the examiner Thursday June 1977 23 41 boats motor 59 poultlli chicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Brown BOAT SALE egg pullets available June 18 Also farm fresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry 71hel wanted 71 help wanted 71 epwante 14 gilt W°° Farms strand4361511 ooteedseedgrain $1695 RI 1gshP wnmuer $2395 70 ACRES OF standing hay tor sale 50 5195 23m° 33 PM Must have at least year experience In shoe sales volt WOf gOhWOtd approxlma rs HAY l6 85 hp Marc $1395 area TgepggléEsesggglng Cookstown NPPIY To Woolworth days week slcmamamn so 64farm machinery P°E°U°I 01 no Saturdays or Holidays 158 $350 FORGE HARVESTER for sale also 56 we me hOld valid drivers licence 5° Jul elow The advertisers °Y hitch sprayer llquld manure tank 1000 over21yrso age Need help Just look over ads th 21 Glastron Overnighter $8995 no How mm owns A1 Passa medical listed are exPerlS he held and assure You 1977146nnbr°9°ss 1977 Jsleawaazflsl Then we want YOUll lines lob possible Johnsonaswnor Pm mandala 338315 omc SERVICES MANAGER SPORTIIAVEN MARINE 4166775020levgnihgs168931627Y Ca Mrs Slm GARDEN TRACTOR for sale GENERAL TIRE has an immediate opening for an in syock Broyhers Mlle £05101 Borne hydrastatlc transmission 10 hp with on Shanty Bay Rd the following attachments lawnmower dIVIdua to assume responSI Ity or irec 1011 school Bus Lmes 7261001 $235333335 we 9° our Office Services Department at our Head Office in 72859 We buY and 5° °d 59d MASSEY FERGUSON Baler No SEE Barrie ALTERATIONS custom nucmc HANDYMAN 1F boats and motors row Dion corn harvester wrth hay pickup paint hitch grass mower ft LADIES AND antlemons altrations 26 AL FENCING ch MILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ox J03 wry St Yoleplwno 7373432 or aridnt 5303 finces Improve youarmprgportau7gr7j SPRING CLEANUP mgmlLPSgtxhgguggmsgggggï¬ggl 3ï¬gilioiiéfcéliii1i23331361132123 Responsibilities Include record retentlon control of 1507 23 10 Grew 245 Custom hardtop 188 Electrc hammer mlll wth motor ALUMINUM Storm wmdows removed ENNA PANTFG °°€°l°tln Jot tn Mercury inboardoutboard tew hours gumbo milking unirsjuacufm pump office forms and supplies use of communications 88 and Cle°ed $52233521222mvlioi°°832323£173111 Leépll new for lmpomm mi Izmtlll swam in °°°d °°ndi° media Office housekeeping and other support func General lawn care clean Philip73749 wGREW berm 85 HP M9 °ns EXTRA SPRINGTIME EARNINGS and rin ferï¬lizing PAVING cruiser inboard outboard Paid slip at 67frUT5V999Tables can get you the summer ALUMINUM lTD ham In my seagiï¬imeflnfnss gemgwï¬ogeugg SEED POTATOESIor planting Canada vacation you thought you Alcoa sidingSottitTrough REQUlallon PUOI Fence Garages and basemems predatedAsklno $7700 Phone 7244474 gremgï¬nnmgggcTragpgrrggg APPICGMS Wlh OPPrOPrOle experence The ofï¬ce couldnt afford NO experience DoonWindowsAwningg Wood or Metal Privacy Cleaned Wm Barrie Call7282253 services field should send their resumes and salary necessary Call 7289652 or Box 485 WIOU 11111011 Refuse removed am fm radio 35 hp merg ski equip 68personals re utrements to write AVON ment ez Ioder trailer $2950 Telephone Thqe General Tire and Rubber Company of Canada Barrie Om Available when planing DO it yourself or DRIVEWAYS 3272189V°95723°°HP WThTF ieserce arsrpe eec Older Lemre May 3181 PARKING LOTS tric starter outboard canvas top and rule TRACTOR OWNER Operarors required PTOTBSSIOHBlly CONCRETE WORK trailerTelephane Mealord 5383810 to new loads in Ontario andor east BA CANOE FIBERGLASS 12wlde square coast 01 United States Telephone installed MENS ALL WORK GUARANTEED Lenrahgnnreigpanssm Sogtonï¬ggï¬ggé 200 Falrvtew 9° 415310 15 7AntiwarTain mec anlc requ GEORGIAN For free Estimate PR0 FREE ESTIMATES 737170 GENERAL onano dealership in Allistog Teleppofne INTERIOR REMODELLINO Kitchens rec L4 435 4371 lrom am to pm as or cu rooms Call Russ 4363681 aller 630 pm HE serVcFrmaQageIV Wm PRODUCTS Rdemnms °V°il°b° Open hoouse Friday Saturday Sunday Attn Contro er ORGANISY and choir direcw requlrgd NEED MORE Ming Spoca room no spam prcesma new and used boms for St Giles Anglican Church Apply ln ALUMINUM 5°3°2l°$r32322211231132 MANER PAVING iii5 Tltlllsstrlenam giggggggggg ts Viwmu VHW AVV gt 30117288906 Drlvewoys Parklng Lots Orillia 3262511 We need waiters or waitresses Must be Sldg Eavestrgugh YSTems co CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement Tennis corms 24 CABIN Cruiser new 150 hP Bulcl V6 08 YES 8T9 139Cniver So it Win ows lannin and decorating privacy screens oMc drive rebuilt very economlca ar ers eep one7m aiva Fodo Doors 465 DAVIS 011 NEWMARKET ï¬nd pagoségluggggoon The number Concrete Work giagoysafor the wgterigétggpaalï¬st offer MATURE responsible perwn nigh Wm FREE Tl evemng °r work at childrens home Telephone Shmers Awnings SPECIALIZING IN luck Pointing chimneys ES MAT 14 FT BOAT Wtilt trailer and 35 HP 728 3737 Addt nsR waterproofing brick and stone caulking win Wflllen Guarantee electric start Johnson Good condition PEOPLE WANTED TOWER1 WEED 0° Collect claws and expansion iotnts Work guaran 5650 Will trade tor 14 ft AI cartop with arm Snuhctianlwlyl Omar You Syeady year round enme Porch EnclosuresStonework leed4589346 59HPmotor7281693 mm There are some pm me iobs Barrie CONSTRUUON 359 l° 1976 GLASSPAR Trihull bow rider 85 also open Please call 7371904 between For free eSTImOIE dations renovations additions Phone senins Simcoe counly hp Mere color keyed tap tilt trailer togam and5Pm Experienced licenced auto mechanic can pull spunuuc 4362955 or 4364175alter6 for 17years plus extras Call Tom after pm at WE NEED stbfleï¬rhéTEEslï¬agï¬tsi no 6907 RENOVATIONS BASEMENTS dug block and 7054562708 requred required towork immediately Our com brick laying tireploces painting interiar PICTURE FRAMING 1976 law STARCRAFT berg 75 party can start you part time and move Localpamuy Business exterior Guaranteed workmanship hp drive We preservers paadre Binoraslls Company Bene ITS you to lull time when the school year LLL 4746071 mg OATES 82 Dunlap St East Custom yacameénpowie imlsears 7yu can ends Please telephone Bob Loblaw ALUMINUM WINDOWS ing Sollit CUSTOM BUILDING House lilting lounda twirling vves W9 st°=k my stm vas tops Must Sell Any reasonable oi or° desteme 99 59 737 Othelween OEmEnjjPII 2° 160 Bradford Street 7°°°5°r viced land for induser and APPLY Personnel Kmart EXPERTTCF ll27 ran $iii£°£15£é$rÂ¥97LL ABBEYWOOD l°°ir°é°iiflrped on yet the Conservative grammar can ro uc ec rec rooms sac Ul or ract Xce 2011 II F0501 Sdlng Wgh All colors Guor Barrie renovations extensrons etc etc Guar CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING ditionfa Rggdy to sail $400 TEIEDhOIIe governmenl wans Charge LA gzcuï¬gï¬zgg72$g1lg to Gwen Farm Wteï¬dnguofUéflooig onteedwork72626090r7269002 RETAI 4872893alter5pm orillia tax ers over $59000 Leewedn WAPPLIARCES Quality chain link fence GENcnAEEï¬TEiQQEEIISnQQJET CHARGE FOR SALECITneiolz toot DumphreY one 8pm 15rd acres HOTE Supplies of lower prices small plumbing electrical exteriorinterior runabout excellent condition with 35 rb rnm ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd outhorrzed sales PLNLLQJEILEStjï¬siLLHfllfljzfltfl 7370832 13 EthlUdet tanks 3101 rm C3 em 90 Ju234678 ASSISlanT Manager and serum TeAllmneeglud7253391 DO IT yourself 01 We lnSlOll Bonï¬o Const LtdF Cement work 872310 this land to Orilllo for one North Bay Company has an opening WT r7iTr mTTT mas nry carpentry ree estimates ee OUT In ow es for brigm aggressive individua look For free eSflmnes cu mine ï¬TIFRAM 42 arhces waned donor JU2H ing for advancement and who has had selemons as WW °9 WJdB CASH FOR Old turniture books dishes Simeoo EastllborolAssociotion experience in the hotel tieid Please sub WE REPAIR British European and Japanese 7283633 evenin fem 99 old pictures Clocks odds and ends Pre rmt your resumeto Box UfSV cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary St mnemsnsnu 735397 wmgt oPoinï¬n REQUIRED Good used Items of all UCENCED Mathew dow genem re DISC JOCKEY kinds lor the needy Salvation Army 60 Ica ALCAN FE RATOR Any lob consudered Cal mom ter Minor Repairs NEW WORK anld repfirsh draindagd sewer Coller7283794 Vi BEAUTY SALON Famfliamy wim IBM model would gt reanin com eta tc th ilurorririsi 9°C s°ed gligsAanim Canada 2i £25333 22542 stat 312 4584 MAM SUPPLIES BRIAN HILTZ Cottage work speCIalfy 93 EEFRlGhERATOR waned Icljeltplhancl 50 Highcroft 11d DIVISIon of Aluminum ompany to Examiner Box no U41 00 01 arVeS ease 777 Disc Jockey °Free Estimates ROOFING telebhone 4372734 Perm2$2ésbos°8d IIP Requires LICENSED ELECTRCIAN or 3rd year PETIT MARINE Paint Brydon boat oc and Rooting New As halt Shin les BABY STROLLER with cane tap apprentice required for residential cessorres rebutlt englnes Pratt Motor Supp Icounry to DISCO or Repairs guaranteed qsality wank Telephone 7267409 per hOUr work Bayes Elecrc Burk Falls 705 1172859el1chggi Weddings Dances Banquets Eeosomabhlfl160957533collect Telephone anytime MILLWRIGHTS $9 er hour 387 2971 fwim BANQUET FACILITIES Special prices MomFri unï¬lme wmor toorm New endow Repairs Hm153 9° JUN4 héEéffrngdfsalr121235332522 726 3808 TTTYTW F°°°NEWPWQE BARRIE POOOLE SalonShampooing MACHINIST $909 Per hour the Barrie area yrarning available FRIENDS CLUB has laclilies for banquets INCOME TAX and clipping at all breeds Sophia HOLIDAY IN THE SUN THE JOB callEvelyn 7288999 weddings private parties Food and banquet Street East 72644141 ST ANONARY INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar rie area SS up Dobson 4245910 after and weekend INCOMETAX returns prepOTed for small 7283865 Write Clover Motel Apts 212 108th Av Treasure Island St Petersburg Florida 33706 We Llama Mr Marshsll BIRD NOUSE is in one of the worlds largest aluminum smelters Candidates will be expected to carry out general and preventative maintenance on production equipment Shift work is involved FOODLE TRIMMING protessionai grooming all breeds pickup and de livery 7268798 Pet Studio quired tor August 1977 Steady em ployment Telephone Mr Lloyd 435 6274 AlliSton SHEET METAL Flat roofing Tar DRESSMAIUNG MAWSPOODLE PARLOR DRESSES FIT it made by JOSIE AQUINO hares bu mirrfethTlgolrllssrgpyslgg2 Spacralgleng In pagiIzlaits g7o2vgmd altera kezsefjlelayngiqggé MMhe 800k Gravel sional clipping and grooming reason hay Vzionces from AOY gn IveIn Housekeeper Ions ugema one vs abieratesTelephone7260061 war iciency units rom 75 semi invalid arthritic re mumfl vvA qurres mature CARPENTRY DRYWAu ANOSCAPING Déew and Repairs TROPICAL FISH selection in week for people Phone 728 Welders should haveat least two years experiehnce and haye We in housekeeper alsummer home in avestroughlng town Aquariums all sues at unbeatable 336 information DPW ticket or equrvalent Millwrights and Mac lnlsts must ave Minots Paint lStarting mldJune to IIAND General Contractor Kitchen rec 2211E1ilzrltoagjb fopgngigrisrdsemngï¬l LOW caret Garden Preparallon Commercial AU17 inlerprOVindOI Odes qualiï¬caï¬ons or The abiliy to pass written 3523bféduirigmNogUsékegrgreen gazrgner°7vf£7 addmons Napkins 51393915844233 R010 tilling EverygreenS Residenficfl IR1Iii55175127335ngBWééigdta company trades examination phone Mrs England for appointment 12 War imirr mum Cedar Hedges Fertilizing Shots registered CKC asking $125 TELECARE Why right your problem 90°1°epmt7370396 THE BENEFITS EAVESTB0U0HINO CARPENTER Specialiting in rec rooms in terror remodelling trim etc Please call 7288884 alter6ipr1mgt CABINET MAKER European trained Kit chens vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 2948 L1CENCEDTEARPENT1TERTST7 cusIom homes cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction assumed 82d C°Lil°LZZ°7EL CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling OILNolobto small 7261271 18 CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters for renovatlons additions homes collages Free estimates Carpentry Stairs Trim Work Guaranteed CARPET CLEANINO START YOUR spring cleaning today Revitalize your carpets with AI carpet steam cleaning 7266321 JEETSHAMPOOINO3 to no Elmore coll day or 81901ng Don 7372859 STEAM CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL ANT LIVING ROOM $1995 Upholstery Dry loamd Window Cleaning Wall Washing Siding Cleaned Champlain Maintenance Service Ltd Phone 7265437 CARPET INSTALLATION WALL TO WALL installation carpet and vinyl fully guaranteed reasonable raterL457874432 CERAMICS WINTERICK CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling repairs 7266263 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST yuath layout etc Plese call collect 9343531 CONCRETE MANlEitl PAVING Patios sidewalks steps curbs and garage floors Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 Logo dough on 416 Emilio for Sale IO SPEED BICYCLE mens Lu Jouno Hardly used Asking Phone 717 3697 altar Sp MEDITERRANEAN DlNING Room Surte includes bullet hutch table with ItatSSIaecI1nlrs larmchnrin Oxellenl conrlliron Aukrngsmo Call 726 3172 ANTIQUES White pine bullet and hutch cherry trnlsh plattorm rockrr small desk and chair all good condition also lloor lnmp Telephone 436 4182 CANDLE AM FM receiver with 81rnck player 5100 Single snowmobile trailer 5100 Audrcom 23 channel CB wrth dLllfll 5160 Phone 728 7369 GAS FURNACE 150000 BTU With duct work and cITrlnmey 5005a 11 suspended ceiling 100 amp service includes crrcut breakers boxes and Wiring all years old All to be removed by purchasers AISO 265000 BTU gas spacu heaters Call Barrie TV and Appliances 728 4297 GARAGE SALE Sat June 94 Asltdale Court 71 white 580 GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING troughiggirjstjlled Call 7266628 PETER GAMBLE Residential luduslrlal Installations and ser vice 7264996 lndustrial Residential Eaves SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Roofing and roofing repairs Free estimates Call Martin Verstratan 4241956 New Lowell ELECTRICAL Electric Commercral SIMCOE ELECTRIC Commercial Farms Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 7288234 it PAiiitT ELECTRICAL lndustrial Farm Commercial Residential Electric Heat Dryers Ranges Roof Deicing QUALITY SINCE 1949 7283896 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loader work gravel74367155814361257 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizontal Augering FIREPLACES STONEWORK and fireplaces specialty Vic Watson tor tree estmotes 7281579 FIREPLACES Custom built and dosgned Specrolizlng in nolural Stone and antique brick All workmanship guaranteed Peter Henstro 7372871 FLOOR REFINISHING HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and rellnishlng old and new guaranteed not to chip or peel 3258341 HANDYMAN FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 inn and 530 pm 40 articles for sgle PLANE TICKET onn way to Calgary Leaving Junr 5th alternoon Reasonable Telltptlane 458 9096 STEREO Fireplace bar combinallon AMFM record changer 5225 Telephone 726 2017 ANTIQUE HANGING lamp coal Oil lamps lowx sent Oval table old chairs wash stand 245 Edgehlll Dr 726 3407 $50 REWARD whereabouts Ol plumban rnrl tool box and tools taken tram YMCABnrrrcIgte1 ween 45 and 620 Thurs May 26 Telephone 466 5053 qundlx llary AMxFM phone tapr aux mirrophone inputs S125 Pam each $75 each Silicone translslm rllnpllllff Household items TV tools drapes tur nrture Everything must 90 Make us an alter Telephone 737 2742 CANOE New condition 15 Cedar strip canvas ovencl S250 Lloycl baby stroller with canopy $15 Call 7261646 altor4pm in good condition alter 4p Telephone ELECTRIC STOVE Automatic cooking Oven and appliances 30 inch ingnouse no 436 5741 Wtsl Inlormalion loading to KENWOOD 50 watt amplrliars with BSR Mc Donald 110 aulamntl turntables wiltl cue arm $50 each Also Maisland proiectlon Speaker cabinets with speakers in barn cabinet $75 each Also Traynor columns With Speakers In Also 25 watt OILIra all with magnetic crystal Inputs baSS and lrebel control 550 Also one Fanon 17117Dh0n9 with on all SWllCIt $50 All the above arc 737 0051 arty new 5100 Telephone excellent Mowing And Patio Repair FREE ESTIMATES TELEPHONE 7265666 WEE PROPEPTY songs S655 cleanups pruning lawn and garden maintenance landscaping Sodding Free estimates 7264536 STUDENT LANDSCAPERSCwe morning mowing fertilixing Cleanups painting Ex perienced Reasonable roles 4361290 after LANDSCAPING GARDENING and tree cUt ling Good rates Give us call at 7261634 betweenlpm and Spin LAWN CARE FERTILIZING WEED Spraying mowing hedge and Shrub irlmmiing Also rough mowing Vic Trlemstrav726O427 LAWNS CUT qurck service APTICEOCCOTUIRQ to size Graves Brothers John or Paul 7260265 727813447 MASONRY MASONRY block and brick fireplaces No iob loo small Reasonable rates 7373357 STANkNlEELY MASONRY samurai and stone work Fireplaces speclolty Free estimate 705 42451587 For estimates call 7263492 SAND 8r GRAVEL PAULS SNOWPLOWING commercial reasonable mates callPgul 7373064 residential and rates free esti WRIGHTS SNOWPLowlNO Small common cial and residential Reasonable rates Esesnchlz 7791751 STUCCO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco interior textured walls and ceilings Free estimates Dale Russell Midhurst telephone 7284392 TYPING SIMCOE MASONRY alteration rapidTs and contracting resoanable rates free as timbrtes call Dunc Borden 7728753977 MICROWAVE OVENS DELL MICROWAVE Services Amana Litton Panasonic Hitachi Toshiba Sanyo Soles Amana Sanyo 100 year warranty on Amana Save up to 75 on Hydro 7264177 days MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN MUSIC for people who likertordance Good roles 72139545 PIANIST AVAILABLE FOR WEDDINGS RECEP TIONS DINNER PARTIES 0117265213 altar 69m MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS ClaSSlcal and popular Marcel Polyin Guitar Studio 7261489 PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In Iorior exterior Work guaranteed Establish odWSO years 7262225 72a 9002 WAYNE FOLEY Prolessmnol painters Ex terior and Interior Free estimates Work guaranteed 726 7389 DON SIESLING ProleSSloriol painting In terior exterior paper hanging custom work Satlslactlon guaranteed 726 6808 PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced lroe estimates Jock Richardson 726 2012 17568874 40 articles for sale WOODSTOCK STOVE bunch whiti enamel good Condition Ice ï¬shing but brand new cedar and Vinyl construr lion with stovu sell lor host ollcr movlnq 466 7613 GARAGE SALE June 41h 101 rn IO on St Vincent St in Mluhursl Air conditioner ceramics lurnrturrn qood clothes numerous litIns USED METAL DESKS for sale Reasonable prizes TolehOIte 717 0685 BOX TRAILER lar sale Covered sides l3ri1rh IITISUOOU condition Ask Ing $150 Telephone 776 8552 GARAGE SALE Saturday June lrom 10am to Tables washstantl plnrz blanket box wood Iathr tools and misc items Roar 0115 Ecclus Strtvot North SUNBEAM EIOLIFIC Lawnmower 100 card almost now Call 728 3295 alter ELECTRIC Fireplace Rotor Skil saw wheelbarrow Call 728 7044 AVOCADO Fridge whitL Stove and fridge good condition Call alter 726 2868 or 720 1489 DISHWASHER Kenmore push button avocado portable Inaplt lop condition 8200 Telephone 726 39 59 TYPING Let me do those timeconsuming Typing iobs lot you Pickup and delivery $111 MARGARET 4363669 WELL DIGGING LONE STAR WELL DIGGING STROUD Machine dug wells Homes Cottages Farms Industry Specralizing in Concrete Tile Steel reinforced concrete tile lengths for sale Diameter 2148 4364359 WELL biiiLIEit Gilberts Water Well Drilling Farms Homes Cottages FREE ESTIMATES 10 years experience ANGUS 4245657 WINDOW CLEANING ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cleaning Apart Reason menis Stores Houses Factories Telephony172784914 40 articles for sale ELECTRIC Baseboard Heatsr Cascade 40 hot water heater bathtub medicine cabinet 25 20 window 24 43 aluminum storm and screen 24 43 black and white 19 portable TV Woods camper tent Roll away bed Westinghouse hair dryer Recessed ceil ing tan interior mahogany doors Quart tlty unused red brick light lixtures Telephone 728 9671 BABY CARRIAGE converts to carbed and umbrella stroller like new Call 726 7409 lieboats arid motors 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler Inboard motor condition Asking $2500 Telephone 435 4245 alter 430 SAILBOAT loloot cuslom designed and burlt Totally liberglassed over marine plywood sails including new spinnaker and Geona Many extras 35 hp engine trailer Real bargain atSl200 7267955 BOAT TRAILERS lor renlTwo days tram S15 Call Brices Boats 416 478 4175 Torontol 416 3631954 SUN SPOT Sail boat 14 ll 90 sq it sail $350 In excellent condltian Telephone 737 1025 MARINE RAILWAY 60 leel of track Dolley II by 10 Telephone 487 2932 alter pm Please Telephone 416 2821901 BLUETIER AND waiker Houndflo months Old Female Give to good home 1913911006 ZlUéalteti GERMAN SHEPHERD puppy for $3199 weeks old lemale 520 Telephone DEGROOT SAND and Gravel Phalpston ABA5392 LLLLWL Crushed stone mason sand lill Open Satur BASSET HOUND Puppies weeks old days til 300 pm Our prices are not up registered champion stock 3175 Call 34313392 £915 COCKER SPANIEL pups tor Sale varie ty of colors Prices reasonable to good home Boskma Kennels telephone 7283634 SEWEASY CO Service calls from $5 TWH in 7774 Specialists repairs all makes industrial sogarden supples and house machines New used sales 7363 EL SNOWPLOWING GARDEN CENTRE Hwy 93 mile north of Hwy 11 7284296 Flower and vegetable box plant special 70 materials and advice for all landscaping and gar dening needs Discuss your green thumb problems with us JulB CHOICE TOPSOIL Excellent for lawns gardens etc Evening and Saturday de livery Call 7263928 or 7261117 BOX PLANTS hanging baskets every thing lor your garden llower beds win dow boxes etc also asparagus roots Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 726 2951 ssconstruction machinery STEEL FORMS Over 3000 feet at steel forms all accessories included Telephone 55051 56camping equipment 1973 SUNKAMPER fridge lurnace Stove chemical toilet lully equipped lots of extras Owner going out Of camp ing Call 7260148 alter pm 17 FT trailer Bluebird toilet burner stove with oven gas relrigerator needs repair water tank hitch Good condi tion $1500 or best otter Telephone 4246796 19 FT ClTATlON travel trailer sleeps tour 11012 volt and propane lighting gas electric lridgelreezer pc bathroom with lull siIe shower burner propane stove propane furnace Fully insulated including floor x16 awning 364 or 7281395 after Telephone 726 675 TITAN motor home 24 ItFuIiy equipped Telephone 7266204 after ET 1969 TRAIL Blazer salt top camper with awning Sleeps Good condition 5350 or best Oller Tele one 7280639 1975 DELUXE hardtop Bellevue camper burner Stove Ice box sink power converter way water electric brakes privacy curtains awning Many more extras Phone alter 430 pm 726 6577 Hwy PICK UP camper ft sleeps Pro pane burner stove and furnance plus sink and Ice box Telephone 726 2017 1959 GLENDETTE 19 11 travel trailer sleeps lully equipped Will do as sum mer cottage or wlnter Will sacrilice Apply Blue and white Trailer Oro Cam ping Grounds 57livestock lorsaTe TACK SHOP English equipment Ger man saddles and bridles Robinson Hardware310unlgp East7282431 ARAETANHORSE AUCTION SALE Saturday June 11 12 noon The Arablan Horse Assoc 01 Eastern Canada ls sponsoring an auction sale tor 25 registered Arabian Horses to be held at Filleld Farms Arabians westslde al hlghway1112 mlles south at highway Newmarket For catan ues Terry Fllleld RR No Newmar et Ont L3Y 4V8 or 41689521100 GELDING horSes and years old green broken Must sell together Father guarter horse mother thoroughbred 3500 Telephone 4361483 TWOHORSE CROWN trailer tandem spring axles Electric brakes Steel rool Stepin Good condition Coldwaler 6867887 YR OLD Buckskin Gelding well train ed llashy quiet gently Yearling quarter horse Filly dark bay well man nered both healthy and sound Call 45572833 GRADE MARE 142 prior contain with Asking 3400 Telephone 7737704961 tion Western saddle and bridle to go alone Let lriend help Call Telecare 7267792279nytim7e 7H ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581 ll you drink thats your business If you want toquitthatsoursCallany time UNWANTED HAIR removed salely permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrenchuk Certilied Electrologist 7372671 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy Haugh Farm 7260192 WHY SUFFER agony with Cams and Callouses Reliel now iS yours from England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold tor over century with ellec live results medicated pad that really does the lab Corn Caps or Callous Caps now available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Marts and all druggists INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION Services Civil criminal divorce Surveillance Discreet and confidential 7372972 MONECA psychic and card reading counselling Day and evenings Mon through Frlday Phone 728 8868 SOLO CLUB If you are Single separated widowed divorced age 30 to 55 would like tO become involved in non prolit social club call 726 0877 or 7260244 NOTICE Welcome to our New Loca tion 84 Dunlop East near Queens Hotel Bill Fisher Sid Jetlels Thank YOU SINGERS looking tor coun try and western back up group rehearsals in Oro il interested call Paul 487 2509 alter 330 pmweekdays CANOEIST4th person wanted tor trip South Nahanni River NWT June Aug Telephone 728 3473 alter FIVE ATTRACTIVE intelligent temales would like to Spend evening at dining and dincing with males of similar qualities Send replies to Box U48 The Examiner Picture would be an asset IRONING Picked up and delivered daily $350 basket in Barrie and surrounding areas Telephone 458 9618 70lost and found LOST WHITE female Scotch terrier May 28th near highways 88 and 400 Wearing plaid collar township dogtag Call 1416 8510113 71 help wanted ROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL HOUSEKEEPER Applications in writing stating qualifications are invited for the position of Housekeeper Duties include responsibility for all aspects of cleanliness of this 312 bed hospital and the management of staff of ap proximately 40 Apply to The Administrator The Royal Victoria Hospital 76 Ross Street Barrie Ontario L4N 1G4 Ju4 ATTRACTIVE ALERT WOMEN AND MEN with Vaughan EXPERIENCED GROCERY clerks re quired for night crew nights week Good salary with experience Apply in person to Fuda Food Highway 11 north include medical dental sickness and injury retirement and life assurance plans as well as relocation assistance for family and per sonal effects KlTIMAT is located 400 air miles north of Vancouver on the tip of beautiful salt water fiord is thriving friendly community Of 13500 with wide variety Of churches clubs and recreational facilities has modern wellequipped hospital good elementary and secondary schools and conVenient shopping LEISURE ACTIVITIES which in clude camping hiking salt and fresh water fishing organized spor ts yeorround swimming in beautiful indoor pOOl crosscountry skiing and downhill skiing nearby are ideal for the outdoors per HEAVY DUTY work mechanical ex perience required Phillpott and Richardson Spring Service 726 8971 EXPERIENCED BARTENDER must have own transportation apply in per son to Nottawasaga Inn Highway 89 Alliston0ntario GENERAL CARPENTERS to do subr contract work Telephone Frank Van DerrHeyden 7268132 or 7280521 IMMEDIATE work available wages Needed experienced wallboard applicators and tapers Telephone 4167755431 evenings MEDICAL OFFICE requires full time bookkeeper in July Must be familiar with OHIP and have experience with similar work Apply to PO Box 130 Allislon0nl REQUIRED Legal Secretary for car pornle practice Experienced required Telephone 7261663295 son INTERESTED please write giving full details of experience and qualifications to ALCAN SMELTERS AND CHEMICALS LTD Attention Employment Department PO Box 1800 Kitimat BC V8C 2H2 Please refer to No 77131 290 in your reply Warehouse Person Growing company in publishing industry requires mature individual to work in our Barrie warehouse Must have good education interest in books and be able to work without constant supervision Excellent opportunity lor advancement Good Starting salary with regular creases and full company benelits Telephone 728 3581 for appointment 72sales helpagen Large Canadian corporation requires parttime employees Full time positions also available For interview telephone Bob Brown 7371904 between IOOm and pm My273031Ju123 EXPANDING CANADlAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrio We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 WANT ADS PHONE 7232414 71 help wanted MORE CLASSIFIED ON PAGE 19 71 help wanted 71 help wanted it $1146 HOUR REQUIRED FOR THE Terrace Bay Pulp Mill expansion of KimberlyClark of Canada Ltd at Terrace Bay Ontario within the period May to Sep tember Terrace Bay Town of approximately 2000 population is located on the TransCanada Highway on the shore of Lake Superior three hours travelling east of the air line ter minal at Thunder Bay gt Travel cost reimbursement may be available to qualified tradesmen through Canada Manpower We provide accommodation in single rooms Each complex has lounge with colour television and automatic laundry room Excellent incamp recreational facilities including licensed lounge poolroom gymnasium and well equipped workshop for hobbyists etc In addition the area boasts excellent hunting and lishing as well as golf course Accommodation and meals provided FREE or subsistence allowance in ac cordance with union agreements Qualified Journeyman Tradesmen must Obtain travel cards from their union locals who have been made aware of our staff needs Your local Canada Manpower office has also With personality and refinement to sell on an unique program no canvassing par ties or cosmetics Car necessary We train you For appointment call Gwen Moc pherson 7288971 JuI24 PARKER REQUIRES Experienced Lathe Operators Beautiful Georgian Bay area Owen Sound Attractive wages and benefits Telephone 519 3766082 My27 been advised and will provide information on Travel Grants Employment will be with contractors now working at the site Wages per union agreements and 40hour week with occasional overtime not mandatory These positions available equally to both men and women Further information on recreational opportunities in the area are available on request by writing to PO BOX 1200 TERRACE BAY ONTARIO POT 2W0 MONTREAL ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED