Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1977, p. 2

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¢J wiwarV vii3 v¢ fins the examiner Wednesday June 1977 extra To study right of francophones outside Quebec OTTAWA CPI The federal government will set up an interdepartmental committee to study the rights of French speaking minorities outside Quebec Prime Minister Trudeau announced Tuesday Trudeau told news conference he hopes the study will be completed by September and the government will be able to decide what to do The rights of the Frenchspeaking minorities outside Quebec must be safeguarded If we are not to have just French in Quebec and English elsewhere Trudeau said af ter meeting representatives of the Federation des Fran copho nes Hors Quebec The federation says it represents more than one million FrenchCanadians outside Quebec Accompanying Trudeau at the meeting with the federation where two cabinet ministers who come from fienchspeaking areas of mainly Englishspeaking provm cesPostmastenGeneral JeanJacques Blais of Northern Ontario and Multiculturalism Minister Joe Guay of St Boniface near Winnipeg Outlines 20point program Lewis pakaes NDP obcreation plans ontarlo OTTAWA CP NDP Leader Stephen Lewis summed up four weeks of election cam paigning Tuesday drawing to gether all his proposals for job creation into single 20point program The proposals were unveiled at various times during the campaign and this was the first time he had put them in single package He told about 300 cheering supporters packed in swelter ing meeting room that the NDP program will provide thousan ds of jobs within the basic con fines of the present provincial budget The cornerstone of the policy is the cancellation of $280miL lion tax break given to corpolt rations in the last provincial budget Of that money Lewis said $100 million should be used for tax cut for lowandmiddle in come earners That he said would serve to stimulate the economy Another $50 million would be used to subsidize the construction of 10000 nonprofit houses me ii Spent reactor fuel shouldnt be buried MADOC Ont CP Spent radioactive fuel used in On tarios nuclear generating sta tions could be kept on site Smith said the province has poor record in dealing with citi zens and problem with credi bility Later Smith told reporters the real danger rests with the reprocessing plant since even thimbleful of pure plutonium is enough to blow up the city of New York Conventional spent fuel is stored in extremely heavy containers During the trip to Madoc about 20 miles north of Belle ville Smith told reporters he still is attempting to shake off the image of the Liberal party asflipfloppers Smith elected leader in January 1976 gained the repu tation in the legislature of being indecisive because he was for ced on number of occasions to change his stand At that time if safe place far from populated areas can be found to store the spent fuel it may be sensible then to move rather than buried in the it ground Liberal Leader Stuart Smith said Tuesday Smith told area residents that his party believes this solution is more reasonable than the current practice of burying spent reactor fuel Madoc residents said they are worried aboit proposal by Ontario Hydro and the Atomic Energy Commission Ltd AECL to dispose of radio active waste in the area They also said there has been suggestion that reprocessing plant be built nearby to remove highly toxic pure plutonium from the spent fuel The Liberal leader said reprocessing plant would iust be inviting disaster because it takes 250000 years for the sub stance to lose its radioactivity Using any populated area for such plant or for storing spent fuel just is terrible danger He said there is enough room at existing nuclear stations in which to store the fuel safely If in 10 or 20 years there is no more room it is likely Ontario will be able to transfer its em phasis from nuclear power to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power Smith said There also is possiblity that scientists will discover way to neutralize the spent fuel and render it harmless he added Smith said the Madoc area relies on farming and tourism both of which would suffer greatly if reprocessing plant or disposal site were built There is no indication at this time that either of the projects will go ahead Area residents plan to meet AECL and Hydro officials late in June to discuss the proposal spokesman for the residents said they learned about the pro posal only by accident recently and that the province Hydro and AECL have not been can did with them BARRIEPDENTURE CLINIC COLELLA DT Complete Denture Service 7264721 149A Dunlop St Member Denturist Society of Ontario Can OK condominiums TORONTO CP Housing Minister John Rhodes announced Tuesday that starting June the power to approve con dominium applications will be delegated to the regional municipalities of Ottawa Carleton Peel and Waterloo Rhodes said these regions already have the authority to approve subdivision ap plications Rhodes said any other regions wanting the approval responsibility should apply to theminister In considering con dominium applications he said the municipalities must take into account such fac tors as health safety and convenience of future in habitants who could be af fected by the decisions He suggested another $25 mil lion be pumped into the Ontario Home Renewal Program and another $25 milion into pro gram to provide services to people SERVICES FOR NORTH He called for $30 million to be spent on careers program to provide onthejob training for students graduating from com munity colleges and high schools He would pump $50 million into two programs to build services for unorganized Northern Ontario communities and provide capital for public transit systems The leader said the budget contains $200 million which was allotted as additional funds for Ontario Hydro This money would also be allocated to job creation programs by NDP government Kyla Munro was starryeyed as she Shook hands with liberal leader Stuart Smith during his stopover in Kingston Tuesday Kyla and her father were among the crowd who waited at Peter Watson headquarters CP Photo Defends education policies BRAMPTON Ont CPi Ontario Premier William Davis vigorously defended his govern ments Frenchvlanguage educa tion policies Tuesday night at an allcandidates meeting in his home riding of Brampton The premier was responding to statement by Therese Fau bert candidate of the League for Socialist Action who said she and her ancestors had en people of this province are not interested in the rights of FrancoOntarians is not fact He told the audience of more than 200 that more than 100000 students are being educated in the French language in On tario Earlier in the day at George town the premier ridiculed suggestion by Liberal Leader The premier said he favors insulation of homes to conserve energy but would do it with in centives and lowinterest loans rather than by compulsion He repeated his familiar theme that while he did not wish to make national unity partisan issue an economically strong Ontario was vital to na tional unity and the Progressive Conservatives of JOHN RHODES starts today Up in arms over iet use OTTAWA CP Two Progressive Conservative MPs were up in arms in the Commons Tuesday over cabinet Dorrie ggézters usmg Jets for pelmcal busmess at taxPayer ex Thelsoincmljld countered hostility in Ontario Stuart Smith that Ontario fered the besteconomic policies Johh Crosbie pCSt Johnis west criticized the use of suijion or ome that the Davis government was homeowners should beforced to fora strong Ontario Today the premier cam paigns in Sudbury Elliot Lake Sault Ste Marie and Thunder Bay insulate their houses saying in effect that the government has no business forcing insulation into every attic in the provrnce hostile to francophones and that she supports Quebecs right to selfdetermination The premier second of six speakers at the meeting took umbrage at the suggestion that government jet by External Affairs Minister Don Jamieson to deliver $14million cheque to the Canada Summer Games committee in Newfoundland last week Crosbie said that after brief airport ceremony at St Johns Jamieson went on to his riding $50 million for creating energy from solid waste $30 million to provide sub sidies for solar heating units for houses JACK FRASER Tom Cossitt PCLeeds demanded that the Liberal par $20 million for pilot proj ty reimburse the treasury for Prime Minister Trudeaus jet ed to produce methynel finpfifeléo egnswgrfiig d3 to are remar we paigns for the May 24 byelections Trudeau replied the ernmenl would create fuel from wood It could be built in eastern Ontario using trees from mar ginal agricultural land or in Ka puskasing where it would use waste wood from paper mills We have provided and are providing firstclass educa tional system for the Franco Ontarians of this province he sai The suggestion that the Liberals would pay for those trips ruse Do it yourself Aluminum Docks buy of McGregor leisure suits at ridiculous special price Judges get salary raise OTTAWA iCP The Commons gave final approval Tuesday to bill that will increase the number of federally appointed judges and also increase their salaries pool of 15 judges will be established under the bill to ban lle also outlined series of policy directions for govern May require dle unified family courts if the federal and provincial gov monr including commitment ernments agree to set upthe courts to renegotiate the Canada Ilcences These courts would handle familyrelated matters United States auto pati buy 0T1 AWA CPI Foreign fishermen may have to buy li cences to fish within the 200 mile limit next year federal fisheries official said today ranging from juvenile delinquency to divorce now dealt with by variety of courts The bill also gives federal judges $2000 pay raise retro active to April with another $2000 April 1978 The salary anadian policy for govern ment purchases action to clear the backlog of construction ap plications belorc the Ontario range would be from $65000 annually for Chief Justice Bora Municipal Board and new Cliff lyevfillon director88 OOuiclt to install Adiustoble Laskin of the Supreme Court of Canada to $43000 for moves in pollution abatement eréll 0f fishing serVIces said at Euy move for or an surprising District Court judges Commons fisheries com LEWIS also 56d the meatlng mittec that five or six ways to The mm co Staging collect licence fees from OMointenonce tree Comos in an easy to handle to de FrOSf hlts run Crois described the Tory campaign Sigellagtlilmrsfle rsgidufréesuifioge box as undignified and in WINDSOR Ont One of the orst crop failures in years substantutl may hit Essex County peach orchards this summer because of winter damage to trees and killer frost in late April says spokesman for the Ontario Tender Fruit Groweis Marketing Board The spokesman said Tuesday that varying estimates put the crop reduction between 25 to 50 per cent from the 1800 acres of county peach orchards high but gave no figures Lloyd Crouse Conservative fisheries critic said many East Coast fishermen have only recently learned that the for eigners do not have to buy li cences for this year Canadians must buy licences with complete instructions He said the recent series of attacks on the NDI campaign from the government are demonstration both ol the effec tiveness of his partys Ctillllt paiin and the anxiety being felt by the government for more information phone or write Insto Docks Distributed by Capitol Fence and Wire ltd 89 Rainbow St Ottawa K116X9 6137456252 EBRO 363l CHOOSE CAREFULLY NOTICE OF CHOOSE CORNEAU APPLICATION AND HEARING The Advance Polls will be June Saturday Where Codrington Street School When 1200 am to 900 pm Who JlM CORNEAU LIBERAL June Monday Where TAKE NOTICE that an application dated May 16 1977 has been filed by The Consum ers Gas Company under section 19 of The Ontario Energy Board Act for orders approvmg or lixing lust and reasonable rates and other charges for the sale of gas All customers 01 the Applicant are attracted The Applicant seeks to bring on for hearing Phase rate base return thereon and reasonable return at the main application and to Increase its rates to recover ii flll2lIVO July 1977 the added cost of gas that is expected to result on that date from an outer of the National Energy Board together with increases In other costs assomated Wllll the acquisition transportation and storage at the Applicants gas supply to the added cost ol gas that will result from any further orders 01 the National Energy Board pending final disposmon of the main application together With Increases in iliifNJilllKl costs and iii iiiiiiasies in the cost of capital increases In the reasonable return on rate base and other cost increases found appropriate by the Board lllt application Includes request to recover these cost increases on an Interim baSIS IIII IIOARD HAS APPOINTED THURSDAY JUNE 23 1977 AT 10 IN ITS HEARING iii ii IM tl II OUR 14 CARLTON STREET TORONTO ONTARIO FOR THE HEARING OF IIII III will SI 10 RECOVER ON AN INTERIM BASIS THE INCREASES SET OUT IN PARAV IIIAIII ii THIS NOTICE AND MONDAY AUGUST 1977 AT 10 AM AT THE SAME II Ail ll IIIf HEARING OF PHASE OF THE MAIN APPLICATION IN ITS DECISIONS lIII IIIIARI MAY INCREASE OR DECREASE ANY RATE PROPOSED BY THE APPLICANT Well have Iii siiy liIsI Colllt lIISl served l0I IIiIs nottObe Codrington Street SChOOl Hy llll direction ot the Board munimpalities are to be sered Wllh iotice personally lepeiltll lel lUl WU WWII llllll IUJWIICS JdCb FIHSEI 85 When oi tiy iiipmiiod mail and other persons are to be served by newspaper publication of this llldtlt an incredible ipctltll lIIlrtlIIlSt ol Pet iesure Suns lIlIlI II My poison notified does not attend at either hearing the Board may proceed In his both IllilClIIIlt wiislialilc 100 cotton denim and 65 polyester iIlIIIl and he Will not be entitled to any further notice In the proceedings 35 ioIIoiI saloon Better still it Innis possible they re made by 1200 am to 900 pm Any person who intends to oppose the application or otherWIse Intervene shall Mctiiegiii JII Internationally iecognizotl sportswear manufac Who WIllIIII days alter the day of serwce of this notice upon him tile in duplicate With the liner So Wllill mom can we 5in except the Size range Is 36 to 42 llflillti ittJttlflfy at 14 Carlton Street Toronto Ontario MSB 1K5 and serve upon the In Wldt biolien colour asst Do shop early to avoid Appliiiiiits solicnors Aiid Zimmerman Berlis 145 King Street West Toronto Ontario disdppmlllllltlll Ouigiandmg value MiII his answer containing clear and conCIse statement ol hIs Interest and his grounds Ioi opposing or otherWIse intervening and being endorsed With his name and address and il iloiiinionls are to be served on his soliCItor his solicuors name and address Filing or itrvlttl may be personal or by registered mail Copies ol the application are available from the Board and the Applicants solicuors IIii Board has directed the Applicant to tile With the Board and deposn at the Applicants principal oIIices in Toronto Ottawa St Catharines Whitby and Barrie not later than June Ifl 1977 copies at the Applicants written evtdence In support of the interim application and Phase of the main application for examination by Interested persons Copies are also to be served on intervenors as they become known DATED at Toronto this 25th day of May 1977 SPECIAL short sleeve Canadian made print knit sport shirts in 60 acetativlllilii polyester Geometric stripes and floral patterns sized SMlli StlLltllill colours Reg $15 SALE CHOOSE CAREFULLY CHOOSE CORNEAU vim LiberalA COMMITTEE ROOMS Barrie133 Dunlap St 7374870 Bradford 19 Holland St 7757259 Penetang 79 Main St 5493052 ONTARIO ENE RGY BOARD AC Thomas Secretary to the Board Sponsored by the Simcoe Centre Liberal Association

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