new Iowell by Beulah Tompkins 4240242 Patty Goldthorpe and Mrs Mabel Stewart of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ron Forster and girls Kim and Scott Bambrough spent the weekend in Georgetown Mr and Mrs Wayne Black and children spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Doug Giles in Orillia and also Mrs Collins of Strathroy visiting there Mr and Mrs Vernon Mumlt berson granddaughter Seleena Marshall and Bruce Stevens all of Barrie spent Riday af temoon with Mrs Marj Clark Mr and Mrs Ivan Duff spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Rod Duff and girls in Minesing Mr and Mrs Harry Hope of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Norris Hope Mr and Mrs Gerald Lauren deau and Tammy of Creemore spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Larry Hiltz Mr and Mrs Dennis Melton and children spent Sunday at Port McNicoll Mr and Mr Al Baker of Hamilton spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Arnold Musson and family Mr and Mrs Art Rowe of Trenton spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mr and Mrs Oscar Rowe and attended the funeral of Norris Miller Mr and Mrs Willie LeBlanc and children Mr and Mrs Wed Mathers Sr Mrs Lamers Sr and Sherri Monkhouse spent Sunday at Springwater Park Mrs Tomblin and Paul spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Peter Carter in Toronto Mr and Mrs Harold Bell of Sylvan Lake Alta spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Bob Stainton and family Mr and Mrs Harold Harrod and boys spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jim Hunt and baby in Stroud Mr and Mrs John Ver straten and family of Parry Sound Mr and Mrs Don Car ter and baby of Brigden spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs John Lamers Mr and Mrs Harry Prosser spent Sunday at Thornbury Mrs Evelyn Carter of Barrie is spending few days with her parents Mr and Mrs Harry Prosser Mr and Mrs Sherlick Young Mr and Mrs Reg Young and family all of Glen Huron spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Bob Rawn and family Mr and Mrs Reeves Snow spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Richard Loesch in London and Mrs Helen Holmes in Tillsonburg Ed Lynn and Bill Schull at tended the Provincial Con vention of the Legion in London last week Those attending the Lions Convention in London last week from this area were Mr and Mrs Jim ONeil Mr and Mrs Brian Bambrough Mr and Mrs Dennis Bambrough Mr and Mrs Ted Langley Mr and Mrs Don McCormick Mr and Mrs Martin Bayer Mr and Mrs Jim Coates Lawrence Campbell points to the spot where city workmen had to dig up the street in front of his Riverwood Farm home to repair broken sewer litre Campbell plans to dispute city policy which makes him responsible for the $700 repair job Examiner Photo An Oren Boulevard resi dent is facing hefty bill for sewer repairs on city preper ty in front of the new home he bought last fall and he doesnt plan to take it lying down Lawrence Campbell says he plans to go to city council at the ï¬rst opportunity to dispute the bill which could reach $700 and his lawyer is checking now as to who we should sue At issue is city policy in effect for many years and reaffirmed in 1972 making lateral sewer pipes the owners responsibility all the way from the building to the sewer main regardless of the property line Campbells sewer backed up shortly after he moved in to the Riverwood Farm home and the city cleared it for him more serious blockage last month flooded his basement and led to the discovery of break in the lateral near the main ap parently caused by large rock left in the fill The city repaired the damage after demanding $200 deposit and telling Campbell he would have to the remainder of the works cost Neil Fox city Campbels ready to fight ciyall on sewerrepairs public works superintendent said the total cost of the work was more than $700 but the matter was under review and Campbells bill could be lower due to various cir cumstances SHOCKED TO LEARN Campbell says he was shocked to learn that the city holds him responsible for the work How can be held respon sible for something that should have been checked by the city he asked this week didnt buy the mid dle of the road It staggers me that theres something like this on the books The lateral installed by contractor for the developer around 1973 was inspected by private engineering con sultants under city supervi sion practice Peter Lee city design engineer says is standard in subdivisions Ci ty personnel visit the site dai ly to make sure consultants are on the scene and pro ceeding properly but do not make physical inspections of the work Lee said this week Mayor Ross Archer who as public works vicechair man sigrred the 1972 commit tee report reaffirming owner responsibility defended the policy this week in telephone interview Hes the only one who makes use of that particular piece of equipment the mayor said Since its for his benefit its his respon sibility The mayor said Campbell could ask council fore relief based on the circumstances of his case but it would mean change in policy and doubt if council would vote to change the policy The mayor said others have had to pay for such work in the past and questioned whether the change would have to be made retroactive Mayor Archer said he agrees such problem with new home is upsetting but inSpections cannot be fool proof and property owner responsibility in such cases is widespread policy in other municipalities Fox said numerous mu nicipalities have the same policy while others deal with the problem in other ways including adding charge toward fund for such repairs into building permit fees which means property owners bear part of the cost even if they themselves never have lateral trouble Housing situation critical candidate tells senior citizens The housing situation in On tario is critical and the sky is the limit to how high land prices can go says Paul Wessenger New Democratic Party candidate in Simcoe Centre Speaking to group of senior IJro station Bessie Crawford 4873921 Michelle Ryan of Sudbury visited with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Bob Pirrie Shirley Strachan has com pleted her second year at Durham College Oshawa and was named to the deans list Mr and Mrs Garfield Burton attended the wedding of Janet Waddell to John Cameron May 18 at Rosedale United Church Toronto The reception was held at the Rosedale Golf and Country Club Bob Pirrie celebrated bir thday recently Those at tending his party were Mr and Mrs Calvin George of Mississauga Mr and Mrs Bob Ryan and Michelle of Sudbury and Mr and Mrs Allan Pirrie Ian and Erin of Oro Station Mothers and children of the play school recently went hor seback riding at the home of Mrs Dave Waronka They also visited the greenhouse at the home of Mrs Paul Hansen They planted some vegetables and transplanted some flowers there Mrs Todd Darbyshire was hostess at miscellaneous shower May 14 for Laurie Lowden of Barrie Mrs Ruby Evans assisted in the preparation About 35 guests at tended Miss Lowden was assisted in opening her presents by bridesmaid Pam Jensen of Barrie and Lea Worsdall Mrs Darbyshire served cake assisted by her daughter Gaye Mrs Ted Chillman Miss Lowden will marry Rick Wor sdall July 30 at Collier Street United Church Barrie shower was also held at the home of Pat Wallwin who will be Miss Lowdens matronof honor John Davison son of Mr and Mrs Edwin Davison of RR Oro Station married Lucyanne Libawski of Toronto May 2B at St Michaels Cathedral Toron to Mr and Mrs Heb Harden celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary May 28 News quiz answers PART if 2rejected Canadian Union of Postal Workers 4True 5c PART 11 1d 2a 3c 4e rb PART III ld 2d Zta 4cc Se PICTURE Young QUIZ Andrew MARK SCHARF is pleased to announce that TERRENCE WILLISTON formerly of the firm of Goodman Goodman has joined him as partner The practice will be carried on under the name SCHARF WILLISTON 179 Burton Avenue Barrie Ontario L4N 2R9 705 7280555 Effective June 1977 citizens in Barrie Wessenger said There are not enough houses of the right type being Canoe race on June 19 ANGUS The Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authoritys NVCA annual canoe race will be held Sun day June 19 About 20 twoman teams are expected to enter the race The race course covers 20 miles of the Nottawasaga River from the Angus Com munity Park upstream through the Minesing Swamp to the Edenvale Conservation Area produced to serve the right people and as result the housing situation in this province is critical Wessenger accused the government of abandoning housing problems to the federal government Awkward zoning regulations and planning red tape prohibit the development of serviced land for housing he added The government has produced only 1100 units of public housing for families in the last three years he said and that doesnt even provide for minimal percentage of existing need The government has com pounded the problem by aban doning landbanking he ad ded The New Democrats have Helping hand Cherie Knapton of Painswick gets helping hand from Brenda Feder at the pony ride Saturday at the Painswick Community and Recreation Association fair at Warnica Public School The pony rides for youngsters was one of the attractions of the fifth annual fair Examiner Photo Guaranteed Investment Certificates SemiAnnual term Certrlrcate Certrlrcate year 73o 7z°o ears ears Vi ears 13 Annual Annual Certrtrcate SemrAnnuaI Certrlrcate ears Wï¬f years ears years Term Interest can be paid monthly en to 10 year certificates of $10000 or more Semiannual rates apply 3500 Minimum All rates sublect to change without notice Canada Deposit insurance applicable on terms up to and tncludlng years Canada Trust Dunlop at Memorial Square firm proposals to alleviate the provinces housing problems he said LAND IS KEY Land is the key to solving this problem so we would im mediately begin land banking program to develop serviced lots on land that is not already owned by developers he said prawn hill yrs Dunsmore 683 73 WI meets The May meeting of Crown Hill Womens Institute was held recently at the home of Mrs Roy Newson with 18 members present President Mrs Ron Coutts presided with Mrs Nor man Tuck secretarytreasurer assisting Plans were discussed for serving luncheon to group of women from Durham district July Mrs Newson showed members atricles she had brou ht back from trip to the mi le east Mrs Miles Hickling 4H leader spoke on the latest 4H project the club girl entertains Marie Quinlan gave the commentary on tablesetting for formal enter taining Mrs Bruce Chappell Mrs Greg Garrett and Viola Dunsmore served lunch Travelogue good crowd turned out to Crown Hill United Church May 13 to see travelogue on the Middle East tour taken recent ly by Mr and Mrs Roy Newson who visited Jordan Egypt and Israel Anniversary Friends neighbors an plliston by jMargaret Stoltz 4357676 Big success The Alliston Rotary Club mammoth buffet and dance held on Saturday night was another big success and good time was had by all The buffet as always was delicious and Tiernays Or chestra provided music for every mood for dancing Winners of the $1000 draw were Ralph and Marie Berry Winners of $50 were Pendleton Sisters Roger Pet tit Rick Beckstean and Shirley Gibson Grace Stinson Carol and Doug Bush Bruce Irwin Ernest Campbell and Walter Kowalski Proceeds for the event are for community services and this year the project is the beautification and facilities in Riverdale Park Mrs Hood dies Mrs Laura Hood widow of the late Russell Hood passed phase one of relatives of Roy and Velma Partridge now of Barrie join ed the couple May 15 at Crown Hill United Church to extend best wishes for the couples 63rd wedding anniversary and Roy Partridges 90th birthday 37 Guests Mrs William Clark enter tained 37 guests at kitchen shower in honor of Rita Cattell ï¬ancee of Arnie Chamberlain The hostess and her family served lunch The engaged couple was accompanied ythe bridetobes parents The shower was Sponsored by the United Church Women Was guest Loreli Shumaker of Buffalo Ranch Oro was guest of Mr and Mrs Bud Dunsmore re cerrtly while her parents were on holiday Visits parents Cami Satterlee of Dawson Ci ty Yukon visited here with her parents Mr and Mrs Don Ver non and brothers Chris and Bill Chris returned to the Yukon with her At annrrrversary Mr and Mrs Bud Dunsmore and Viola Dunsmore attended the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Jim Strachan of Gravenhurst at Sunncrest Lodge Kashee Lake recently away at the Good Samaritan Nursing Home on Friday May 27th after lingering illness Prior to their retirement Mr and Mrs Hood farmed in the Burns community of Essa Township Funcal service for Mrs Hood who was in her 85th year was conducted by Rev Clem ents minister of Knox Pres byterian Church in Alliston of which she was faithful member prior to suffering stroke four years ago Besides her husband she was predeceased by one brother the late David Miller of Barrie Pallbearers were Herman Jennett Kenneth Banting Doug Callow Leonard Corbett Clare Ludlow and Harold Cauthers Burial was in Alliston Union Cemetery Best wishes Best wishes to Douglas Bellamy presently in Sun nybrook Hospital in Toronto Richard Saunders in Toronto General and Mrs Roy Peter man still in Stevenson Memorial Hospital the examiner Thunday Juno 1977 Oliver Students of Best School in Oro Township presented the musical Oliver in two evening performances recently The play was performed on the stage of Guthrie Public School Mike Sheardown sings solo about pick pockets as he plays the part of Fagin Examiner Photo GEORGE TAYLOR Progressive Conservative Simcoe Centre Committee Rooms at Dunlop St Barrie Telephone 7288711 YOUll HAVE TO MOVE EAST TO GET SMART Would you believe June l8th IS your last chance to get $200 Datsun Smart Man Card Youd better believe its time to head for Datsun dealer June 18th is the last day youll be able to get Smart Money Card worth $200 at any participating Datsun dealer You get one when you buy any Datsun 710 8210 or Flt You can use it for options parts or mainte nance You can use your Smart Money Card up all at once or save it for emergencies Its as good as cash at the Datsun dealer you buy from And whether you choose spacious Datsun wagon sensible sedan or sporty hatchback your new Datsun will come with anticorrosion treat ments as advanced as you can get anywhere Outstanding value economy and durability make Datsun smart buy anytime The $200 Smart Money Card makes right now great time to buy one DATSUN HOW AT YOUR DATSUH DEALER is DATSUH WHERE THE MOHEYS GOIHG 549 Boyfield St 7370254