in By RICHARD DUNSTAN Examiner Staff Reporter Nearly everyone has heard of the kind of crusade in which highpowered evangelist ex horts the uncommitted to ac cept Christ and be saved from their sins Barries Emmanuel Baptists Church has just completed Egghy crusade of different Ralph and Lou Sutera 45 yearold twins from Mansfield Ohio didnt come to Barrie primarily to save souls In stead they spent more than two weeks literally preaching to the converted The Suteras ministry is not to the heathen nor even to merely nommal Christians In stead their target is the com mitted Christian whose life has not been changed the Way they believe it can and should be changed When person is converted he comes to receive the gift of salvation and the life of God comes into him says Lou Sutera But the old nature still needs to be dealt with even after become Christian lot of men in preaching never get to that side of the truth Converted Christians still have problems still are able to sin say the brothers but God can do more about that than most Christians let Him Chris tians like nonChristians tend to live largely for themselves and to look for someone to blame for their problems CROSSTIIE ANSWER Christianity says dont blame anyone but take your problem to the cross of Christ Ralph says Reconciliation with family members and friends restitu tion for harm done admimion of sinfulness and close contact with God in prayer are among the points emphasized by the brothers during nightly crusade Lutheran Church 220 Steel Street Barrie Worship Service 1100 om Sunday School REV JOHN KLEIN Pastor For further info PASTOR Soc Church Second Wed ea Thurs 730 930 SERVING CHRIST AND 1100 AM JUNE 5th DEDICATION OF DAY CARE MINISTRY IS missron Christian Science Lou left and twin brother Ral Making good Christians better ftwin revivalists ph Sutera go over crusade literature with Rev Frank Wuest pastor of Barries Emmanuel Baptist Church The brothers wound up twoweek revrval crusade this week at the church meetings and the emotional response they evoke is matched by careful scriptural and doc trinal teaching the heart and the head moving together says Ralph and supported with extensive followup by prayer partners Meetings often last for hours with singing preaching per sonal testimonies prayer and discussion following one another in an informal ever changing progression Its kind of group therapy situation but Christ is the focal point Hes the solution Ralph says The brothers encourage par ticipation by the congregation and play down their mm per sonaiities Ralph shade thin ner more intense and deeper of voice than his identical twin repeats with obvious pleasure an American journalists de scription of the two as stage hands on the sidelines The brothers do not disregard conversions altogether They issue an appeal each evening to any uncommitted members of the congregation and say that the sight of Christians when they get honest often does more for the unconverted than can be accomplished by preaching at them If we had better hristians we would have more Chris tians says Lou SEESCIIANUE Hey Prank Wuest pastor of Emmanuel Baptist is convinc ed the Suteras have left him with better Christians CUNDLES HEIGHTS CHURCH At Cundles Heights Public School om Worship Service and Sunday School Rev Jack Ritsema Tel 7285869 Barrie United Pentecostal Church Timothy Christian School 49 Ferris lane Sunday School 1000 om Morning Worship 1100 om EVERYONE WELCOME rmation 7282353 MARTIN iety 159 Collier Street Barrie Service Sunday School om TESTIMONY MEETING ch month pm Reading Room open Tues Thurs 24 pm pm Tel 7261602 YOUR COMMUNITY wt iii tart Church Directory FAITH MISSIONARY 229 Crawford Street Barrie 7373062 Minister Rev Wayne Domrn 7268750 945 om Family Sunday School 1100 am Morning Worship special dedication of colored glass windows in memory of Roland Miller special 10 minute message on Germany 700 pm Evonsong Worship Special Music The loo Family from Bradford Wednesda 800 pm Bible Stui Prayer Friendly Welcome Awaits You GRACE Grove St East at Coolr St Minister REV ARTHUR STOREY 00 om Morning Worship Infant Baptism The Fruit of the Spirit Church School during the service Infant Toddler Nursery Available For Transportation Phone 7260796 ihe Friendly Fellowship Collier Street Church 112 COLLIER ST NEAR CITY HALL 11 om Message FREE METHODIST CHURCH The Fire 200 BAYFIELD St SOUTH 945 om SUNDAY SCHOOL 1100 om MORNING WORSHIP 730 pm EVENING RALLY MASTERS TOUCH TRIO REV CARL BULL PASTOR REV EARL GRIGG DIR OF CHRISTIAN ED of Pentecost Today United Charches New members received Summer programis inaugurated Come bring the whole family Families have been reconciled he says businessmen who were too busy to attend the crusade have come back again and again church leaders have conftssed their shortcoming in tears to the congregation one sharptongued member has gone about apologizing and another member who cheated on examinations has sent his diploma back because he no longer considers it rightfully his The only problem with these changes says Pastor Wucst arises from the fact that about quarter of the congregation of Kihas been staying away from the crusade Some of them are going to wonder what happened he says Central United Church Ross Toronto Sts Barrie Ont MINISTERS Rev Donald Jay BABD Rev Evoritt Ashton BABD INVITES YOU TO CELEBRATION OF WORSHIP 1030 om Confirmation Sunday Theme FOLLOW ME Rev Jay 900 am Pancake Breakfast for Church School Members Grade IV and up The church school meets at the same hour WELCOME TO JOYFUL CHRISTCENTRED FELLOWSHIP Burton Avenue United Church 37 Burton Avenue ALLANDALE Rev Paul Morrow Minister Mr Doug GONOWOY Director of Musir FESTIVAL OF PENTECOST 100 AM Sermon THE BREATH OF LIFE Holy Communion and Reception of Now Members Social Hour following Church School and Nursery care provided EVERYONE IS WELCOME Manger Lets defend our territory By DOROTHY KILBURN Nature has an extra ecial appeal for me this spring Perhaps it is result of long cold winter enjoy thos quiet moments when can sit and watch the beauty of our beach area grackly dares to invade the swallow house and is dive bombed by an angry swallow black squirrel venturm into the area of grackle nest and is soundly peck ed for his intrusion little chipmunk busily scurries to rout another chipmunk from his territory How busy they are establishing their territorial claims As Christians we too have territorial claims areas where we should be facing the evil intruder and claiming definiteL ly This is mine Let us look into the word of God and check some of the areas which are covered by the promises of God and are rightfully ours We have territorial claim to Gods protection He shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust his truth shall be thy shield and buckler Psalm 914 We have territorial claim to Gods guidance Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths Proverbs 3256 Are you in perplexity about what direction you should take Wait on the Lord and He will direct you in His will Wait in faith tell Him that you are confident that He will guide you Wait in patience Do not murmur or grumble about your circumstanees but accept them as from the hand of the Lord Do not dictate to Him but acquiesce to His wisdom in knowing what is best for you You will find that the heart that trusts in the Lord has found peace Former Barrie pastor returns to old church Rev Albert Luck former pastor of Barries First Baptist Church will be guest speaker at the church Sunday Pastor Luck who served in Barrie from 1949 to 959 will preach at the 1030 in service and will greet members and friends at box luncheon after the seiyice Ills wife will be with him and his daughter Wilma soninlaw and grand children are also expected Iastor Luck now lives in his native Brantford where he moved after retiring from First Baptist Church in laremont Before coming to Barrie Pastor Luck was pastor in chin cites in Selkirk and heltenham and seryed overseas as an at my captain during the Second World War While III Barrie he was member of the ltotary Club and the local ministerial ilSStllttIltHl REV ALBERT LUCK will preach Clapperton Worsley MINISTER REV RAY WALDOCK 1030 om Family Worship Guest Speaker Rev Albert Luck pm Old Fashion Hymn Sing Slide Presentation Will Build My Church Wednesday pm Faith Fellowship Hour At the Heart of Barrie With Barrie at Heart The Lord has been working in our midstl Men and women are dealing with sin and were seeing the results of being totally committed to the Lord lndivrduol and church lifestyles are beginning to change Visit any of our services and see the joy olpeople walking in the power of God Sunday at 945 am Bible School for all ages 1100 om Worship Praise Share and The Word of God 700 pm Closing service of Family Conference Rov lackoy of Ann Arbor Michigan spooks Dr and Mrs Norman Ree minister In music Wednesday at 30 pm Prayer and Share Time for all Next Sunday June 5th we celebrate our 50th Anniversary and also dedicate our new 600 seat sanctuary Plan to attend EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 128 St Vincent Street Barrie For information or help call 7283017 gt at HIBASSDORS Exciting ISPloco Vocal Instrumental Group From Florida Bible College Come to concert that will challenge you and inspire you His Ambassadors presents program built around the good old hymns of the faith interspersed with contemporary gospel music with definite message Their music is honoring to the Lord and rendered with professional excellence This will be concert you will long remember Bring your friends and share this time of gospel fellowship with them Wednesday June 1st 730 pm SUNDAY SERVICES 1000 om Sunday School and Morning Sorvlco 700 pm Evening Sorvlco ï¬ndings iaptiot album 323 LITTLE AVE BARRIE Free Transportation 7265896 Slmcoe Countys Fastest Growing Church the examlner Saturday May 28 1977 Catholic human rights onI dangeroUs for some priests VATICAN CITY AP in many parts of the world Be man Catholic churchmen are becoming human rights activ ists Vatican sources say they are exposin themselves to ha rassment etention and even assassination They are emboldened to large extent by encyclicals and recent pronouncements by the Pope who had made human rights one of his major planks long before US President Car ter made it pivotal part of US policy The subject also is creating debate within the Church on how far it should be pushed by the religious who fall easy prey to authoritarian regimes In the last few months infor mation obtained from Vatican sources shows the clergys in volvement in promoting civil rights and their supression has been widespread and system atic They cited these exam ples ln Czechoslovakia some priests are reported to have be come signatories to Charter 77 document drawn up by hu man rights activists One bishop lan Kores was threat ened with banishment by the Communist government but is said to have opted for the of fered alternative of first sweep ing the streets and then holding rnanualjob MINISTER Slltll In Brazil the worlds most populous Roman Catholic coun try Rev Joad Bosco Burnier reported hearing women scream as he strolled by po lice station Ile walked into plead for mercy and is reported to have been shot dead in front of his bishop Don Pedro Ca saldaliga In the Philippines priests claiming to help the poor in so cial work are rounded up for eign missionaries expelled and the locals jailed by mainly Roman atholic government which labels them subversives In South Africa lioman atholic schools decided on in tegration despite apartheid regulations Earlier this year lihodesias white Bishop Donal St Andrews Presbyterian Church Owen and Worson Sts Minister Rev Samuel Stewart MA MDiv ORGANIST Case Van Hemert Outdoor Worship Sunnidale Park 11 AM WORSHIP FOLLOWED BY COOKOUT Presbyterian Churches of Barrie Area Trinity Church Rev John Spurs Rector Canon Nalnby Assistant DAY OF PENTECOST WHIISUNDAY lngathorlng of Talents 000 am Holy Communion 1030 om CHORAL EUCHARIST SERMON pm EVENSONG HEALING SERVICE Preacher Rev John Dowkor Mldwaak Eucharists TUESDAY 730 pm Thursday 1030 om ALL WELCOME POPE PAUL VI expose injustice Lamont was found guilty of re fusing to act as informer on black terrorists He was ex pelled Much of the Roman Catholic Churchs recent militancy in the human area is traced to the Pope His methods vary from open and direct warnings to Latin America to cajoling in Eastern Europe where freedom of reli gion and other rights are embo died in constitutions but are subject to Communist party in terpretatiorts IIAS PEACE CORPS Technically the Pope has his peace corps in the human rights field He has cardinals bishops and an increasingly justiceoriented clergy in ad dition to foreign missionaries in African huts South American hinterlands and in Asian slums The Jesuitsan elite order in formally called the Popes pri vate armycount 7000 mis sionaries among the most ac tive and by their account the most persecuted local Jesuit dubbed Com munist was assassinated Mar ch 11 in El Salvador HIWAY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Anne Street at 400 Hwy Barrie 950 am Exciting Sunday School 7pm Westminster Presbyterian Church 170 Steel St near Puget MINISTER nut mus 1000 AM MORNING WORSHIP The search of Satisfaction Nursery Provided Junior Church Grades 16 11 om Church School for all ages Wednesday 830 pm Bible Study and Prayer Everyone Welcome to ChristCentred Ministry Anglican Churches St Georges Burton and Granville 900 HOLY EUCHARIST 1030 Holy Eucharist All Welcome Rector Rev Kayo BA 11 om Worship TEEN CHALLENGE RALLY With Maurie Blair from Toronto Centre We are persecuted both by the right and the left says Rev Pedo Arrupe fathergen eral of the Jesuits in Rome fear well suffer more in the fu ture They accuse us of being radical leftist while we are only citing the encyclicals The floodgates to recent and current human rights activity by the Church opened 11 years ago when the Second Vatican Council declared With respect to the fundamental rights of the persons any type of discrimination is to overcome as contrary to Gods intent It said the Church has the right to pass moral judgment even on matters touching politi cal order whenever basic rights make such judgments nec essarv POPE MAKES PROMISE Last January in his cus tomary New Years speech to diplomats here the Pope pledged that he his bishops and priests throughout the world would expose all forms of in justice and violence even at the cost of imprisonment and death The Pope has already created the pontifical commission now headed by black African Arch bishop Bemardin Cantin The commission has urged Chris tians both individually and col lectively to engage in specific commitments and effective in itiatives to redefine defend and promote human rights on the national and international plane Vatican expert on social justice said there are some Marxistoriented priests but they are very few The overwhelming majority of those active in the human rights field do so not out of po litical reasons but to correct injustice They want to change an unjust society To those in power its natural the activists seem subversive because any change not instituted by the re gime is considered sub version Essa Road Presbyterian Church 59 Essa Rd at Burton Avo Minister Rev Gerard Bylaard BA MDiv ORGANIST MRS VERA DIAMOND MAY 29 11 om MORNING WORSHIP Spread The Word Rev Wayne Smith BA BA School 9300m during the service pm Presentation Entitled Lets Face It Rev Wayne Smith All Welcome St Giles Church 95 Cook St Barrie SERVICES I30 om Holy Communion 1000 om Holy Communlon Sunday School Nursery St Thomas Shanty Bay SERVICES 1030 om Morning Prayer Sunday School Nursery