71 help wanted THE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS Please ï¬ll out the application below and return it to Circulation Dept 16 Bayfield St Barrie SO MUCH MORE THANA BUS RIDE Hostess Service Free Coffee Snacks and more Name Address Teï¬pflone 7i help wanted COORINGTONNELSON AREA CODRINGTONEUGENIA AREA EUGENIATHERESA AREA FAIRVlEWSOUTHVIEW AREA ORENHEATHER AREA SOPHIAOWEN AREA COOKSTOWN LISLE OAK ST STAYNER THE EXAMINER or Phone 7266539 Age Ws liuzi Iiiririurx Spaghetti House MANAGEMENT POSITION Requires person to train for management posiiiriii Preference given to mature person with high school certificate Expericrire not necessary Apply in person between and iii Ask for Mi Campbell 312 Bayfield St North My30 Experienced READYMIX DRIVERS for readymix company in Barrie Midland and Brad ford area Apply in person to 400 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT mm If you want to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age pass medical Then we want YOU Call Mrs Sim Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 TF 2ND CLASS ENGINEER to operate WT boilers water softeners and do maintenance on same Shift work Canadian Mist Distillers Collingwood Ont Phone collect 705 4454690 Mr Alan Lemaitre MyQBJUA UNIVERSITY or college student imp ed in urban reoional planning 1lrilfl business aamlnliIVaifn JTIJrIi geoaraphy politiral sr iinre and or mi merce reau=red frir muriii Ilal iiri ministration position Typinri skills an asset $125 weekly Contact Lniirii writ man Canada Manpower Ciiitri rir Students 725 AND WANTED Experienced term secretary Telephone Mr Crindrr 7266497 EXPERIENCED FULL time sirirt order cooks arr needed for our cafivtnr and also day shift anitor Appiy pm son to the Barrie Wayfiiri Riiiirivit highway 100 between and 79 1i 72sales helpagents EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Crirnpyiny needs dependable person who can irir Without superVision Earn $14000 pir year plus bonus Contact rustiimins around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Pitroirimi Brampmn Ont LbT 2J0 AMBITIOUS PERSON to sell rustic out door and indoor furnitureon commis iiiri basis Must have transportation Amrin Saturday I0 to or Sunday to Won the corner of II thIliNdr and Ari line Ora Township inext tr Halays BO 76employment wanted EXPERIENCED DAYCARE In tii pm Toddlers to yriar Ctilllrlll superVision Fenced yard Jillflltll ii play Witti References if quUrtrl Pi NH 728 7036 ACCOUNTANT Business mallrtqlf witi extenswe automotive experirnre Sith full time employment in Barflt irin Supervised complete denierstiii Ex perienred in setting up systems References available 778 3N9 MATURE RELIABLE woman will in out babySitfinq Hand knitted mittr frir sale at reasonable DrllS Telephone 776 4967 18 tenders My28 3O 77legal NOTICE TOCREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATEOF JOHANNA DUSCHL All persons having against the Estate of Johanna Duschl late of RR No Brittle OIIIOIIC IlCd DrLerriber 24th I976 are required to file proof of the dersigried or or before Juir 17th I977 after which rliLiti tlii Estate Will be llxbUTCl With regard only to the claim of the undersigned shalt then have IIOIIC and the un dersigned will not be Itnblr tr any persons rif they shall not then havr llOlCt DATED at Straud Ontario this I7thdoy OIMOy I977 WILLIAM DUSCHL Administrator Byhis SOII1IslIfIlli GIBSON ADAMS Borrrsterstoliriiori 2l7YorigeStreetNrirth riotins ho some with or1 which whose Iciim Po Box 100 STROUD Ontario LOL 2M0 My20 27 J03 78 tenders TENDERS Sealed tenders addressed to the Tenders Clerkf Simcoe County Board of Eduutttiori 99 Ferris Lane BARRIE Ontario LAM 2Y2 Will be received at the Clerks Office 99 Ferris Lune until 00 clock TUESDAY JUNE ldih thefollowing Renovations to Heating System at Codrington Public School Barrie Ont Convert two orl low pressure STEAM bailers to Combination gas Oil Burners at Stayiier Collegiate Stayner Out Install Public Address System at Corpus Christi Public School Penetangurshene Ont Install Fire Alarm System at Mount Slaven Publir School Orillia Ont Tender forms and specifications available from the Board Office MILNE Comptroller of Purchasing WM BROWN Chairman noon I977 for Street My28 78 teridgrs SIMCOE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION INVITATION TO TENDER Simcoe County Board of Education requests tenders from qualified firms for the following Supply and installation of folding partitions in various schools in Simcoe County Supply and installation of demountable partitions in various schools in Simcae County Separate tenders for the above noted proiects erI be received by the Simcoe County Board of Education 99 Ferris Lane Barrie Ont LAM 2Y2 until June 14 1977 until 11 am Tender documents and specifications may be obtained from the planning department of the Board telephone 7057287570 Late tenders will be rejected WILLIAM BROWN Chairman DR RAMSEY Director of Education My28 wrth racks iterns iii sole 79 auction sales AUCTION SALE FRIDAY EVENING JUNE Cl 630 for VALLEY VIEW FARM Edgar and Hopper Lot I2 Can Essa Twp miles north of Allisfon on Camp Borden Road COrisisting of Interiialioriol 9T combine wrth IO cutting head and pirk up MasseyFerguson 34 with 10 head reels swather bat and pick up International 46 balm MosscyrFerguson ph double disk International cultivator on rubber I00 gal pli sprayer With 21 boom and Myers pump International self unloadinq grain trailer I80 bu for 71 tread wagon Turnco grain ho Rubber tired bolster wagon with Io rack 32 hole elevator With horse etertric rnetor sec trons rf barrows International side rake Int furrow irr but trii IIGII plow lrt 3Iu1 for parts I960 GMC play ton trnrlr selling quiin tity of boler twrlti pig IUDfIJl erltlrl I6 Hereford groin rowi some will have Calvert of walr ctoe heifer CllJQS ilftl calves bull calves 350 500 lbs raIws are all Hereford and Hereford ChaiOIOis Hereford registered cow vllll papers JHr Silrrlirier hardtop rarnpui trailer sleeps in good con dition 3O Viking ranqr 20 range baby carriage The partners are qurttiiir tlii cow calf operation and are srt ting up feedlot using illflqt program Larger equrpmoiii ha been purchased to replrirr Than vrill not be any wagon of miscellaneous items so plan to arrive in plenty of time Owners and AUIIOII0I not responsible for irrirlniits or loss Terms Cash or rhequr wrtli identification JOHN BALL Aurtiorierr RR No2Alll1IOfl 705 4354l89 SCL Nr My26 28 AUCTION SALE of furniture appliances TIIISCIIOII€OU OnlquCS IOIOI vehicles etc For THORNTON DISTRICT LIONS CLUB to be held SATURDAY JUNE commencing of II arn Lorated at the residence of Walter McCabe farm miles south of Thornton on Highway 27 Sale includes Hoover washer spin good Viking dryer chesterfield and chair chest of drawers refinished antique drill press cast iron dinner bell I50 lb anvil approx 200 fertcn rails I968 GMC 2ton as is Cyl standard I969 Chevrolet as is 1974 GMC automatic cer tified Partial list only Anyone wan tinq to donate articles phone 45879486 Lunch booth Terms cash VERNON AYRES Auctioneer RR Stroud SCL 23 My28JuI WHICH DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and TRAVELWAYS® NEW BUS SCHEDU FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE CLIP AND SAVE 80 public notices 80 public notices 80 public notice 80 public notices gt21 38 Sun 81 Hol Only PM PM AM 735 945 Wed 7788 7797 7795 7793 PM PM AM 7B gt magmaElmo 77 YORK MILLS mmra PM AM AM BARRIE TERMINAL 331 BAYFIELD ST TRAVELWAYS® BARRIE 7280700 ORILLIA 3267377 PM PARCEL EXPRESS CARRIED ON ALL DEPARTURESSAME DAY SERVICE STOCK BROS BUS LINES LTD SPEQCIAiitOrIcEscASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Births maximum 40 words additional words lOcents per word Card of thanks 40 words $550 Additional words 10 cents per word In Memoriam no verse $550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events $322 per column inch vr vc $550 81 births 87 in memorioms ext yH DASH In loving memory of our dear whim i1151111rii brother William Victor who passed away May 29 I973 Beautiful memories are wonderful things st Illl1 full of Wilt 1117 Tililfl iItyllturlllltlIVlflg Iiiykt rm my ys Their last till the lonqestday They never wear out M4 it They never get lost And can never be given away To some you may be forgotten To others part of the past But to us who love and lost you and It Iiiirt iiiy tti Viryt Dy iiuitrrr IVE Your memory wrllalwayslast Lovinglv remembered by sisters and brothers in law lti 11Illl flirtti FOCHRANF In IflVinf memory of r1 rtvar husband Hownrrt Cthirnnrr who passed nwa May 78 197 IIYTI infrilrts another year Mllll in firrip you ivrr nvar Silent tiiiiuqtiis of times together Itiilil irinrnnries that Will last forever itlyva ys riiririntiercrt and sort iriisserl tiy Wtfr AIVIII I7A1H In loving rrirrnory of dear tiirstianrt fithir Williiin Dash who nausrvrt iwa May lrIi mrll missed itlU always ftltrOlrlDfffd by wife Doreen iiirf fiin it iiH In loving memory Ill nur rterir xiii win vr tor who passed away May l9 Nitaii In of IthI are broken find Iriwrt ones Have in part it Itthh ri VvllUnII tliiit ftfVPl iinals Ari iwii ir tiiriq IIIITT Nnt ii an do Wr rtrirqut you lillflt rit rrtviiitli illltf llltlt rlir rum my IIII rimsun 1r ririr lT It rli Hrit iir futrt liiii GOOD NF W3 STORY my mil ii rm iii rlft Atfllrr Iik fruity tr flli ht Pitt Ill II iirt Iil frlltl 7f iiizy ilt iiii ir Ill 00123100 34 12 yt 14 liiiiur in arts yiiurirvalways hrrv fiir wv lriyr yriii anrt Wemtsi rim Asiunitsunnttiw year PM LiVl71flITTITIIWTTI ilwny Mriiii rny illitlltll 88 may my Great all over loss on for Add homey touch to tables weakegddwalks any Ilflllle with lovely fabric bouquets 00 capeponc has Fill bowls and baskets with 83909099mems 30 H°I°IS°C9Y dramatic panel interest fringe flowers and leaves made of MM mm MONTHLY MEETING trim Crochet of worsted in brintit scraps of fabric Easy enmity Placecodrrngion Street School colors Shell stitch is real thrifty gifts bazaar sellers 031 wvmiViiwryDryingMy mafhurquunerygpnL easy Pattern 7299 one size Pattern 7175 pattern pieces gym My Speaker MW mm fits Misses Sizes 818 for flower designs iiii Subied Roses $100 for each pattern cash $100 for each patternflcash 311 fwyfiljwwppm ml cheque or money order Add cheque or money order Add HW 1759 15¢ each pattern for grst 25¢l each pattern for first cass mail an handling and class mail and handling Send fUrfjlliIJJé rim Ni QUOTA CLUB OF BARRIE to Alice Brooks Needlecraft to Alice Brooks Needlecraft presents Dent Denti Hg The Barrie Examiner 60 The Barno Examiner 60 tllll rvi fvr iiiri ThHE MIITI¢CEEVYOEKHER Progress Avenue Scar Progresg Avenue Scar lt IVYIilvilIdiTTIUINIIIII Itiliitr Tilly esforrYn lne 301er er wrought Inarlor DOTTIIlgII Ontario Ofl onfpaw Duke Address Ont reslderits Address 0nt residents WW Mm TUES MAY 1977 add 7¢ sales tax Print platn add 7¢ sales tax Print Main if lillditl tri ariiiriunr iii il rlll ly Pattern Number Your Name Address Value 225 designs to choose Iy Pattern Number Your Name Address mm Blue Flame Room Consumers Gas Building riftilrllitir iiirniiiirti pfllllflll Comm1M Value 225 designs to choose iii 11 ri Starting 730 pm from in NEW 1977 NEEDLE from in NEW 1977 NEEDLE by FreeAdmission CRAFT CAdiAltslcld3751ree pet CRAFT CATALOG free pat vi nts ser ed efns IDS en it NOW terns inside Send 75c now Il res 14253303 Stitch nPathi Quilts $125 Stitch nPatch lluilts $125 Vt ii ii scw Crochet wrth Squares $100 Crochet wrth Squares $100 ii illIii 711r1lfltf crochet Wardrobe $100 crochet Wardrobe $100 71 urTIIl ii Jl1 miti IIHI pm ï¬UIIIS v41 ls mini ippe me at Rl to Crochet $100 EVERY MONDAY Sew Knit Bonk $125 Salli Knit Book $t25 85 deaths Flower Crochet Book $100 newer Crochet Book 5100 AN mm 31 Hairpin Crochet Book $100 Hairpin Crochet Book 5100 ltripitnl 01 CANADIAN LEGION Instant Crochet Book $100 Instant Crochet Book $100 my iw an Instant Macrame Book $100 Instant Macrame Book $100 Branch 147 1Lfm3 Instant Money Book $108 Instant Money Book $l00 erw WNW St Vincent St on Cundles Rd gnmplette Thal15 Lgirlt EomplAette ltlfï¬hagls 1IIIUT iifiiiia iivirlri itaw aSy Be en asy 88 Cool ff l111i1 Complete Gilt Boolt $100 compieie cm Book $1110 illII iy filll it Miiiiiiill fllTItYrII Htlllll CONSOLATION $100 Bleak OI Book Of IOUng WW 011°T uscum 00 Museum uit 00 £2 60¢ Ijfllgj 15 uuiits for Today 60¢ 15 fluilts forTuday £3 60¢ ririii it iAiiilriw iiiirtir Orilliri Book Of Rugs Book of Rugs new vaintIyyjiyyrrif1ervamittmo OPEN HOUSE 12 Prize Afghans 12 60¢ 12 Prize Afghans 112 00¢ il illttilrly Illletitltlrtl For The f103137ii13ril 50th IIIJAAVIVIIVI MARIi it Rivnrdalr Anniversary Hriti Iriiiiii TliUllrty Mriy 16 of Mr and Mrs James lr Iftfl lfl ri Illt Iili Mlhflll twirh 1tlr lllllIIllI lf DmAiI MES CrOWther ririiiviivrr gt rr It 1r limiiii TlIrtTleIJlllfHlflr iiiirw urbhrl Of Kirkland Lake immim irrutinii rm stitiirdny at LItfl filliifillllrlt1l IIW Dundas St to be held at the home ryrut Iiifllfllfi iiinr frISI rif Run It lilirrlt luniriii rrvii iiirirlrty fl daughter triterrnrril Mtillllrly ill 10 ii in to Pro MrS Jock Critenden spurt llhtTfry MrMxilER MINNIT ITHEL at the Eiiirirniiq Nursiiiii IIflIII Ttirirnbury on itiuisitriy May I971 Minnie MrMnstir in Iitf irrirti yiuf Beloved wife nl Illf trite Rubirt liflit Mr Master Lov inu tlitllfllf II tliiuii William and fiiiiinlr Dear qrandiiinttiir of grand litlfliflt and areritaranrfctiildren Pectin iii the JllIlllII Funeral Home to llrrirttrirrl Fit Brlrllf Visitation from F1 irtay at In in siryii iii itiechapel on Saturday May at 11 Interment Ttiornton Uriiriii Cemetery card of thanks lAK would like to thank my fltlflIlIUUI iii Irriieii Mills who were so iriiirl whilr was residing in Anton Mills for word ads Also for the ely party and gifts thev presented to 110 on May 6th at Ruth and pm day prevrous 269 VICTORIA AVE STROUD ONT Sunday May 29 1977 24 pm and 79 pm My28 Mara Jacks Just to show detente can work these three coexist in relative peace in the Toronto home of Norm Elder Wednes day The snake Is an Amazon redtail boa constrictor Elder EXAMINER WANT ADS the examiner Saturday May 28 1977 21 Minesing Swamp offers something new exciting By BRIAN BAKER MINESING Every time you explore it Minesing Swamp seems to have something new and exciting to offer as we found recently when my Wife son Jimmy and spent all day and drove some 60 miles in and around the swamp described as one of the most unusual and largest in souther Ontario We made our first contact with the swamp on County Road 28 just south of Snow Valley Road traveling north through great Hoot road cut through gravel hills where road sign like in some moun tainous area warns of the danger of falling rocks Here you look out over the swamp spreading out some 200 feet below the Vespra dump and running almost into the blue toward the west in great expanse of forest There are hardwoods in the outer rims on the saucerlike edges aspens and bitches and cedars in the inner ring with an inner core of thousands of acres of black spired sprucw and balsams We turned along the Portage Irails Road to the west and stopped to stu the life along the roadside gs Cattails plume grasses reeds grasses seven feet high with notched bamboo stalks variety of pretty water weeds star flowered golden marsh marigolds and type of wild rice made up the plant life Frogs and toads filled the air with shrill whistling deep bowwave marked the un derwater movement of muskrat from nearby half floating muskrat lodge All around red winged blackbirds rribins thrush and song sparrows filled the air with song RAIL LINE great Canadian Pacific transcontinental freight train mile long roared northward behind fourunil head its mournful wailing sirens seemingly in complete accord with the nature of the Swamp Newsprint atomic products general freight 400 new cars and trucks balers combines and farm tractors refrigerator cars insulatedheated cars chemical cars and piggyback flat cars went racing by Jim my was thrilled so was his dad We had nice visit with Mr and Mrs Harry Fralick who established Portage Trails now under new management For some 30 years they have lived on the edge of the swamp where they frequently See deer right in their backyard and hear the winter night time howling of wolves and ac casionally the scream of Wild cat Although they have not seen one they do not discount the possibility of bears In almost inaccessible places where the creeks overflow nest mallards Juckinthepulpils and pirik and yellow lady slipper orchids have been noted by the Fraiicks but they told us we were too early for the rare lady slippers They invited us to scoop up handfuls of huge acor ns that littered the ground around their house and were already beginning to sprout CACHE OF GOLD We dropped in to visit old Fort Willow surrounded by 21 130wa square palisade if 100 laps sharpened at the top This fort was the end of the NinevMile Portage which starts at Memorial Square in Barrie and was used during the War of 181214 by the British to tran sport supplies to their Drum mond Island garrison 0f Micliilimackinzic The graves of six soldiers are said to be located just out in the bush cache of gold lost after the paymrister who had hidden it for safe keeping died is said to have sunk out of sight down in the nearby swamp At the foot of the hill we noted the old brick kilns probably used when small village grew up in the swamp just to the east Taking the trail down over the NH trucks across the deeply wooded trail to where the military supplies were loaded onto the batleaux in Willow Creek we noted large and bristling porcupine run across our path and up hemlock tree Masses and liver worts encrusted the ground and fallen logs while lichens clustered on low branches and twigs Although showy trilliums wakerobins trout lilies violets and jackinthepulpits grew everywhere the swamp seemed to exert an over powering silence and chill that soon made us turn back FISIIINUSPOT Down Line 12 we returned to Highway 90 and west to the lit tle park where it crosses the Nottawasagu River at this point 30 feet deep and fast Here men boys and girls were casting for trout but here as at all other fishing points found no one with catches only three with lines snagged in bot tom rocks George Crane Schomberg noted that the fish find natural food too plentiful at this time and will not start to take the hook until they start jumping for flies toward the end of May Up the old McKinnon road every day is the best day to ad vertise in The Barrie Examiner Classified Section PHONE 7282414 found while on collecting expedition to South America for Carleton University The dog named Tia is husky pup and the cat apparently showed up one day willing to get shanty Photo just west of the river we drove est the old shell of McKinnon bot to the old overhead sTeel frame McKinnon bridge noon Saturday which serves one home on the east side of the river where the road ends in the swamp We found trunks of big trees swept right up onto the road by flood waters Halfway up the road what looks like part of the river is in fact big oxbow lake left when the river years ago cut new channel hundreds of feet away Here we met Barrie bird wat chers Mr and Mrs Clifford McFadden who pointed out to us the great numbers of shore birds in the flooded fields in cluding greater and lesser yellowlegs spotted sandpipers plovers mallards and pintails We also noted exceptionally large carp which were frolicking in the shallow water sending the spray up three and four feet They told us that other birds that inhabit the swamp or pass through include blue and green herons bitterns sorah king and Virginia rails black and golden plovers egrets wood ducks green and blue winged tea and also resident pileated woodpeckers which are now rare in other parts of the coun try T0 EDENVALE Crossing the muddy Mad River we went through Bren twood turned north and then cut back through the sideroads east and north to Edenvale where we had lunch beside the Nottawasaga River at the ilengarry Landing park at the north end offhe swamp The ironfenced cairn bears plaque stating Here on the banks of the Nottawasaga River LtCol Robert McDoual of the Glcngany Light Infantry built flotilla of boats bat teauxi with which he effected the relief of the British garrison at Fort Michilimackinac in May 1814 He then organized second expedition which on the 19th of July 1814 captured Prairie Du Chien on the Mississippi Continuing east from Rick and Dorothy Balls store and gas station on Highway 26 we turned down the 12th Line of Vespra south and stopped at the Marl Creek Bridge where we discovered layers in the white marl embankments packed with ancient fossil shells including small and large clams flat and conecoiled shells dating back some 10000 years when this whole basin was still lake remnant of giant postglacial Lake Algonquin Grass from the recent flood water festooned the wire fences to height of four feet FROM MINESING South on County road 28 from pretty hilltop Minesing with its churches community center blacksmiths shop honey barn and implement displays we drove back down into the swamp and crossed Willow Creek and three other branches which seem to stand almost higher titan the waterlogged fields and swamps through which they flow Climbing the hill past Millers charcoal kilns and turning left on Snow Valley Road we stop pert under Hydros great nor thern transmission towers to in vestigate an elevated section of the swamp where we discovered in the natural regeneration area lovely white Irilliums blue and yellow violets and many birds nests of last year including downlined gold finch nests Brick in little way grow the increasingly rare wild red columbine In the nearby woods we saw more trilliums than we have ever seen anywhere else My wife Margaret brought to our attention the dainty hoof prinls of passing deer Turning north down the narrow 9th Line we stopped by the creek to listen in on demonstration in beaver trap ping being given by veteran trapper Lloyd Took to his class of adult students under ministry of natural resources program He said that properly placed scentlure would last for weeks and described how modern traps are dwigned to kill virtually instantly By not oveintrapping fair population of beaver muskrats and other fur bearers have been riiziiiitriined through over cen tury of trapping in Minesing swamp SKLNK AHBAG We ventured deeper into the swamp and were rewarded with the discovery of those quaint plants known as skunk wbbzige the first we had ever seen They are like tall bright green lettuce with brown pouch that gives off an evil smelling odor hence its name We concluded our visit to the swamp with visit to Spriiigwater Park on its eastern edge where we noted jays ohickadaes Towhee chip munks squirrel and flushed bandtailed ruffed grouse in the undeveloped natural area In the display area we saw the animals that still inhabit the swamp white tailed deer beaver raccoons skunks cupines fox and the wo ves which gave an upcoming train bowling serenade fitting way to end our VISIL to Minesing Swamp EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 LL