Simcoe Countys seven police chiefs will be hosts for the 26th annual Ontario Chiefs of Police Association conference in Bar rie June 19 to 23 says Barrie Chief Earl Snider Between 375 and 400 active and honorary chiefs their wives and guests are expected for the fourday conference has ed at the Continental Inn Barrie was last host for the conference in 1968 Simcoe County chiefs have been planning for the con ference for about year says Chief Snider coordinator of activities Theres been lot of plann ing involved in this he said in an interview While delegates will arrive in Barrie Sunday business meetings will not start until Monday morning he says Committees will be meeting in daylong swsions on such topits are as crime prevention drug abuse the media liquor acts and traffic They will work on recommen dations and amendments to ex isting association policy says Chief Snider GET ACQUAINTEI getacquainted party held by association president Chief Jenkins of Durham Re Ontarios tourist industry will be destroyed if NDP proposals for $4 minimum wage are put into effect says George Taylor PC candidate for Simcoe Cen tre He says resulting price in creases for tourists could be devastating Ihe direct result of $132 hour increase in the tourist usiness means almost 50 per cent increase in payroll costs alone for restaurants and hotels he said in press release issued Tuesday Taylor says the negative im pact on creation of jobs for youth and unskilled workers could also mean reduced op the ex Well help you over at use some help and you could use the cash give usacallWe Laurerrtlde OFinandal Corr matron Ltd gional Police will be featured Monday night says Chief Snider Simcoe County warden Allan Glassford will officiate at open ing ceremonies Tuesday at am after which reports from committees will be heard he says Several panel discussions will be held Tuesday says Chief Snider Two featured from to pm are youthful offenders legislation panel staffed by representatives from the federal Solicitor Generals of fice the Elgin County court system and experts from the Hamilton youth bureau and panel on the Ontario Police Commission Tuesday night will feature reception that includes dinner and guest speaker Mr Justice Campbell Grant of the Supreme Court of Ontario There vnll also be dancing Committee meetings will continue Wednesday with Westernstyle barbecue being held that night at 545 pm at Mo sons Park CANINE DISPLAY The outing will include tug ofwar contest an OPP canine display and dancing says Chief Snider $4 wage would destroy tourist industry Taylor portunity for over 300000 workers The higher minimum wage would hurt Ontarios etonomy as well says Taylor Ontarios productivity would be irreparany hurt through its lessened com petitiveness in world markets he said Taylor says an indirect effect would be the reduction of On tarios competitive position in hardtoexport markets and the discouragement of industrial jobcreating expansion in On tario higher minimum wage would add to inflation says Taylor llyour house could can offer exactly what youre looking for Fast service Personal attention And home im prove ment loan to help tide you over Call 7261477 iner girl Jane arloss 17 could well become the most popular chartered accountant in the city of Barrie that is if she doesnt follow her love of the cello into musical career This weeks Examiner Girl is Grade 11 student at Eastview Secondary School with pasion for horseback riding Rolf Kraiker Photo Ontario police chiefs meet in Barrie later this month Thursdays meeting will in volve the reading of committee reports election of officers new business and the setting of future conference sites he says farewell reception will be held Thursday night in the Willow Room Outings to local shopping malls Orillia Si meoe Countys museum and archives and Blue Mountain Pottery in Cell ingwood are planned for the wives and guests he says BIRDSWIN GLASS HOUGHTON England CP The scoreboard at this Yorkshire town cricket club is tem porarily out of action Club of ficials ordered the closing be cause blackbird is hatching four eggs in the works the oxamlner Thunday Jun 20 1971 Tax concessions benefit industry not people Lewis tells conference By SHEILA McGOV ERN Examiner Staff Reporter The New Democratic Partys 20point job creation program doesnt promise to create set number of jobs but it will whittle down unemploy ment says NDP leader Stephen Lewis Lewis arrived in Barrie shortly after 330 Wednesday afternoon to hold press con ference at Paul Wessengers Simcoe Centre headquarters He has been on the campaign trail for month and said the Barrie session may be his last formal press conference before the Ontario elelction week from today In Barrie Lewis said why his program would work and why the Davis governments has not worked The New Deemocrat pro gram takes the $280 million the province has allocated for tax concessions to industries and uses it for direct job creation programs It also uses an additional $200 million the government had promised to Ontario Hydro The $280 million represents investment tax credits and sales tax rebates on the pur chase on new machinery and equipment by industries NARROWNESS MYOPIA The Davis government through its narrowncss and myopia has used them as its only special job creation tool Lewis said In 1970 Ontarios unemploy ment rate was just over four percent and in 1971 the govern ment introduced five per cent investment tax credit Lewis said The next year unemployment reached 46 per cent and by 1974 had clumbed to over five per cent By 1975 there were 224000 people or 64 per cent unemployed In that years budget the government in trodueed $410 million sales tax rebate for industries Lewis said but the unemployment reached 246000 by the end of the year By 1976 unemployment had risen greatly and the govem ment announced the rebates would continue indefinitely Unemployment now is runn ing at seven per cent and there is 20 per cent unused plant capacity he said Over the years the NDP has not been able to get concrete evidence the program was creating jobs he said Statistics Canada shows machinery purchases went down after the rebates were an nounced he added QUESTION Why did TD introduce NoCharge Chequing ANSWER Were trying to get your business QUESTION What does NoCharge Chequing offer ANSWER During PCA statement periods in which customers minimum balance is $200 or more TD cancels the normal 16C charge per cheque QUESTION Why is there minimum balance Lewis said it was not until 1975 that government started saying the rebates were needed to maintain competitiveness It suggested that argument was plucked out of the air to justify the program The NDP have been taking their stand in isolation he said but now the Howe In stitute which he described as cautious and not devoted to democratic socialism has issued papaer supporting the NDP arguments Lewis read from the paper which said in essence firms do not rely on tax credits tax credits to people would be more effective and concessions are generally viewed as windfalls by industries already planning expansion By 197778 $830 million will have been given as windfalls at the publics expense Lewis said Lewis then turned his ar guments to Premier William Davis charter which promises to create 100000 jobs year for the next 10years 100000 JOBS To reach that figure the government would have to pro vide an average total of 100000 jobs in 1977 over 1976 he said The average for the first third of this year was 35000 he said and it would take something positively supernatural for the governatural for the government to reach its objec tives Lewis said the government will fall 30000 to 40000 jobs BasebaH game is washed out South Simcoe Baseball League game between the Ivy Leafs and the Tottenham Bears was rained out Wednesday and will be made up sometime next week Ivy are presently 22 They beat Alliston and Newmarket but have lost to Collingwood and Alliston Ivys nett game is Friday at home against the Barrie Red Sox The Red Sox have record of 111 Starting time for the gameis7pm POPULATION DO BLES If current growth rates corr tinue Mexicos population of 63 million will double in 20 years short of its objective Lewis was asked why Pre mier Davis is saying 59000 jobs have been created He replied that Davis is using seasonally adjusted figures that compare April 1977 with Dec 1976 December was the worst month for unemploy ment Lewis said lewis argued that had Davis compared April with January the increase would have amounted to only 8000 jobs Lewis refused to put figure on the number of jobs his pro gram would create saying his party would not become obsess ed with figures You can never put an exact figure on some programs he explained but said the pro gram would whittle down unemployment The NDP knows where new jobs can be created in the private and public sector he said and will show the public where their jobs can come from Stephen Lewis talks with Paul Wessenger Simcoe Centre NDP candiate after the NDP leader had given what he said might be his last formal press conference of the provincial election campaign Lewis used the conference in Barrie to explain why the NDP Job creating program would work and why the Progressive Conservative program hasnt work ed Examiner Photo will not try to convince you that can solve all your problems however do promise to work my hardest to represent you and Simcoe Centre Riding to the utmost of my ability GEORGE TAYLOR Progressive Conservative Simcoe Centre If you want to help elect George Taylor coll Barrie 7288711 lnnisfil 4362401 Bradford 7753882 Penetanguishene 5498535 QUESTION Who is benefiting from NoCharge Chequing ANSWER Our records Show that many of our PCA customers always keep $200 balance Some TD customers now plan ahead and keep an extra $200 in their account when they intend to write lot of cheques Some customers occasionally build up to $200 minimum by chance ANSWER TD invests the $200 to help offset the expense of processing the customers cheques TORONTODOMlNION They can all beneï¬t from NoCharge Chequing Illl bank wtch pntvpll malu the dillmuncc QUESTION Would it be more proï¬table to keep the $200 in Premium Savings Account ANSWER If you write more than cheques during statement period we can show you that NoCharge Chequing is better deal QUESTION Isnt NoCharge Chequing really just little extra to make TD more competitive ANSWER Yes We want you to be TD customer QUESTION 80 its not big deal ANSWER No But its good deal You should look into it