the home of Andrea Cohen to discuss the fall anti queshow The first play The Four poster July will be preceded by buffet supper Members of the guild recent ly took part in tour to the Shaw Festival at Niagaraon wedding album Leeper Cameron St Marys Roman iatholic and ersh Charles Brochu Chris Toyei and Matthew Segggglghrrikeni flgnsthgligï¬ Still Ozarthirgitgg urch was the scene pril 16 Harol Jo nson Jck Gaudet Craig when Anne Marie Cameron of Renato Favero Agnes Routh From Kitchener Mr and 215532 another woman1hey dldn see me much asllm Barrie and Cyril Gregory Mrs Czerwinski Cyril Mrs Gerry Ellins from Leeper were married Rev Reuben Mr and Mrs arthur Oshawa Paul Grybas from on the way home Old Sid what had witnessed He ad Steven Komar was the organ Marian Leeper Mr and Mrs and Mrand Mrs Peter Weber blea Imusth vebe kp 1th gm iSL don Seoord Debbie Evasuk all from Orillia Mrs en er Now am filled with doubts and smpicions If he could kiss woman while Im WITH him what might he do when Im not aroundJittery Dear Jit Never mention the incident again Behave as if it never happened Some husbands like children will live up or down to the standards you set for them Dont become Nervous Nellie and give Sid the notion you dont trust him or he may figure so long as he has the name he might as well play the game Dear Ann Landers just caught up with your column in which reader took you to task for using the expression do the dishes The proper word you were told was wash not do Apropos of ethnic cultural and geographic terminology in England we always said lay the table The first time used that expression in New York was the last learned to say set in hurryWhen In Rome Dear Rome Im not surprised Thanks for writing Dear Ann Im guy 17 and four feet 10 inches tall get awfully tired of people asking me How tall are you hate to give them my measurements Do you have any suggestionsHalf Pint The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs John George Cameron of 35 Eugenia St Barrie and the groom the son of Mr and Mrs Robert Patrick Leeper of 21 Marwendy Dr Barrie The bride wore her mothers wedding gown of antique faille with lace applique She wore fulllength veil with train and cap of seed pearls The veil of Venetian lace was brought from Venice by the grooms grandmother and has become family heirloom She carried small oval bou quet of tiny mums and pink camations Maid of honor was sister of the bride Jean Cameron of 35 from Toronto From NiagaraonthcLake Mrs cecil Toye Sandra Toye Doughty and Mrs John ston and from Midland Martin Prost rt Hobin Bewcyk registered nurse with the Victorian Order of Nurses takes Ellen Wallaces blood pressure during clinic held Tuesday night at Georgian College The clinic were guests Examincr Photo High blood pressure silent killer registered nurse also with preceded movie and discussion about high blood pressure Dr Sandy Logan and Barbara Milnc both involved in high blood pressure research at Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto High blood pressure is blood pressure who failed to and how well the heart can silent killer and half the pcoplc who have it dont know it Dr Sandy Logan nephrologlst at Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto lhcy dont feel sick Dr Logan told about 50 people Wednesday night at the hypertension clinic at Georgian College The clinic was sponsored by the Barric chapter of the Caadian Heart Fund The only way to tell if you have high blood pressure is by tcsting Dr Logan said Thch are no specific symptoms High blood pressure can causc strokts and heart at tacks and 90 per cent of deaths are caused by harden ing of the arteries and high blood pressure he said High blood pressure or hypertension has only been recognized as common corr dition since 1972 Dr Logan said Barbara Milne Mount Sinai Hospital Toron to said drugs controlling high blood pressure have only been developed since 1950s It wasnt until the 19605 that any beneficial therapy was developed Dr Logan said Dr Logan and Barbara Milne answered questions on hypertension after about 28 people had their blood pressure tested Of the seven were con trolling their high blood pressure through medication and one was not on medica tion Not only do half the pee plc who have it not know it but th0sc who do are re luctant to stay on medica tion Dr Logan said lhc movie The Silent Countdown was shown In the mowc the narrator plays thc conscience of several people with high say on medication Im cured dont have it anymore Im steady these were comments from those who didnt stick with medication HELPS CONTROL Medication he control high blood pressure but it besnt cure it Dr Logan says Lying on the beach buying new hat does not alleviate high blood pressure the narrator said This cure is based on the assumption that high blood pressure is caused by stress That is myth Dr Logan said Stress can ag grevate high blood pressure but it is not cause Smoklt ing obesity and caffeine can aggravate high blood pressure but it doesnt cause it he said Three factors are con sidered in blood pressure he said how rigid the arteries are the bluid in the system regulate itself to these two If excess fluid is continual ly pumped through rigid arteries the system wears down Dr Logan says Drug such as diuretirs or water pills keep excltss fluid to minimum and are there fore used to control high blood pressure in some peo pic MEREDITARY High blood pressure has strong hereditary com ponents Dr Logan said but the causes are not fully known Les Mavor treasurer of the Barrie chapter of the Canadian Heart Fund said $16078 was raised in the campaign for 1977 an in crease of 29 per cent over the $12440 raised in 1976 In mcmoriams donated tc the chapter since July 197t have amounted to $10500 br inging the total to 326578 All nemoriam donations go for research Mavor said Eugenia St Best man was Desmond LecA per brother of the groom of Owen Sound Ushers were Gordon Andrew Cameron of Barrie and Michael John Leeper of Toronto The reception was held at the Brookdale Inn Barrie The bride wore wedgewood blue the honey moon to Europe Guests attending were Mr and Mrs Paul Alain Mr and Mrs Minray Ellins Mrs Ida Howorth George Cameron Mr Collier Street United Church was the setting April 23 when Karen Elaine Borland was married to Bruce James Cairn Cross The bride is the daughter of Rev and Mrs Alan Leonard Borland of RR Barrie and the groom is the son of James Cairncross 68 Melrose Ave Barrie Father of the bride officiated pantsuit with tan shoes for Mr and Mrs Cyril Leeper Cairncross Borland Linda Ayerst of Barrie John Ayerst Barrie was the ringbcarer The best man was Doug Cairncross of Acton and the ushers were Paul Frankcom Midhurst and John Martin of London The reception was held at the Holiday Inn Ba rrie The newlyweds will reside at RR Barrie Guests attended the wedding from Burlington Ottawa Lon don Toronto Lancaster Peter borough Milton Deep River Cobourg Orleans Collingwood Midland Hamilton Stouffville Bramalea Acton Oakville Brampton and Orillia Dear HP Just say Not very That should do it Erma Bombeck She made her own discovery In the mid205 physiologist Ivan Pavlov made rather interesting discovery Every time he brought food to dog he would ring bell and the dogs mouth began to water Later just by ringing the bell he could bring about reflex action of saliva In the late 405 Erma Bombeck simple housewife in Ohio made another interesting scientific discovery By an nouncing to her family Dinner is ready it was noted that the entire family swung into action like precision drill team For no apparent reason her husband would exit to clean out the medicine chest one child would pick up the telephone and begin dialing another would go to the bathroom and lock the door and once one of them took bus to Detroit After awhile she wouldnt even have to say anything When she appeared at the door they all just took off and scattered Just when it seemed her frustration had reached breaking point she observed yet another phenomenon Hours later as the family sat around the table and raised their forks for the first bite the phone would ring It became as predictable as rain the day you washed the car and it was driving her crazy She tried everything She scheduled meals at odd hours She tiptoed to the table She once went to the living room where they were all seated around the TV set and instead of announcing dinner said Im not here to announce what you think am But the group could not be fooled Every night they sat down to warm lettuce and cold Fren ch fries while members of the famity filed in and out like they were visiting seven to 11 market And every night as they prepared to eat the first bite the phone rang Her husband said she was imagining things until one weekend Erma was flat on the sofa with virus and he was in charge of dinner Flushed with heat from the stove and the pressure he ran into the living room and announced Dinner is ready One son stood up and went to the mailbox another went to the car to look for his tennis racket the dog went to the door and scratched to get out and Erma started to exit Where are YOU going he asked hysterically Im going to be sick Couldnt you wait until after dinner he asked miserably Ive worked like dog to get the fish sticks the chili and the potato chips to come out evenm Twenty minutes later as we all gathered around the table we waited to hear the inevitable ring of the phone There was silence for five minutes then 10 then 20minutes smile crept across my husbands face guess your theory has just sprung leak he said Were eating and the phone is not ringing didnt have the heart to tell him he was only half right atthe ceremony Mrs Elaine Winters Barrie was the soloist accompanied by Leonard Given in marriage by her family the bride wore full length gown of champagne candlelight Venice lace over champagne polyester satin An attrached cathedral train fell from the back waist The long fitted trumpet sleeves were accented with trumpet cuffs The dress was designed and created by Mrs Caldwell of Barrie Her headdress of champagne lace and pearls in an open Juliet cap style held veil of champagne tulle in three layers appliqued with lace matching her gown She carried bouquet of polyester sweetheart roses sweetpcas and babys breath The matronofhonor was Miss Dorothy Franklin of Oakville Bridesmaids were Miss Lor na Shewfelt Midland and Mrs Mr and Mrs Cairncross Andrews Brydges the bride worc threepiece suit of goldcolored polyester and wool with tan accessories The newlyweds will live in Toronto Trinity Anglican Church Barrie was the scene May 14 when Helen Joyce Brydges of Barrie and Gregg Andrews of Kitchmer were married Rev John Spccrs officiated The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Earl Brydges of 91 Sunnidalc Rd Barrie and the groom the son of Mr and Mrs George Andrews of 24 Russet Pl Kitchener Music was provided by David Ball on piano and Ann McCaw on flutc The bride wore gown of white knitted chiffon featuring high neckline trimmed with alencon lace enhanced with seed pearls The dress had full bishop sleeves with wide cuff ending in lily points and trimm ed with alcncon lace There was cathedral train falling in folds from the back yokc She wore matching lace ap plique headdress and veil of English handrolled silk scattered with seed pearls She carried bouquet of white roses and pale blue babys breath Outoftewn guests attended from Prescott Ottawa Ren frew Almontc Sudbury Kit chcncr London Dutton Toron to Oakville andSimcoe DEAR POLLY am attempting to arrange an ac cumulation of snapshots into magnetic albums but have encountered BIG problem The photos are curl ed out of shape and have no idea how to make them flat again have put them between heavy books and so on but to no avail Your help would be greatly ap precrated as these pictures go all the way back to 1933 BEIIY DEAR BETTY One authority spoke with concer ning your problem suggested this Put the pictures face down and then place piece of wet cheesecloth or similar fabric over the backs Then put heavy weight over them He Iuggested piece of plate glass such as one might have on dresser or table top Enough dampness should penetrate through to help straighten them This might now work with newer snapshots that have kind or protective resin in the back was told that in their shop such newer pictures are itacked face down dry and then very heavy lead weight is used to flatten them The heaviness of the weight would be the important factor did some experimenting of my own and tlled some curled color luapohots laid one down flat face down put damp preuing cloth over it and then put bot iron on the preuing cloth immediately put the picture Dr Sandy lngau and Barbara Milne rcgistcrcd nurse spokt chnesday night at hypertension clinic licld at Georgian oilcgc Both work in research at Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto The moiting was sponsored by the Banie chapter of the anadian llcart Fund clinic was held at 730 pm followed by movie on high blood pressure question and answer period followed Examiner llroto Badge emblem presentations marked closing ceremonies first aid second stagt to Suz Iannc lcllcticr outdoor cook to Presentations of Canada Cord three all round cords and no torbicu Duiysc Borri and presented to Donna Corbiere Karen Burns who was elected by the com various anblems and badges marked the closing meeting ol the loth Barrie Girl Guide Co at St Monicasschool Present for the occasion were Mrs Barbara Arnold Eastvicw District ornmis sioncr parents of thc guidcs receivingcords and liti fathcrs of other guides Badges presented wcrc baker to Mary Pat LcSagc snowshoer to Alison Taylor Allison Fenn Cheryl Labadic and Lorri Lowe world trefoil to Mary Pat LaSagc and Shcrri Jcnnings swimrncr to Kathlecn and Suzzanne lcllcticr ecologist and musrc appreciation to Mary Cancilla and Angola DAmbrosio challenge badge to Shtlli Jenn ings Emblems presented were in tcrnational crnbicm to Sherri Jennings fine arts to Angola DArnbrosio challenge to Don All Round ords were presented by District ommis sioner Mrs arnold to Nancy Strzrughan Donna Corbicu Denyse Boni and Karcn Bums The first anada ord in the ltlth Barrie Zuidc was prcscntcd to Slrvrri Jcnnings culminating four ycarr work Shcrris parents were also given credit for their support Prich for best cookic salcs were prcscntcd to Donysc Boni and Mary zmcilla gift was pany as Guide of the Year Guides presented gifts to their ieadcrs Leslie Corbicre Mrs Marilyn Jennings and Miss Elaine McKee Guide captain Rose Mc Gowan received her 15year scrvicc pin from rs Arnold talcnt show followed the formal prcscntal ions BrOwnics of the 14th Brownie lack joined the Guides for Brownie flyup when ninc Brownies joined the Girl Guidcs of Kitchener Graham Brydges of Barrie and Larr Maid of honor was Dawn Boivin of Fort Erie Bridesmaids were Ann Derda of Fort Erie and Darlene Storey of Seaforth Best man was Jeff Andrews Ushers were Grantham of Burlington The mother of the bride and the mother of the groom reciev ed guests at the reception held at the Barrie Country Club For the honey moon to Florida Mr and Mrs Gregg Andrews between Iheetl of waxed paper and then under heavy weight This did very satisfactory job Anything done may be more or ten temporary I0 put them in the album immediately after the prints are dry and flat Ex periment with one or two of your leu treasured pictures and see what luck you have POLLY DEAR POLLY and Mrs LR have repaired vinyl jackets across the shoulder seams and under the arms the following way put piece of material the good parts of old jeans cut in strips cut to threefourths to one inch wide on each side of the seam and sew it This does not pull out so easily Of course the stitching is done on the wrong side MARY