in arr Axs LIIVx 14 4f Megs is Aa Saturday May 28 1977 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 Dave Henshaw managing editor Sean Finlay city editor Randy McDonald sports editor Bill Curran county editor ervlng barrio and slmcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited lb Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Elio Agostinipubltsher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 Controls helpful to most Canadians Observers on the Ottawa scene have been wondering just how long the government will withstand pressures from groups calling for abandoning controls The loudest spokesmen represent organized groups which already enjoy economic advantages and hope to add to the differential Significantly it is not the great majority of ordinary Canadians for whom price and wage controls have been of benefit in helping them cope with the continuing infla tion of recent years The fact that latest statistics have shown the cost of living is still rising gives further emphasis to the need for continuing the controls Latest figures put the increase in consumer prices at 76 per cent over the last 12 months That evidence in itself is clear enough that both infla tion and inflation psychology are still here With the war nings of even higher gasoline and fuel prices ahead it would be naive to expect any significant decline in the in flationary trend for the foreseeable future The mounting public debt which at the federal level is approaching $50 billion and the annual carrying charge of nearly $5 billion of the national budget is another good reason why completing curbing of inflation is unlikely For period it was seemingly helping the economy particularly when comparisons were made of income levels with the past without also considering the declin ing purchasing value of the dollar It was viewed as flattering to see Canadas wage levels above that of the United States quite the reverse of former times But often ignored were our higher prices and taxes cutting into the cost of living And now we are beginning to face the repercussions Despite concentrated efforts to promote tourist trade our American summer trade has been falling off largely because of our higher prices It is still substantial and the Barrie Greater Chamber of Commerce and other similar organizations are still do ing noteworthy job in promotion of this jobcreating business But the warning signs are there of the inevitable future economic repercussions unless there is united and co operative effort to help Canadian productivity and back Canadian business and industry in jobcreating expan sion There also is question that price and wage controls should be retained on realistic basis until there are definite declines in the inflation levels Yes Dear Sir We need another provincial election now about as much as we need another Trudeau but the voters will file this observation in their pro and con file until June it There are pitifully few issues which separate the parties in this merrygoround except the volume of the rhetoric and the temperature of the gases generated by it so really in my view the decisive factor comes right down to the local level our own Simcoe East candidates their qualifications and what they stand for regarding the concerns of this riding Each of us have something on our mind as we prepare to the ballot and it would be healthy exercise in democracy if the voters would toss few curves over the plate and see how the candidates field them The letters to the editor column is about the only medium we simple folk can publicily state question and hopefully receive publicly written answer Here goes Eleanor Gordon and Roger and let us hear from you in this same column with simple Yes or No That is all we need Yes or No only as the embellishments tend to confuse the masses if elected will you support The proposed Right to Die legislation Many people are concerned that this law is playing with their lives and is setting an ominous course and precedent which can easily be misinterpreted manipulattd and expanded in the future beyond the prisent limits of the legislation They feel is is not needed and that our servants in the govern ment should kill this proposed rattlesnake forthwith The federal proposal of Marc Lalonde minister of health and welfare to expand and integrate abortion counsellihg and birth control services into our Provincial services The taxing of church property The taxing of the YMCA and other similar organizations The present Education Act under the family life program to teach sex education in our school system at the elementary school level Provincial grants to the separate school system beyond Grade The money is there from the federal government if you want to use it and thus equalize the education opportunity for all citizens of this province we want your opinion Letters submitted for publication must be signed by the writer Please include your street address and telephone number although they will not be published Letters which cannot be authenticated cannot be published For the sake of space public in terest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject letter Letters to the editor run Wednesdays and Saturdays on Page letters to the editor The continuance of death duties in this province one of the few provinces that still clings to this deathgrabbing clutching it The handing over of provincial parks to private enterprise commonly known as the gougers The banning of ice fishing huts from Lake Simeoe More sabre rattling it is small mean sug gestion or plan and should be stomped on anN 10 The reduction of the education tax to the inflaction rate about eight per cent This can be done through the prudent usage of our money with the spending priorities in their proper order This tax is getting com pletely out of control and beyond the tax payers limit of endurance ii The raising of the legal drinking age to 21 years The rampaging in the provincial parks this past Victoria Day weekend may be helpful in making your decision You cannot blame the kids when the juice is handed to them on silver platter 12 The preservation of the Gray Coach Lines for our northern routes Let us all ask the questions and let us all get the answers Charles Strimas tirillia Fourletter word Dear Sir As write this letter lercy Faith is tastefully pushing Beethoven off the air with an uptodate rendition of Lonely is the Man Without Love Beethoven fights back manfully for mo ment revealing little of the old sturm of the ninth and then is gone Start led wait to learn if KltM 109th has been relocated down near BCIM MM but an ad for an Oril lia store comes on At the risk of sounding like an intellectual Id like to express my annoyance the CIIAY Huronias new PM station completely erases TBCFM on all but stereo and the most sen sitive portable radios Even on good stereos IIIAY insidiously en croaches on the signal which is difficult to keep clearii even on motto CIIAY is supposed to be found at 931 but for anyone in Barrie CllAY is only centred at 931 and can be found all over the place swamping little CBC at till on my little radio At 931 tiny CJltT the other aidfree FM station is only barely safe when its weak signal can be picked up at all CHAY is an earsore for the many CBC listeners in Barrie who have enjoyed the various sorts of music the interviews the iii ternational broadcasts the documentaries the plays the arts news the anadiana and the humor found at 941 Some of these programs cant be adequate ly re laced with muzak and highclass ads AY will remain fourletter word to all those who cannot forgive that station for hav ing made Beethoven roll over Yourstruly Jonathan Mills Barrie BUSINESS 7266537 NEWSROOM SALESMEN Dan Gaynor Lyall Johnson Barb Boulton Dana Graham Bill McFarlane wire editor Roseanne McCabe lifestyle Roll Kraiker photographer POR TE RS John Bruce Paul Delean Richard Dunstan Pat Guergis Scott Haskins Sheila McGovern Sue Routlitte CLASSIFIED Lesley Young Freda Shinner ADVERTISING Len Sevick manager Ian MacMurchy Ruth Biais supervisor BUSINESS Marian Cough accountant Betty Armer Dorothy Bowland Wendy Bowser Gail McFarland CIRCULATION Jon Butler manager David Jenkins asst manager Andy Haughton Judy Hickey Alva La Ptante Elaine Porter Marg Scartl And regal commissiOn would expose muddled thinkin gouldated meihodei stupidity Notes and comment By SEAN lllY it IIditor FIRST ELECTION ltlMtIIt IllINIIIII Taint so say the onservat ivcs There is no truth to the rumor reported here last week that the Conservatives in Simcoc East Simcoe entre and iiuffcrinSimcoe were having financial difficulty Reason lor the financial difficulty ac cording to the rumor was that local Tories thought the premiers oflice was paying tiic shot for the piemiers Visit here The premiers office said the rumor had it that the local associations would pay the shot Gary Palmer campaign manager for George Taylor was in The lIxaminer oflice bright and early luesday morning to say there is no truth to the story All financial arrangements were made ixalorehand says Palmer and everyone knew what was what was what before the premier arrived NtlltAMIAIGN MANAGER Bill Knowles is not the Tory campaign manager for Simcoe entic as this column said last week Knowles is campaign coordinator lalmer is campaign manager Make of that what you will It says here Hy ltlt IIAIH IIINSIAN The deed is done and theres not choice but to embrace the consequences with speed that left reporters slack jawed city council voted this week to grant $30000 toward restoration of the old olliei Street fireball as an arts centre And though it may be an unpopular leci sion as ponent Ald Ernie liotman said or even lead to riot as supporter Ald Bill Knowles once predicted the vote has led council past the point of noreturn For good or ill and say good the city is stuck with wabtevcr it costs to run the building as an arts centre once it is restored with the aid of rather lavish provincial fun ding Mayor Boss Archer who voted against the grant is right in saying that theres no point in trying todraw the line at $30000 if the arts centre operates at loss and supporter Ald Ross Stephens freely admits it will the city cant very well ask members of the firehalls board of management to dig into their childrens piggybanks and come up with the shortfall Besides as Ald Stephens once said municipal support for such centre is part of being city Ald Ron Lynch another no vote is also right seem to be agreeing with everyonet in saying that council should not give the fireball cartc blanche to run whatever deficit tit pleases But it is entirely possible for the ci in fle laire Campbell campaign manager for Liberal candidate liiii ornciitL called lucs day to say the Liberal organization had nothing to do with the unusal phone calls ccr ltllli city editors hch been receiving of late lrs ampbcll made it clear tbc calls were not coming from the Liberal committee rooms NY SItiNllltANtE As this in the process of insulting female reporter this week she threw pen at lllt in looking ill the pen saw it was one of those pens with advertising on it in this case for Jim oincati lhtpen says Jim orncau is candidate tor the Ontario legislature for Simcoe ent re and gives his committee room phonc nuni her But nowhere does the pen say omcati is Liberal wonder why not BIRTHDAY BLIIIS Youd think by the time man has been through the birth of one son the birth ol another child would not rattle him Peter Northcott is photographer though and assumptions about ordinary people dont apply to photogs Northcotts wile was pregnant edncsday night she said to Northcott she thought the time had come and would be please be ready Nortbcott had an engagement picture to ty to assume responsibility for the deficit without giving that kind of licence ity arenas run deficit too substantial deficit but not because they have cartc blanche to do so They are subject to budget drawn up by the citys recreation depart ment administrator and treasurer and ap proved by council The fireball will have to be run the same way although the fireball board of management which has done so much work toward bringing the arts centre into reality should be retained as an advisory body and listened to with considerable respect Speaking for myself have never shared the enthusiasm of the Friends of the Fireball for the buildings architecture though ex terior restoration may change my mind but haVe always been well impressed with what they plan to put inside it its in exactly the right location no matter what detractors say downtown Barrie should mean more titan stores and parking lots im portant as both of those facilities are its cheap at the price at least to the municipal taxpayer and its something Barrie rmidents can well be proud of POSTSIiIPTWho says City Hall employets dont earn their pay One in dividual could name but wont because he might not want me to has been off sick lately with hardtodiagnose ailment that sent him to hospital for spell Hospitals are good place to rest but not for this public servant Published daily except MOTOR THROWOFF ELSEWHERE lN CANADA Sunday and lions ABC Only The Canadian Press may republish news stories in this newspaper Statutory hOlltilllYS credited to CP The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local Subscriptions news stories published in The xaminer WEEKlgéggéarfler The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material YEAR LY by cam created by its employees and published in this newspaper $4680 Copyright registration number 203815 register BY Mmhgavle National advertising offices 65 Queen St Toronto 1710 640 Cathcart $1 StMCOE cou NTY M°eav $3650 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shalt not be liable for damages arising out $39 year $3850 year Posl office That first election rumor got itself denied on Tuesday take lie aiTived back home at to be told by his wife that the time ha come and she would appreciate being taken to hospital orthcott took his wife to the hospital Along the way be hit another car Being in fear that the baby was going to ar rive on the front seat of his car he jumped out told the person be had hit that his wife was about to have baby and he would be in touch with her He arrived at the hospital Fifteen minutes later baby boy was born brother for Shawn The police arrived at the same time to ask quest ions about the aceident Mot her and son are doing well Northcott who is leaving his post at Georgian ollege to open photography studio in downtown Bar ric says he is doing well too must NY llI ioii Butler The Examiners eistwbile cir culation manager has dUck Not one ol your average rubber ducks for use in bathtubs etc Its real live bonesttogoodness duck yellow in color pleasant in disposition and lover of caterpillars Butler bought the duck for $2 from man at Little Lake on Sunday Asked why he bought the duck Butler said Bmause it was there What is done is done 73 past point of no return He called ity Hall from his room and asked for some files to work on Ill name him next week if can get his consent iii the meantime and meanwhile get well soon workhorse MAYOR ROSS ARCHER no point The Examiner is member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of circula ot errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement For all seasons By the time its over By TRAYNOR McFARLANE The scene is the metropolis of Barrie on May 28 in the year 2011 AD Annexation Day Upwards of 125000 human souls are crowd ed into the 15footsquare grand hall of the new Barrie community Centre located two miles north oftrillia The occasion was the 1713th sitting of The Board and final decision was to be made on the citys annexation bid today Flu general pestilence had caused numerous delays in the hearings over the past 34 years During the preliminaries the sound of mut tered conversation is broken by mans voice vibrant with elderly passion Never mind annexation What arc we go ing to do about the Crazy Eleven Comers in the city The original Crazy Five Corners had succumbed to progress and six more genetic feed arteries had been added to the original five to allow smoother flow of traf fic We now have to wait two hours for the walk signal the voice quavered And thats mile long when youre in your That sir has nothing to do with this hear ing it is entirely civil matter came the terse reply from member of The Board Civil schlivil the heckler answered Cries of Oh yes and Bully for you followed this outburst For some time the meeting was in ecstatic confusion while the elderly man was ejected taken to the Crazy Thirteen Corners and had his right hand taped to the change lights button Meanwhile back at the hearing calm ruled once more and fanfare of trumpets herald ed the deputations from Oro Vespra and in nisfil townships Once seated they demanded that Barrie be annexed to them But they can keep the Crazy TwentyOne Corners the spokesman for the group noted OK said The Board and the long annexa tion hearings had finally come to an end fight immediately broke out among the audience 2500 on one side and 62000 on the other The balance of 500 werent sure So although the Metropolis of Barrie lost out in its annexation bid it was decided to ap peal the decision of The Board and ask for more hearings on the issue The scene is the Village of Barrie and the year is 2102 The Crazy ThirtySeven Corners now takes up most of the village and Canadas story Gunfight at Skagway By BOB BOWMAN The White Pass and Yukon is one of the most picturesque railways in the world This is not only due to its scenic route but also to its colorful history It began during the Klan dike gold rush when men and equipment were landed at Skagway May28 1898 The route to the gold fields was cruel test of endurance Prospectors were required by law to carry supplies for year to prevent starvation and the operators of the pack horlt ses charged $1 per pound So many men tried to walk carrying heavy loads and died from exhaustion The narrowvgauge railway was built remarkably quickly despite the rugged terrain The tracks were laid to White Pass summit by Feblfi 1899 and the railway was completed to lbitehorse in 1900 One of the most difficult problems was the opposition of the gamblers at Skagway who also owned the horscdrawn Red Line Tran sportation Company They did not want to be put out of business The leading gambler was Soap Smith and he tried to stop the railway builders This resulted in gun fight between Smith and Frank Reid Skagway city engineer in which both men were killed Smiths body was placed in wagon and exhibited throughout the area as warning He was an amazing character Although he fleeced the prospectors in his gambling join ts be had the manners of southern gen tleman and contributed money to churches and other worthy causes His motto was The way of the traiisgressor is bard to quit ITIIER MAthi EVENTS I754 George Washington then British of licer defeated Canadians at Great Meadows Pa llevLower Canada authorized raising of four regiments of militia ltitï¬Qucbec and St Roch were heavily damaged by fire bible thought And God heard the voice of the Ian ml the anch of God called to Hagar out of heaven and said unto here What niletli thee Hagar fear not for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is Arise lift up the Ind and hold him in thine hand for will make him great nation Genesis 21 l7llt When you are in the wilderness and there is no way out but up break through is in the making and it wont be long His ear is not heavy that it cannot hear and His arm is not shortened that it cannot save